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- Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 Aladdin Enterprises.
- All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
- Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
- or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
- or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
- License (the "License") for full details.
- Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
- normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
- the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
- under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
- License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
- all copies.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- This file, drivers.doc, describes the interface between Ghostscript and
- device drivers.
- For an overview of Ghostscript and a list of the documentation files, see
- ********
- ******** Adding a driver ********
- ********
- To add a driver to Ghostscript, all you need to do is edit devs.mak in
- two places. The first is the list of devices, in the section headed
- # -------------------------------- Catalog ------------------------------- #
- Pick a name for your device, say smurf, and add smurf to the list.
- (Device names must be 1 to 8 characters, consisting of only letters,
- digits, and underscores, of which the first character must be a letter.
- Case is significant: all current device names are lower case.)
- The second is the section headed
- # ---------------------------- Device drivers ---------------------------- #
- Suppose the files containing the smurf driver are called joe and fred.
- Then you should add the following lines:
- # ------ The SMURF device ------ #
- smurf_=joe.$(OBJ) fred.$(OBJ)
- smurf.dev: $(smurf_)
- $(SHP)gssetdev smurf $(smurf_)
- joe.$(OBJ): joe.c ...and whatever it depends on
- fred.$(OBJ): fred.c ...and whatever it depends on
- If the smurf driver also needs special libraries, e.g., a library named
- gorf, then the gssetdev line should look like
- $(SHP)gssetdev smurf $(smurf_)
- $(SHP)gsaddmod smurf -lib gorf
- ********
- ******** Keeping things simple
- ********
- If you want to add a simple device (specifically, a black-and-white
- printer), you probably don't need to read the rest of this document; just
- use the code in an existing driver as a guide. The Epson and BubbleJet
- drivers (gdevepsn.c and gdevbj10.c) are good models for dot-matrix
- printers, which require presenting the data for many scan lines at once;
- the DeskJet/LaserJet drivers (gdevdjet.c) are good models for laser
- printers, which take a single scan line at a time but support data
- compression. For color printers, the DeskJet 500C driver (gdevcdj.c) is a
- good place to start. gdevcdj.c is also a good example of a device that
- has additional settable attributes (in this case, different output quality
- modes that aren't just a matter of resolution).
- On the other hand, if you're writing a driver for some more esoteric
- device, you probably do need at least some of the information in the rest
- of this document. It might be a good idea for you to read it in
- conjunction with one of the existing drivers.
- ********
- ******** Driver structure ********
- ********
- A device is represented by a structure divided into three parts:
- - procedures that are shared by all instances of each device;
- - parameters that are present in all devices but may be different
- for each device or instance; and
- - device-specific parameters that may be different for each instance.
- Normally, the procedure structure is defined and initialized at compile
- time. A prototype of the parameter structure (including both generic and
- device-specific parameters) is defined and initialized at compile time,
- but is copied and filled in when an instance of the device is created.
- The gx_device_common macro defines the common structure elements, with the
- intent that devices define and export a structure along the following
- lines:
- typedef struct smurf_device_s {
- gx_device_common;
- ... device-specific parameters ...
- } smurf_device;
- smurf_device gs_smurf_device = {
- sizeof(smurf_device), * params_size
- { ... procedures ... }, * procs
- ... generic parameter values ...
- ... device-specific parameter values ...
- };
- The device structure instance *must* have the name gs_smurf_device, where
- smurf is the device name used in devs.mak.
- All the device procedures are called with the device as the first
- argument. Since each device type is actually a different structure type,
- the device procedures must be declared as taking a gx_device * as their
- first argument, and must cast it to smurf_device * internally. For
- example, in the code for the "memory" device, the first argument to all
- routines is called dev, but the routines actually use md to reference
- elements of the full structure, by virtue of the definition
- #define md ((gx_device_memory *)dev)
- (This is a cheap version of "object-oriented" programming: in C++, for
- example, the cast would be unnecessary, and in fact the procedure table
- would be constructed by the compiler.)
- Structure definition
- --------------------
- This essentially duplicates the structure definition in gxdevice.h.
- typedef struct gx_device_s {
- int params_size; /* size of this structure */
- gx_device_procs *procs; /* pointer to procedure structure */
- char *name; /* the device name */
- int width; /* width in pixels */
- int height; /* height in pixels */
- float x_pixels_per_inch; /* x density */
- float y_pixels_per_inch; /* y density */
- gs_rect margin_inches; /* margins around imageable area, */
- /* in inches */
- gx_device_color_info color_info; /* color information */
- int is_open; /* true if device has been opened */
- } gx_device;
- The name in the structure should be the same as the name in devs.mak.
- gx_device_common is a macro consisting of just the element definitions.
- For sophisticated developers only
- ---------------------------------
- If for any reason you need to change the definition of the basic device
- structure, or add procedures, you must change the following places:
- - This document and NEWS (if you want to keep the
- documentation up to date).
- - The definition of gx_device_common and/or the procedures
- in gxdevice.h.
- - Possibly, the default forwarding procedures in gxdevice.h
- and gsdevice.c.
- - The following devices that must have complete (non-defaulted)
- procedure vectors:
- - The null device in gsdevice.c.
- - The command list "device" in gxclist.c.
- - The "memory" devices in gdevmem.h and gdevmem*.c.
- - The procedure record completion routine in gsdevice.c.
- - The clip list accumulation "device" in gxacpath.c.
- - The clipping "devices" in gxcpath.c and gxclip2.c.
- - The hit detection "device" in zupath.c.
- - The generic printer device macros in gdevprn.h.
- - The generic printer device code in gdevprn.c.
- - All the real devices in the standard Ghostscript distribution,
- as listed in devs.mak. (Most of the printer devices are
- created with the macros in gdevprn.h, so you may not have to
- edit the source code for them.)
- - Any other drivers you have that aren't part of the standard
- Ghostscript distribution.
- You may also have to change the code for gx_default_get_params and/or
- gx_default_put_params (in gsdparam.c).
- Note that if all you are doing is adding optional procedures, you do NOT
- have to modify any of the real device drivers listed in devs.mak;
- Ghostscript will substitute the default procedures properly.
- ********
- ******** Coding conventions ********
- ********
- While most drivers (especially printer drivers) follow a very similar
- template, there is one important coding convention that is not obvious
- from reading the code for existing drivers: Driver procedures must not use
- malloc to allocate any storage that stays around after the procedure
- returns. Instead, they must use gs_malloc and gs_free, which have
- slightly different calling conventions. (The prototypes for these are in
- gs.h, which is included in gx.h, which is included in gdevprn.h.) This is
- necessary so that Ghostscript can clean up all allocated memory before
- exiting, which is essential in environments that provide only
- single-address-space multi-tasking (specifically, Microsoft Windows).
- char *gs_malloc(uint num_elements, uint element_size,
- const char *client_name);
- Like calloc, but unlike malloc, gs_malloc takes an element count
- and an element size. For structures, num_elements is 1 and element_size
- is sizeof the structure; for byte arrays, num_elements is the number of
- bytes and element_size is 1.
- The client_name is used for tracing and debugging. It must be a
- real string, not NULL. Normally it is the name of the procedure in which
- the call occurs.
- void gs_free(char *data, uint num_elements, uint element_size,
- const char *client_name);
- Unlike free, gs_free demands that num_elements and element_size be
- supplied. It also requires a client name, like gs_malloc.
- ********
- ******** Types and coordinates ********
- ********
- Coordinate system
- -----------------
- Since each driver specifies the initial transformation from user to device
- coordinates, the driver can use any coordinate system it wants, as long as
- a device coordinate will fit in an int. (This is only an issue on MS-DOS
- systems, where ints are only 16 bits. User coordinates are represented as
- floats.) Typically the coordinate system will have (0,0) in the upper
- left corner, with X increasing to the right and Y increasing toward the
- bottom. This happens to be the coordinate system that all the currently
- supported devices use. However, there is supposed to be nothing in the
- rest of Ghostscript that assumes this.
- Drivers must check (and, if necessary, clip) the coordinate parameters
- given to them: they should not assume the coordinates will be in bounds.
- The fit_fill and fit_copy macros in gxdevice.h are very helpful in doing
- this.
- Color definition
- ----------------
- Ghostscript represents colors internally as RGB or CMYK values. In
- communicating with devices, however, it assumes that each device has a
- palette of colors identified by integers (to be precise, elements of type
- gx_color_index). Drivers may provide a uniformly spaced gray ramp or
- color cube for halftoning, or they may do their own color approximation,
- or both.
- The color_info member of the device structure defines the color and
- gray-scale capabilities of the device. Its type is defined as follows:
- typedef struct gx_device_color_info_s {
- int num_components; /* 1 = gray only, 3 = RGB, */
- /* 4 = CMYK */
- int depth; /* # of bits per pixel */
- gx_color_value max_gray; /* # of distinct gray levels -1 */
- gx_color_value max_rgb; /* # of distinct color levels -1 */
- /* (only relevant if num_comp. > 1) */
- gx_color_value dither_gray; /* size of gray ramp for halftoning */
- gx_color_value dither_rgb; /* size of color cube ditto */
- /* (only relevant if num_comp. > 1) */
- } gx_device_color_info;
- The following macros (in gxdevice.h) provide convenient shorthands for
- initializing this structure for ordinary black-and-white or color devices:
- #define dci_black_and_white { 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 }
- #define dci_color(depth,maxv,dither) { 3, depth, maxv, maxv, dither, dither }
- The idea is that a device has a certain number of gray levels (max_gray
- +1) and a certain number of colors (max_rgb +1) that it can produce
- directly. When Ghostscript wants to render a given RGB color as a device
- color, it first tests whether the color is a gray level. (If
- num_components is 1, it converts all colors to gray levels.) If so:
- - If max_gray is large (>= 31), Ghostscript asks the device to
- approximate the gray level directly. If the device returns a
- gx_color_value, Ghostscript uses it. Otherwise, Ghostscript assumes that
- the device can represent dither_gray distinct gray levels, equally spaced
- along the diagonal of the color cube, and uses the two nearest ones to the
- desired color for halftoning.
- If the color is not a gray level:
- - If max_rgb is large (>= 31), Ghostscript asks the device to
- approximate the color directly. If the device returns a
- gx_color_value, Ghostscript uses it. Otherwise, Ghostscript assumes
- that the device can represent dither_rgb * dither_rgb * dither_rgb
- distinct colors, equally spaced throughout the color cube, and uses
- two of the nearest ones to the desired color for halftoning.
- Types
- -----
- Here is a brief explanation of the various types that appear as parameters
- or results of the drivers.
- gx_color_value (defined in gxdevice.h)
- This is the type used to represent RGB color values. It is
- currently equivalent to unsigned short. However, Ghostscript may use less
- than the full range of the type to represent color values:
- gx_color_value_bits is the number of bits actually used, and
- gx_max_color_value is the maximum value (equal to
- 2^gx_max_color_value_bits - 1).
- gx_device (defined in gxdevice.h)
- This is the device structure, as explained above.
- gs_matrix (defined in gsmatrix.h)
- This is a 2-D homogenous coordinate transformation matrix, used by
- many Ghostscript operators.
- gx_color_index (defined in gxdevice.h)
- This is meant to be whatever the driver uses to represent a device
- color. For example, it might be an index in a color map. Ghostscript
- doesn't ever do any computations with these values: it gets them from
- map_rgb_color or map_cmyk_color and hands them back as arguments to
- several other procedures. The special value gx_no_color_index (defined as
- (gx_color_index)(-1)) means "transparent" for some of the procedures. The
- type definition is simply:
- typedef unsigned long gx_color_index;
- gs_param_list (defined in gsparam.h)
- This is a parameter list, which is used to read and set attributes
- in a device. See the comments in gsparam.h, and the description of the
- get_params and put_params procedures below, for more detail.
- gx_bitmap (defined in gxbitmap.h)
- This structure type represents a bitmap to be used as a tile for
- filling a region (rectangle). Here is a copy of the relevant part of the
- file:
- /*
- * Structure for describing stored bitmaps.
- * Bitmaps are stored bit-big-endian (i.e., the 2^7 bit of the first
- * byte corresponds to x=0), as a sequence of bytes (i.e., you can't
- * do word-oriented operations on them if you're on a little-endian
- * platform like the Intel 80x86 or VAX). Each scan line must start on
- * a (32-bit) word boundary, and hence is padded to a word boundary,
- * although this should rarely be of concern, since the raster and width
- * are specified individually. The first scan line corresponds to y=0
- * in whatever coordinate system is relevant.
- *
- * For bitmaps used as halftone tiles, we may replicate the tile in
- * X and/or Y, but it is still valuable to know the true tile dimensions.
- */
- typedef struct gx_bitmap_s {
- byte *data;
- int raster; /* bytes per scan line */
- gs_int_point size; /* width, height */
- gx_bitmap_id id;
- ushort rep_width, rep_height; /* true size of tile */
- } gx_bitmap;
- ********
- ******** Driver procedures ********
- ********
- All the procedures that return int results return 0 on success, or an
- appropriate negative error code in the case of error conditions. The
- error codes are defined in gserrors.h. The relevant ones for drivers
- are as follows:
- gs_error_invalidfileaccess
- An attempt to open a file failed.
- gs_error_limitcheck
- An otherwise valid parameter value was too large for
- the implementation.
- gs_error_rangecheck
- A parameter was outside the valid range.
- gs_error_VMerror
- An attempt to allocate memory failed. (If this
- happens, the procedure should release all memory it
- allocated before it returns.)
- If a driver does return an error, it should use the return_error
- macro rather than a simple return statement, e.g.,
- return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- This macro is defined in gx.h, which is automatically included by
- gdevprn.h but not by gserrors.h.
- Most of the procedures that a driver may implement are optional. If a
- device doesn't supply an optional procedure <proc>, the entry in the
- procedure structure may be either gx_default_<proc>, e.g.
- gx_default_tile_rectangle, or NULL or 0. (The device procedure must also
- call the gx_default_ procedure if it doesn't implement the function for
- particular values of the arguments.) Since C compilers supply 0 as the
- value for omitted structure elements, this convention means that
- statically initialized procedure structures will continue to work even if
- new (optional) members are added.
- Life cycle
- ----------
- Ghostscript "opens" and "closes" drivers explicitly; a driver can assume
- that no output operations will be done through it while it is closed.
- Ghostscript keeps track of whether a given driver is open, so a driver
- will never be opened when it is already open, or closed when it is already
- closed.
- The following are the only driver procedures that may be called when the
- driver is closed:
- open_device
- get_initial_matrix
- get_params
- put_params
- Open/close/sync
- ---------------
- int (*open_device)(P1(gx_device *)) [OPTIONAL]
- Open the device: do any initialization associated with making the
- device instance valid. This must be done before any output to the device.
- The default implementation does nothing.
- void (*get_initial_matrix)(P2(gx_device *, gs_matrix *)) [OPTIONAL]
- Construct the initial transformation matrix mapping user
- coordinates (nominally 1/72" per unit) to device coordinates. The default
- procedure computes this from width, height, and x/y_pixels_per_inch on the
- assumption that the origin is in the upper left corner, i.e.
- xx = x_pixels_per_inch/72, xy = 0,
- yx = 0, yy = -y_pixels_per_inch/72,
- tx = 0, ty = height.
- int (*sync_output)(P1(gx_device *)) [OPTIONAL]
- Synchronize the device. If any output to the device has been
- buffered, send / write it now. Note that this may be called several times
- in the process of constructing a page, so printer drivers should NOT
- implement this by printing the page. The default implementation does
- nothing.
- int (*output_page)(P3(gx_device *, int num_copies, int flush)) [OPTIONAL]
- Output a fully composed page to the device. The num_copies
- argument is the number of copies that should be produced for a hardcopy
- device. (This may be ignored if the driver has some other way to specify
- the number of copies.) The flush argument is true for showpage, false for
- copypage. The default definition just calls sync_output. Printer drivers
- should implement this by printing and ejecting the page.
- int (*close_device)(P1(gx_device *)) [OPTIONAL]
- Close the device: release any associated resources. After this,
- output to the device is no longer allowed. The default implementation
- does nothing.
- Color mapping
- -------------
- A given driver normally will implement either map_rgb_color or
- map_cmyk_color, but not both. Black-and-white drivers do not need to
- implement either one.
- gx_color_index (*map_rgb_color)(P4(gx_device *, gx_color_value red,
- gx_color_value green, gx_color_value blue)) [OPTIONAL]
- Map a RGB color to a device color. The range of legal values of
- the RGB arguments is 0 to gx_max_color_value. The default algorithm uses
- the map_cmyk_color procedure if the driver supplies one, otherwise returns
- 1 if any of the values exceeds gx_max_color_value/2, 0 otherwise.
- Ghostscript assumes that for devices that have color capability
- (i.e., color_info.num_components > 1), map_rgb_color returns a color index
- for a gray level (as opposed to a non-gray color) iff red = green = blue.
- gx_color_index (*map_cmyk_color)(P5(gx_device *, gx_color_value cyan,
- gx_color_value magenta, gx_color_value yellow, gx_color_value black))
- Map a CMYK color to a device color. The range of legal values of
- the CMYK arguments is 0 to gx_max_color_value. The default algorithm
- calls the map_rgb_color procedure, with suitably transformed arguments.
- Ghostscript assumes that for devices that have color capability
- (i.e., color_info.num_components > 1), map_cmyk_color returns a color
- index for a gray level (as opposed to a non-gray color) iff cyan = magenta
- = yellow.
- int (*map_color_rgb)(P3(gx_device *, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value rgb[3])) [OPTIONAL]
- Map a device color code to RGB values. The default algorithm
- returns (0 if color==0 else gx_max_color_value) for all three components.
- gx_color_index (*map_rgb_alpha_color)(P5(gx_device *, gx_color_value red,
- gx_color_value green, gx_color_value blue, gx_color_value alpha)) [OPTIONAL]
- Map a RGB color and an opacity value to a device color. The range
- of legal values of the RGB and alpha arguments is 0 to gx_max_color_value;
- alpha = 0 means transparent, alpha = gx_max_color_value means fully
- opaque. The default is to use the map_rgb_color procedure and ignore
- alpha.
- Note that if a driver implements map_rgb_alpha_color, it must also
- implement map_rgb_color, and must implement them in such a way that
- map_rgb_alpha_color(dev, r, g, b, gx_max_color_value) returns the same
- value as map_rgb_color(dev, r, g, b).
- Note that there is no map_cmyk_alpha_color procedure. CMYK
- devices currently do not support variable opacity; alpha is ignored on
- such devices.
- Drawing
- -------
- All drawing operations use device coordinates and device color values.
- int (*fill_rectangle)(P6(gx_device *, int x, int y,
- int width, int height, gx_color_index color))
- Fill a rectangle with a color. The set of pixels filled is
- {(px,py) | x <= px < x + width and y <= py < y + height}. In other words,
- the point (x,y) is included in the rectangle, as are (x+w-1,y), (x,y+h-1),
- and (x+w-1,y+h-1), but *not* (x+w,y), (x,y+h), or (x+w,y+h). If width <=
- 0 or height <= 0, fill_rectangle should return 0 without drawing anything.
- int (*draw_line)(P6(gx_device *, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,
- gx_color_index color)) [OPTIONAL]
- Draw a minimum-thickness line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1). The
- precise set of points to be filled is defined as follows. First, if y1 <
- y0, swap (x0,y0) and (x1,y1). Then the line includes the point (x0,y0)
- but not the point (x1,y1). If x0=x1 and y0=y1, draw_line should return 0
- without drawing anything.
- Bitmap imaging
- --------------
- Bitmap (or pixmap) images are stored in memory in a nearly standard way.
- The first byte corresponds to (0,0) in the image coordinate system: bits
- (or polybit color values) are packed into it left-to-right. There may be
- padding at the end of each scan line: the distance from one scan line to
- the next is always passed as an explicit argument.
- int (*copy_mono)(P11(gx_device *, const unsigned char *data, int data_x,
- int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int width, int height,
- gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1))
- Copy a monochrome image (similar to the PostScript image
- operator). Each scan line is raster bytes wide. Copying begins at
- (data_x,0) and transfers a rectangle of the given width at height to the
- device at device coordinate (x,y). (If the transfer should start at some
- non-zero y value in the data, the caller can adjust the data address by
- the appropriate multiple of the raster.) The copying operation writes
- device color color0 at each 0-bit, and color1 at each 1-bit: if color0 or
- color1 is gx_no_color_index, the device pixel is unaffected if the image
- bit is 0 or 1 respectively. If id is different from gx_no_bitmap_id, it
- identifies the bitmap contents unambiguously; a call with the same id will
- always have the same data, raster, and data contents.
- This operation is the workhorse for text display in Ghostscript,
- so implementing it efficiently is very important.
- int (*tile_rectangle)(P10(gx_device *, const gx_bitmap *tile,
- int x, int y, int width, int height,
- gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1,
- int phase_x, int phase_y)) [OPTIONAL]
- Tile a rectangle. Tiling consists of doing multiple copy_mono
- operations to fill the rectangle with copies of the tile. The tiles are
- aligned with the device coordinate system, to avoid "seams".
- Specifically, the (phase_x, phase_y) point of the tile is aligned with the
- origin of the device coordinate system. (Note that this is backwards from
- the PostScript definition of halftone phase.) phase_x and phase_y are
- guaranteed to be in the range [0..tile->width) and [0..tile->height)
- respectively.
- If color0 and color1 are both gx_no_color_index, then the tile is
- a color pixmap, not a bitmap: see the next section.
- Pixmap imaging
- --------------
- Pixmaps are just like bitmaps, except that each pixel occupies more than
- one bit. All the bits for each pixel are grouped together (this is
- sometimes called "chunky" or "Z" format). The number of bits per pixel is
- given by the color_info.depth parameter in the device structure: the legal
- values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32. The pixel values are device color
- codes (i.e., whatever it is that map_rgb_color returns).
- int (*copy_color)(P9(gx_device *, const unsigned char *data, int data_x,
- int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int width, int height))
- Copy a color image with multiple bits per pixel. The raster is in
- bytes, but x and width are in pixels, not bits. If the device doesn't
- actually support color, this is OPTIONAL; the default is equivalent to
- copy_mono with color0 = 0 and color1 = 1. If id is different from
- gx_no_bitmap_id, it identifies the bitmap contents unambiguously; a call
- with the same id will always have the same data, raster, and data
- contents.
- tile_rectangle can also take colored tiles. This is indicated by the
- color0 and color1 arguments both being gx_no_color_index. In this case,
- as for copy_color, the raster and height in the "bitmap" are interpreted
- as for real bitmaps, but the x and width are in pixels, not bits.
- Reading bits back
- -----------------
- int (*get_bits)(P4(gx_device *, int y, byte *str, byte **actual_data))
- Read one scan line of bits back from the device into the area
- starting at str, namely, scan line y. If the bits cannot be read back
- (e.g., from a printer), return -1; otherwise return 0. The contents of
- the bits beyond the last valid bit in the scan line (as defined by the
- device width) are unpredictable.
- If actual_data is NULL, the bits are always returned at str. If
- actual_data is not NULL, get_bits may either copy the bits to str and set
- *actual_data = str, or it may leave the bits where they are and return a
- pointer to them in *actual_data. In the latter case, the bits are
- guaranteed to start on a 32-bit boundary and to be padded to a multiple of
- 32 bits; also in this case, the bits are not guaranteed to still be there
- after the next call on get_bits.
- Parameters
- ----------
- Devices may have an open-ended set of parameters, which are simply pairs
- consisting of a name and a value. The value may be of various types:
- integer (int or long), boolean, float, string, name, null, array of
- integer, or array of float.
- Parameter handling is somewhat complex. If your device has parameters
- beyond those of a straightforward display or printer, we strongly advise
- using the code for the default implementation of get_params and put_params
- in gsdparam.c as a model for your own code.
- int (*get_params)(P2(gx_device *dev, gs_param_list *plist)) [OPTIONAL]
- Read the parameters of the device into the parameter list at plist.
- See gsparam.h for more details, gx_default_get_params in gsdparam.c for an
- example.
- int (*put_params)(P2(gx_device *dev, gs_param_list *plist)) [OPTIONAL]
- Set the parameters of the device from the parameter list at plist.
- Return 1 if the device needs to be closed and reopened. Again, see
- gsparam.h for more details, gx_default_put_params in gsdparam.c for an
- example.
- Changing the value of device parameters may require closing the
- device and reopening it. If this is the case, the put_params procedure
- should return 1; a higher-level routine (gs_putdeviceparams) will close and
- reopen it.
- External fonts
- --------------
- Drivers may include the ability to display text. More precisely, they may
- supply a set of procedures that in turn implement some font and text
- handling capabilities. These procedures are documented in another file,
- xfonts.doc. The link between the two is the driver procedure that
- supplies the font/text procedures:
- xfont_procs *(*get_xfont_procs)(P1(gx_device *dev)) [OPTIONAL]
- Return a structure of procedures for handling external fonts and
- text display. A NULL value means that this driver doesn't provide this
- capability.
- For technical reasons, a second procedure is also needed:
- gx_device *(*get_xfont_device)(P1(gx_device *dev)) [OPTIONAL]
- Return the device that implements get_xfont_procs in a non-default
- way for this device, if any. Except for certain special internal devices,
- this is always the device argument.