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/ PC World Komputer 1998 January / Pcwk0198.iso / Zadarmo / CLARION / CLARION.EXE / 0 / RCDATA / TFMCDDB / TFMCDDB.txt
Text File  |  1997-10-06  |  4KB  |  166 lines

  1. object fmCDDB: TfmCDDB
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  40.   object lbDiscID: TLabel
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  66.     Caption = 
  67.       '1. Enter your user (login) name, e.g., jsmith.  (This informatio' +
  68.       'n is required by the CDDB server)'
  69.     WordWrap = True
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  71.   object Servers: TComboBox
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  78.       'cddb.moonsoft.com cddbp 888 - N037.23 W122.01 #USA - Fremont, CA'
  79.       'cddb.ton.tut.fi cddbp 888 - N060.10 E024.58 #Finland - Tampere'
  80.       'cddb.westel.hu cddbp 888 - N047.30 E019.50 #Hungary - Budapest'
  82.         'cddb.manawatu.net.nz cddbp 888 - N041.17 E174.47 #New Zealand - ' +
  83.         'Palmerstown North'
  84.       'cddb.sai.msu.su cddbp 888 - N055.45 E037.35 #Russia - Moscow'
  85.       ''
  86.       '')
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  88.     Text = 'cddb.moonsoft.com cddbp 888 - N037.23 W122.01 #USA - Fremont, CA'
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  90.   object bConnect: TButton
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