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- tm
- C h r o n o L o g
- VERSION 1.02
- A Personal Information Management System
- Copyright (C) 1993, ComputerEase, Prince George VA
- T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
- INTRODUCTION............................................................ 2
- System Description...................................................... 4
- Definitions............................................................. 6
- Events............................................................... 6
- One-time events................................................... 6
- Recurring events.................................................. 6
- EventLog Entries..................................................... 7
- CrossKeys............................................................ 8
- System, databases, files............................................. 9
- ChronoLog File Requirements.............................................10
- System Files.........................................................10
- Program Files.....................................................10
- Help File.........................................................11
- Information Files.................................................11
- Database Files.......................................................12
- Computer Hardware/Software Requirements.................................13
- System Installation.....................................................14
- Installation from a ChronoLog "Master" Diskette......................14
- Installation When System Files Have Been Compressed..................14
- Database Initialization (CLINIT.EXE).................................15
- Creating a DOS Path..................................................16
- Using a Virtual Disk or RAMDRIVE........................................17
- ChronoLog - the Main Module (CHRONO.EXE)................................18
- Screen Headers and Footers...........................................18
- The EventLog Screen..................................................18
- Using the Keypad..................................................19
- EventLog Action Keys..............................................19
- The EventLog Help Screen (key = H)................................20
- Adding a New ChronoLog Event (key = A)............................20
- Adding ONE-TIME Events.........................................21
- Adding Recurring Events........................................21
- Adding an ANNUAL Event......................................22
- Adding a MONTHLY Event......................................22
- Adding a WEEKLY Event.......................................22
- Adding a DAILY Event........................................22
- Adding a QUARTERLY Event....................................22
- Adding a BI-WEEKLY Event....................................22
- Adding a BI-MONTHLY Event...................................22
- Adding a SEMI-ANNUAL Event..................................23
- Adding a MONTHLY VARYING Event..............................23
- Adding an ANNUAL VARYING Event..............................23
- Conflict-Checking..............................................23
- Viewing an Event (key = ENTER)....................................23
- Modifying an Event (key = M on VIEW EVENT Screen)..............24
- Deleting an Event (key = D on VIEW EVENT Screen)...............24
- Searching for Events (key = S)....................................24
- Maintaining Your CrossKey List (key = X)..........................25
- Adding a New CrossKey (key = A on the CrossKey screen).........25
- Deleting a CrossKey (key = D on the CrossKey screen)...........25
- The CrossKey Matrix (key = M).....................................26
- The Print Menu (key = P)..........................................26
- Appointment Schedule...........................................27
- Month Calendar (Narrow)........................................27
- Month Calendar (Wide)..........................................27
- T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
- One-Time Events................................................28
- Recurring Events...............................................28
- PhoneLog.......................................................28
- ToDoList.......................................................28
- Events Found in Last Search....................................28
- Changing Databases Without Leaving ChronoLog (key = J)............28
- Transferring Events From One Database to Another..................29
- Exporting Events (key = E).....................................29
- Importing Events (key = I).....................................30
- The Calculator (key = C)..........................................30
- The 3-Month Calendar (key = 3)....................................31
- PhoneLog (key = L)................................................31
- PhoneLog Data File Location....................................32
- Data Labels....................................................32
- Adding a New PhoneLog Entry....................................32
- Selecting a PhoneLog Entry.....................................33
- Modifying a PhoneLog Entry Name.............................33
- Modifying PhoneLog Data Items...............................33
- PhoneLog Autodial...........................................33
- Deleting a PhoneLog Entry......................................34
- Printing the PhoneLog..........................................34
- DOS Direct (key = D)..............................................34
- Data Required by DOS Direct....................................34
- DOS Direct Data File Location..................................35
- Adding a New DOS Direct Application (key = A)..................35
- Modifying a DOS Direct Application (key = M)...................35
- Deleting a DOS Direct Application (key = D)....................35
- Executing a DOS Direct Application (key = ENTER)...............35
- Changing the DOS Direct Table Order (key = C)..................36
- Shelling to DOS (key = S)......................................36
- The ToDoList (key = T)............................................36
- ToDoList Data File Location....................................36
- Adding a New ToDoList Item Here (key = A)......................36
- Adding a New ToDoList Item To End Of List (key = E)............37
- Modifying a ToDoList Item (key = M)............................37
- Deleting a ToDoList Item (key = D).............................37
- Undeleting the Last Deleted ToDoList Item (key = U)............37
- Toggling Task Completion (key = T).............................37
- Changing the ToDoList Order (key = C)..........................37
- The Utility Program (key = U).....................................37
- Setup..........................................................38
- Recurring Events............................................38
- Time Representation.........................................38
- Work Space Drive............................................38
- Screen blanking.............................................39
- Conflict-Checking Parameters................................39
- Printer Options.............................................40
- Type.....................................................40
- Port.....................................................41
- Printer Online Check.....................................41
- Days - Appointment Schedule..............................41
- PhoneLog Data Labels........................................41
- Autodial Options............................................41
- Modem port...............................................42
- T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
- Pre-Dial Number..........................................42
- Modem Dial Type..........................................42
- Setting Data File Locations.................................42
- PhoneLog Data File Location..............................42
- DOS Direct Data File Location............................42
- ToDoList Data File Location..............................43
- Screen Colors...............................................43
- System Copy....................................................43
- System Copy on Floppy Disk..................................44
- Compressing System Files....................................44
- How to Register................................................45
- Putting ChronoLog to Sleep (key = Z)..............................45
- Quitting ChronoLog (key = ESC)....................................45
- Automatic Daily Reminding (CLTODAY.EXE).................................46
- System Recovery.........................................................47
- Registration, Support, Return Policy, and Licensing.....................48
- Registration.........................................................48
- Registration Fee..................................................49
- Registration by Credit Card.......................................49
- Registrations From Outside the United States......................50
- Technical Support....................................................50
- Return Policy........................................................50
- Site Licenses........................................................51
- Technical Notes and Acknowledgements....................................52
- ChronoLog Versions......................................................53
- Version 1.01.........................................................53
- Version 1.02.........................................................53
- What's New in Version 1.1............................................54
- Some Words About Shareware..............................................56
- This program is produced by ComputerEase, a member of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make
- sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable
- to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
- contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP
- Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP
- member, but does not provide technical support for member's
- products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
- Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail
- to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- ComputerEase makes no warranty of any kind, express or
- implied, including without limitation any warranties of
- merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose, other than
- to guarantee that this product, at the time of its creation, was
- delivered in good faith with no subversive motives such as computer
- viruses. ComputerEase shall not be liable for any damages, whether
- direct, indirect, special or consequential arising from a failure
- of this program to operate in the manner desired by the user.
- ComputerEase shall not be liable for any damage to data or property
- which may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the program.
- - 1 -
- ------------
- Everyone's life consists of events. We constantly plan for
- the future whether we realize it or not - almost every move we
- make follows an invisible script which we spend a lot of time
- thinking about and implementing. No one past the age of
- kindergarten can operate without some sort of plan.
- It is often critical that we do certain things at certain
- times, and that conflicting circumstances don't hinder us.
- Some lives are "busier" than others, of course, but even
- that can be relative. For example, I know people with many
- responsibilities who have no problem keeping track of their
- complex schedules strictly by memory. I also know people who
- can't remember that tomorrow is Saturday.
- I, for one, am closer to the latter category than the
- former. I give myself far too much credit for having any sort of
- recall capability, and it constantly gets me into frustrating
- situations.
- Several years ago, when I first became a manager, I came to
- a quick conclusion that I was not nearly organized enough to do the
- job. I couldn't keep track of my own daily activities, much less
- eighteen other people. Sure, I tried to keep a pencil calendar, but
- it was cumbersome and inflexible. Planned activities for my employees
- and me changed too frequently - my appointment book quickly became a
- mess of erasures and strike-outs.
- I had other problems:
- - My job required me to do status briefings and reports
- where I had to summarize past events for my bosses, sometimes for as
- much as a year. Many days (and nights) found me sifting back through
- old files, trying to re-capture dates and sequences of events.
- - As a supervisor, I had to write annual performance
- evaluation for all of my employees. This was a particularly arduous
- task, because with 18 people - as much as I appreciated them
- individually - their efforts all started to run together over a year's
- time. And these evaluations were very important to their careers.
- So, it wasn't just that I had trouble being in the right place at
- the right time, I also needed to remember past events - and who was
- involved. Knowing that I desperately needed help, I surveyed the
- software world for organizing tools.
- There were many Personal Information Managers (PIMs),
- calendar-making, scheduling, reminding software packages on the retail
- and shareware markets. But nowhere could I find a system that would
- do ALL of the things I needed done.
- So, as an old, washed-up programmer who still loves it, I began
- working on what was to become ChronoLog. It was very simple at first,
- - 2 -
- then gradually evolved into what I believe is a fairly sophisticated
- piece of software. I have never really stopped working on it since I
- began in 1987, although I didn't offer it for use by others until a
- couple of years ago.
- It went through several name changes. From what I first called
- "my little reminder program" evolved REMNOTES (I never really liked
- that one); then RECALL (a commercial PIM came out named INSTANT
- RECALL); then NCONTROL (I discovered not one but two programs named IN
- CONTROL: a shareware prospect management system and a Macintosh PIM -
- I decided to let those guys worry about trademark infringement).
- Finally I settled on ChronoLog, and I think that the name is very
- descriptive. It's a time manager (Chronos is Greek for time); it
- keeps all input in ChronoLogical order; and, because it doesn't delete
- events which have past, it serves as a permanent LOGbook of the user's
- life.
- In 1991, I submitted ChronoLog's predecessor, NControl, to the
- annual software contest conducted by the Department of Defense's
- Command and Control Micro User's Group (C2MUG) - and won first place
- in the General Utility Category. From the response I got from DOD
- employees who had downloaded it and used it, I decided that it may be
- good enough to expand on, commercialize a bit, and distribute as
- shareware. So I began work on version 2.0 of NControl, which became
- ChronoLog.
- I still use it extensively myself - all of the chaos and
- confusion in my life is still here, only now much more organized.
- Give ChronoLog a try - maybe it will help you, too!
- Doug Patrick
- ComputerEase
- Prince George, VA
- - 3 -
- ------------------
- ChronoLog is a Personal Information Manager - a PIM. It
- allows you, the user, to enter DATA about your job (or any other
- facet of your life) which is personally important to you,
- organizes it, and presents it back to you as INFORMATION.
- Its primary purpose is to ensure that you are kept aware and
- reminded of future events for which you have a responsibility.
- Actually, I prefer to call it a PI/RM - with the additional
- R for Resource - because its most useful feature is the
- management of resources, scheduling people or things and ensuring
- that conflicts are minimized. (It shouldn't, however, be
- confused with detailed project management tools such as Timeline
- or Harvard Project Manager. They are designed to handle
- specific, definable projects with prescribed boundaries.
- ChronoLog has no beginning nor end - it becomes a permanent
- record of all aspects of your life.)
- ChronoLog is extremely easy to use. It has been purposely
- designed so that all screens and processes are intuitive and/or
- self-explanatory. Every screen has all possible actions (other
- than use of the keypad for scrolling) displayed at the bottom.
- Full documentation and system "help" is provided, of course, but
- even a new computer user can sit down and begin using it without
- referring to either!
- This User's Manual will explain in detail the many things
- that ChronoLog will do for you, but here is a quick summary:
- ... it allows you to create (and, if necessary, modify
- or delete) notes on upcoming "one-time" events (anytime in the
- future). Then, as the date approaches, it will relentlessly
- remind you every time you execute the program.
- ... if you choose, you may record events AS THEY OCCUR,
- turning ChronoLog from a reminding program into a journal or
- logbook.
- ... it allows you to store events which recur on a
- regular, predictable basis. This type of event is entered only
- once and NEVER ceases to remind you - unless you delete it.
- ... it allows you to categorize events so that you can
- keep separate control over groups of resources, by using CROSS-
- reference KEYwords, or CrossKeys. (As mentioned in the
- introduction, it was originally designed for managing people, but
- use your imagination...). A special feature, called the CrossKey
- Matrix, graphically displays category utilization for any two
- month period.
- ... it checks and warns you of potential conflicts,
- either for events in your personal schedule or those managed by
- CrossKey.
- - 4 -
- ... it prints monthly calendars in block format for
- both narrow and wide carriage printers, appointment schedules,
- and user-tailored lists of events past, present, and future - all
- in a couple of keystrokes.
- ... it provides you with a permanent record of events -
- events entered into ChronoLog remain in the system, unless you
- delete them. You can recall significant events in your life
- which occurred YEARS ago, with names and places!
- ... it has a search feature which lets you find events
- by entering a character string, or a CrossKey.
- ...it has several additional features such as a
- telephone directory with autodial, a calculator, a "to-do" list,
- and a perpetual calendar. It will also let you execute your
- other DOS applications from an internal menu, without leaving
- ChronoLog!
- ...it is "customizable" to suit your own needs. You
- have complete control over most system parameters.
- - 5 -
- -----------
- Certain definitions are essential for you to understand how
- ChronoLog works.
- ** Events
- ---------
- Events are what you, the user, enter into the system for the
- purpose of (1) creating a reminder on a daily schedule or
- calendar, or, (2) simply recording something that you would like
- to be able to recall in the future.
- Events:
- ...contain a narrative description.
- ...cover a period of time, which may be a range of
- days, a single day, or, if you desire, a span of hours on a
- single day.
- ...may be categorized (by using the CrossKey), which
- will help you control groups of resources or situations.
- There are two types of ChronoLog events, "one-time" and
- "recurring".
- *** One-time events
- -------------------
- One-time events are entered into the system to create a
- reminder and/or record of a specific event, such as a trip or a
- business meeting.
- *** Recurring events
- --------------------
- Recurring events recur on a regular, predictable basis.
- From the time of entry, recurring events remain in the system
- unless deleted, and ChronoLog automatically handles the
- repetition.
- There are ten types of recurring events: annual, monthly,
- weekly, daily, quarterly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly, semi-annual,
- monthly varying, and annual varying. The latter two, the varying
- events, are recorded as "relative" times in the month or year,
- such as "the 3rd Tuesday every month", or "the 2nd Wednesday in
- August every year". Daily events may be recorded as five-day
- (Monday thru Friday), six-day (Monday thru Saturday), or seven-
- day (entire week).
- Recurring events are stored by ChronoLog only once, just as
- one-time events are. However, the dates of recurring events are
- not fixed, but "floating". When ChronoLog loads each day, it
- converts these entries to a number of occurrences relative to the
- - 6 -
- current date. (You may adjust the number of occurrences by
- executing UTILITY -> SETUP.)
- ** EventLog Entries
- -------------------
- When ChronoLog is first loaded each day, all EVENTS are
- "expanded" into EventLog entries to create the EventLog, which
- shows upcoming events in a scrollable form. "Expansion" means
- that if an event is scheduled to occur over a period of several
- days, then you need to be reminded not once, but EVERY day during
- the duration of the event. These entries are then sorted into
- ChronoLogical order and displayed.
- EventLog entries are displayed:
- ...on a single line on the EventLog screen if the event
- is to occur on only one day.
- ...on two lines, one for the BEGINNING day and one for
- the ENDING day, if the event is to occur over a range of days.
- ...on three lines if the time span includes the current
- date (the event is in progress). In addition to the BEGINNING
- and ENDING lines, it will also show the current progress of the
- event, i.e. "today is the 3rd day of a five-day event".
- Consider the following examples:
- BUSINESS MEETING. A one-time event is entered into the
- system, and the date and time is recorded. As the date
- approaches, a single reminder line will scroll nearer the top
- each day, finally declaring "TODAY" in the date portion. (It
- will also pop up with the CLTODAY program when the exact date
- arrives...refer to the section later in this manual for a
- description of the CLTODAY program.) Then, when the date is
- past, the event will "scroll back into your past".
- FOUR-DAY TRIP. A one-time event is entered into the system
- recording the dates on which the trip begins and ends:
- EVENT ---> 06-29-92 to 07-02-92 Trip...
- As the beginning date approaches, two reminder lines will
- scroll up, one showing "BEGINS" and the other "ENDS":
- EventLog entries: 6-26-92 ---> 06-29-92 Monday BEGINS Trip...
- 07-02-92 Thursday ENDS Trip...
- When the event is in progress, the note is converted to "Day
- n of 4", in addition to the BEGINS and ENDS:
- EventLog entries: 6-30-92 ---> 06-29-92 Monday BEGAN Trip...
- 06-30-92 TODAY Day 2 of 4 Trip...
- 07-02-92 Thursday ENDS Trip...
- - 7 -
- At the conclusion of the trip, as the event scrolls back
- into your history, the event will be again shown on two lines, as
- "BEGAN" and "ENDED".
- EventLog entries: 7-03-92 ---> 06-29-92 Monday BEGAN Trip...
- 07-02-92 Thursday ENDED Trip...
- ** CrossKeys
- ------------
- CrossKeys are provided so that you may "categorize" events.
- The term CrossKey is intended to be a generic term (a
- CROSS-reference KEYword, for short), which can be used for a wide
- variety of applications.
- When creating a database, you will need to give some thought
- as to how you want to use CrossKeys, because they play such an
- important part in the way most ChronoLog functions work: printed
- calendars and appointment schedules may be selected by CrossKey;
- database searches may be done by CrossKey; the CrossKey Matrix
- becomes useful only if you have established your CrossKey list in
- a meaningful manner; and the export and import functions are
- COMPLETELY dependent upon CrossKeys.
- The most obvious use (and the one most referred to in this
- documentation) is for management of a staff of employees. Simply
- enter each of your employee's names as a CrossKey and attach it
- to events which concern him or her. This way you can avoid
- planning an important project or trip for the employee during his
- vacation! (See the sections entitled "The CrossKey Matrix" and
- "Conflict-Checking".)
- You may also use CrossKeys if your work involves duties
- which fall into definable categories. For instance, you may want
- to use categories such as "TRAVEL", "MEETINGS", "CONFERENCES",
- A regional manager for a restaurant chain could use the
- restaurant locations as CrossKeys.
- A rental agency could use each rental property as a
- CrossKey.
- An attorney could use client names.
- An entertainment bureau could use the names of its
- performers or acts.
- But again, use your imagination. The point is that
- ChronoLog has been designed to be flexible, and may be used for a
- variety of functions.
- - 8 -
- ** System, databases, files
- ---------------------------
- ChronoLog, when installed on a single computer, is in total
- a SYSTEM. On any given computer, you may choose to have multiple
- ChronoLog DATABASEs (i.e. to keep business and personal events
- separate). A separate DOS subdirectory is used for each
- DATABASE. Each DATABASE is made up of FILES (with the extension
- .CL1) which contain the data that you enter.
- It should be noted for the benefit of purist readers that
- this is not a true database. The term is used in a generic sense
- for brevity.
- - 9 -
- ---------------------------
- A ChronoLog system is made up of system files (files which
- are required for executing the system) and database files (files
- which contain the data you enter).
- ** System Files
- ---------------
- To run the system, you must have nine PROGRAM files (the
- .EXE files which run the system) and one HELP file. There are an
- additional five files which provide INFORMATION about the system.
- These fifteen files are collectively referred to as the SYSTEM
- FILES. There is normally only one copy of the system files on
- your computer, even though you may need to create multiple
- databases.
- *** Program Files
- -----------------
- Following is a "snapshot" description of the nine program
- files. Refer to the respective sections for detailed discussions
- of their use.
- CLINST.EXE This is the ChronoLog installation
- program. Its only use is to create a
- subdirectory on the hard drive and
- transfer the ChronoLog System Files to
- it. It is not absolutely essential that
- this program be executed - the system
- files may simply be copied into an
- existing subdirectory if you desire. It
- is provided for the benefit of users
- unfamiliar with DOS commands.
- CLINIT.EXE This is the initialization program which
- must be run before a database can be
- created. Any attempt to execute any of
- the other programs before this one will
- result in the statement "ChronoLog has
- not been initiated in this
- subdirectory." being displayed, and a
- program termination. No harm is done,
- it just won't work!
- CHRONO.EXE This is the main ChronoLog program. All
- of the programs below except CLTODAY run
- "beneath" CHRONO, or as standalone
- programs, if you wish.
- CLPRINT.EXE This program is used to print
- calendars, appointment schedules, etc.
- CLTODAY.EXE This program, normally inserted into
- your AUTOEXEC.BAT file for execution on
- - 10 -
- each system boot, will display reminders
- for the current day's events.
- CLPHONE.EXE This is PhoneLog, the phone directory
- program.
- CLDOSDIR.EXE This is the DOS Directory program. You
- may enter any application on your
- computer, then select and run from a
- menu.
- CLTODO.EXE This program maintains a list of the
- things for which you have immediate
- concern.
- CLUTIL.EXE This is the UTILITY program, which
- contains your SETUP routines and other
- miscellaneous functions which you
- may find useful.
- *** Help File
- -------------
- CHRONO.HLP This file contain help information which
- is available when ChronoLog is executed.
- *** Information Files
- ---------------------
- MANUAL.EXE This is self-extracting compressed file,
- which, when executed, produces
- CHRONO.DOC, the ChronoLog User's Manual
- which you are now reading.
- README This file contains brief load-and-go
- instructions.
- PACKING.LST This is a small file containing a list
- of the fifteen ChronoLog system files.
- FILE_ID.DIZ This file provides a brief description
- of the system for use by vendors,
- bulletin boards, etc.
- VENDOR.DOC This is a text file detailing
- distribution requirements and
- restrictions.
- - 11 -
- ** Database Files
- -----------------
- ChronoLog automatically generates a number of files to make
- up the database (none are present when first installed),
- identified by the DOS extension .CL1. Learning the following
- information about those files is not required for operation of
- the system; it is offered for information purposes only.
- SETUP.CL1 This file is generated when CLINIT is
- run. It contains the parameters
- necessary for running ChronoLog, which
- may subsequently be changed by running
- CLUTIL. There is a separate SETUP file
- for each DATABASE on your computer.
- CROSSKEY.CL1 This file will contain CrossKey
- information.
- ONETIME.CL1 This file will contain ChronoLog one-
- time event data.
- RECURING.CL1 This file will contain ChronoLog
- recurring event data.
- OVERFLOW.CL1 This file will contain the extra-long
- event descriptions for both one-time and
- recurring events.
- TODOLIST.CL1 This file will contain the "things-to-
- do" items entered by executing
- PHONE2.CL1 This file will contain PhoneLog data
- entered by executing CLPHONE.EXE.
- DOSDIR.CL1 This file will contain the instructions
- for executing other DOS applications
- which are entered by executing
- - 12 -
- ---------------------------------------
- ChronoLog has been designed to operate in a minimum DOS
- environment, i.e. 8086 CPU, MS-DOS 2.11, with monochrome display.
- There are, however, some relevant facts which must be considered.
- Although it is technically possible to run ChronoLog on a
- floppy disk, it strongly recommended that hard drive installation
- be chosen if available, because (1) ChronoLog data files are
- dynamic and can only expand so far before a floppy is filled, and
- (2) the size of the programs requires the subordinate programs
- such as the PhoneLog and DOS Direct to be loaded as overlays.
- This can be painfully slow on a floppy system.
- After the system has been used over a period of time the
- growing files will cause considerable degradation to a less-
- powerful CPU, also. For that reason, I would recommend nothing
- less than an 80286 processor for full use of the system.
- If you choose to use the PhoneLog autodial function, you
- must have a Hayes-compatible modem connected to your computer and
- telephone. See the section entitled "PhoneLog Autodial" for
- configuration instructions.
- - 13 -
- -------------------
- Shareware products typically get passed in a variety of
- ways, therefore installation procedures may vary depending upon
- where you received your copy of the system. They may be on a
- "master" diskette, with all files separate, or they may have been
- "compressed" into a single file, the technique of most bulletin
- boards. (If you are not familiar with file compression, read the
- section entitled "COMPRESSING SYSTEM FILES".) The compressed
- file may even have been converted into a self-extracting .EXE
- file, depending on the practice of the BBS or vendor. Shareware
- vendors or distributors may have added some of their own files.
- ** Installation from a ChronoLog "Master" Diskette
- --------------------------------------------------
- If you are installing from the ChronoLog "master"
- diskette(s), one 3 1/2" or two 5 1/4" floppy(s), the files are
- not compressed. Use the following procedure to install:
- - There should be at least 15 files. See the file
- PACKING.LST for listing of the minimum files required.
- - Insert the 3 1/2" floppy or 5 1/4" floppy #1 (contains
- the file CLINST.EXE) into a floppy drive.
- - Type CLINST (the ChronoLog System Installation Program).
- This will create a subdirectory on your hard drive and copy the
- system files into it. (If loading from 5 1/4" floppy, you will
- be prompted to insert floppy #2.). CLINIT (the ChronoLog
- Database Initialization Program) will execute automatically.
- ** Installation When System Files Have Been Compressed
- ------------------------------------------------------
- If you have the ChronoLog files compressed into a single
- file (the file name SHOULD be CHRON110.xxx, where xxx represents
- the compression extension).
- NOTE: CompuServe supports only a six character file name,
- therefore the file name is CHRON1.ZIP.
- Use the following installation procedure:
- - You do not need to run CLINST. Instead make sure that
- the compressed file has been copied to the subdirectory on your
- hard drive wherein you want the ChronoLog system files to reside.
- - Decompress CHRON110.xxx. If the decompress is
- successful, you may delete CHRON110.xxx.
- - There should be at least 15 files when decompressed. See
- the file PACKING.LST for listing of the minimum files required.
- - You are now ready to proceed to type CLINIT (the
- - 14 -
- ChronoLog Database Initialization Program) to initialize a
- database in the subdirectory where the system files reside.
- From this point on, the installation instructions are
- written to assume that you have decompressed all of the system
- files.
- ** Database Initialization (CLINIT.EXE)
- ---------------------------------------
- None of the system .EXE programs will execute until you have
- initialized a database for the subdirectory in which you are
- currently working. Go back and read the definition if you are
- unsure of what a database is.
- The CLINIT program creates a SETUP file with default values
- which you may later customize to suit your needs.
- You will be asked to input a 7-character database name which
- will uniquely the ChronoLog database you are creating. This is
- required for various system functions in which ChronoLog must
- distinguish between the source of the data, and also for work
- space organization. The system will not accept a database name
- which already exists on your computer. (NOTE: You will not be
- asked for a database name on the first initialization on your
- computer. ChronoLog automatically assigns your first database
- the name "MAIN".)
- On database initiations after the first ("MAIN") initiation,
- you will be asked if you would like to create unique data files
- for storing your PhoneLog, DOS Direct, and TodoList information,
- or simply use the data files stored in the MAIN database. The
- default is to use the MAIN database for each of these, so that
- you maintain only one version, but the option is available to
- have multiples should you choose to use it. The option may be
- changed at any later time by selecting UTILITY -> SETUP.
- You will be asked if you would like to automatically store a
- number of recurring dates, such as holidays, season changes,
- etc., in your database. There are currently 25 automatic dates
- stored if you choose this option. You may later delete any of
- these for which you have no interest.
- Each time CLINIT is executed in a new subdirectory, your
- hard drive is searched to locate the MAIN database and certain
- information is extracted to create a new SETUP.CL1 file for your
- new database.
- - 15 -
- ** Creating a DOS Path
- ----------------------
- If the user wishes to establish more than one database,
- there is no need to copy all of the system files to each
- subsequent database subdirectory. Simply add the original (MAIN)
- subdirectory to the PATH command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- NOTE: On the second database initialization (you don't need a
- path on the first one) CLINIT will automatically update your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file for you, if you choose.
- Please note that this does NOT provide a path to any data
- files. Since you may have multiple databases, you must execute
- ChronoLog in the MS-DOS subdirectory where the data files are
- located!
- - 16 -
- --------------------------------
- ChronoLog creates a temporary "work space" daily which
- basically consists of expanding database events into EventLog
- entries. This work space can reside on your hard or floppy disk
- if you desire - as a matter of fact, when a database is
- initialized the default work space is the current subdirectory.
- There's a MUCH better way.
- Since this work space is only temporary, the logical
- location for it is on a virtual disk or RAMDRIVE. For the new
- DOS user, this is using available RAM to emulate a hard disk
- drive. The good thing about a virtual disk or RAMDRIVE is that
- it makes disk access as fast as memory access; the bad thing is
- that when your computer is turned off, the information is lost.
- In normal situations this could be disastrous, but for ChronoLog,
- it is a perfect utilization.
- No attempt has been made to make the Virtual Disk or
- RAMDRIVE the default, because there are different versions
- depending on the version of DOS you are running, and your RAM
- utilization may vary depending on other applications. The
- decision must be yours.
- Select UTILITY -> SETUP to change the work space assignment.
- See the section entitled "WORK SPACE (TEMPORARY DISK STORAGE)" in
- the UTILITY section of this manual for a discussion. If you
- choose to use a virtual disk or RAMDRIVE (and you really
- should!), consult your DOS user's manual for installation
- instructions.
- - 17 -
- ----------------------------------------
- CHRONO.EXE is the main module, from which all of the other
- programs (except CLINST, CLINIT, and CLTODAY) can be "called".
- ** Screen Headers and Footers
- -----------------------------
- The top of most of the ChronoLog screens (not the MATRIX and
- PhoneLog screens) contains information about the system: the
- current date and time-of-day, the database name, the current
- ChronoLog module name, and license information.
- The bottom of most of the ChronoLog screens is used for two
- purposes: (1) ACTION KEYS which, when pressed, execute a
- subordinate process, and (2) HELP and ERROR INFORMATION which
- alert you to available options or error conditions.
- ** The EventLog Screen
- ----------------------
- The opening display when you execute ChronoLog is the
- EventLog screen. This is the scrollable array of all EVENTS
- which have been expanded into ChronoLogically-ordered EventLog
- entries.
- The scrollable entries in the array display the date, day
- of the week, start/stop times (if any), CrossKeys (if any), and
- the event description. The day of the week is replaced by the
- words TODAY and TOMORROW, if applicable. The day of the week is
- abbreviated if the reminder has times associated with it, and
- spelled out in full if not. The word "BEGINS" is displayed for
- the first day of a multi-day event, the word "ENDS" for the last
- day. If it is a multi-day event in progress, the string "DAY x
- OF y" is displayed for today.
- The remainder of the screen line consists of:
- - The event type if it is a RECURRING event, enclosed in
- ellipses {}.
- - Any CrossKeys associated with the event, enclosed in
- brackets []. If the number or length of the CrossKeys is too
- long, the CrossKey representation is replaced by an asterisk [*],
- which only indicates the presence of one or more CrossKeys.
- - The event description. If the event description extends
- beyond the screen width, it is truncated.
- When the program first loads, it scans your database, sorts
- all of your current events in ChronoLogical order, then displays
- them with those events scheduled for today (or nearest in future)
- at the top of the screen.
- - 18 -
- *** Using the Keypad
- --------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the EventLog as follows:
- UP/DOWN ARROWS Move the cursor bar one line
- PGUP/PGDN Move the screen display a page in
- the appropriate direction
- HOME Return to the current day's events
- CTRL + HOME Jump to beginning of event file
- END Jump to bottom of event file
- *** EventLog Action Keys
- ------------------------
- The bottom of the EventLog screen displays the ChronoLog
- modules which may be called from here. This consists of pressing
- the first letter of the action desired, the ENTER or ESC keys.
- Following are the actions and keys.
- ------ -----
- HELP. Display help information. H
- Add a new ChronoLog event. A
- View the highlighted event. ENTER
- (Modify or delete event from here.)
- Search for groups of events. S
- Maintain your list of CrossKeys. X
- Display the CrossKey MATRIX. M
- Call the Print Menu. P
- Pop up the calculator. C
- Pop up the 3-month calendar. 3
- Call the ToDoList program. T
- Call the PhoneLog program. N
- Call the DOS Directory program. D
- Export events from the current database. E
- Import events into the current database. I
- Call the Utility program. U
- Clear the screen (Zzz). Z
- Quit ChronoLog. ESC
- The following sections describe the actions possible from
- the EventLog screen.
- NOTE: The first time you execute the program, you will be
- greeted with a welcome screen and asked if you would like a brief
- "guided tour" through the command set. If you respond "YES",
- each of the commands will appear and be explained on the screen.
- Following that, the EventLog screen will appear, and you're ready
- to begin using the system. (If you would like to see this again
- at some later time, enter the command CLINIT DEMO at the DOS
- prompt.)
- - 19 -
- *** The EventLog Help Screen (key = H)
- --------------------------------------
- The EventLog Help Screen is a scrollable display which
- describes all of the actions possible on the EventLog screen.
- Use the keypad to scroll, then press ESC to return to ChronoLog.
- *** Adding a New ChronoLog Event (key = A)
- ------------------------------------------
- This option allows you to enter any type of event into your
- ChronoLog database. You will be asked to enter the dates, times,
- description, and associated CrossKeys for the event you wish to
- record.
- Following is a list of all the actions possible when each
- data item has been completed on the screen (exceptions to these
- general rules are noted in the individual data item
- descriptions):
- - Press ENTER or TAB to advance to the next data item
- - Press SHIFT + TAB to back up to the previous data
- item.
- - Press F10 to indicate that all the data necessary for
- the EVENT has been entered. The minimum data items
- for an event are EVENT TYPE, BEGINNING DATE for a
- one-time event or the RECURRING DATE for a recurring
- event, and the EVENT DESCRIPTION.
- - Press ESC to quit the add process and return to the
- EventLog screen.
- You will first be asked to select the EVENT TYPE. A
- scrollable array of the event types will appear on the left of
- the screen. Scroll by pressing the UP or DOWN ARROW KEYS on the
- keypad, then pressing the ENTER KEY to select. Since this is the
- first data item, SHIFT+TAB cannot be used to back up.
- For a quick, on-screen description of each event type, HELP
- is available here by pressing the H key.
- When you have continued to the end of the add process, the
- system will ask you to wait while it permanently stores the event
- and reconstructs the EventLog with your new entry.
- - 20 -
- **** Adding ONE-TIME Events
- ---------------------------
- You will be asked to record:
- ...DATES: Each event is assumed to have a beginning and
- ending date. As each is asked of you, use the ARROW and
- PGUP/PGDN keys on the keypad to adjust the dates, then press the
- ENTER key to record each one. The keypad method is intended to
- greatly simplify the date-entering process and to ensure that
- dates are accurately recorded.
- ...TIMES: As with the dates above, use the ARROW and
- PGUP/PGDN keys to adjust the times in 15-minute and hourly
- intervals. Times are recorded using military time notation
- (24-hour clock), or in civilian notation (a.m. and p.m.
- designated). You may have only a beginning time with no ending
- time, if the ending is uncertain. Or, if time is unimportant for
- this event, you may bypass the time by pressing the SPACE BAR.
- ...The EVENT DESCRIPTION: Use the available space to
- describe the event. This is a free-screen editor with automatic
- wordwrap. Do not press the ENTER KEY at the end of each screen
- line - this signals the completion of the EVENT DESCRIPTION. If
- no CrossKeys have been defined, the event is stored at the
- completion of the EVENT DESCRIPTION.
- ...CrossKeys: If you are using CrossKeys in your system,
- you may use the CrossKey list on the right of your screen to
- attach any CrossKeys to this event. To select a CrossKey, use
- the KEYPAD to move around on the list and press the SPACE BAR to
- "tag" the CrossKey. Tag as many as you wish to attach to the
- event, then press the ENTER key. NOTE: simply pressing the ENTER
- key will NOT attach the highlighted CrossKey.
- **** Adding Recurring Events
- ----------------------------
- The following sections describe how to add the different
- types of recurring events. Data entry for beginning and ending
- times, the event description, and CrossKey selection is identical
- to the procedures described above for one-time events.
- NOTE: You may set the number of times you want a recurring
- event to be repeated in the EventLog. For instance, the number
- of EventLog entries for a weekly event is normally for the next 8
- weeks (the ChronoLog default), but you may want to adjust that
- number up or down. Select UTILITY -> SETUP to do this.
- - 21 -
- ***** Adding an ANNUAL Event
- ----------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the month and day for the annual
- event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select.
- ***** Adding a MONTHLY Event
- ----------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the day of the month for the
- monthly event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select.
- ***** Adding a WEEKLY Event
- ---------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the day of the week for the
- weekly event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select.
- ***** Adding a DAILY Event
- --------------------------
- You may select from three types of daily events: events
- which will recur daily Monday thru Friday (5 day), Monday thru
- Saturday (6 day), or each day of the week (7 day). No entry is
- required in the DATE field; a TIME entry is mandatory.
- ***** Adding a QUARTERLY Event
- ------------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the date of the FIRST OCCURRENCE of
- the quarterly event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select.
- (ChronoLog will automatically repeat at three-month intervals
- from that date forward.)
- ***** Adding a BI-WEEKLY Event
- ------------------------------
- Use the keypad to record the date of the FIRST OCCURRENCE of
- the bi-weekly event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select. (ChronoLog
- will automatically repeat at two-week intervals from that date
- forward.)
- ***** Adding a BI-MONTHLY Event
- -------------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the date of the FIRST OCCURRENCE of
- the bi-monthly event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select.
- (ChronoLog will automatically repeat at two-month intervals from
- that date forward.)
- - 22 -
- ***** Adding a SEMI-ANNUAL Event
- --------------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll the date of the FIRST OCCURRENCE of
- the semi-annual event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select.
- (ChronoLog will automatically repeat at six-month intervals from
- that date forward.)
- ***** Adding a MONTHLY VARYING Event
- ------------------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll in order the WEEK NUMBER (1st -
- 5th) and the WEEKDAY (Sun - Sat) for the monthly varying event,
- pressing the ENTER KEY to select each.
- ***** Adding an ANNUAL VARYING Event
- ------------------------------------
- Use the keypad to scroll in order the WEEK NUMBER (1st -
- 5th), the WEEKDAY (Sun - Sat), and the MONTH (Jan - Dec) for the
- annual varying event, pressing the ENTER KEY to select each.
- **** Conflict-Checking
- ----------------------
- Using the criteria you have established under UTILITY ->
- SETUP, ChronoLog will warn you if the date and time of an event
- you have just entered is in conflict with another. If one or
- more is found, a window will appear displaying the conflicting
- events, and you will be asked your intention to add or bypass
- the adding of the event. See the section titled "Conflict-
- Checking Criteria" in the UTILITY section of this manual for a
- discussion.
- *** Viewing an Event (key = ENTER)
- ----------------------------------
- EventLog entries will likely have to be abbreviated to fit
- on a single screen line. The event description, unless shorter
- than about 40 characters, will be truncated. If the attached
- CrossKeys take up too much of the available screen line, they are
- replaced by an asterisk [*]. To view an event on the EventLog
- screen in its entirety, move the cursor to select the event and
- press the ENTER key. The event will be displayed on the same
- screen in which it was added to the system.
- The number of days relative to today is displayed to the
- right of the event type, i.e. the number of days ago that the
- displayed event began and ended, or the number of days until the
- event occurs if it is in the future.
- You may modify or delete the event while it has been
- selected for VIEW.
- - 23 -
- **** Modifying an Event (key = M on VIEW EVENT Screen)
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Refer to the section titled "Adding a New ChronoLog Event",
- for instructions on how to change the individual data items for
- the event - all of the rules (TAB, SHIFT+TAB, F10, etc.) which
- applied to the add process apply to the modification process.
- As you move about the screen, the cursor will stop on every
- data item, which you may change if you wish. If you want to
- leave the item unchanged, simply press the ENTER key.
- **** Deleting an Event (key = D on VIEW EVENT Screen)
- -----------------------------------------------------
- While VIEWing the event you want to delete, press the D key.
- ChronoLog will ask "Are you sure you want to delete this event?".
- If you press the Y key, the event will be permanently deleted
- from the database.
- *** Searching for Events (key = S)
- ----------------------------------
- The SEARCH feature allows you to search your database for
- events containing a specified character string and events with
- specified CrossKeys, for a specified time period.
- If you have created CrossKeys for your database, you will
- first be asked to choose between a STRING or CROSSKEY search.
- You will then be asked to select a range of dates (Beginning
- and Ending) for which you would like to display the selected
- events. If you would like to search the entire file, simply
- press the F5 key; for future events only, press F6.
- Different information must now be input, depending upon the
- type of search selected:
- - STRING SEARCH. You will be asked to enter (1) the desired
- character string, and (2) if the search should be case sensitive
- - should upper and lower case be exactly matched or not.
- NOTE: A character string entered for search must be at least
- three characters long. At some point, when your database has
- grown large and many matches are found, you may be told that the
- results of the search is too large for ChronoLog's memory
- allocation, and asked to repeat the search with a longer string.
- - CROSSKEY SEARCH: A list of your recorded CrossKeys will be
- displayed and you may choose any or all.
- The database will now be scanned, and the results of the
- search will be displayed in a scrollable table. You may select
- and VIEW an event just as you can on the EventLog screen, by
- using the KEYPAD to move the cursor bar and pressing the ENTER
- KEY.
- - 24 -
- To print the results of a search, press ESC to return to the
- EventLog screen, then select the PRINT MENU. An option will be
- on the menu to "EVENTS FOUND IN LAST SEARCH". The ability to
- print the results of any search will remain until another search
- is done.
- *** Maintaining Your CrossKey List (key = X)
- --------------------------------------------
- This option allows you to add CrossKeys to or delete
- CrossKeys from the current database. If you have already entered
- at least one CrossKey, a scrollable table will appear on your
- screen; if not, you will be given the opportunity to add the
- first one.
- **** Adding a New CrossKey (key = A on the CrossKey screen)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- CrossKeys may be up to 16 characters in length.
- An attempt to add a new CrossKey which already exists for
- this database will be rejected.
- You may add up to 30 CrossKeys to any database.
- **** Deleting a CrossKey (key = D on the CrossKey screen)
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Extreme care should be taken when deleting a CrossKey from
- your database. CrossKeys are the backbone of the system.
- Remember that an ChronoLog database has no beginning nor end, and
- that one of the most important features of ChronoLog is its use
- as a permanent record! Once a CrossKey is assigned to an event,
- unless REMOVED FROM THE EVENT by modifying the event itself, the
- historical value of that assignment should be forever.
- Here's what happens when a CrossKey is deleted from your
- list:
- - the ENTIRE database of events is scanned and all
- assignments of that CrossKey are removed.
- - the CrossKey is added to the end of the EVENT DESCRIPTION
- for those events.
- The result is that you will no longer be able to use the
- CrossKey to isolate the event for searching, printing, etc.
- - 25 -
- *** The CrossKey Matrix (key = M)
- ---------------------------------
- The purpose of the CrossKey MATRIX screen is to graphically
- display the use of CrossKeys for the coming two-month period, to
- assist you in avoiding resource conflicts. It is only used, of
- course, if you have defined CrossKeys for the database.
- The matrix depicts your CrossKeys on the left side of the
- screen, with time in days across the top. Thus, the matrix
- junction will display the number of events which have been
- recorded for that CrossKey for that date - i.e. a "2" would
- indicate that the highlighted CrossKey has been attached to two
- events for that day. If you have designed your system so that
- CrossKeys identify resources, numbers greater than one
- indicate a potential resource conflict and may warrant your
- attention.
- Use the arrow keys on the keypad to move about the matrix.
- When the cursor reaches a "spot" with a number, a window will
- appear on the screen which shows the events for that CrossKey on
- that date.
- When the matrix is executed from the EventLog screen, it
- always uses the current day as the "base" date, and extends two
- months in the future. You may, by pressing the F5 key on the
- matrix screen, reset the base date to any other. The matrix will
- be redrawn for the two months following the date selected.
- *** The Print Menu (key = P)
- ----------------------------
- The Print Menu offers a choice of several print options,
- which are described in the following sections.
- Printer options are selected in UTILITY -> SETUP, and are
- displayed on the Print Menu screen for quick reference.
- All of them begin by offering the choice of having output
- directed to an attached printer, or to a disk file. The latter
- choice allows you to export these files to another
- configuration's printer, or even to send to another location by
- electronic mail.
- If you select the Appointment Schedule, either of the Month
- Calendars, One-time Events, or Recurring Events, you may select
- for print specific CrossKeys from a screen array. If you want to
- print ALL events, press F10 when the array appears.
- NOTE: If you direct your output to an attached printer,
- ChronoLog will verify that the printer is attached to the proper
- port (also selected in UTILITY -> SETUP) and is online. Some
- user's have reported that this check does not work properly for
- their printers - a printer error is reported even though there is
- none. I have worked and tested this problem to the very best of
- my ability. MicroSoft informs me that it is an inconsistency in
- - 26 -
- the way the BIOS installed on older model PC's and clones work
- when connected to older and newer printers. A new 486 computer,
- for instance, may not wait for an older printer to return the
- proper test result. Anyway, my only solution is: if you
- encounter this problem, use UTILITY -> SETUP to disable the print
- check.
- **** Appointment Schedule
- -------------------------
- Selecting this option will cause an appointment schedule to
- print for all events scheduled for the next "n" days. The
- default value of "n" is 7 days but may be reset to your choice
- The appointment schedule will display a three-month calendar
- across the top of your printout, followed by all events for the
- period, separated for each day, with times displayed.
- **** Month Calendar (Narrow)
- ----------------------------
- Narrow paper is standard 8 1/2" x 11" fanfold computer
- paper.
- You will be asked to choose the month to print (the default
- is the current month). Calendars can be printed for any month,
- past or future, whether they contain events or not.
- In each block on the calendar, all of the events which you
- have recorded for that day will print. Times and CrossKeys will
- appear in front of the event descriptions. Multiple events on a
- single day will be separated by a dotted line.
- A single-month calendar will use as much paper as it needs
- to print, i.e. if your event descriptions are long, the calendar
- may print across the perforation on a fanfold-paper printer, or
- on multiple pages on a sheetfed printer.
- **** Month Calendar (Wide)
- --------------------------
- This option is the same as the previous, except that it is
- designed to print on wide (14 1/2" x 11" fanfold computer paper)
- by widening each block proportionately.
- - 27 -
- **** One-Time Events
- --------------------
- This option will print all one-time events for a selected
- period of time, in ChronoLogical order. You will be asked to
- specify the beginning and ending dates.
- This feature is extremely valuable for recalling past events
- by CrossKey. For example, if you are a supervisor and use
- ChronoLog to schedule your employees, at the end of the year you
- may print all events in which each employee was involved.
- **** Recurring Events
- ---------------------
- This option will print all recurring events in your
- database.
- **** PhoneLog
- -------------
- Selecting this option will print all of the PhoneLog entries
- on standard (8 1/2" x 11") paper. It will print the entry name
- on the left side of the paper, with corresponding data items
- containing data printed on the right.
- **** ToDoList
- -------------
- Selecting this option will print all of the items in the
- ToDoList on standard-size paper.
- **** Events Found in Last Search
- --------------------------------
- The results of the most recent event search (see section
- "Searching for Events") may be printed with this option. This is
- a printout of all events located by the search, in ChronoLogical
- order.
- *** Changing Databases Without Leaving ChronoLog (key = J)
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- The JUMP feature allows you to quickly load another
- ChronoLog database without having to exit to DOS, change
- directory, and manually load the system.
- There should be an ASCII file in your MAIN database
- subdirectory named CLTODAY.DAT, which is automatically updated
- with the path each time you execute CLINIT to create a new
- database. When "J" is pressed on the EventLog screen, ChronoLog
- locates this file, checks to make sure each of the recorded paths
- are still there and contains a ChronoLog database, and displays
- the database names and paths in a scrollable array. Use the
- keypad to move the cursor bar. When you press the ENTER key,
- ChronoLog will load the highlighted database.
- - 28 -
- *** Transferring Events From One Database to Another
- ----------------------------------------------------
- The EXPORT/IMPORT feature allows you to search your database
- for events with specified CrossKeys for a specified time period,
- and create a DOS file of those events for IMPORT into another
- database on your computer, or another person's computer.
- EXPORT/IMPORT files have a DOS extension of .CLX, for easy
- identification.
- The primary purpose of the EXPORT/IMPORT capability is to
- allow a manager or supervisor to prepare schedules for his
- employees which they may then store in their ChronoLog databases.
- IMPORTANT: Since events are selected based on their
- associated Crosskeys, they must also be stored based on the SAME
- CrossKeys. In other words, if you select a CrossKey for EXPORT,
- the database for IMPORT must contain that SAME EXACT CrossKey!
- **** Exporting Events (key = E)
- -------------------------------
- The mechanics of EXPORT are similar to a CrossKey SEARCH,
- with the additional requirement of having to provide the EXPORT
- file name.
- You will be asked to select a range of dates (Beginning and
- Ending) for which you would like to export selected events. You
- may press F5 to export ALL database events regardless of date, or
- F6 to export all FUTURE events.
- A list of your recorded CrossKeys will be displayed and you
- may choose any or all.
- The database will be scanned, and the results of the search
- will be displayed in a scrollable table. You may select and VIEW
- an event just as you can on the EventLog screen, by using the
- KEYPAD to move the cursor bar and pressing the ENTER KEY.
- At this point, you may elect to EXPORT the selected events
- by pressing the F10 key. An edit line will appear for you to
- enter the name of the export file. You may enter a file name
- including the file path, if desired.
- Also appearing on this screen is the name of the file used
- in the most recent EXPORT and the date it was exported. This is
- provided to help you prevent duplications.
- When the file name is correct, press ENTER and the EXPORT
- .CLX file will be created.
- NOTE: Exporting events does NOT remove them from the source
- database.
- - 29 -
- **** Importing Events (key = I)
- -------------------------------
- IMPORT reads the .CLX file and stores each event in the
- receiving database, linking it to the proper CrossKey(s).
- The user must provide the name of the file to be imported.
- (The name of the most recent file import is displayed on the
- IMPORT screen and becomes the default file response on the edit
- line. For the first IMPORT, the file name TRANSFER.CLX is the
- default.)
- When the name has been correctly entered, ChronoLog locates
- the file and stores the events. A window will be displayed
- showing the number of events in the file and number which were
- stored. If the number stored is less than the other number, it's
- because the proper CrossKeys have not been defined in the
- receiving database.
- Following an IMPORT, ChronoLog must "restart" (go through
- its load procedure) to incorporate the new events into the
- EventLog.
- *** The Calculator (key = C)
- ----------------------------
- The calculator is extremely easy to use. It offers the use
- of five functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication,
- division, and exponentiation. The corresponding MATH OPERATORS
- are:
- + - * / ^
- It allows for the temporary storage of nine "hash" totals
- which can be recalled by pressing a function key. These totals
- are only available during this particular execution of the
- calculator - if you return to the EventLog screen, the "hash"
- totals will not be available for the next use of the calculator.
- At every point in the calculation process, all possible
- keystrokes are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- Following are step-by-step instructions for using the
- calculator:
- - START: Enter a number followed by a MATH OPERATOR.
- - Enter the second number. You may end the second number by:
- - Pressing "=" (or the ENTER KEY). The total will be
- calculated and displayed. Continue by:
- - Pressing another operator. You will be asked to
- enter another number (go to START above).
- - Storing the hash total in a function-keyed
- - 30 -
- memory location.
- - Pressing C to clear the calculator.
- - Pressing another operator.
- At any point in the above steps, when asked to "enter a
- number", you may instead press a function key to recall the total
- previously stored there.
- *** The 3-Month Calendar (key = 3)
- ----------------------------------
- The three-month calendar displays the previous, current, and
- following months. You may scroll backward and forward through
- time by using the ARROW and PGUP/PGDN keys on the keypad.
- *** PhoneLog (key = L)
- ----------------------
- PhoneLog is another easy-to-use yet powerful feature of
- ChronoLog, which may be loaded as a standalone program (name:
- CLPHONE.EXE) or by pressing "L" on the ChronoLog EventLog screen.
- All entries in PhoneLog are kept in alphabetic order in a
- scrollable array on the left side of the screen. The order is
- automatic; you don't have to have the scroll bar in any certain
- position when a new entry is added.
- On the right side of the screen are eight data fields which,
- when scrolling through the names in the directory, are associated
- with the name on the left UNDER THE SCROLL BAR at any given time.
- The phone directory may be scrolled by using the keys on the
- keypad: UP and DOWN arrow keys will move the scroll bar one line;
- PGUP and PGDN will move the scroll bar a full page; HOME and END
- will move the scroll bar to the top and bottom of the file. In
- addition, pressing an alphabetic character will "jump" the cursor
- bar to the next name which begins with that character.
- Notice that the PhoneLog "action keys" are different from
- the other ChronoLog modules, i.e. INS to add an entry instead of
- the letter A. This is because PhoneLog scrolling has the
- additional feature described in the previous paragraph - pressing
- an alphabetic character key is used to quickly find directory
- entries.
- - 31 -
- **** PhoneLog Data File Location
- --------------------------------
- If you create multiple databases, you may choose to build a
- separate PhoneLog data file for each new database, or maintain
- one "central" file in the MAIN database. This question is asked
- when you execute CLINIT to create the new databases. Select
- UTILITY -> SETUP to change the location at any time.
- **** Data Labels
- ----------------
- The labels in the center of the screen for the top six data
- fields may be customized to suit your own requirements. When you
- first execute PhoneLog, these labels will say "PhoneLog Label #1"
- (through #6), and should first be assigned a meaningful label by
- running UTILITY -> SETUP. See the section "PHONELOG DATA LABELS"
- for instructions on setting/resetting the labels.
- Once these labels are set and data has been recorded using
- the labels, they shouldn't be changed, unless you want to go back
- and change all of the underlying data.
- The labels on the two bottom data fields, ADDRESS and
- REMARKS, are fixed and new labels cannot be assigned.
- **** Adding a New PhoneLog Entry
- --------------------------------
- Press the INS key to add a new PhoneLog entry. The program
- will display a highlighted line on the left side of the screen
- wherein you may type the name. Of course, the name of a person
- should be entered "last name first" to facilitate its location
- later.
- When the name has been entered, a highlighted bar will
- appear in the first data field on the right side of the screen.
- from this point, you may scroll up and down the right side of the
- screen with the UP and DOWN arrow keys, entering data on any of
- the lines that you wish. Pressing ENTER on any line will also
- move the highlighted bar down the screen.
- Press the F10 key to store the completed entry. (If the
- ENTER key is pressed on the bottom line of the REMARKS field, the
- entry will be stored.)
- ESC may be pressed at any time to discontinue entering data
- for this entry.
- - 32 -
- **** Selecting a PhoneLog Entry
- -------------------------------
- Move the cursor bar to the entry to select and press the
- ENTER KEY. A box will appear on the left side of the screen with
- the selected name and all options that apply to this screen.
- From here you may modify any data associated with this entry
- (including the name), add new data items, or use the Autodial
- feature, if you have a telephone sharing a common line with your
- computer modem.
- ***** Modifying a PhoneLog Entry Name
- -------------------------------------
- When an entry has been selected, the name field may be
- edited by pressing the F5 key. Pree the ENTER KEY when finished
- editing - the name will be moved to the proper place in the
- alphabetical order if necessary.
- ***** Modifying PhoneLog Data Items
- -----------------------------------
- To modify or add a data item to the right side of the
- screen, simply move the cursor bar to the proper line on the
- right side of the screen and edit. Press the ENTER KEY when the
- item is correct.
- Press F10 to save the modified data or ESC to quit without
- saving any changes which were made.
- ***** PhoneLog Autodial
- -----------------------
- In order to take advantage of the Autodial feature, you must
- have a Hayes-compatible modem connected to a serial port (COM1
- thru COM4) on your computer, and a telephone sharing the same
- phone line. The line may be shared by inserting the line from
- the phone into the RJ11 receptacle labeled "PHONE" on your modem.
- If your modem does not have this receptacle, you may also
- purchase an inexpensive two-way line splitter, insert the common
- end into the wall jack and the "split" ends into both the modem
- and the telephone.
- To use the Autodial, use the keypad arrow keys to select the
- number on the right side of the SELECT ENTRY screen, remove the
- telephone receiver, and press the F3 key.
- Some situations require that you insert preliminary numbers
- before dialing. This may be a code for an outside line in an
- office arrangement, or a personal accounting code. If you have
- this requirement, select UTILITY -> SETUP and record the "pre-
- dial" numbers. This will eliminate the need to insert these
- numbers in all of your data entries. Then, when preparing to use
- the Autodial feature, simply press the F2 key to automatically
- dial this preliminary number.
- - 33 -
- **** Deleting a PhoneLog Entry
- ------------------------------
- Move the cursor bar to the entry name to delete and press
- the DEL key. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. If you
- respond "Yes", the name and all associated data will be deleted
- from your PhoneLog.
- **** Printing the PhoneLog
- --------------------------
- To print the PhoneLog, return to the EventLog screen and
- select PRINT -> PHONELOG. You will be asked to confirm your
- intention to print. If you respond "Yes", your entire PhoneLog
- will be formatted and printed.
- *** DOS Direct (key = D)
- ------------------------
- This feature is provided so that the user could load
- ChronoLog at the beginning of the day, and never unload it! It
- would be the "command central" from which all other computer
- applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets, etc. could
- be run.
- DOS Direct can be run as a standalone program (name:
- CLDOSDIR.EXE), or by pressing "D" on the ChronoLog EventLog
- screen.
- An infinite table of software applications can be loaded
- into DOS Direct. When executed, the table of application names
- is scrolled by using the keypad keys (UP/DOWN arrows, PGUP/PGDN,
- **** Data Required by DOS Direct
- --------------------------------
- Five data items are stored for each application entry:
- - The application name. This is the name that will appear
- in the screen array.
- - The subdirectory from which you want to execute the
- application.
- - The command line or string that will load and run the
- application. This is the .EXE, .COM, or .BAT file plus
- any command line parameters (i.e. WP DOCUMENT.FIL).
- - prompt switch (Y/N):
- Y = request DOS to prompt for command line parameters
- at run time
- N = do not prompt
- - 34 -
- - pause switch (Y/N):
- Y = pause (freeze screen) at end of execution before
- returning to DOS Direct
- N = do not pause
- **** DOS Direct Data File Location
- ----------------------------------
- If you create multiple databases, you may choose to build a
- separate DOS Direct data file for each new database, or maintain
- one "central" file in the MAIN database. This question is asked
- when you execute CLINIT to create the new databases. Select
- UTILITY -> SETUP to change this option at any time.
- **** Adding a New DOS Direct Application (key = A)
- --------------------------------------------------
- A screen will appear that will prompt you sequentially for
- the five data items described above.
- DOS Direct checks to ensure that you do not enter a non-
- existing path on the SUBDIRECTORY line.
- **** Modifying a DOS Direct Application (key = M)
- -------------------------------------------------
- The existing data for the application under the cursor bar
- will be displayed. You will be prompted sequentially to either
- replace or leave unchanged each of the five fields.
- **** Deleting a DOS Direct Application (key = D)
- ------------------------------------------------
- The application under the cursor bar will be deleted after
- you have been asked to confirm the deletion by pressing the
- letter D a second time.
- **** Executing a DOS Direct Application (key = ENTER)
- -----------------------------------------------------
- The application under the cursor bar will be executed. An
- error condition will occur if: (1) the subdirectory path cannot
- be found; or (2) the command line is not valid.
- - 35 -
- **** Changing the DOS Direct Table Order (key = C)
- --------------------------------------------------
- The application under the cursor bar will begin blinking.
- You may now use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move the
- application entry to the new location of your choice. Press the
- ENTER KEY when correct.
- **** Shelling to DOS (key = S)
- ------------------------------
- This option allows you to run a DOS command without leaving
- ChronoLog. Pressing "S" puts you into DOS mode wherein you may
- do what you need to do, then type "EXIT" to return to DOS Direct.
- NOTE: DOS Direct remains in memory while you are SHELLED.
- It is up to you to remember that you must "EXIT" and return
- rather than reload ChronoLog - if you don't you'll use up your
- base memory very quickly!
- *** The ToDoList (key = T)
- --------------------------
- The ToDoList is a quick-and-easy way to keep track of those
- things which require your immediate attention.
- The ToDoList can be run as a standalone program (name:
- CLTODO.EXE), or by pressing "T" on the ChronoLog EventLog screen.
- The entries are displayed on single lines in a scrollable
- table. There may be 17 entries (one screenful) in your ToDoList
- at any given time.
- **** ToDoList Data File Location
- --------------------------------
- If you create multiple databases, you may choose to build a
- separate ToDoList data file for each new database, or maintain
- one "central" file in the MAIN database. This question is asked
- when you execute CLINIT to create the new databases. Select
- UTILITY -> SETUP to change this option at any time.
- **** Adding a New ToDoList Item Here (key = A)
- ----------------------------------------------
- This allows you to insert an item at a specific point in the
- table. When performed, the table will "expand" and a blank line
- will appear at the point where the letter A key was pressed.
- Simply enter the item on the line and press ENTER to store.
- - 36 -
- **** Adding a New ToDoList Item To End Of List (key = E)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- This is the same as the previous paragraph, except the new
- item is appended to the bottom of the ToDoList.
- **** Modifying a ToDoList Item (key = M)
- ----------------------------------------
- The item under the cursor bar will be highlighted. Edit the
- line, then press ENTER to replace the previous entry.
- **** Deleting a ToDoList Item (key = D)
- ---------------------------------------
- The item under the cursor bar will be deleted.
- **** Undeleting the Last Deleted ToDoList Item (key = U)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- This feature will restore the last item deleted DURING THIS
- EXECUTION of the ToDoList.
- **** Toggling Task Completion (key = T)
- ---------------------------------------
- This feature is provided so that you can mark a ToDoList
- item as completed but not permanently delete it from your list.
- When "T" is pressed, the highlighted item displays the word
- "DONE" on the right margin and is moved to the bottom of your
- ToDoList.
- If you change your mind, you may press "T" again, and the
- item will move to the top of your ToDoList with the word "DONE"
- removed.
- **** Changing the ToDoList Order (key = C)
- ------------------------------------------
- This feature allows you to change the priority of the items
- in your list. When performed, the item under the cursor bar will
- begin blinking. You may now use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to
- move the item to the new location of your choice.
- *** The Utility Program (key = U)
- ---------------------------------
- The Utility Program provides several miscellaneous functions
- for using ChronoLog to its best advantage.
- Utility can be run as a standalone program (name:
- CLUTIL.EXE), or by pressing "U" on the ChronoLog EventLog screen.
- - 37 -
- **** Setup
- ----------
- The SETUP screen allows you to set certain parameters which
- may be necessary for proper execution of ChronoLog on your
- computer, or maybe just "cosmetic" changes to suit your personal
- taste.
- Use the keypad and TAB or SHIFT/TAB keys to move around the
- SETUP screen. To select an item for edit, press the ENTER key.
- Selection of some items will present scrollable arrays from which
- you may make a choice; some items require you to enter
- information on an edit line; still others present screens or
- windows which you may modify as you wish.
- ***** Recurring Events
- ----------------------
- This option allows you to adjust the number of times you
- want a recurring event to be repeated in your EventLog. For
- example, you may want a weekly event to generate 8 (the default)
- EventLog entries, or you may want to see only the next
- occurrence. Simply use the ARROW KEYS to select the recurring
- event you wish to edit, then enter the correct number. Press F10
- when the chart is satisfactory, or press ESC to exit without
- changing.
- ***** Time Representation
- -------------------------
- ChronoLog's first use was in the federal government, and all
- time representation was displayed by using the 24-hour clock
- format (i.e. 1730 hours instead of 5:30 p.m.). This option
- allows you to choose the time representation you desire, civilian
- or military. Use the ARROW KEYS to select, then press ENTER to
- return to SETUP.
- ***** Work Space Drive
- ----------------------
- ChronoLog requires a "work space" which it must create new
- with the FIRST system startup each day. This option allows you
- to change the location of the work space because of disk space
- limitations or, more importantly, to drastically improve the
- performance of the system by using a virtual disk! Refer to
- section "USING A VIRTUAL DISK OR RAMDRIVE" for a detailed
- discussion.
- The default location for the work space is in the same
- subdirectory as the database. If you change to another logical
- hard drive, the work files will be created in the root directory
- for that drive.
- - 38 -
- ***** Screen blanking
- ---------------------
- ChronoLog allows you to set a period of time for keyboard
- inactivity, after which time the screen will go blank. This is
- to ensure that video "burn-in", or etching of images into the
- screen, does not occur.
- The period of time is entered in seconds; the default is
- 120, or 2 minutes.
- You may also manually blank the screen by pressing the Z key
- on the EventLog screen. See the section titled "Putting
- ChronoLog to Sleep (Zzz)".
- ***** Conflict-Checking Parameters
- ----------------------------------
- When a new event is added to the database, the system can be
- instructed to first verify that the event does not conflict with
- other events.
- Because the use of CrossKeys is left to the user's
- discretion, the manner in which conflicts are checked may be
- similarly set.
- There are four criteria for checking, any or all of which
- may be set using this option. You may, of course, elect to
- bypass conflict-checking altogether. Following are the criteria
- with their descriptions:
- (1) Display any events in the database which have ANY
- CrossKeys attached which exactly match ANY CrossKeys attached to
- the event currently being entered, and has a date/time span which
- overlaps.
- This choice would be appropriate if CrossKeys are being used
- to manage resources.
- (2) If the event currently being entered has NO CrossKeys
- attached, display any events in the database which have NO
- CrossKeys attached, and has a date/time span which overlaps.
- This choice would be appropriate if CrossKeys are not used,
- or if they are being used to manage resources but not attached to
- events concerning yourself.
- (3) If the event currently being entered has CrossKeys
- attached, display any events in the database which have CrossKeys
- date/time span which overlaps.
- This choice would be appropriate if CrossKeys are being used
- to simply categorize daily tasks ("TRAVEL", "MEETINGS",
- - 39 -
- (4) Display any events in the database which have a
- date/time span which overlaps, regardless of CrossKeys.
- This choice would be appropriate if you prefer to be warned
- about ANY possible conflict, regardless of who are what is
- involved.
- NOTE: If the above criteria are confusing, the best choice
- may be to simply select all four to ensure that ALL conflicts are
- checked. This then gives you the opportunity to make a decision
- without having to worry about whether the proper criterium was
- chosen.
- Use the ARROW KEYS to select "YES" or "NO" for each
- criterium, then press the ENTER KEY to return to SETUP.
- ***** Printer Options
- ---------------------
- These options are used to set or reset information needed
- for printed output.
- ****** Type
- -----------
- This feature allows you to select the type of printer you
- are using, to ensure that ChronoLog prints properly. This is of
- primary importance on the Monthly Block Calendars, which require
- printing in compressed mode and the use of graphics characters to
- draw the calendar frame. Four choices of computer types are
- available:
- (1) Epson compatible. This choice uses the Epson printer
- control to set the output printer to compressed printer. Also,
- the Epson character set does not support the printing of extended
- graphic characters, therefore the Monthly Block Calendars are
- drawn with the dash (-), plus sign (+), and pipe symbol (|).
- (2) IBM Proprinter. This choice does allow the printing of
- extended graphic characters, but uses the same printer control as
- the Epson for printing in compressed mode.
- (3) HP LaserJet or emulation. This choice uses the Hewlett-
- Packard ESC sequences to set the printer to the right symbol set
- and size print.
- (4) User defined. This choice presents a window wherein the
- user can refer to his printer's manual and record the ESC
- sequences necessary for:
- (a) Resetting the printer to power-up.
- (b) Selecting the correct symbol set.
- (c) Printing in compressed (16.67 pitch) mode.
- - 40 -
- (d) Printing eight lines per inch.
- Use the ARROW KEYS to move around the window, entering
- the appropriate codes (in ASCII!). When the codes are correct,
- press F10 to save and return to SETUP, or ESC to return with
- saving.
- ****** Port
- -----------
- This option allows you to change the printer output port.
- It may be set to any of the three parallel port addresses: LPT1,
- LPT2, or LPT3; or any of four serial port addresses: COM1, COM2,
- COM3, or COM4. The default is LPT1.
- ****** Printer Online Check
- ---------------------------
- This allows you to enable or disable the check which
- ChronoLog performs to see if the printer is attached to the
- proper port and is online. Some users have reported that this
- check does not work properly for all printers. If this is true
- in your case, select DISABLE - you are then responsible for
- ensuring that your printer is attached and online when you try to
- print.
- ****** Days - Appointment Schedule
- ----------------------------------
- This option allows you to change the default number of days
- for the APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE, which by default is 7.
- ***** PhoneLog Data Labels
- --------------------------
- The six data labels which appear on your phone directory
- screen can be customized for your own use by this option. Simply
- select the one you wish to change, then press the ENTER KEY to
- edit and store. NOTE: this is only a change to the data label
- and has NO EFFECT on any underlying data which has previously
- been stored. Therefore, these labels should be set as soon as
- PhoneLog use is begun, then left alone!
- ***** Autodial Options
- ----------------------
- If you choose to use the PhoneLog autodial feature, you must
- ensure that these options are set properly.
- - 41 -
- ****** Modem port
- -----------------
- Use the ARROW KEYS to select the correct port (or NONE),
- then press the ENTER KEY to save and return to SETUP.
- ****** Pre-Dial Number
- ----------------------
- If your phone system requires the use of an identification
- number (Personal Identification Number), you may enter that
- number here. Then, when in PhoneLog, you may press a function
- key to quickly dial this number when desired.
- ****** Modem Dial Type
- ----------------------
- You must enter the type of dialing required by your
- telephone switch: TONE (for touchtone phones), or PULSE (for
- rotary dial phones).
- ***** Setting Data File Locations
- ---------------------------------
- This option applies only to databases other than MAIN when
- using multiple databases.
- ****** PhoneLog Data File Location
- ----------------------------------
- You may choose to have a separate PhoneLog for this database
- or use the data in the MAIN PhoneLog data file. Simply move the
- cursor bar to this option and press the ENTER KEY. Use the ARROW
- KEYS to select LOCAL (PhoneLog data is in the current database)
- or MAIN (PhoneLog data to be used is in the MAIN database).
- ****** DOS Direct Data File Location
- ------------------------------------
- You may choose to have a separate DOS Direct for this
- database or use the data in the MAIN DOS Direct data file. Simply
- move the cursor bar to this option and press the ENTER KEY. Use
- the ARROW KEYS to select LOCAL (DOS Direct data is in the current
- database) or MAIN (DOS DIRECT data to be used is in the MAIN
- database).
- - 42 -
- ****** ToDoList Data File Location
- ----------------------------------
- You may choose to have a separate ToDoList for this database
- or use the data in the MAIN ToDoList data file. Simply move the
- cursor bar to this option and press the ENTER KEY. Use the ARROW
- KEYS to select LOCAL (ToDoList data is in the current database)
- or MAIN (ToDoList data to be used is in the MAIN database).
- ***** Screen Colors
- -------------------
- Selecting this option presents a ChronoLog Screen Color
- Chart, where you may change the colors of ChronoLog screens to
- suit your own taste. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll
- the table, then press the function keys as described below to
- select the colors you like.
- Notice that some lines are "related" to other lines. For
- example, the four colors for the EventLog - which allows for
- color-coding different types of events - obviously must have the
- same background color. So when you change the background color
- for any of the four, the other three automatically change as
- well. Also, the EventLog scroll bar shows the foreground colors
- of the four events, to give you an idea of the clarity of print
- when the two colors are used.
- The following keys are used:
- --- ----------------------------------------
- F5 Change foreground color.
- F6 Change background color.
- F7 Resets all colors to the default colors.
- F8 FOR THE TOP LINE ONLY - Change the
- screen background "fill" CHARACTER.
- F10 Save the color changes and exit.
- ESC Exit without saving the color changes.
- **** System Copy
- ----------------
- Use this option to make a floppy diskette copy of the
- fifteen system files. This method will ensure that all files,
- and only the necessary ones, are copied for the purpose of
- passing to a friend or uploading to a bulletin board.
- - 43 -
- ***** System Copy on Floppy Disk
- --------------------------------
- The entire system requires approximately 500k of disk space.
- When making a system copy, ChronoLog will determine if the disk
- you have targeted is large enough to hold this much file space.
- If you have indicated a double-sided, double-density 5-1/4"
- floppy, you will be directed to insert two floppies. The files
- will then be copied as follows:
- ------ ------
- The target floppy(s) must be empty. If they contain data,
- you must allow ChronoLog to erase the data on the floppies or
- discontinue the operation.
- ***** Compressing System Files
- ------------------------------
- The method of file compression for the purpose of uploading
- to a bulletin board must be left to the discretion of the user,
- because bulletin boards do not have a standard compression
- procedure. Most require a specific format, such as .ZIP or .ARC;
- some allow self-extracting .EXE files, some do not.
- CompuServe accepts only a six-character file name, thus the
- ChronoLog file name is CHRON1.ZIP. (It can be found in the IBM
- Applications -> Business Applications Library.)
- The purpose of this section is to ensure that the file is
- given the proper name, and the proper files are included,
- regardless of the procedure used.
- The complete system is compressed into a single file named
- CHRONnnn.xxx, where nnn is the version number and xxx is the
- appropriate extension. The files which are included are the
- fifteen system files listed in the section "ChronoLog File
- Requirements" and also the separate file PACKING.LST.
- - 44 -
- **** How to Register
- --------------------
- This option presents some information on the screen about
- the benefits of registration, and generates an ASCII-format disk
- file named "REGISTER.FRM". This file may then be completed by
- exiting ChronoLog and edited with an editor or word processor and
- printed, or printed and completed in pencil.
- This option also presents a window describing how you may
- use a credit card to register by contacting the Public (software)
- Library (see the section "Registration by Credit Card").
- *** Putting ChronoLog to Sleep (key = Z)
- ----------------------------------------
- ChronoLog has an automatic screen blanking feature on the
- EventLog screen to prevent screen "burn-in". This feature allows
- you to blank the screen manually to provide a measure of
- confidentiality - if you are in an open work space with much foot
- traffic, you may not want everyone knowing everything about you!
- Press any key to "awaken" ChronoLog.
- *** Quitting ChronoLog (key = ESC)
- ----------------------------------
- Press ESC on the EventLog screen to terminate ChronoLog.
- - 45 -
- ---------------------------------------
- CLToday is a separate program which, when executed, shows
- any events in your system which have been recorded for the
- current date. The best and intended use of this is to insert the
- command CLTODAY (preceded by the DOS Path if necessary) into your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it always executes when you first boot
- up your computer, thus serving as a quick reminder of the day's
- happenings.
- If you choose to use CLToday in this manner, you must first
- do a DOS change directory (CHDIR) to the subdirectory containing
- your MAIN database. This subdirectory should have an ASCII file
- named CLTODAY.DAT which contains the path to each of your
- ChronoLog databases. You may use a standard ASCII editor to add
- or remove the entries in CLTODAY.DAT as you desire. (NOTE: be
- sure the path names in this file have a backslash ("\") on the
- end.)
- If you have multiple databases in your system, CLToday scans
- ALL of them and creates a scrollable array of events for the
- current date, with the appropriate database specified.
- If there are no reminders for the current date, the program
- displays a window stating "NO EVENTS FOUND FOR TODAY", then
- proceeds.
- - 46 -
- ---------------
- Very simple - BACKUP:
- - Keep a copy of the fifteen ChronoLog System Files in a
- safe place.
- - Regularly (I recommend daily!) make a copy of the .CL1
- files for each database. If you have more than one database,
- label and keep them separate because the files are named the same
- for each database.
- Then, if you need to restore your system, you may run CLINST
- to install the MAIN database (or simply copy the files), then
- copy the .CL1 files to their proper subdirectories. IMPORTANT:
- if you have multiple databases, you MUST restore database MAIN
- into a subdirectory with the same name as the original! In other
- words, if you have database MAIN in C:\CHRONO on your first
- computer, if you move it to another computer it must be stored in
- - 47 -
- ---------------------------------------------------
- ChronoLog is not public domain software, nor is it free
- software. ChronoLog is copyrighted to ComputerEase, Prince
- George, VA. Non-registered users are granted a limited license
- to use ChronoLog on a trial basis for the purpose of determining
- whether it is suitable for their needs. Use of ChronoLog, except
- for this limited purpose, requires registration. Registration
- permits a user the license to use ChronoLog on a single computer.
- Multiple computers will require multiple registrations.
- Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may
- post ChronoLog for downloading by their users. Distributors of
- public domain or user-supported software, other than operators of
- electronic bulletin board systems, may distribute copies of
- ChronoLog after obtaining written permission from ComputerEase.
- ** Registration
- ---------------
- To register your copy of ChronoLog, select UTILITY -> HOW TO
- REGISTER. See the section titled "How to Register" for a
- discussion.
- Until registered, this product is considered an "evaluation
- copy". Full use of the system is limited to 90 days from the
- date it is loaded. Shareware authors consider this a reasonable
- length of time to determine whether a software product is of
- sufficient value to register.
- Upon receipt of a paid registration (refer to next section
- for fee), ComputerEase will provide you with:
- - A registered copy of the most current release of
- ChronoLog on your choice of 5 1/4" diskette or 3 1/2" diskette,
- with the opening "nag" screen removed, and the ability to display
- your name/company name atop ChronoLog screens and reports.
- - An illustrated User's Manual.
- Registration entitles you to:
- - Use of the system forever, with a clear conscience.
- - Technical support (see section entitled "Technical
- Support" for more information.
- - Free bug fixes provided they are not related to the
- user's particular hardware/software configuration (see section
- entitled "Return Policy").
- - Notification of future enhancements, with the option
- to purchase the upgrade for $10.00.
- - 48 -
- *** Registration Fee
- --------------------
- Individual registrations for ChronoLog are available from
- ComputerEase at a cost of $35.00. Users residing in the
- Commonwealth of Virginia must add the 4.5% state tax of $1.58.
- There is no additional shipping and handling charge for
- deliver within the United States, but users registering from
- outside the United States must add $5.00 to cover the added
- postage expense.
- Quantity discounts are available. Please see the section
- titled "Site Licenses".
- Evaluation disks are available from ComputerEase for $5.
- These disks do not include registration and the $5 (covering
- materials, shipping, and handling) will not be deducted from the
- registration fee. You may not use a credit card (see the
- following section); it must be mailed to ComputerEase. When
- ordering an evaluation diskette, please specify diskette size.
- *** Registration by Credit Card
- -------------------------------
- ComputerEase has a contractual agreement with the Public
- (software) Library (PsL) for taking ChronoLog registrations. PsL
- notifies ComputerEase by CompuServe E-mail upon receipt of a
- registration fee by any of the methods in the following paragrah;
- ComputerEase then immediately delivers the registered ChronoLog
- system to the person registering.
- You can order with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or
- Discover from PsL by calling (800) 242-4775 or (713) 524-6394; by
- FAX to (713) 524-6398; by CompuServe E-mail to 71355,470; or by
- mail to:
- Public (software) Library
- P.O. Box 35705
- Houston, TX 77235-5705
- Provide PsL with your full name and address, credit card
- type, number, and expiration date. State that you wish to
- register ChronoLog (item # 10856).
- ONLY. Any questions about the status of the shipment of the
- order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical
- support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licensing, etc.
- MUST be directed to ComputerEase at (804) 458-2212 !!!!!!!
- - 49 -
- *** Registrations From Outside the United States
- ------------------------------------------------
- Persons or businesses wishing to register from outside the
- United States may do so by purchasing an International Money
- Order in the amount of $40 US (includes $5 shipping/handling) and
- mailing to ComputerEase at the address provided in the next
- section, or by credit card as described in the previous section.
- ** Technical Support
- --------------------
- Although I certainly prefer that you register your copy of
- ChronoLog, my policy is to provide support to all users,
- registered or not. Please contact me with any comments you may
- have concerning bugs, suggested enhancements, etc.
- |--------------------------------------------------|
- | ADDRESS: ComputerEase (Doug Patrick) |
- | 7204 John Elizabeth Place |
- | Prince George, VA 23875 |
- | |
- | PHONE: (804) 458-2212 |
- | COMPUSERVE: 71221,2766 |
- |--------------------------------------------------|
- ** Return Policy
- ----------------
- Testing of ChronoLog has been done on as wide a range of
- hardware as possible, from 8086 to 80486 systems, with different
- printers, modems, etc., running many different DOS software add-
- ons such as Windows. We have attempted to make ChronoLog behave
- in any possible configuration. If you contact us with a
- technical problem which may be the result of your particular
- setup, we will certainly try to help you resolve it. Please
- understand, however, that these types of technical fixes are
- difficult (if not impossible) to do remotely.
- And for $35 a copy we surely can't afford on-site support!
- Our policy is that if a feature of the system doesn't work
- to your satisfaction for any reason, whether it's a ChronoLog
- problem or a problem related to your hardware/software
- configuration, you may return the diskette and User's Manual for
- a full refund, up to one year from the date of registration.
- - 50 -
- ** Site Licenses
- ----------------
- All corporate, business, government or other commercial
- users of ChronoLog must be registered. Quantity discounts are
- available starting at the sixth copy. Orders in quantities of
- less than 50 units are handled as bulk purchases. Purchases of
- over 50 units may be handled as quantity purchases or as
- corporate licensing agreements. Licensing agreements allow
- duplication and distribution of specific numbers of copies within
- the licensed institution. Duplication of multiple copies is not
- allowed except through execution of a licensing agreement.
- Please write for details. The quantity purchase discounts are as
- follows:
- 0- 5 copies: $35 per copy
- 6- 20 copies: $30 per copy
- 21-50 copies: $25 per copy
- 50+ copies: $20 per copy
- All prices and discounts are subject to change without
- notice.
- - 51 -
- ------------------------------------
- ChronoLog is written entirely in MicroSoft QuickBasic
- version 4.5, with the use of additional subprograms and functions
- contained in the Crescent Software's QuickPak Professional and
- P.D.Q. libraries.
- A special acknowledgement goes to the following individuals
- who provided valuable insight and comments during the testing of
- ChronoLog: Dave Ryan, Thomas Conaty, Hank Black, Michael Moody,
- John Butcher, Dennis Kaiser, Gordon Dobyns, Wade Johnson, Ed
- Schmidt, Larry Johnson, John Finger, Herb Andresen, and Bob Hunt.
- Many of the features of the system were a direct result of their
- advice. A finished system is only as good as the extent to which
- it has been tested.
- Beta testing was facilitated by distribution via the Blue
- Ridge Express BBS, Richmond, VA, phone (804) 790-1675. My thanks
- to sysop Webb Blackman, and I recommend the BBS to anyone wanting
- access to a full-featured BBS - it has 4000 active users and 36
- data lines up to 9600 bps. The file library currently contains
- 20,000+ files.
- - 52 -
- ------------------
- ** Version 1.01
- ---------------
- - Fixed problem: military-format times would not print in
- - Fixed problem: "WAIT" was printing middle of MATRIX and
- wiping out underlying info.
- - Changed printer check routing to PRNREADY.
- - Fixed page break problem in PRINT RESULTS OF LAST SEARCH.
- - Fixed MONTHLY/ANNUAL VARYING date modifications to not
- restart from the current date each time.
- - Fixed PhoneLog autodial - this still doesn't work well for
- some users, but I can't determine why.
- - Fixed error in MONTHLY events: next occurrence not correct
- in December because it calculated 13th month instead of 1st month
- of next year.
- ** Version 1.02
- ---------------
- - Increased SETUP.CL1 parameter count from 50 to 100.
- Requires that CLINIT be run to convert existing SETUP.CL1 files.
- - Discontinued CL1PATH (master database locator) because
- users were installing to networked computers and ChronoLog
- couldn't locate the correct boot drive. The information is now
- stored in the expanded SETUP.CL1 file for each database.
- - CLPRINT: allowed for disabling printer check because some
- user's printers did not work properly with this module.
- - CLUTIL: allowed for choice of building separate PhoneLog,
- DOS Direct, and ToDoList data files for each database, or use
- - CLPHONE: converted from memory-contained table of phone
- entries to disk file, thus allowing UNLIMITED number of entries.
- - ALL PROGRAMS: automatic screen blanking (user set in
- Utility menu).
- - Fixed various miscellaneous (shudder) bugs.
- - 53 -
- ** What's New in Version 1.1
- ----------------------------
- - Printing:
- - Printing appointment schedules, calendars, and event
- lists may now be done for selected CrossKeys.
- - Printer may be defined as (1) Epson-compatible, (2)
- IBM Proprinter-compatible, (3) HP LaserJet-compatible, or (4)
- user-defined.
- - A command has been added to the main EventLog screen to
- allow the user to (J)ump to another database without exiting
- ChronoLog.
- - The Search function now allows for selecting a date
- range.
- - DAILY and QUARTERLY recurring events have been added.
- - Events may be EXPORTed from one database and IMPORTed
- into another; selected by CrossKey, for a specific timeframe.
- - The number of EventLog entries for each of the 10
- recurring event types may be defined by the user. (Many requests
- for this one!)
- - The TodoList may now contain an indefinite quantity of
- items (previously limited to 17).
- - SETUP has been revised to be a single screen with all
- parameters displayed.
- - An area has been added to the EventLog screen which
- displays the date of the event relative to the current date, i.e.
- "Occurred 30 days ago", "Begins in 10 days; ends 14 days from
- now", etc.
- - The EVENT DESCRIPTION editor has been improved (allows
- for full insert or typeover mode with word wrap).
- - The DELETE Crosskey function, stubbed out in version 1.02
- because of errors, has been fixed.
- - The size of ChronoLog executables has been significantly
- decreased - about 30%. This is the result of linking with a new
- software library. (See the section "Technical Notes and
- Acknowledgements".) Smaller executables are good, however...
- Because of the new library, there is now something new in
- version 1.1 that was unanticipated, undesired, and awaits a
- solution:
- You will periodically see DOS prompts and "RUN" commands as
- CHRONO.EXE calls subordinate programs (such as DOS Direct) and
- - 54 -
- returns. Try to ignore - they are unsightly but have no affect
- on the execution of the system.
- - 55 -
- --------------------------
- Shareware, or user-supported software, is a means for the
- computing community to receive quality software while directly
- supporting software authors. It is based on the ideas that:
- (1) The value and utility of software is best assessed
- by the user on his or her own system. Only after using a program
- can one really determine whether it serves personal applications,
- needs and tastes.
- (2) The creation of independent personal computer
- software can and should be supported by the computing community.
- Copying of programs is encouraged, rather than restricted.
- The ease with which software can be distributed outside
- traditional commercial channels reflects the strength, rather
- than the weakness, of electronic information.
- Under the user-supported concept, anyone may request a copy
- of a user-supported program by sending a blank, formatted disk to
- the program author together with an addressed, postage-paid
- return mailer and a nominal fee to cover shipping and handling
- costs. A copy of the program, along with documentation on disk,
- will be sent by return mail on the user's disk.
- This program carries a notice suggesting registration for
- the program. You should register if you are going to use the
- program on a regular basis. Regardless of whether you register
- and use the program, you are encouraged to copy and distribute
- the program for the private, non-commercial, trial use of others.
- User-supported software is generally not public domain
- material; most programs of this nature carry a copyright notice.
- Rather, the author has licensed you to copy and use the program
- under certain conditions. Likewise, user-supported software is
- not intended to be free software; it is an experiment in
- economics, not altruism. It is intended to provide quality
- software at a low price, while directly supporting the author,
- without the overhead of distributors, dealers and advertising
- that produces $200-500 software packages.
- User-supported software is having a hard time. More and
- more packages are being taken out of this market, and offered as
- more traditional, and expensive, products. The reason for this
- is simple: lots of people are using the packages but very few are
- paying for them. Software authors go to considerable expense to
- make their programs available to the public; consider the cost of
- postage and/or telephone charges to get a software product up on
- the thousands of bulletin boards!
- Bottom line: without user support, there is absolutely no
- incentive for software authors to provide their programs in this
- fashion.
- - 56 -
- There are many good reasons to register. Besides supporting
- the author (that is, paying for the software you use), you
- generally get better support and receive mailed notification of
- updates and other products. In conclusion, if you regularly use
- a user-supported program and have not sent in a registration to
- the author, please do so now. Only through the financial support
- of users will this kind of inexpensive software continue to be
- available.
- ***** Thanks for using shareware...and ChronoLog! *****
- - 57 -