home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994
- _sdRECT
- right
- bottom
- _sdSIZE
- EnableWindow
- GetClassName
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowWord
- IsIconic
- IsWindow
- SetWindowText
- ShowWindow
- LoadString
- GetModuleHandle
- newclient
- UpdateProfile
- AdCache
- AdDllInsertStandardAd
- WebTurbo
- NetMetricsa
- WebTurbo for Netscapea
- 1.1a
- Npwtb.dll
- WebTurbo License Agreementab
- Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view
- the rest of the agreement.a
- Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? If so,
- click on the Yes button. If you select no, Setup will close.a
- License.txt
- WebTurbo 1.1 for NetscapeA
- WebTurbo 1.1 for Netscape%
- uninst.dll
- WebTurbo 1.1 for Netscapeb
- WebTurbo 1.1 for Netscape+
- edit(
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
- Errorb!
- %s-%ldb
- SdLicense!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- unInstallShield
- UninstallString2
- UninstallStringB
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Netscapea
- Browser ExecutableA
- newclient.DLL
- The user profile information is required.
- Do you want to cancel the installation ?A
- Couldn't unload newclient.DLL.
- Please contact WebTurbo Support (http://www.webturbo.com)
- Exiting Install.A
- WebTurbo's program files will be installed in the Directory shown below.
- To install to this directory, click Next.
- To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory.$
- However, we strongly suggest that you leave the default directory as it is.
- You may halt the installation and exit Setup by clicking Cancel.
- Do you want to cancel the installation ?A
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\BetaR
- m_ClientID2
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\StateR
- Client ID2
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\BetaR
- m_RootPath2
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\ConfigR
- Install Directory2
- Program Files%
- NetMet\
- \SOFTWARE\Netscape\Deinstall\Netscape Navigator
- CurrentVersion2
- \SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\b
- \Main
- Install Directory2
- \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Main
- Install Directory2
- netscape.exeR
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\NetscapeR
- WT Version2
- Setup
- SetupA
- This program can only run on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.A
- This program requires VGA or better resolution.A
- There is not enough space available on the disk
- Please free up some space or change the target location
- to a different disk
- Software\NetMetricsP
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\AdP
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\ConfigP
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Keyword HistoryP
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\StateP
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Url HistoryP
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\NetscapeP
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run%
- GrabNet.exeQ
- GrabNetA
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Netscape
- WebTurbo for Netscape 3.x on Win '95%
- wtTutNS.dbdQ
- WT TutorialA
- Netscape%
- Bookmark.llrQ
- Bookmark LLRA
- Netscape%
- Bookmark.dfaQ
- Bookmark DFAA
- WT VersionA
- Netscape%
- outline9.llrQ
- Outline LLRA
- Netscape%
- outline9.dfaQ
- Outline DFAA
- Netscape%
- html.llrQ
- Html LLRA
- Netscape%
- html.dfaQ
- Html DFAA
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Ad%
- adCache.fatQ
- Cache FileA
- Ad Server URLA
- http://adserver.webturbo.com/cgi-bin/AdCmd.dllA
- Minimum Ad HeightA
- Minimum Ad WidthA
- Minimum Ads OnA
- Refresh DelayA
- 240000A
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\ConfigQ
- Install DirectoryA
- Top Sites URLA
- http://www.webturbo.com/topsites.htmA
- WT Feedback URLA
- http://www.webturbo.com/support.htmA
- WT Help URLA
- http://www.webturbo.com/helpindex.htmA
- WebTurbo.htmQ
- WT Server URLA
- http://server.webturbo.com/A
- state.wtoQ
- State FileA
- uninst.logQ
- Uninstall File LogA
- Easter Egg URLA
- http://www.webturbo.com/easteregg.htmA
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\StateQ
- Client IDA
- CheckOldUninstall:Unable to create necessary lists!
- Please contact WebTurbo Support (http://www.webturbo.com)
- Cannot install WebTurboA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall!
- WebTurbo 1.1 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 2.01 for Internet Explorer!
- WebTurbo 2.0 for Internet Explorer!
- WebTurbo 2.0 Beta for Internet Explorer!
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Internet Explorer!
- WebTurbo(
- Netscape(
- WebTurboBeta(
- About to uninstall older version of WebTurbo. This may take a while.A
- UninstallString2
- An older version of WebTurbo has been detected on your system. This install program will uninstall your old copy of WebTurbo.
- Do you want to continue?A
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 1.01 for Netscape!
- WebTurbo 1.1 for Netscape!
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstallb
- hookdll.dll
- adcache.dll
- WebTurboClass$
- WebTurbo Install has detected a copy of WebTurbo running.
- You must close all browsers before continuing with the installation of $
- WebTurbo.
- You can close your browser now by pressing alt-tab to make the browser window active and closing the application.
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindowClass2
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindowClass2
- At least one copy of WebTurbo is still running.
- Aborting installation.
- Netscape's Hidden Frame
- IEFrame
- CabinetWClass(
- WebTurbo Install has detected a copy of your browser running.
- You must close all instances of your browser before continuing with the installation of $
- WebTurbo.
- You can do so by alt-tabbing to your browser and shutting $
- it off before clicking OK.
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindow2
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindowClass2
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindow2
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindowClass2
- At least one instance of your browser is still running.
- Aborting installation.
- WebTurbo Install has detected a copy of your browser running.
- We strongly recommend you close all instances of your browser before continuing with the installation of $
- WebTurbo.
- You can do so by alt-tabbing to your browser and shutting $
- it off before clicking OK.
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindow2
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindowClass2
- remgb.dll;
- DetectWindowClass2
- WebTurbo Install has detected other active program windows.
- We strongly recommend you close all program windows before continuing with the installation of $
- WebTurbo.
- You can do so by alt-tabbing to each program window and shutting $
- it off before clicking OK.
- remgb.dll;
- QuitGrabNet2
- uninst.log
- General
- Copying program files...
- webturbo.za
- \Shared\*.*B
- webturbo.za
- \Shared\*.*2
- webturbo.za
- \HookDLL\*.*B
- webturbo.za
- \HookDLL\*.*2
- webturbo.za
- App\*.*B
- webturbo.za
- App\*.*2
- webturbo.za
- \GrabNet\*.*B
- webturbo.za
- \GrabNet\*.*2
- Copying readme.txt...
- webturbo.za
- webturbo.za
- Copying tutorial...
- tutorial.za
- tutorial.za
- Copying ads...
- webturbo.za
- Ad\*.*B
- webturbo.za
- Ad\*.*2
- webturbo.za
- Fat\*.*B
- webturbo.za
- Fat\*.*2
- Unable to create a directory under b
- Please check write access to this directory.*
- The target file requested by a CompressGet function call does not exist in the compressed library.A
- An unknown error occurred during processing and the file set has been deactivated.A
- The disk inserted in the drive was not the disk requested by this function.A
- InstallShield3 cannot launch an intermediate file needed to proceed with the installation.A
- An error occurred during the process of copying or decompressing files.A
- The specified file is not listed in the packaging list.A
- An error occurred previously in the specified file set.A
- General file transfer error.a0
- Please check your target location and try again.$
- Error Number:$
- Logged
- Copying browser specific files...!
- plugin!
- plugin!
- Copying plugin...
- webturbo.za
- Plugin\*.*A
- webturbo.za
- Plugin\*.*2
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Netscapea
- Plugin LocationA
- Copying plugin...
- webturbo.za
- Plugin\*.*A
- webturbo.za
- Plugin\*.*2
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\Netscapea
- Plugin LocationA
- Netscape
- Netscapea
- webturbo.zb
- Netscapea
- webturbo.zb
- uninst.log
- Unable to create a directory under b
- Please check write access to this directory.*
- The target file requested by a CompressGet function call does not exist in the compressed library.A
- An unknown error occurred during processing and the file set has been deactivated.A
- The disk inserted in the drive was not the disk requested by this function.A
- InstallShield3 cannot launch an intermediate file needed to proceed with the installation.A
- An error occurred during the process of copying or decompressing files.A
- The specified file is not listed in the packaging list.A
- An error occurred previously in the specified file set.A
- General file transfer error.a0
- Please check your target location and try again.$
- Error Number:$
- Adcache.dll
- AdCache load failed.
- Couldn't load adcache.DLL file in b
- Please contact WebTurbo Support (http://www.webturbo.com)
- Cannot install WebTurbo*
- Adcache.dll
- Couldn't unload Adcache.dll. Exiting Install.A
- Creating Folder and Icons....
- NetMetrics WebTurbo<
- Could not create program folder.A
- WebTurbo ReadMe%
- Readme.txt
- wttut.dbd
- WebTurbo Tutorial
- Start WebTurbo%
- startWT.exe
- WebTurbo for Netscapea
- Tutorial
- demo32.exe
- wttutNS.dbd
- UninstallString2
- WtBadUnInstallString%
- Uninstall a
- WebTurbo for Netscape
- Installation complete.
- Installation was successful.
- In order to run WebTurbo, start Netscape and click on the WebTurbo button in the upper right hand corner of the Netscape window.
- You can also double-click the <Start WebTurbo> icon in the WebTurbo Program Group.
- Some files could not be updated because they are currently a;
- in use by other programs on the system. Files in use will $
- be updated the next time you restart your system.
- WebTurbo for Netscapeb
- CommitSharedFiles failed.A
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\NetscapeR
- WT Version2
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunR
- grabnet2
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Runf
- grabnet
- Software\NetMetrics\WebTurbo\MSIER
- WT Version2
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunR
- wtgrab2
- _EWQl
- 3.00.077