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/ PC World Komputer 1998 January / Pcwk0198.iso / Zadarmo / MIDI_N / _SETUP.1 / MN.EXE / .rsrc / 0 / RCDATA / TOPTIONSFORM / TOPTIONSFORM.txt
Text File  |  1997-08-29  |  8.0 KB  |  235 lines

  1. object optionsForm: ToptionsForm
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  199.         'Default to program number 0 when a PRG (instrument patch) is not' +
  200.         ' found'
  201.       AllowAllUp = True
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  204.       Caption = 'Default to [D]0.PRG'
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  213.       Hint = 'Check for and correct output samples out of 16 bit range'
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  217.       Caption = 'Saturate gracefully'
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  226.       Hint = 'Use MIDInight 1.x sound level formulas'
  227.       AllowAllUp = True
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  229.       Caption = 'Legacy mode'
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  231.       ShowHint = True
  232.     end
  233.   end
  234. end