Instant On-line Registration (U.S. and Canada only): the newest, easiest and fastest way to register your game!
Just click the "Instant Registration" button in this window to start up our On-line Registration Wizard.
+You'll be asked to provide your name, a credit card number, and contact information. Then the Registration Wizard will use your modem to dial our toll-free registration line. Your game will be FULLY ENABLED immediately upon completion of the call.
The whole process takes no more than five minutes, and is entirely secure: your credit card number and other personal information are encrypted for added safety, and are sent over a single-user connection to a computer at our office.
+Neither the Internet nor any other computer network is involved.
Only the Regular Edition is available by on-line registration. The price is $20 Canadian (about $15 US at current rates).
You can order via Internet email to For added security, you can send TWO email messages, with half of your credit card (VISA or MasterCard) number in each message.
+Remember to include your name, email address, and credit card expiry date, plus your full mailing address if you are ordering the Gift Edition.
You will receive your registration code (Regular Edition) or order confirmation (Gift Edition) within 48 hours via email. Prices for our credit card customers are in Canadian dollars:
Regular Edition $20 Cdn.
Gift Edition $25 Cdn (about $18 US at current rates)
Add $4.00 for shipping and handling when ordering the Gift Edition. (N.B. We charge S&H only on the first copy for multiple-copy orders).
Our address on the World-wide Web is the Family Games page: "". There you'll find links to our on-line order form (VISA or MasterCard) for Santa's Secret Valley, and lots of other stuff as well - most of it free!
+Drop by any time!
When you order the Regular Edition with the on-line form, you'll receive your registration code by email within 48 hours. The price is just $20.00 Canadian (about $16.00 US at current rates).
+If you order the Gift Edition, it will be shipped within 72 hours. The prices are in Canadian dollars:
Regular Edition $20 Cdn.
Gift Edition $25 Cdn (about $18 US at current rates)
Add $4.00 for shipping and handling when ordering the Gift Edition.
Our toll-free order number is 1-800-EYE-SPYY (393-7799). Operators are on duty 24 hours a day to take your VISA or MasterCard order for either the Regular or Gift editions of the game.
+Please have your credit card number and expiry date ready when you call. Prices for our credit card customers are in Canadian dollars:
Regular Edition $20 Cdn.
Gift Edition $25 Cdn (about $18 US at current rates)
Add $4.00 for shipping and handling when ordering the Gift Edition. (N.B. We charge S&H only on the first copy for multiple-copy orders).
Make your cheque out to AHA! Software Inc. Please be sure to include your first and last names and your full return address, legibly written in block letters. Send your cheque to:
SSV Orders
AHA! Software Inc.
1915 Casa Marcia Cr.
Victoria BC
Canada V8N 2X4
Our prices to customers sending cheques from outside Canada are in US dollars, as follows:
Canadian customers US and foreign
Regular Edition $20 Cdn. $16 US
Gift Edition $25 Cdn $20 US
Add $4.00 for shipping and handling when ordering the Gift Edition. (N.B. We charge S&H only on the first copy for multiple-copy orders).
To order through CompuServe, GO SWREG, select "Registration ID" and enter "8507". Only the Regular Edition is available through CompuServe. You will receive your registration code to unlock the game within 48 hours via CompuServe email.
Regular Edition $16 US
When you order the Regular Edition of Santa's Secret Valley, we will send you a registration code allowing you to unlock the game on your computer.
+This will give you access to those parts of the game that are closed off in the sample version - lots more areas to explore, lots more puzzles to solve - so that you can find the magic items and take them back to Santa!
When you order by email, your registration code will be sent by return email within 48 hours.
+When you order on the toll-free line or by cheque, your code will normally be sent out by regular letter mail within 48 hours of your order being received.
+If you give us your email address when ordering, we can send your code by email for faster service.
The Gift Edition of Santa's Secret Valley is specially designed for holiday gift-giving. The disks and program instructions come in a festive gift bag ready for giving, or may be used to spruce up your holiday decorating.
We also include a special customizing utility that lets you specify the player's name, which actually becomes the elf's name inside the game.
+Better still, our customizer lets you create a brief personal message to the player which he or she will receive at a particular point in the game - though we won't spoil the surprise by saying just where!
Your Gift Edition will be shipped within 72 hours after your order is received.
We think you'll find that Santa's Secret Valley is the perfect family computer game for the holiday season, and that the Gift Edition makes the perfect holiday gift!