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- % Copyright (C) 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- %
- % Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- % or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- % or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- % or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- % License (the "License") for full details.
- %
- % Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- % normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- % the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- % under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- % License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- % all copies.
- % Define the MacExpert encoding vector.
- /MacExpertEncoding [
- /AEsmall 190 /Aacutesmall 135 /Acircumflexsmall 137
- /Acutesmall 39 /Adieresissmall 138 /Agravesmall 136
- /Aringsmall 140 /Asmall 97 /Atildesmall 139
- /Brevesmall 243 /Bsmall 98
- /Caronsmall 174 /Ccedillasmall 141 /Cedillasmall 201
- /Circumflexsmall 94 /Csmall 99
- /Dieresissmall 172 /Dotaccentsmall 250 /Dsmall 100
- /Eacutesmall 142 /Ecircumflexsmall 144 /Edieresissmall 145
- /Egravesmall 143 /Esmall 101 /Ethsmall 68
- /Fsmall 102
- /Gravesmall 96 /Gsmall 103
- /Hsmall 104 /Hungarumlautsmall 34
- /Iacutesmall 146 /Icircumflexsmall 148 /Idieresissmall 149
- /Igravesmall 147 /Ismall 105
- /Jsmall 106
- /Ksmall 107
- /Lslashsmall 194 /Lsmall 108
- /Macronsmall 244 /Msmall 109
- /Nsmall 110 /Ntildesmall 150
- /OEsmall 207 /Oacutesmall 151 /Ocircumflexsmall 153
- /Odieresissmall 154 /Ogoneksmall 242 /Ogravesmall 152
- /Oslashsmall 191 /Osmall 111 /Otildesmall 155
- /Psmall 112
- /Qsmall 113
- /Ringsmall 251 /Rsmall 114
- /Scaronsmall 167 /Ssmall 115
- /Thornsmall 185 /Tildesmall 126 /Tsmall 116
- /Uacutesmall 156 /Ucircumflexsmall 158 /Udieresissmall 159
- /Ugravesmall 157 /Usmall 117
- /Vsmall 118
- /Wsmall 119
- /Xsmall 120
- /Yacutesmall 180 /Ydieresissmall 216 /Ysmall 121
- /Zcaronsmall 189 /Zsmall 122
- /ampersandsmall 38 /asuperior 129
- /bsuperior 245
- /centinferior 169 /centoldstyle 35 /centsuperior 130
- /colon 58 /colonmonetary 123 /comma 44
- /commainferior 178 /commasuperior 248
- /dollarinferior 182 /dollaroldstyle 36 /dollarsuperior 37
- /dsuperior 235
- /eightinferior 165 /eightoldstyle 56 /eightsuperior 161
- /esuperior 228 /exclamdownsmall 214 /exclamsmall 33
- /ff 86 /ffi 89 /ffl 90 /fi 87
- /figuredash 208 /fiveeighths 76 /fiveinferior 176
- /fiveoldstyle 53 /fivesuperior 222 /fl 88
- /fourinferior 162 /fouroldstyle 52 /foursuperior 221
- /fraction 47
- /hyphen 45 /hypheninferior 95 /hyphensuperior 209
- /isuperior 233
- /lsuperior 241
- /msuperior 247
- /nineinferior 187 /nineoldstyle 57 /ninesuperior 225
- /nsuperior 246
- /onedotenleader 43 /oneeighth 74 /onefitted 124
- /onehalf 72 /oneinferior 193 /oneoldstyle 49
- /onequarter 71 /onesuperior 218 /onethird 78
- /osuperior 175
- /parenleftinferior 91 /parenleftsuperior 40
- /parenrightinferior 93 /parenrightsuperior 41
- /period 46 /periodinferior 179 /periodsuperior 249
- /questiondownsmall 192 /questionsmall 63
- /rsuperior 229 /rupiah 125
- /semicolon 59 /seveneighths 77 /seveninferior 166
- /sevenoldstyle 55 /sevensuperior 224 /sixinferior 164
- /sixoldstyle 54 /sixsuperior 223 /space 32
- /ssuperior 234
- /threeeighths 75 /threeinferior 163 /threeoldstyle 51
- /threequarters 73 /threequartersemdash 61 /threesuperior 220
- /tsuperior 230 /twodotenleader 42 /twoinferior 170
- /twooldstyle 50 /twosuperior 219 /twothirds 79
- /zeroinferior 188 /zerooldstyle 48 /zerosuperior 226
- save [ 256 { /.notdef } repeat ]
- counttomark 2 sub 2 idiv { dup 5 -2 roll exch put } repeat
- aload pop 258 -2 roll restore pop
- 256 packedarray .defineencoding