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- ██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ Installation SFX Manual
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██████╔╝ ███████║ ██████╔╝ RAR 2.02 for Windows
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██║ ██╔══██╗ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ Multifunctional Integrated Archive Manager
- ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. Where the installation SFX script should be placed
- Initially the installation SFX refers to a user data resource called
- "SCRIPT". If there is no resource with that name, the archive comment
- will be processed as the script.
- 2. Script resources
- Prepare dialogs, icons and other resources needed for your script with
- help of your resource editor. You should then compile the resources and
- add them to the SFX module with a resource compiler.
- 3. Script language
- The script strings starting with a semicolon ';' character are
- comments and are ignored when processing.
- 3.1. Operations
- Assignment: <Lvalue>=<Rvalue>
- where <Lvalue> is a variable or control (checkbox or radio button). Set
- 1 to control to place the check mark and 0 to remove the check mark.
- <Rvalue> is a number, variable or control (checkbox or radio button).
- Control value is 1, if control is checked, or 0, if it is not checked.
- Logical negation: !<value>
- where <Value> is a variable or control (checkbox or radio button). The
- result of the operation is 0 when <value> is nonzero and 1 when value is
- zero.
- 3.2. Variables
- Variable names are case sensitive.
- Variable name length up to 31 bytes
- Variable type integer
- Due to the fact that supported operations are assignment and logical
- negation only, the main purpose of variables is to maintain the state
- of controls in order to restore their value at a later time and for
- usage in the IF operator.
- 3.3. Controls
- The controls only in the currently active dialog may be accessed.
- To access a control use the following syntax:
- $<control ID>
- Examples:
- "Check control with ID 101":
- $101=1
- "Save state of control with ID 102 to the variable Custom":
- Custom=$102
- 3.4. Macros
- There are 6 macros: %%D, %%A, %%F, %%P, %%T and %%". In a string of
- script they will be expanded as follows:
- %%D destination path for extraction
- %%A current archive name (changes when volume are processing)
- %%F current file being extracted (destination path is omitted)
- %%P "Program Files" folder name appended with backslash
- %%T temporary files folder name appended with backslash
- %%" quote mark
- These macros are mainly to be used in the SetText operator.
- 3.5. Operators
- Syntax notes:
- 1) Operator names are case insensitive.
- 2) If a parameter is a text string containing spaces, it must be in
- quotation marks. When there are no spaces in the string, the quotation
- marks are optional. The sole exception to this rule is text strings in
- the second form of the SetText operator, which must be quoted.
- Operators:
- EXIT Cancel script execution.
- DIALOG <DlgName> Create dialog using resource <DlgName>. If
- there is an active dialog, the newly creating
- dialog will be it's child.
- Example:
- Dialog SETUP
- ENDDIALOG Close active dialog.
- ANIMATE <c>,<R>,<G>,<B>,<speed> Animated show of control <c>.
- <R>,<G> and <B> define the destination color.
- Higher <speed> value leads to faster animation, slowest
- animation will be when <speed> is equal to 0.
- SETFONT <c>,<font>,<height> [,<type>] Set control <c> font.
- Optional parameter <type> is the string, which can contain
- letters 'I' - italic font, 'F' - fixed font pitch, 'B' - bold,
- 'L' - light.
- Example:
- SetFont $101,"Times New Roman",20,"B"
- SETTEXT <c>,<t> Set text <t> to control <c>.
- Example:
- SetText $107,"extracting"
- If control id is 0, this command will change current window
- title bar.
- Example:
- SetText $0,"FAR 1.1 beta"
- Alternate SetText form, used to set controls with several lines:
- SETTEXT <control>
- {
- "line 1"
- ...
- "line N"
- }
- Example:
- SetText $108
- {
- " This is a beta version"
- ""
- " Please be very careful"
- }
- IF..ELSE Conditional execution.
- Syntax:
- IF <value>
- {
- <operators>
- }
- {
- <operators>
- }
- where <Value> is a variable or control (checkbox or radio button).
- Logical negation operation is applicable here as well.
- The ELSE part of the IF operator is optional.
- Example:
- If control with ID 106 is not checked, set text "Enabled" to the
- control with ID 111:
- If !$106
- {
- SetText $111,"Enabled"
- }
- IFEXIST..ELSE Conditional execution where condition
- is a file existence.
- Syntax:
- IF <file name>
- {
- <operators>
- }
- {
- <operators>
- }
- where <file name> is a file name.
- The ELSE part of the IF operator is optional.
- Example:
- IfExist "%%Drar.ini"
- {
- Exclude "rar.ini"
- }
- CREATEGROUP <Group> Create program manager group named <Group>.
- If the group already exists it will be activated.
- Example:
- CreateGroup "WinRAR 2.0"
- DELETEGROUP <Group> Delete program manager group named <Group>.
- Example:
- DeleteGroup "Applications"
- ADDITEM <path> [,<item> [,<icon file] ]
- Add item to just created or activated group (using CREATEGROUP
- operator). First parameter is the path of the file to be added,
- second optional parameter is the item name in the group and
- third optional parameter is the icon file name.
- Example:
- AddItem "%%Dwinrar.hlp","WinRAR help"
- NOTE: %%D will be replaced with the destination path.
- SETKEY <key>,<key value>
- Set key value in the registry; <key> is a subkey of the
- Example:
- Associate .rar extension with WinRAR:
- SetKey .rar,RAR.Archive
- SetKey RAR.Archive,"RAR archive"
- SetKey RAR.Archive\shell\open\command,"%%Dwinrar.exe %%"%1%%""
- MASK [<Mask>] Set file mask to extract.
- Wildcards and multiple mask operators are allowed. Set "*.*" mask to
- extract all files. If no <mask> is specified, current mask list is
- discarded.
- Example:
- Preparing to extract EXE and COM files:
- Mask *.exe
- Mask *.com
- EXCLUDE [<Mask>] Set exclude from extract file mask
- Wildcards and multiple exclude operators are allowed.
- If no <mask> is specified, the current exclude mask list is discarded.
- Example:
- Exclude from extract, DLL files:
- Exclude *.dll
- EXTRACT [<control>] Start extraction of files from the archive (using
- masks defined with MASK operators).
- Optional parameter is a control where to show the
- name of the extracted file.
- Example:
- Extract $107
- EXEC <name> Execute a program. Script processing is not
- suspended, continued simultaneously with
- execution of a program.
- Example:
- Exec "%%Dwinrar.exe"
- EXECW <name> Similar to EXEC, but script is suspended
- while program is executing.
- DELETE <name> Deletes the specified file.
- SETPATH <path> Set path to extract. <Path> is a text string
- or a control with text.
- Examples:
- SetPath "C:\WinRAR"
- SetPath $102
- BROWSEPATH <title> Allows to browse and select destination folder.
- <title> is text string, which will be shown
- at the top of browse dialog.
- SETPASSWORD <passwd> Set password to decrypt files during extraction.
- The password <passwd> may be a text string or a
- control with text.
- Example:
- SetPassword $104
- SETARCNAME <name> Set archive name. <Name> may be a text string or
- a control with text. This operator is to be used
- only to specify the next volume name in the ASKVOLUME
- function.
- Example:
- SetArcName $103
- BKCOLOR <Red>,<Green>,<Blue>
- Set dialogs background color.
- Example:
- BkColor 255,255,255
- DISABLE <control> Disable a control.
- Example:
- Disable $105
- ENABLE <control> Enable a control.
- Example:
- Enable $105
- 3.6. Functions
- Syntax notes:
- 1) Function MAIN. Starts the script execution and must be the first
- function in the script:
- {
- <operators>
- }
- Example:
- {
- Dialog SETUP
- }
- 2) Function "<Dialog>:INIT". The function is executed before a, just
- created, dialog is displayed:
- <DialogName>:INIT
- {
- <operators>
- }
- Example:
- {
- $104=InitValue
- }
- 3) Function "<Dialog:Control>". The function is executed when the
- button control with the corresponding ID is pushed.
- <DialogName>:<control>
- {
- <operators>
- }
- Example:
- SETUP:$101
- {
- InitValue=$104
- EndDialog
- Dialog NEXT
- }
- 3.7. Special dialogs
- There are special dialogs called by SFX under certain conditions.
- These dialogs should be defined in the script, if processing of the
- corresponding events is desired.
- Dialog name Description
- --------------------------------------------------------
- ASKVOLUME Called when SFX cannot find the next volume.
- The %%A macros could be used to obtain the required
- volume name.
- Possible actions:
- - exit with EXIT operator;
- - prompt the user to insert the volume and close the
- dialog with EndDialog. Then SFX will try opening
- the volume again;
- - prompt the user to enter a new volume name, then
- set it with SetArcName and close the dialog with
- EndDialog. SFX will try opening the volume again.
- ERRARCHIVE Called when the archive structure appears to be
- damaged. The %%A macros could be used to obtain the
- corresponding archive name.
- Possible actions:
- - exit with EXIT operator;
- - close the dialog with EndDialog. Then SFX will try
- to continue execution.
- ERRCREATE Called when SFX cannot create a file.
- The %%F macros could be used to obtain the
- corresponding file name.
- Possible actions:
- - exit with EXIT operator;
- - close the dialog with EndDialog. Then SFX will
- continue execution.
- ERRCRC Called when the file CRC is corrupted.
- The %%F macros could be used to obtain the
- corresponding file name.
- Possible actions:
- - exit with EXIT operator;
- - close the dialog with EndDialog. Then SFX will
- continue execution.
- ERRWRITE Called in case of a write error.
- Possible actions:
- - exit with EXIT operator;
- - close the dialog with EndDialog. Then SFX will retry
- write operation.
- ERRMEMORY Called when there is not enough memory.
- Possible actions:
- - exit via EXIT operator
- 4. The SFX icon
- The SFX icon could be placed as a resource named "SFX_ICON". It will be
- assigned to the main SFX window.