PC World Komputer 1996 February
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C/C++ Source or Header
923 lines
/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */
This source code is provided as a debugging aid for developers
who have purchased Oracle Objects for OLE . Please see the
online help for documentation of these classes.
Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Classes
This file is the header for the basic classes. That is, all the
classes except OBound and OBinder (which use the obound.h header)
CREATED ******** 11/22/94
bug# 262914 *ErrorText should return const char *
262723 Added overloaded OParameter.Add(..., OValue)
// compiler specific defines
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define OEXPORT _export
#define OHUGESP
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#define OEXPORT _export
#define OHUGESP
#ifndef OEXPORT
#define OEXPORT
#define OHUGESP
// handy boolean type
typedef int oboolean;
// simple success return value
typedef int oresult;
// oresults can have one of the following values
#define OSUCCESS 0
#define OFAILURE 101
// error numbers returned by the ErrorNumber method.
// ----- error numbers
#define OERROR_NONE 0 // there isn't an error
#define OERROR_NOINTER 11 // we couldn't get a needed interface
#define OERROR_MEMORY 12 // memory allocation problem
#define OERROR_BADERR 13 // error in error handling (!)
#define OERROR_INVPARENT 14 // parent object on open is invalid (not open)
#define OERROR_SYSTEM 15 // some system error
#define OERROR_NOTOPEN 16 // attempt to use unopened object
#define OERROR_BADARG 17 // bad argument to routine
#define OERROR_INVRECORD 18 // the current record is invalid
#define OERROR_BADTYPE 19 // invalid operation on an Oracle data type
#define OERROR_ADVISEULINK 4096 // not an advisory connection
#define OERROR_DBCONNECT 4097 // connection not made
#define OERROR_POSITION 4098 // invalid database position
#define OERROR_NOFIELDNAME 4099 // field not found
#define OERROR_NOFIELDINDEX 4100 // invalid field index
#define OERROR_TRANSIP 4101 // transaction already in progress
#define OERROR_SCHEMAERR 4102 // error retreiving table definition
#define OERROR_ORLONERR 4103 // unable to make connection
#define OERROR_TRANSNIPC 4104 // commit when no transaction
#define OERROR_TRANSNIPR 4105 // rollback when no transaction
#define OERROR_NODSET 4106 // no such dynaset attached to connection
#define OERROR_INVROWNUM 4108 // invalid row reference
#define OERROR_TEMPFILE 4109 // error creating temporary file
#define OERROR_DUPSESSION 4110 // duplicate session name
#define OERROR_NOSESSION 4111 // no such session on detach
#define OERROR_NOOBJECTN 4112 // no object with specified name
#define OERROR_DUPCONN 4113 // duplicate connection
#define OERROR_NOCONN 4114 // no such connection on detach
#define OERROR_BFINDEX 4115 // invalid field index
#define OERROR_CURNREADY 4116 // cursor not ready
#define OERROR_NOUPDATES 4117 // updates not allowed
#define OERROR_NOTEDITING 4118 // not currently editing
#define OERROR_DATACHANGE 4119 // data has changed since last read
#define OERROR_NOBUFMEM 4120 // no memory for binding buffers
#define OERROR_INVBKMRK 4121 // invalid bookmark
#define OERROR_BNDVNOEN 4122 // bind variable not enabled
#define OERROR_DUPPARAM 4123 // duplicate parameter name
#define OERROR_INVARGVAL 4124 // invalid argument value
#define OERROR_INVFLDTYPE 4125 // invalid field type
#define OERROR_NOTIMPL 4126 // operation not implemented
#define OERROR_TRANSFORUP 4127 // For Update detected, no transaction
#define OERROR_NOTUPFORUP 4128 // For Update detected, not updatable
#define OERROR_ECURSOR 8193 // cannot create cursor
#define OERROR_FETCHERR 8194 // error fetching field
#define OERROR_BINDERR 8195 // output data binding error
#define OERROR_SQLERR 8196 // error in SQL statement
#define OERROR_ESQLEXEC 8197 // SQL execution error
#define OERROR_COMERR 8198 // error during commit
#define OERROR_ROLERR 8199 // error during rollback
#define OERROR_OPTERR 8200 // error setting options
#define OERROR_CONNERR 8201 // unable to make connection
// server data types
#define OTYPE_VARCHAR2 1
#define OTYPE_NUMBER 2
#define OTYPE_LONG 8
#define OTYPE_ROWID 11
#define OTYPE_DATE 12
#define OTYPE_RAW 23
#define OTYPE_LONGRAW 24
#define OTYPE_CHAR 96
#define OTYPE_MSLABEL 106
// edit modes for dynaset
// parameter io types
// parameter status flags
// Options for creating database
// Options for creating dynaset
// definitions of actions used in the callback routines
#define OADVISE_OTHER 99
// forward references
class OEXPORT OSession;
class OEXPORT OSessionCollection;
class OEXPORT OClient;
class OEXPORT OConnection;
class OEXPORT OConnectionCollection;
class OEXPORT ODatabase;
class OEXPORT ODynaset;
class OEXPORT ODynasetMark;
class OEXPORT OField;
class OEXPORT OFieldCollection;
class OEXPORT OAdvise;
class OEXPORT OParameter;
class OEXPORT OParameterCollection;
class OOLEvar;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// functions that are not class methods
// routine to initialize library. Should be called once at startup
// returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
oboolean OEXPORT OStartup(void);
// routine to close down the library. Should be called once
// at application shutdown
void OEXPORT OShutdown(void);
// ----- OOracleObject -----------------------------------------------
// base object class
// This class is the base for the OO4W classes. By itself
// it provides the error reporting interface and helps with
// the various copying mechanisms
class OEXPORT OOracleObject
// constructors & destructors
OOracleObject(const OOracleObject &other);
virtual ~OOracleObject(void);
// overloaded operators
OOracleObject &operator=(const OOracleObject &other);
int operator==(const OOracleObject &other) const;
int operator!=(const OOracleObject &other) const;
// properties
virtual oboolean IsOpen(void) const;
// Error handling methods
long ErrorNumber(void) const; // return error "number"
//BUG #262914
const char *LookupErrorText(long errnum) const; // get error text for given error number
const char *GetErrorText(void) const; // get description of last error
// set error information
void ErrorReset(void) const; // reset error state to "no error"
// SetOtherError and SetInternalError are really for internal use
void SetOtherError(void *otheri) const;
void SetInternalError(long errnum) const;
void *Internal(void) const;
// copy and cleanup routines (used to implement destructor, constructor, =)
virtual oresult Copy(const OOracleObject &other);
virtual oresult Cleanup(void);
// access to object interface
oresult SetObjectInterface(void *obji, oboolean geterror = TRUE);
oresult ActionStart(void) const; // start of most of the methods
oresult ActionGetStart(const OOracleObject *nobj) const;
void *m_obji; // pointer to object interface
void *m_erri; // pointer to error interface of object
void *m_errotheri; // pointer to error interface on other object
char *m_lasterrstring; // last error string we've handled
int m_errstate; // where did the error come from (values in implementation)
long m_errno; // error number (see below, or negative for internal values)
// ----- OOracleCollection -----------------------------------------------
// general set class
// This is a base class used for collections of sessions, connections and fields
// It has no utility on its own. Routines to get items from the collection are
// in the subclasses
class OEXPORT OOracleCollection : public OOracleObject
// constructors & destructors
OOracleCollection(const OOracleCollection &other);
// Open & Close
oresult Close(void); // close the set
// overloaded operators
OOracleCollection &operator=(const OOracleCollection &other);
// # of items in the set
long GetCount(void) const;
oresult OpenSetHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri, unsigned char stype); // finish the work of opening the set
void *GetItem(unsigned char stype, int index) const;
unsigned char m_settype;
// internal helper routines
oresult Cleanup(void);
oresult Copy(const OOracleCollection &other);
// ----- OSession -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OSession : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
OSession(const OSession &other); // copy constructor
OSession(const char *sname); // construct & open (NULL sname means open default session)
// open the session
oresult Open(void); // open the default session
oresult Open(const char *sname); // open a new session with specific name
oresult Close(void);
// Getting other objects
OConnectionCollection GetConnections(void) const;
OClient GetClient(void) const;
static OSession GetNamedSession(const char *sname);
// overloaded operators
OSession &operator=(const OSession &other);
// error handling
long ServerErrorNumber(void) const;
const char *GetServerErrorText(void) const;
oresult ServerErrorReset(void);
// get properties
const char *GetName(void) const; // returns session name
const char *GetVersion(void) const; // returns version of Oracle Objects
// transaction operations
oresult BeginTransaction(void); // start a transaction
oresult Commit(oboolean startnew = FALSE); // commit (may start new transaction)
oresult Rollback(oboolean startnew = FALSE); // rolls back transaction (may start new transaction)
oresult ResetTransaction(void); // unconditionally rollback (no advisories)
// function used by other classes to construct OSession objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
char *m_name;
char *m_errtext;
char *m_version;
// internal helper routines
oresult Cleanup(void);
oresult Copy(const OSession &other);
// ----- OSessionCollection -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OSessionCollection : public OOracleCollection
OSession GetSession(int index) const;
// function used by other classes to construct OSessionCollection objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri); // finish the work of opening the set
// ----- ODatabase -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT ODatabase : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
ODatabase(const ODatabase &other);
// construct & open
ODatabase(const OSession &dbsess, const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, long options = ODATABASE_DEFAULT);
ODatabase(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, long options = ODATABASE_DEFAULT);
// for the Open calls, if pwd is NULL it is assumed that username contains username/password
// open a database on a new session (implicitly creates a session)
oresult Open(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, long options = ODATABASE_DEFAULT);
// open a database on an existing session
oresult Open(const OSession &dbsess, const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, long options = ODATABASE_DEFAULT);
oresult Close(void);
// getting other objects
OSession GetSession(void) const;
OConnection GetConnection(void) const;
OParameterCollection GetParameters(void) const;
// overloaded operators
ODatabase &operator=(const ODatabase &other);
// execute an arbitrary SQL statement
oresult ExecuteSQL(const char *sqlstmt) const;
long GetRowsProcessed(void) const;
// properties
const char *GetName(void) const; // return database name (from the connection)
const char *GetConnectString(void) const; // return connect string (without password)
long GetOptions(void) const;
// error handling
long ServerErrorNumber(void) const;
const char *GetServerErrorText(void) const;
oresult ServerErrorReset(void);
int ServerErrorSQLPos(void) const;
// function used by other classes to construct ODatabase objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
long m_numrows;
char *m_dbname;
char *m_dbconnect;
char *m_errtext;
// internal helper routines
oresult Cleanup(void);
oresult Copy(const ODatabase &other);
// ----- OValue -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OValue
// construction & destruction
OValue(int intval); // allows OValue val = 3
OValue(long longval); // allows OValue val = 99L;
OValue(double doubleval); // allows initialization with a double
OValue(const char *tval); // allows initialization with a string
OValue(const OValue &other); // copy constructor
OValue &operator=(const OValue &other);
int operator==(const OValue &other) const;
int operator!=(const OValue &other) const;
// setting the data & type
oresult Clear(void); // clear the values
oresult SetValue(const OValue &val);
oresult SetValue(const char *val); // sets string value (copies text)
oresult SetValue(int val); // sets to int value
oresult SetValue(long val);
oresult SetValue(double dval); // sets to double value
// oresult SetValue(const void *longval, long len); // set to long value (not implemented)
oboolean IsNull(void) const; // returns TRUE if value is NULL (which includes uninitialized)
// getting data (overloaded cast operators)
operator int() const;
operator long() const;
operator const char *() const; // returns 0 if instance isn't string (no allocation)
operator double() const;
// conversions to implementation-specific representations (used by OField)
oresult FromLocalType(void *localv);
// helper routine for implementation of other classes
void *Internal(void) const;
OOLEvar *m_value; // pointer to data representation
// helper routines
oresult Copy(const OValue &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
// ----- ODynaset -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT ODynaset : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
ODynaset(const ODynaset &other);
ODynaset(const ODatabase &odb, const char *sql_statement,
long options = ODYNASET_DEFAULT); // construct & open
// Open takes an SQL query as an argument. This constructs a set of records which can
// then be accessed.
oresult Open(const ODatabase &odb, const char *sql_statement, long options = ODYNASET_DEFAULT); // creates a dynaset object
// The clone of a dynaset is looking at the original data, but has a different navigational
// position. Useful if you want to navigate through a set of data without side-effects
oresult Close(void);
// getting other objects
ODynaset Clone(void) const; // clone a dynaset
ODatabase GetDatabase(void) const;
OFieldCollection GetFields(void) const;
OSession GetSession(void) const;
OField GetField(int index) const;
OField GetField(const char *fieldname) const;
OConnection GetConnection(void) const;
ODynasetMark GetMark(void) const; // bookmark at current position
ODynasetMark GetLastModifiedMark(void) const; // get bookmark at last modified record
// overloaded operators
ODynaset &operator=(const ODynaset &other);
// the sql statement of the dynaset
oresult SetSQL(const char *sql_statement); // sets new sql statement for the dynaset
const char *GetSQL(void) const; // gets sql statement
oresult Refresh(void); // refresh dynaset with current sql statement
// navigation methods
oresult MoveFirst(void); // go to first record in the set
oresult MoveLast(void); // go to last record in the set. Note that this requires that all the records
// in the query be downloaded from the server. Can be expensive.
// MovePrev and MoveNext take a "gopast" argument. If it is TRUE we can navigate to an
// invalid record before the first or after the last. If "gopast" is FALSE, then we won't
// go before the first or after the last record.
oresult MovePrev(oboolean gopast = TRUE); // go to previous record
oresult MoveNext(oboolean gopast = TRUE); // go to next record - the most frequently used
oresult MoveToMark(const ODynasetMark &odmark); // repositions to mark (see ODynasetMark class)
oboolean IsEOF(void) const; // true if at end of dynaset. Set to TRUE when you have tried to go
// beyond the end
oboolean IsBOF(void) const; // true if at begin of dynaset
oboolean IsValidRecord(void) const; // true if current row is valid
// editing
oboolean CanTransact(void) const; // returns TRUE if transaction processing is enabled
oboolean CanUpdate(void) const; // returns TRUE if this dynaset is updateable
int GetEditMode(void) const; // returns current edit mode: ODYNASET_EDIT_*
oresult StartEdit(void); // starts edit operation
oresult CancelEdit(void); // cancels edit operation
oresult Update(void); // finishes editing
oresult DuplicateRecord(void); // copy the current record, adds a new record, sets field to copied values
// others
oboolean CanRefresh(void) const; // our dynasets can always requery
oboolean CanScroll(void) const; // always scrollable
oboolean CanMark(void) const;
long GetOptions(void) const;
// record manipulation
oresult AddNewRecord(void);
oresult DeleteRecord(void);
// record access
int GetFieldCount(void) const; // returns # of fields in a record
long GetRecordCount(void) const; // (dangerous!) gets total number of records in dynaset
// this routine downloads the entire dynaset to the client
int GetFieldIndex(const char *fieldname) const; // gets the index of a field by name
// all the Get and Set methods can refer to a column either by index (column position in the
// query) or by fieldname (the name of the column as specified in the query). GetFieldIndex
// can be used to find the index of columns - which is more efficient
short GetFieldServerType(int index) const;
short GetFieldServerType(const char *fieldname) const;
short GetFieldPrecision(int index) const;
short GetFieldPrecision(const char *fieldname) const;
short GetFieldScale(int index) const;
short GetFieldScale(const char *fieldname) const;
oboolean IsFieldNullOK(int index) const;
oboolean IsFieldNullOK(const char *fieldname) const;
long GetFieldSize(int index) const;
long GetFieldSize(const char *fieldname) const;
long GetFieldServerSize(int index) const;
long GetFieldServerSize(const char *fieldname) const;
oboolean IsFieldTruncated(int index) const;
oboolean IsFieldTruncated(const char *fieldname) const;
// get data from a field, either by name or index
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, OValue *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, OValue *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, int *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, int *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, long *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, long *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, double *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, double *val) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, char *val, unsigned short maxlen) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, char *val, unsigned short maxlen) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, void __huge *longval, long len, long *readlen) const;
oresult GetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, void __huge *longval, long len, long *readlen) const;
oresult GetFieldChunk(int index, void *chunkp, long offset, unsigned short len) const;
oresult GetFieldChunk(const char *fieldname, void *chunkp, long offset, unsigned short len) const;
// set data in a field, either by name or index
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, const OValue &val);
oresult SetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, const OValue &val);
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, int val);
oresult SetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, int val);
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, long val);
oresult SetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, long val);
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, double val);
oresult SetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, double val);
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, const char *val);
oresult SetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, const char *val);
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, const void __huge *longval, long len);
oresult SetFieldValue(const char *fieldname, const void __huge *longval, long len);
oresult AppendFieldChunk(int index, const void *chunkp, unsigned short len);
oresult AppendFieldChunk(const char *fieldname, const void *chunkp, unsigned short len);
// function used by other classes to construct ODynaset objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
oboolean IsFirst(void) const;
oboolean IsLast(void) const;
char *m_sqlstmt; // the sql statement that creates the dynaset
// internal helper routines
oresult Copy(const ODynaset &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
// ----- ODynasetMark -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT ODynasetMark : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
ODynasetMark(const ODynasetMark &other);
// overloaded operators
ODynasetMark &operator=(const ODynasetMark &other);
int operator==(const ODynasetMark &other) const;
int operator!=(const ODynasetMark &other) const;
oresult Close(void);
oboolean IsOpen(void) const;
// function used by other classes to construct ODynasetMark objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
char *Internal(void) const;
char *m_markdata; // holds data for bookmark
oresult Cleanup(void);
// ----- OField -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OField : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
OField(const OField &other);
oresult Close(void);
// overloaded operators
OField &operator=(const OField &other);
// other objects
ODynaset GetDynaset(void) const;
// properties
const char *GetName(void) const; // returns name of field (user doesn't need to free)
long GetSize(void) const; // returns length of field
long GetServerSize(void) const; // returns length of a field (in server)
short GetServerType(void) const;
short GetPrecision(void) const;
short GetScale(void) const;
oboolean IsNullOK(void) const;
oboolean IsTruncated(void) const;
// field value
oresult GetValue(OValue *val) const; // returns value of field in val
oresult GetValue(int *val) const;
oresult GetValue(long *val) const;
oresult GetValue(double *val) const;
oresult GetValue(const char **val) const;
oresult GetValue(void __huge *longval, long len, long *readlen) const;
oresult SetValue(const OValue &val); // sets the field to new value
oresult SetValue(int val);
oresult SetValue(long val);
oresult SetValue(double val);
oresult SetValue(const char *val);
oresult SetValue(const void __huge *longval, long len);
// for long fields
oresult AppendChunk(const void *chunkp, unsigned short numbytes);
oresult GetChunk(const char **chunkp, long offset, unsigned short numbytes) const;
// getting data (overloaded cast operators)
operator int() const;
operator long() const;
operator double() const;
operator const char *() const;
// function used by other classes to construct OField objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
short m_index;
char *m_name;
char *m_data;
// internal helper routines
oresult Copy(const OField &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
// ----- OFieldCollection -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OFieldCollection : public OOracleCollection
OField GetField(int index) const;
// function used by other classes to construct OFieldCollection objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri); // finish the work of opening the set
// ----- OClient -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OClient : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
OClient(const OClient &other);
// use OSession::GetClient to open a client object
oresult Close(void);
// Getting other objects
OSessionCollection GetSessions(void) const; // get set of sessions
// overloaded operators
OClient &operator=(const OClient &other);
// get properties
const char *GetName(void) const; // returns client name.
// function used by other classes to construct OSession objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
char *m_name;
// internal helper routines
oresult Copy(const OClient &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
// ----- OConnection -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OConnection : public OOracleObject
// construction & destruction
OConnection(const OConnection &other);
oresult Close(void);
// getting other objects
OSession GetSession(void) const;
// overloaded operators
OConnection &operator=(const OConnection &other);
// properties
const char *GetConnectString(void) const; // returns connect string
const char *GetDatabaseName(void) const; // returns database name for this connection
// function used by other classes to construct OConnection objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri);
char *m_dbname;
char *m_dbconnect;
// internal helper routines
oresult Copy(const OConnection &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
// ----- OConnectionCollection -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OConnectionCollection : public OOracleCollection
OConnection GetConnection(int index) const;
// function used by other classes to construct OConnectionCollection objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri); // finish the work of opening the set
// ----- OAdvise -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OAdvise : public OOracleObject
OAdvise(const OAdvise &other);
OAdvise(const ODynaset &odyn); // construct & open
virtual ~OAdvise(void);
virtual oresult Open(const ODynaset &odyn);
virtual oresult Close(void); // stop the advisory sink
// getting other objects
ODynaset GetDynaset(void) const;
// overloaded operators
OAdvise &operator=(const OAdvise &other);
// called before an action takes place
virtual oboolean ActionRequest(int movekind); // returns TRUE if action is allowed, FALSE to cancel
// routines called to to notify that action occured
virtual void ActionNotify(int movekind);
// routine called on status change
virtual void StatusChange(int statuskind);
ODynaset m_oDyn; // the dynaset we're getting notices from
// private helper routines
oresult Cleanup(void);
oresult Copy(const OAdvise &other);
// ----- OParameter -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OParameter : public OOracleObject
OParameter(const OParameter &other);
oresult Close(void);
// overloaded operators
OParameter &operator=(const OParameter &other);
// parameter name
const char *GetName(void) const;
short GetServerType(void) const;
// parameter value
oresult GetValue(OValue *val) const;
oresult GetValue(int *val) const;
oresult GetValue(long *val) const;
oresult GetValue(double *val) const;
oresult GetValue(const char **val) const;
oresult Clear(void);
oresult SetValue(const OValue &val);
oresult SetValue(int val);
oresult SetValue(long val);
oresult SetValue(double val);
oresult SetValue(const char *val);
// getting data (overloaded cast operators)
operator int() const;
operator long() const;
operator double() const;
operator const char *() const;
// other status information
int GetStatus(void) const;
// enabling
oresult AutoEnable(oboolean enable);
// function used by other classes to construct OParameter objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri); // finish the work of opening the object
char *m_name;
char *m_data;
// internal helper routines
oresult Copy(const OParameter &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
oresult HelpGetValue(OOLEvar *tempv) const;
// ----- OParameterCollection -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OParameterCollection : public OOracleObject
OParameterCollection(const OParameterCollection &other);
oresult Close(void);
// overloaded operators
OParameterCollection &operator=(const OParameterCollection &other);
// getting other objects
OParameter GetParameter(int index) const;
OParameter GetParameter(const char *pname) const;
// adding a new parameter
OParameter Add(const char *name, int value, int iotype, int serverType);
OParameter Add(const char *name, long value, int iotype, int serverType);
OParameter Add(const char *name, double value, int iotype, int serverType);
OParameter Add(const char *name, const char *value, int iotype, int serverType);
//BUG #262723
OParameter Add(const char *name, const OValue &value, int iotype, int serverType);
// removing a parameter
oresult Remove(int index);
oresult Remove(const char *name);
// getting # of parameters
long GetCount(void) const;
// function used by other classes to construct OParameterCollection objects (don't call this!)
oresult OpenHelper(void *idisp, void *otheri); // finish the work of opening the set
// internal helper routines
oresult Copy(const OParameterCollection &other);
oresult Cleanup(void);
OParameter AddHelp(const char *name, const OValue &val, int iotype, int serverType);
#endif // ORACL_ORACLE