PC World Komputer 1996 February
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C/C++ Source or Header
332 lines
/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */
/* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */
This source code is provided as a debugging aid for developers
who have purchased Oracle Objects for OLE . Please see the
online help for documentation of these classes.
Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Classes
This file is the header for the OBound and OBinder classes
CREATED ******** 11/22/94
bug# 262553 Added more methods to access the bound dynaset
#include "oracl.h"
// declarations for forward references
class OBinderAdvise;
class OEXPORT OBinder;
// ----- OBound -----------------------------------------------
friend class OBinder;
friend class OBinderAdvise;
// to attach bound object to a binder
oresult BindToBinder(OBinder *binder, const char *fieldname);
// to detach
oresult Unbind(void);
oresult Changed(oboolean changed = TRUE);
const char *GetName(void) const; // get name of field we're attached to
ODatabase GetDatabase(void) const;
ODynaset GetDynaset(void) const;
oboolean IsChanged(void) const;
// declarations of methods so that compiler won't implement these (which would be wrong)
// at present we don't implement these either...
OBound(const OBound &other); // copy constructor
OBound &operator=(const OBound &other); // overloaded assignment
// helper routines for subclasses
oresult GetValue(OValue *val); // get current value from database
oresult SetValue(const OValue &val); // set value in database
oresult RefreshBound(void); // get value and call Refresh method
// routines subclasses need to implement
virtual oresult Refresh(const OValue &val) = 0; // database -> bound
virtual oresult SaveChange(void) = 0; // bound -> database
oboolean m_changed; // flag indicating we've had a change
OBinder *m_binder; // pointer to containing binder
char *m_fieldname; // name of field we're bound to
int m_fieldindex; // index of field we're bound to
oresult SaveChangeBound(void);
oresult GetFieldIndex(void);
oresult UnbindNotify(void);
oresult ClearChange(void);
Triggers. These routines are called by OBinder. At some in OBinder
these triggers will be fired for all of the objects in a binder. The
triggers fire after the corresponding binder triggers (with the exception
of the Startup and Shutdown triggers). The firing order of the bound objects
is the order that they were bound to the binder. If any trigger in a binder
does not return OSUCCESS, processing will be halted.
The routines are all listed below as
Fired: when the trigger fires
Default: the action taken by the base OBound class method
virtual oresult Startup(void);
// Fired: immediately after bound object is bound to binder. If the binder has not
// been opened then GetValue can't be called
// Default: no action
virtual oresult Shutdown(void);
// Fired: when bound object is unbound from binder, either by an explicit call to
// OBinder::UnbindObject or when OBinder::Close is called
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreQuery(void);
// Fired: before the SQL statement is executed
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostQuery(void);
// Fired: after SQL statement is executed and new bindings are established
// Default: refreshes bound object
virtual oresult PreDelete(void);
// Fired: before record is deleted
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostDelete(void);
// Fired: after record is deleted (but not committed to database)
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreAdd(void);
// Fired: before new record is added
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostAdd(void);
// Fired: after a new record is added
// Default: refreshes bound object - value will generally be NULL
virtual oresult PreUpdate(void);
// Fired: just before database is updated
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostUpdate(void);
// Fired: immediately after database is updated
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreRollback(void);
// Fired: immediately before a rollback is attempted
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostRollback(void);
// Fired: immediately after a rollback
// Default: refresh bound object
virtual oresult PreMove(void);
// Fired: before OBinder moves to a new record
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostMove(void);
// Fired: after OBinder moves to a new record
// Default: refreshes bound object
// ----- OBinder -----------------------------------------------
class OEXPORT OBinder
friend class OBinderAdvise;
friend OBound::BindToBinder(OBinder *binder, const char *fieldname); // so can call AddToOBinder
// start (or restart) a query on the binder
oresult Open(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, const char *sqls, long dynoptions = ODYNASET_DEFAULT); // data control form
oresult Open(const ODatabase &odb, const char *sqls, long dynoptions = ODYNASET_DEFAULT); // using an existing database
oresult Close(oboolean doShutdown = TRUE);
// for resetting the query of the block
oresult SetSQL(const char *sqls); // just set the SQL for the next query
//BUG #262553
const char *GetSQL(void) const; // gets sql statement
oresult RefreshQuery(void); // refresh query
oresult Refresh(void); // get values to all bound objects
// navigational methods
// (can also call methods on the dynaset returned by GetDynaset)
oresult MoveFirst(void);
oresult MovePrev(void);
oresult MoveNext(void);
oresult MoveLast(void);
oresult MoveToMark(const ODynasetMark &mark);
// ask for the binder's dynaset
const ODynaset GetDynaset(void) const;
const ODatabase GetDatabase(void) const;
// unbind an object
oresult UnbindObj(OBound *object, oboolean nofail = FALSE);
// get or set the value of a field (primarily used by OBound)
oresult GetFieldValue(int index, OValue *val) const;
oresult SetFieldValue(int index, const OValue &val);
// routine called by a child bound object to get it's field
oresult GetFieldIndex(int *ofldi, const char *fieldname);
oresult DeleteRecord(void);
oresult AddNewRecord(void);
oresult DuplicateRecord(void);
oresult Changed(oboolean cflag = TRUE);
oboolean IsChanged(void) const;
//BUG #262553
oboolean IsOpen(void);
oboolean IsFirst(void);
oboolean IsLast(void);
oboolean GetChangedError(long *serr, long *cerr) const;
// save changes, if any
oresult Update(void);
// throw away changes, if any
oresult DiscardChanges(void);
// Error handling methods
//BUG #262553
long ErrorNumber(void) const; // return error "number"
const char *LookupErrorText(long errnum) const;
// get error text for given error number
const char *GetErrorText(void) const; // get description of last error
// set error information
void ErrorReset(void) const; // reset error state to "no error"
oboolean CanMark(void) const;
ODynasetMark GetMark(void) const; // bookmark at current position
ODynasetMark GetLastModifiedMark(void) const ; // get bookmark at last modified record
// record access
//BUG #262553
int GetFieldCount(void) const; // returns # of fields in a record
long GetRecordCount(void) const;
// (dangerous!) gets total number of records in dynaset -- downloads the entire dynaset to the client
int GetFieldIndex(const char *fieldname) const;
// gets the index of a field by name
// declarations of methods so that compiler won't implement these (which would be wrong)
// at present we don't implement these either...
OBinder(const OBinder &other); // copy constructor
OBinder &operator=(const OBinder &other); // overloaded assignment
Error handling routine. This routine is called if there is an error during processing
of Changed.
virtual void OnChangedError(void);
Trigger routines. These routines are all fired on some action
They are all documented to show:
Fired: when the trigger fires
Default: the action of the OBinder base class
The triggers all return an oresult. If the trigger does not return
OSUCCESS the current action is cancelled.
After a binder trigger routine is called, the same trigger is called
on each of the bound objects (routines in OBound), with the exception of
Startup and Shutdown. Currently the order
the triggers are called on the bound objects is not guaranteed. The
object triggers will not be called if the binder trigger fails. If any
of the object triggers fail, no more processing will be done
virtual oresult Startup(void);
// Fired: at the time the first bound object is added to the binder
// guaranteed to only be called once
// Default: no action
virtual oresult Shutdown(void);
// Fired: when OBinder::Close is called
// Default: if changes have been made, save them (calls OBound::SaveChange on every object) and
// update the record (which as a side effect calls the update triggers)
virtual oresult PreQuery(void);
// Fired: before the SQL statement is executed
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostQuery(void);
// Fired: after SQL statement is executed and new bindings are established
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreDelete(void);
// Fired: before record is deleted
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostDelete(void);
// Fired: after record is deleted (but not committed to database)
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreAdd(void);
// Fired: before new record is added
// Default: if changes have been made, save them (calls OBound::SaveChange on every object) and
// update the record (which as a side effect calls the update triggers)
virtual oresult PostAdd(void);
// Fired: after a new record is added
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreUpdate(void);
// Fired: just before database is updated
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostUpdate(void);
// Fired: immediately after database is updated
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreRollback(void);
// Fired: immediately before a rollback is attempted
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PostRollback(void);
// Fired: immediately after a rollback
// Default: no action
virtual oresult PreMove(void);
// Fired: before OBinder moves to a new record
// Default: if changes have been made, save them (calls OBound::SaveChange on every object) and
// update the record (which as a side effect calls the update triggers)
virtual oresult PostMove(void);
// Fired: after OBinder moves to a new record
// Default: no action
ODynaset m_dynaset;
ODatabase m_database;
OBound **m_boundlist;
void *m_advise; // pointer to our special advisory
oboolean m_changed; // TRUE if binder has been changed since an update
int m_nbound;
// errors saved from change
long m_changeerr; // class lib error
long m_schangeerr; // server error
// Bind an object to the binder (called by OBound)
oresult AddObjectToOBinder(OBound *object);
// operations on all the bound objects
oresult DoAllObjects(oresult (OBound::*ff)(void)); // operate on all via dynaset ref
// routines used to implement default behavior
oresult SaveRecordChanges(void);