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- ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ QuickView Ver. 1.02 ║
- ║ ║
- ║ DOS based Multimedia viewer ║
- ║ No Windows is required! ║
- ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝
- For the German documentation please read QV.DOK.
- QuickView is Shareware. This means that you can test it for at most three
- weeks. After that period you must register, i.e. pay a small registration
- fee or discontinue using it. See REGISTER.DOC for details.
- Features of QuickView:
- ──────────────────────
- Some call it QuickView others call it the possibly fastest viewer of the
- world.
- QuickView views the following file formats at present:
- - .AVI: Codecs: DIB (8 bit and 24 bit),
- RLE (8 bit),
- MS Video 1 [msvc] (8 bit),
- MS Video 1 [msvc] (16 bit),
- Cinepak [cvid] (24 bit),
- Ultimotion (OS/2 AVIs) [ULTI] (16 bit)
- With sound through a Sound Blaster or the PC speaker.
- You have the option to adapt the quality to your system's speed.
- - .BMP: uncompressed: 1, 4, 8 and 24 color bits
- RLE compressed: 4 and 8 color bits
- including OS/2 bitmaps
- furthermore all kindred formats:
- .RLE, .DIB, .BGA, .VGA, .RLE, .RL4, .RL8
- - .CEL (Original Animator CEL Files)
- .FLC,
- .FLI,
- - .GIF: 1-8 color bits
- Gif 87a and most Gif 89a extensions
- - .ICO: Windows Icons
- OS/2 Icons (partly)
- - .PCX: 1-4, 8 and 24 color bits
- - .PIC: Videodat .PIC files
- - .TGA: uncompressed: 8 and 24 color bits, 1-bit black & white
- RLE compressed: 8 and 24 color bits
- - .VOC: through a Sound Blaster or the PC speaker
- - .WAV: through a Sound Blaster or the PC speaker
- PCM and Microsoft ADPCM compression supported
- System Requirements:
- ────────────────────
- QuickView will run on any IBM PC compatible computer under DOS 3.0 or
- better with at least a 80286 processor. For viewing AVI files at least a
- 80386 processor is required. You must have a VGA card in your system. CGA,
- EGA and Hercules card are not supported.
- For Sound Blaster support you must have the Environment variable BLASTER
- set that contains port address, interrupt and DMA channel.
- QuickView can view images larger than the available video hardware would
- allow. This is accomplished by storing only those pixels in the main
- memory that are outside the visible part of the image. This leads to
- low memory requirements. Scrolling is not yet possible for pictures with
- more than 8 color bits.
- Installation:
- ─────────────
- Simply place all files of the package in a directory. That's it!
- QuickView will automatically detect your machine, memory and graphics card.
- The command line format to run QuickView is:
- qv [/v] [/s] [/a] [/m] [filename]
- QuickView autodetects many graphics cards and uses VESA by default.
- /v option tells QuickView to not use the VESA interface if installed, but
- if you want to use HiColor or TrueColor modes the VESA interface must be
- used. If your graphics card does not support VESA you can use a VESA TSR
- like UNIVESA (see below).
- /s option tells QuickView to not use soft scrolling because this may
- cause problems (only vertical scrolling is disabled).
- /a option, used if you don't want to hear sound while playing AVIs.
- QuickView uses 25 line menu mode by default. For 50 lines you can use
- the /m option
- filename can be a file that QuickView views or a name that contains the
- wildcards * and ?.
- The Menu:
- ─────────
- QuickView always shows you all the files in the current directory, along
- with all the visible subdirectory names. The arrow keys will move the file
- selector bar around. By pressing a character the file selector bar jumps to
- the first file starting with that character. Use lower case for files,
- upper case for directories. A mouse is not supported.
- To view a file or change a directory just hit Enter. If you try to view
- a file QuickView does not handle nothing will happen. If you have tagged
- some files (256 at most) QuickView will view these files without going to
- the menu in between. Hit Enter or Tab if you want to view the next file
- and Backspace for the previous one. Esc breaks and returns to the menu.
- More keys during file selection:
- ALT-D: Change drive. A drive selection box will appear, prompting you for
- the drive letter you want to log into. QuickView will attempt to
- change to the desired drive. If an error occurs, QuickView will
- remain logged onto the current drive.
- ALT-I: Get information on the currently selected file.
- ALT-O: Change options of QuickView. For details see below.
- + - : Increase or decrease resolution respectively. The currently
- selected resolution is highlighted. "Automatic" automatically
- selects the lowest resolution which will display the whole picture
- if possible.
- Space: Tag/untag the current file
- ALT-T: Tag all files in the current directory
- ALT-U: Untag all files.
- ALT-A: Show all 32*32 pixel windows icons in the current directory. You
- can use a higher resolution to see more icons on the screen.
- F1 : Display information about the processor, detected graphics card,
- sound card and free memory.
- ALT-X: Exit QuickView and return to DOS.
- Options:
- ────────
- Press the red characters to toggle the state of the option. You can also
- use the up/down arrow keys and the Space bar. If you press "C" a configu-
- ration file is created or updated. Command line options override the config
- file. Note that changing the use of VESA is only effective if you leave
- QuickView and start it again.
- AVI options:
- Sound support: Sound through a Sound Blaster does not cost much time but
- sound through PC speaker might slow the system down noticable. If you
- have problems while AVI playback try to turn off sound.
- AVI loop: Use this if an AVI should start again after viewing.
- 2x Zoom: QuickView will display AVIs twice as big and so allow full screen
- playback for appropriate AVI resolutions. Note that 2x Zoom might require
- a higher screen resolution and therefore the AVI will not appear bigger
- if this is the case. 2x Zoom is very CPU intensive and might slow down
- your system. QuickView will therefore use at most HiColor output if
- 2x Zoom is selected.
- 320*240 mode: Many AVIs have the size 320*240. QuickView will display these
- AVIs full screen if you switch on this option. 160*120 AVIs will also be
- displayed full screen if you also switch on 2x Zoom. Note that 320*240
- mode is only available with 256 color modes. 320*240 is a non-standard
- VGA mode and may cause problems with some graphics cards or if you use
- QuickView with other operating systems.
- AVI quality: These options depend on the codec used in the AVIs:
- Grey scale: This is only available for Cinepak and Ultimotion compressed
- AVIs as only these can be speeded up. If you use this option with AVIs
- using another codec QuickView will use 8 color bits output.
- 8 color bits: This option is available for all codecs.
- HiColor: QuickView will use HiColor output with Cinpak compressed AVIs and
- will give the best quality for all other codecs.
- TrueColor: Will give the best quality for all codecs.
- Commands While Viewing:
- ───────────────────────
- For all file types:
- Esc: Stop viewing.
- For pictures:
- Arrow keys: Scroll picture if it is larger than the screen.
- Ctrl-Arrow keys: Scroll fast.
- Home, End: Scroll to left or right border respectively.
- Enter or Tab: View next file.
- Backspace: View previous file.
- For AVI:
- Space: Pause Viewing, space again: next frame, any other key: continue.
- Questions & Answers:
- ────────────────────
- -Q: QuickView doesn't detect my sound card.
- A: Make sure that your BLASTER environment variable is set correctly.
- There must be a command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT like this:
- SET BLASTER=Axxx Ix Dx Hx Pxxx Tx
- with
- A: Sound Blaster base I/O-port,
- I: interrupt,
- D: DMA low channel,
- H: DMA high channel (only required for SB16),
- P: MIDI port,
- T: Sound Blaster Type (not necessary for QuickView)
- -Q: Why is the video quality bad with some AVIs?
- A: This is because you don't have a TrueColor or HiColor card or you don't
- have a VESA driver in your system. In the latter case you should use
- the VESA TSR for your graphics card, UNIVESA or UNIVBE, available on
- many FTP-servers, BBSs and from Shareware distributors. The VESA driver
- must accord at least to version 1.2 of the VESA standard. Versions
- prior to 1.2 of the VESA standard did not define TrueColor and HiColor
- modes.
- -Q: I don't hear sound with some AVIs.
- A: Some AVIs don't have the audio separated into pieces, so QuickView must
- load the audio beforehand. If there is not enough main memory available
- then the audio is omitted. Another reason is that the sound is
- compressed. The sound of these AVIs has less than 8 sample bits. If you
- come across such an AVI please tell me!
- -Q: Sound is interrupted with some AVIs.
- A: At least one component of your system is too slow.
- Try to copy the AVI to your hard disk if you play it back from CD.
- Switch off 2x Zoom.
- -Q: I use PC speaker output because I don't have a sound card. I always
- hear clicks with AVIs when the program reads from the hard disc or from
- A: To allow good PC speaker sound 100% CPU time is required. This works
- with VOCs and WAVs but of course not with AVIs. Each time the program
- accesses the hard drive or a CD-ROM the sound must be interrupted.
- Windows does not support PC speaker sound with AVIs!
- -Q: I like 50 lines menus more. How can I select this mode durable?
- A: Press ALT-O in the menu. Then you can select 50 lines with "5" and
- write a config file with "C".
- Known problems:
- ───────────────
- - Compressed VOC files are supported but sound quality is not yet as good
- as it should be.
- - Compressed sound with AVIs is not supported yet.
- - 16 bit MS Video 1 compressed AVIs can't be displayed 2x zoomed when 8
- color bits output is used.
- - The Indeo codecs used in some AVIs are not supported. You will get the
- message "Unsupported codec" with these AVIs. Intel, the inventor of the
- codecs, will only give me the specs if I pay $5000US.
- How to get an up-to-date version of QuickView:
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- The file name of the package is always qvxxx.zip where xxx means the
- version number. Note that some BBSs use a different archiver than ZIP.
- - Internet FTP:
- Official FTP distribution site (you will find the most recent version
- here including minor revisions):
- ftp.rhrz.uni-bonn.de /pub/institute/hesseler
- Major releases are also available from:
- SimTel: primary mirror site is oak.oakland.edu SimTel/msdos/graphics
- Garbo: garbo.uwasa.fi /pc/graphics
- - Usenet News:
- It will be posted to the newsgroup alt.binaries.pictures.utilities.
- - BBS:
- "Airbase" (Bad Neuenahr, Germany), 24h online, Sysop: Michael Krischok
- Line 1: +49-2641-29108 [ZyXEL] Fido: 2:2453/300
- Line 2: +49-2641-202607 [ISDN] Fido: 2:2453/301
- You can frequest QuickView using the magic "QUICK" or
- login as user: Quickview and Passwort: Quickview.
- - Send me an email (hesseler@athene.informatik.uni-bonn.de) with
- "Request QuickView" as subject.
- - Via snail mail. Send me a floppy disk with a self-addressed and stamped
- envelope. This works only if you have German stamps. Otherwise send me
- money to cover my expenses. Please fill out the registration form so that
- I get your address and tick "QuickView current shareware version".
- - You'll get the latest version when registering.
- Further Developments of QuickView:
- ──────────────────────────────────
- Depending on the wishes and the number of registrations I plan to add
- more fileformats: PNG, JPEG, QuickTime .MOV, .DL, .GL, MPEG, ...
- You see: You should support QuickView and register!
- How to contact the author:
- ──────────────────────────
- Please report all bugs and suggestions for improvements or enhancements.
- I'm also very interested in files that QuickView claims to show but
- doesn't play or display correctly. Feel free to contact me.
- You may use one of the following ways:
- My Internet address (this is the preferred way):
- hesseler@athene.informatik.uni-bonn.de
- If you're in the Bitnet you may also use the following address:
- uzs272@dbnrhrz1
- If you don't get a reply within a week please send it again. Emails can
- get lost.
- If you don't have email access here is my snail mail address:
- Wolfgang Hesseler
- Neustadter Str. 6
- D-53547 Rossbach
- Germany
- Please include return postage, using International Postal Coupons if you
- are outside Germany.
- This program is Shareware. You may test this unregistered version for at
- most three weeks but after that you must register. You are encouraged to
- share it with others and to upload it to a BBS. If you do so, please pass
- along the complete unmodified archive. All files must be included.
- ATTENTION: A registration is recommended for any commercial use.
- QuickView is (c) 1994,95 by Wolfgang Hesseler, all rights reserved
- I make no warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. In particular I
- make no warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose
- or a particular hardware configuration. Furthermore I am not responsible
- for any damages of any kind, including profit losses and data loss or other
- incidental or consequential damages arising out of your use or inability
- to use the program. The person using the software bears all risk as to the
- quality and performance of the software.
- All files belonging to QuickView contain proprietary information which are
- protected by copyright. No part may be altered or translated without the
- prior written consent of the author.
- License agreement for Shareware distributors:
- Shareware distributors may distribute this program as long as the charge
- does not exceed $5US and the shareware distributor will not change or leave
- out any file. Please notify me if you distribute QuickView as you should
- always distribute the latest version. This applies especially if you
- include QuickView on a CD-ROM. Furthermore I appreciate if you send me a
- free copy of the CD.
- Many thanks to my beta testers:
- Kovács Balázs
- Martin van Es
- Nico Geppert
- Stefan Hartmann
- Lars Knudsen
- Andreas Portele
- Mark Stehr
- Thanks to André Baresel, Ethan Brodsky and Craig Jackson for Sound Blaster
- programming info.
- The information about the MS Video 1 and the Cinepak Codecs are from XAnim.
- Thanks to Marc Podlipec.
- The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe
- Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.
- PCX files are PC Paintbrush format images. PC Paintbrush is published by
- Z-Soft.
- TARGA is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
- Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- This product uses Ultimotion(tm) IBM video technology. Copyright
- International Business Machines Corporation 1994, All rights reserved.
- All other product names mentioned in this software are trademarks or
- registered trademarks of their respective owners.