home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- % Copyright (C) 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- %
- % Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- % or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- % or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- % or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- % License (the "License") for full details.
- %
- % Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- % normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- % the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- % under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- % License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- % all copies.
- % Font initialization and management code.
- % Define the default font.
- /defaultfontname /Courier def
- % Load the font name -> font file name map.
- userdict /Fontmap FontDirectory maxlength dict put
- /.loadFontmap % <file> .loadFontmap -
- { { dup token not { closefile exit } if
- % stack: <file> fontname
- 1 index token not
- { (File or alias name missing in Fontmap! Giving up.\n) print flush
- {.loadFontmap} 0 get 1 .quit
- } if
- % stack: <file> fontname filename|aliasname
- % Read and pop tokens until a semicolon.
- { 2 index token not
- { (Semicolon missing in Fontmap! Giving up.\n) print flush
- {.loadFontmap} 0 get 1 .quit
- } if
- dup /; eq { pop Fontmap 3 1 roll .growput exit } if
- pop
- } loop
- } loop
- } bind def
- % If there is no FONTPATH, get one from the environment.
- /FONTPATH where
- { pop }
- { (GS_FONTPATH) getenv { /FONTPATH exch def } if }
- ifelse
- % If we can't find a Fontmap, try using the FONTPATH.
- (Fontmap) findlibfile
- { exch pop .loadFontmap }
- { pop /FONTPATH where
- { pop }
- { (Fontmap) /undefinedfilename signalerror }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- % Parse a font file just enough to find the FontName.
- /.findfontname % <file> .findfontname <name> true
- % <file> .findfontname false
- % Closes the file in either case.
- { dup read not { -1 } if
- 2 copy unread 16#80 eq
- { dup (xxxxxx) readstring pop pop } % skip .PFB header
- if
- { dup token not { false exit } if % end of file
- dup /eexec eq { pop false exit } if % reached eexec section
- dup /FontName eq
- { xcheck not { dup token exit } if } % found /FontName
- { pop }
- ifelse
- } loop
- dup { 3 } { 2 } ifelse -1 roll closefile
- } bind def
- /FONTPATH where not { (%END FONTPATH) .skipeof } if
- pop
- % Scan directories looking for plausible fonts. "Plausible" means that
- % the file begins with %!PS-AdobeFont- or %!FontType1-, or with \200\001
- % followed by four arbitrary bytes and then either of these strings.
- % To speed up the search, we skip any file whose name appears in
- % the Fontmap (with any extension and upper/lower case variation) already,
- % and any file whose extension definitely indicates it is not a font.
- %
- % NOTE: The current implementation of this procedure is Unix/DOS-
- % specific. It assumes that '/' and '\' are directory separators; that
- % the part of a file name following the last '.' is the extension;
- % that ';' cannot appear in a file name; and that ':' can appear in a
- % file name only if the file name doesn't begin with '/', '\', or '.'.
- % (this is so that Unix systems can use ':' as the separator).
- %
- /.lowerstring % <string> .lowerstring <lowerstring>
- { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub
- { 2 copy get dup 65 ge exch 90 le and
- { 2 copy 2 copy get 32 add put }
- if pop
- }
- for
- } bind def
- /.splitfilename % <dir.../base.extn> .basename <base> <extn>
- { { (/) search { true } { (\\) search } ifelse
- { pop pop }
- { exit }
- ifelse
- }
- loop
- dup { (.) search { pop pop } { exit } ifelse } loop
- 2 copy eq
- { pop () }
- { exch dup length 2 index length 1 add sub 0 exch getinterval exch }
- ifelse
- % Following is debugging code.
- % (*** Split => ) print 2 copy exch ==only ( ) print ==only
- % ( ***\n) print flush
- } bind def
- /.scanfontdict Fontmap maxlength dict def
- /.scanfontbegin
- { % Construct the table of all file names already in Fontmap.
- Fontmap
- { exch pop dup type /stringtype eq
- { .splitfilename pop =string copy .lowerstring cvn
- .scanfontdict exch true .growput
- }
- { pop
- }
- ifelse
- }
- forall
- } bind def
- /.scanfontskip mark
- % Strings are converted to names anyway, so....
- /afm true
- /bat true
- /c true
- /cmd true
- /com true
- /dll true
- /doc true
- /exe true
- /h true
- /o true
- /obj true
- /pfm true
- /txt true
- .dicttomark def
- /.scan1fontstring 128 string def
- /.fontheaders [(%!PS-AdobeFont-*) (%!FontType1-*)] def
- 0 .fontheaders { length max } forall 6 add % extra for PFB header
- /.scan1fontfirst exch string def
- /.scan1fontdir % <dirname> .scan1fontdir -
- { QUIET not { (Scanning ) print dup print ( for fonts...) print flush } if
- (/*) concatstrings 0 0 0 4 -1 roll % found scanned files
- { % stack: <fontcount> <scancount> <filecount> <filename>
- exch 1 add exch % increment filecount
- dup .splitfilename .lowerstring
- % stack: <fontcount> <scancount> <filecount+1> <filename>
- % <BASE> <ext>
- .scanfontskip exch known exch .scanfontdict exch known or
- { pop
- % stack: <fontcount> <scancount> <filecount+1>
- }
- { 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll
- % stack: <fontcount> <scancount+1> <filecount+1> <filename>
- dup (r) { file } stopped
- { pop pop null ()
- % stack: <fontcount> <scancount+1> <filecount+1> <filename>
- % null ()
- }
- {
- % On some platforms, the file operator will open directories,
- % but an error will occur if we try to read from one.
- % Handle this possibility here.
- dup .scan1fontfirst { readstring } stopped
- { pop pop () }
- { pop }
- ifelse
- % stack: <fontcount> <scancount+1> <filecount+1>
- % <filename> <file> <header>
- }
- ifelse
- % Check for PFB file header.
- dup (\200\001????*) .stringmatch
- { dup length 6 sub 6 exch getinterval }
- if
- % Check for font file headers.
- false .fontheaders { 2 index exch .stringmatch or } forall exch pop
- { % stack: <fontcount> <scancount+1> <filecount+1> <filename>
- % <file>
- dup 0 setfileposition .findfontname
- { dup Fontmap exch known
- { pop pop
- }
- { exch copystring exch
- DEBUG { ( ) print dup =only } if
- Fontmap exch 2 index .growput
- .splitfilename pop true .scanfontdict 3 1 roll .growput
- % Increment fontcount.
- 3 -1 roll 1 add 3 1 roll
- }
- ifelse
- }
- if
- }
- % .findfontname will have done a closefile in the above case.
- { dup null eq { pop } { closefile } ifelse pop
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- }
- .scan1fontstring filenameforall
- { pop pop pop }
- { ( ) print =only ( files, ) print =only ( scanned, ) print
- =only ( new fonts.\n) print flush
- }
- ifelse
- } bind def
- % Scan all the directories mentioned in FONTPATH (or GS_FONTPATH).
- /FONTPATH where
- { pop .scanfontbegin
- % Parsing the list of dictionaries is messy, since we have to
- % handle both the Unix : and the other-system ; as separators.
- % See the earlier comment for the restrictions that make this work.
- { dup length 0 eq { pop exit } if
- (;) search
- { exch pop
- }
- { dup 0 1 getinterval (/\\.) exch search
- { pop pop pop (:) search
- { exch pop }
- { () exch }
- ifelse
- }
- { pop () exch
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse .scan1fontdir
- }
- loop
- }
- if
- % Define definefont. This is a procedure built on a set of operators
- % that do all the error checking and key insertion.
- mark
- /.buildfont0 where { pop 0 /.buildfont0 cvx } if
- /.buildfont1 where { pop 1 /.buildfont1 cvx } if
- /.buildfont3 where { pop 3 /.buildfont3 cvx } if
- .dicttomark /.buildfontdict exch def
- /definefont
- { 1 dict begin count /d exch def % save stack depth in case of error
- { % Check for disabled platform fonts.
- { dup maxlength 1 index length sub 2 lt
- { dup dup wcheck
- { .growdict }
- { .growdictlength dict copy }
- ifelse
- }
- { dup wcheck not { dup maxlength dict copy } if
- }
- ifelse
- dup /ExactSize 0 put
- }
- { % Hack: if the Encoding looks like it might be the
- % Symbol or Dingbats encoding, load those now (for the
- % benefit of platform font matching) just in case
- % the font didn't actually reference them.
- dup /Encoding get length 65 ge
- { dup /Encoding get 64 get
- dup /congruent eq { SymbolEncoding pop } if
- /a9 eq { DingbatsEncoding pop } if
- }
- if
- }
- ifelse
- dup /FontType get //.buildfontdict exch get exec
- { FontFileDirectory 2 index known
- { dup /FontFile FontFileDirectory 4 index get .growput
- }
- if
- }
- if
- readonly
- }
- stopped
- { count d sub { pop } repeat end /invalidfont signalerror
- }
- { end % stack: name fontdict
- % If the current allocation mode is global, also enter
- % the font in GlobalFontDirectory.
- .currentglobal
- { /GlobalFontDirectory where
- { pop GlobalFontDirectory 2 index 2 index .growput }
- if
- }
- if
- dup FontDirectory 4 -2 roll .growput
- }
- ifelse
- } odef
- % Define a procedure for defining aliased fonts.
- % We just copy the original font, changing the FontName.
- /.aliasfont % <name> <font> .aliasfont <newFont>
- { dup length 2 add dict
- dup 3 -1 roll { 1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { put dup } ifelse } forall
- /FontName 3 index put
- systemdict /definefont get exec % Don't bind, since Level 2
- % redefines definefont
- } odef % so findfont will bind it
- % Define .loadfont for loading a font. If we recognize Type 1 fonts,
- % gs_type1.ps will redefine this.
- /.loadfont { cvx exec } bind def
- % Find an alternate font to substitute for an unknown one.
- % We go to a little trouble to parse the font name and extract
- % properties from it.
- /.substituteproperties [
- [(Grot) 8]
- [(Condensed) 4] [(Narrow) 4]
- [(Bold) 2]
- [(Italic) 1] [(Oblique) 1]
- ] readonly def
- /.substitutenames {
- defaultfontname /Helvetica-Oblique
- /Helvetica-Bold /Helvetica-BoldOblique
- /Helvetica-Narrow /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique
- /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique
- /Times-Roman /Times-Italic
- /Times-Bold /Times-BoldItalic
- defaultfontname defaultfontname
- defaultfontname defaultfontname
- } cvlit readonly def
- /.substitutefont % <fontname> .substitutefont <altname>
- { % Look for properties in the font name.
- % If we find any, use Helvetica as the base font;
- % otherwise, use the default font
- dup length string cvs
- 0 exch .substituteproperties
- { 2 copy 0 get search
- { pop pop pop 1 get 3 -1 roll or exch }
- { pop pop }
- ifelse
- }
- forall exch .substitutenames exch get exec
- % Only accept fonts known in the Fontmap.
- Fontmap 1 index known not { pop defaultfontname } if
- % Don't "substitute" the same font name.
- exch cvn 1 index eq { pop defaultfontname } if
- } bind def
- % Define findfont so it tries to load a font if it's not found.
- % The Red Book requires that findfont be a procedure, not an operator.
- /findfont
- { % Since PostScript has no concept of goto, or even blocks with
- % exits, we use a loop as a way to get an exitable scope.
- % The loop is never executed more than twice.
- {
- dup FontDirectory exch known % Already loaded?
- { FontDirectory exch get exit }
- if
- dup Fontmap exch known not % Unknown font name.
- { dup defaultfontname eq
- { (Default font ) print cvx =only
- ( not found in Fontmap! Giving up.\n) print flush
- /findfont cvx 1 .quit
- } if
- QUIET not
- { (Substituting ) print dup .substitutefont cvx =only
- ( for unknown font ) print dup == flush
- } if
- dup .substitutefont findfont .aliasfont exit
- }
- if
- dup Fontmap exch get
- % Check for a font alias.
- dup type /nametype eq
- { findfont .aliasfont exit
- }
- if
- % If we can't open the file, substitute for the font.
- findlibfile
- { % Stack: fontname fontfilename fontfile
- { 1 index (r) file
- FontFileDirectory exch 4 index exch .growput
- }
- if
- QUIET not
- { (Loading ) print 2 index =only
- ( font from ) print exch print (... ) print flush }
- { exch pop }
- ifelse
- .loadfont
- QUIET not
- { vmstatus 3 { =only ( ) print } repeat
- (done.\n) print flush
- } if
- % Check to make sure the font was actually loaded.
- dup FontDirectory exch known { findfont exit } if
- % Maybe the file had a different FontName.
- % See if we can get a FontName from the file, and if so,
- % whether a font by that name exists now.
- dup Fontmap exch get findlibfile
- { exch pop .findfontname
- { dup FontDirectory exch .knownget
- { % Yes. Stack: origfontname filefontname fontdir
- exch
- { pop
- }
- { (Using ) print cvx =only
- ( font for ) print 1 index cvx =only
- (.\n) print flush
- }
- ifelse
- .aliasfont exit
- }
- if pop
- }
- if
- }
- if
- % The font definitely did not load correctly.
- QUIET not
- { (Loading ) print dup cvx =only
- ( font failed, substituting ) print dup .substitutefont cvx =only
- (.\n) print flush
- } if
- dup .substitutefont findfont .aliasfont exit
- }
- if
- % findlibfile failed, substitute the default font.
- % Stack: fontname fontfilename
- (Can't find \(or can't open\) font file )
- 2 index defaultfontname eq
- { print print ( for default font \() print cvx =only
- (\)! Giving up.\n) print flush /findfont cvx 1 .quit
- }
- { pop pop
- }
- { print print ( for font ) print dup cvx =only
- (, substituting ) print dup .substitutefont cvx =only
- (.\n) print flush
- }
- ifelse
- dup .substitutefont findfont .aliasfont
- }
- ifelse
- exit
- } loop % end of loop
- } bind def
- % Define a procedure to load all known fonts.
- % This isn't likely to be very useful.
- /loadallfonts
- { Fontmap { pop findfont pop } forall
- } bind def