1002 Insufficient memory to run Setup. Close some applications and try again.
1003 The %s file cannot be found. Please verify that the distribution diskette is correct.
1004 Drive %c: contains %ldK of free disk space. WinJammer Shareware requires a minimum of %ldK. Please select another drive.
1005 WinJammer Shareware has not been successfully installed. You must run Setup again before using the program.
1006 WinJammer Shareware has been installed successfully and added to the Start menu.
1007 WinJammer Shareware has been installed successfully but could not add shortcuts to on the Start menu.
1008 The %s directory cannot be created. Enter another directory or try another drive.
1009 Setup has not completed installing the software. Are you sure you want to abort the setup?
1010 The file %s is in use.
1012 There is not enough space on the destination drive to install the file %s.
1013 An access violation occurred on the file %s.
1014 A sharing violation occurred on the file %s.
1015 The new file %s could not be created on the destination drive.
1016 The existing file or temporary file could not be deleted.
1017 The temporary file cannot be renamed.
1018 There is not enough memory to install the file %s.
1019 The source file cannot be read.
1020 The existing file cannot be read.
1021 The file %s is write protected.
1022 There is a mismatch between the two files.
1023 The file being installed is older than the existing file.
1024 Existing and new files use different languages.
1025 Existing and new files use different code pages.
1026 Existing and new files are different types.
1027 Sorry, but WinJammer Shareware requires either Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51. The current version of Windows will not support the program.
1028 One of the files required is corrupted or missing. Please ensure you are using the original diskette, or call for assistance.
1029 An error occured. Please make sure the diskette is not write protected and the original diskette is used.
1030 You must install WinJammer Shareware from the original diskette.
1031 Sorry, but you can only run one copy of Setup at a time. If you're not running another copy, close and restart Windows before trying again.
1032 A failure occured trying to start up the 3D controls. The error code is %d. Please stop and restart Windows before trying again.
1033 Setup couldn't register a window type: code is %d. Please close and restart Windows, then try installing again.
1034 Setup couldn't create the main window. You're probably running too many programs - shut down Windows, restart it then try installing again.
1035 Both the name and city/company must be entered and must be longer than they are now.
1036 To install WinJammer Shareware under Windows NT, you must have Administrator permissions. Please log on with an account with the required permissions.
1037 Windows now needs to be restarted in order to complete the setup. Please exit any other programs that are running, then press OK.
1038 An error has occured extracting a file to be installed. This is likely caused by a bad copy of DemoWJP.exe.
1039 A failure occured when trying to create the temporary file '%s'. The error code is %d. You may be out of space on the drive.