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- May 3, 1995 List
- The following are people who are looking for Play by E-Mail opponents:
- Internet:
- Most of the people on the other services can also be contacted
- thur Internet. For example MondoMage in America Online would
- become mondomage.aol.com Or BRANDONMILLS in Delphi would become
- BRANDONMILLS@delphi.com
- art@pubdtp.com Art
- clayton@gily.com Clayton
- harold@netusa.net Harold
- heinrich@pioneer.uspto.gov Sam
- jim.liu@deepcove.com
- jreimer@cln.etc.bc.c Joshua
- mdh@mpd.tandem.com Michael
- mguerrero@lifenet.life.edu Michael
- phantom@cyberspace.com Jason
- ray.seabolt@compudoc.com Ray
- reutz@rohan.sdsu.edu Christopher
- scott@netcon.win.net Scott
- rmoore@wimsey.com Richard
- tim.follert@excaliburg.org Tim
- America Online:
- Aaronrj Aaron
- Big Day
- C Bellis
- CFASON Chris
- Chipper Gerritsen
- CKerry Brady
- Compu 8952
- CRC66
- DK Master
- DrewG420
- global1 Marc
- Greggins
- JoeyL9940
- Juslindh
- KevinRohr
- Knife4th The Knife
- lhn Laura
- INXSof65
- LOR Jeremy
- LtDemiz Matthew
- Mantis
- Mavrick653
- MondoMage
- Murphy66
- Nkedlunch
- Rafikee
- Rich2son Richard
- Sher30 Sheryl
- SM311
- StanFly
- Strtrkie
- Stryker 51
- Vincent67
- Wilki99
- Xarak
- Prodigy:
- LWTK17A Eric
- TDXS82A Paul
- CompuServe:
- 71224,1325 John
- 72711,1414 Duane
- 74152,36 Daniel
- 74353,2546 Clayton
- Genie:
- Delphi:
- Direct modem calls within my local area:
- 309-266-6013 Micah 309-674-1100 (Heartland Freenet BBS)
- 360-445-2315 Scott
- 404-993-3066 Jerry
- 619-582-6834 Christopher
- 707-538-9545 Sean
- 804-424-7666 Ray
- 904-575-4868 Matthew
- Direct modem calls within USA:
- Direct modem calls within CANADA:
- Direct modem calls within __________(country):
- EXEC-PC, with over 280 phone lines, is Carr Software's home BBS. We are
- located in one of EXEC-PC's free areas. That means starting with your first
- phone call you can upload this form to Carr Software's area for free! You
- can also download the PBEM.ZIP or PBEM.TXT for free on your first call!
- Once you get to the main menu, just press F (for Files), F (for Free
- Downloads), and then 5 (for Carr Software). You can reach EXEC-PC by
- dialing (414) 789-4360 for 14.4 Kbps, (414) 789-4500 for 28.8 Kbps and
- (414) 789-4210 for 2400 bps. Or, if you are on Internet, telenet to
- You can also E-Mail this form to me at:
- RichCarr88 (America Online)
- 70043,3574 (CompuServe)
- 70043.3574@compuserve.com (Internet)
- Or just mail it to Carr Software, Box 3919, Merced, CA 95344-1919
- Your name will be added to the PBEM.ZIP and PBEM.TXT forms. Download
- one of these for a list of PBEM opponents.