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- unit Bonanza;
- interface
- {
- File: Bonanza
- Project: Slartibartfrass
- Version: 1.00
- Author: Sir Roger McMisteli
- Date: 17. October 1995
- Remarks: This is a new slider component, which has two separate sliders
- which both can set manually.
- You cannot set the minimum slider at a higher position as the
- maximum slider.
- Please note that this is my first component! If it has bugs,
- well, that's possible. I tested it, but you never know.
- If you have improvements or when bugs occured, please send a mail to
- Roger Misteli
- Zentralstrasse 6
- 8400 Winterthur
- Phone: intl - 52 - 212 28 91
- email: archie@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch
- ***********************************************************
- * AND IT IT NOT LONGER VALID UNTIL 1. November 1995 !!!!! *
- ***********************************************************
- Copyright: The TBonanza component was written by Sir Roger McMisteli
- for a student project. It is absolutely free to the public domain.
- If you want to modify the component, do so. But please mention
- my name in your release as the original author.
- }
- uses
- SysUtils,
- WinTypes,
- WinProcs,
- Messages,
- Classes,
- Graphics,
- Forms,
- Controls,
- Dialogs,
- StdCtrls,
- ExtCtrls,
- DsgnIntf;
- type
- TSlider = (esNoChange, esMinimumSlider, esMaximumSlider);
- TOnChange = procedure (Sender: TObject; var lPosition: Longint; tWhichSlider: TSlider) of object;
- TOnMinMax = procedure (Sender: TObject; var lPosition: Longint) of object;
- TOnChanging = procedure (Sender: TObject; var lMinPos, lMaxPos: Longint; tWhichSlider: TSlider) of object;
- type
- TBonanza = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- lMaxValue: Longint; {max position of both sliders}
- lMinValue: Longint; {min position ...}
- tMinColor: TColor; {min slider color}
- tMaxColor: TColor;
- lMinPos: Longint; {min slider position}
- lMaxPos: Longint;
- bUnits: Byte; {count of units to be drawn}
- fIsLoaded: Boolean; {only for testing...}
- bWUnit: Byte; {internal: width of slider}
- bHUnit: Byte;
- fShowUnits: Boolean; {draw the unit lines?}
- fAutoSlider: Boolean; {automatic slider dimensions?}
- FOnChange: TOnChange;
- FOnChanging: TOnChanging;
- FOnMinChanged:TOnMinMax;
- FOnMaxChanged:TOnMinMax;
- fMinPressed: Boolean; {internal: min slider has been activated}
- fMaxPressed: Boolean;
- fShowText: Boolean;
- fShowPanel: Boolean;
- function GetMinX: Word; {returns min slider position}
- function GetMaxX: Word;
- procedure DrawUnits(Canvas: TCanvas); {draws the unit lines}
- procedure DrawSliders(Canvas: TCanvas); {draws the sliders}
- procedure CreateProcedure; dynamic;
- function GetPosition(X: Integer): Longint; {internal: returns position (from pixels to units)}
- protected
- procedure SetMinValue(lValue: Longint);
- procedure SetMaxValue(lValue: Longint);
- procedure SetMinColor(tValue: TColor);
- procedure SetMaxColor(tValue: TColor);
- procedure SetMaxPos(lValue: Longint);
- procedure SetMinPos(lValue: Longint);
- procedure SetUnits(bValue: Byte);
- procedure SetWUnit(bValue: Byte);
- procedure SetHUnit(bValue: Byte);
- procedure SetShowUnits(fValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetAutoSlider(fValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetShowText(fValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetShowPanel(fValue: Boolean);
- procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure SetSlider; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- procedure ForcePaint;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property OnChanging: TOnChanging read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
- property OnChange: TOnChange read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- property OnMinChanged: TOnMinMax read FOnMinChanged write FOnMinChanged;
- property OnMaxChanged: TOnMinMax read FOnMaxChanged write FOnMaxChanged;
- property ShowText: Boolean read fShowText write SetShowText default True;
- property ShowPanel: Boolean read fShowPanel write SetShowPanel default True;
- property Height default 30;
- property Width default 250;
- property Top default 10;
- property Left default 10;
- property Hint;
- property Font;
- property Enabled;
- property Visible;
- property ShowUnits: Boolean read fShowUnits write SetShowUnits default True;
- property AutoSlider: Boolean read fAutoSlider write SetAutoSlider default False;
- property SliderWidth: Byte read bWUnit write SetWUnit default 8;
- property SliderHeight: Byte read bHUnit write SetHUnit default 15;
- property Units: Byte read bUnits write SetUnits default 10;
- property SliderMinColor: TColor read tMinColor write SetMinColor default clRed;
- property SliderMaxColor: TColor read tMaxColor write SetMaxColor default clBlue;
- property SliderMaxPos: Longint read lMaxPos write SetMaxPos default 100;
- property SliderMinPos: Longint read lMinPos write SetMinPos default 0;
- property MaxValue: Longint read lMaxValue write SetMaxValue default 100;
- property MinValue: Longint read lMinValue write SetMinValue default 0;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- constructor TBonanza.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- fIsLoaded:=True;
- CreateProcedure;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.ForcePaint;
- begin
- Paint;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetShowPanel;
- begin
- fShowPanel:=fValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- function TBonanza.GetPosition;
- begin
- GetPosition:=(Abs(lMaxValue)+Abs(lMinValue)) * X div Width;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetSlider;
- begin
- If lMinPos>lMaxPos then
- lMinPos:=lMaxPos-1;
- If lMaxPos<lMinPos Then
- lMaxPos:=lMinPos+1;
- If lMinPos<lMinValue Then
- lMinPos:=lMinValue;
- If lMinPos>lMaxValue Then
- lMinPos:=lMaxValue;
- If lMaxPos<lMinValue Then
- lMaxPos:=lMinValue;
- If lMaxPos>lMaxValue Then
- lMaxPos:=lMaxValue;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetShowText;
- begin
- fShowText:=fValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.MouseMove;
- var TChanged : TSlider;
- fChanged : Boolean;
- begin
- TChanged:=esNoChange;
- fChanged:=False;
- If fMinPressed then begin
- lMinPos:=GetPosition(X)+lMinValue;
- TChanged:=esMinimumSlider;
- If lMinPos>lMaxPos then
- lMinPos:=lMaxPos-1;
- fChanged:=True;
- end;
- If fMaxPressed then begin
- lMaxPos:=GetPosition(X)+lMinValue;
- TChanged:=esMaximumSlider;
- If lMaxPos<lMinPos Then
- lMaxPos:=lMinPos+1;
- fChanged:=True;
- end;
- If Assigned(FOnChanging) Then
- FOnChanging(Self, lMinPos, lMaxPos, TChanged);
- {referenced values, -> update if neccessary}
- SetSlider;
- If fChanged then
- Paint; {update if neccessary...}
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.MouseUp;
- var lPos : Longint;
- tChanged: TSlider;
- begin
- If fMinPressed then
- tChanged:=esMinimumSlider;
- If fMaxPressed then
- tChanged:=esMaximumSlider;
- If Assigned(FOnChange) Then
- FOnChange(Self, lPos, tChanged);
- If fMinPressed and Assigned(FOnMaxChanged) Then
- FOnMaxChanged(Self, lMaxPos);
- If fMaxPressed and Assigned(FOnMinChanged) Then
- FOnMinChanged(Self, lMinPos);
- {referenced values, -> update if neccessary}
- SetSlider;
- fMinPressed:=False;
- fMaxPressed:=False;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.MouseDown;
- begin
- If Not fMaxPressed Then
- If (Y>=Height-bHUnit-bHUnit div 5) And (Y<=Height-1) And (X>=GetMinX) And (X<=GetMinX+bWUnit) Then begin
- {min slider pressed...}
- fMinPressed:=True;
- end;
- If Not fMinPressed Then
- If (Y>=Height-bHUnit-bHUnit div 5) And (Y<=Height-1) And (X>=GetMaxX) And (X<=GetMaxX+bWUnit) Then begin
- {max slider pressed...}
- fMaxPressed:=True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.CreateProcedure;
- begin
- ControlStyle:=[csClickEvents, csCaptureMouse];
- Width:=250;
- Height:=30;
- tMinColor:=clRed;
- tMaxColor:=clBlue;
- lMinPos:=0;
- lMaxPos:=100;
- lMinValue:=0;
- lMaxValue:=100;
- bWUnit:=8;
- bHUnit:=15;
- bUnits:=10;
- fShowUnits:=True;
- fAutoSlider:=False;
- fShowText:=True;
- end;
- destructor TBonanza.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetShowUnits;
- begin
- fShowUnits:=fValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetAutoSlider;
- begin
- fAutoSlider:=fValue;
- if fAutoSlider then begin
- bWUnit:=Width div 10;
- bHUnit:=Height div 5;
- InValidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetWUnit;
- begin
- If bValue>Width div 2 then
- bWUnit:=Width div 2
- else
- bWUnit:=bValue;
- SetAutoSlider(False);
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetHUnit;
- begin
- If bValue>Height div 2 then
- bHUnit:=Height div 2
- else
- bHUnit:=bValue;
- SetAutoSlider(False);
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetUnits;
- begin
- If bValue>0 then
- bUnits:=bValue
- else
- Application.MessageBox('Sorry - At least one unit is necessary! Use ShowUnits() '+
- 'to disable units','Error',MB_ICONSTOP+MB_OK); {crashes instead...}
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetMaxPos;
- begin
- If (lValue<=lMaxValue) and (lValue>=lMinValue) Then begin
- lMaxPos:=lValue;
- InValidate;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetMinPos;
- begin
- If (lValue<=lMaxValue) and (lValue>=lMinValue) Then begin
- lMinPos:=lValue;
- InValidate;
- End;
- end;
- function TBonanza.GetMinX;
- begin
- If Abs(lMaxValue)+Abs(lMinValue)>0 then
- GetMinX:=(Width-bWUnit-2) * (lMinPos-lMinValue) div (Abs(lMaxValue)+Abs(lMinValue))+1
- else
- GetMinX:=1;
- end;
- function TBonanza.GetMaxX;
- begin
- If Abs(lMaxValue)+Abs(lMinValue)>0 then
- GetMaxX:=(Width-bWUnit-2) * (lMaxPos-lMinValue) div (Abs(lMaxValue)+Abs(lMinValue))+1
- else
- GetMaxX:=1;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.DrawUnits;
- var bCounter: Byte;
- bStrich : Byte;
- pc : PChar;
- uiLeft : Word;
- uiTop : Word;
- uiRight : Word;
- uiBottom: Word;
- uiTW : Word;
- uiTH : Word;
- begin
- bStrich:=Height div 5;
- Canvas.Font:=Font;
- With Canvas do begin
- {draws the unit lines...}
- for bCounter:=0 to bUnits do begin
- if fShowUnits then begin
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow;
- MoveTo(Word(bCounter)*(Width-bWUnit-2) div (bUnits)+bWUnit div 2,bStrich);
- LineTo(Word(bCounter)*(Width-bWUnit-2) div (bUnits)+bWUnit div 2,2*bStrich);
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighLight;
- MoveTo(Word(bCounter)*(Width-bWUnit-2) div (bUnits)+bWUnit div 2+1,bStrich);
- LineTo(Word(bCounter)*(Width-bWUnit-2) div (bUnits)+bWUnit div 2+1,2*bStrich);
- end;
- If fShowText Then Begin
- GetMem(pc,30);
- try
- StrPCopy(pc,IntToStr(((Abs(lMinValue)+Abs(lMaxValue)) * (bCounter) div bUnits)+lMinValue));
- uiTW:=TextWidth(StrPas(pc));
- uiTH:=TextHeight(StrPas(pc));
- If ((Longint(bCounter)*(Width-bWUnit-2) div (bUnits)+bWUnit div 2)-TextWidth(StrPas(pc)) div 2)>0 then
- uiLeft:=(Longint(bCounter)*(Width-bWUnit-2) div (bUnits)+bWUnit div 2)-TextWidth(StrPas(pc)) div 2
- else
- uiLeft:=0;
- uiTop:=2*bStrich+1;
- uiRight:=uiLeft+TextWidth(StrPas(pc));
- uiBottom:=uiTop+TextHeight(StrPas(pc));
- DrawText(Handle,pc,-1,Rect(uiLeft,uiTop,uiRight,uiBottom),
- finally
- FreeMem(pc,30);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.DrawSliders;
- begin
- With Canvas do begin
- {draws the minimum slider...}
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighLight;
- PolyLine([Point(GetMinX,Height-1),Point(GetMinX,Height-bHUnit),Point(GetMinX+bWUnit div 2,Height-bHUnit-bHUnit div 5)]);
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow;
- PolyLine([Point(GetMinX+bWUnit div 2,Height-bHUnit-bHUnit div 5),Point(GetMinX+bWUnit,Height-bHUnit),
- Point(GetMinx+bWUnit,Height-1),Point(GetMinX,Height-1)]);
- Brush.Color:=tMinColor;
- FloodFill(GetMinX+1,Height-2,Pixels[GetMinX+1,Height-2],fsSurface);
- {draws the maximum slider}
- Pen.Color:=clBtnHighLight;
- PolyLine([Point(GetMaxX,Height-1),Point(GetMaxX,Height-bHUnit),Point(GetMaxX+bWUnit div 2,Height-bHUnit-bHUnit div 5)]);
- Pen.Color:=clBtnShadow;
- PolyLine([Point(GetMaxX+bWUnit div 2,Height-bHUnit-bHUnit div 5),Point(GetMaxX+bWUnit,Height-bHUnit),
- Point(GetMaxx+bWUnit,Height-1),Point(GetMaxX,Height-1)]);
- Brush.Color:=tMaxColor;
- FloodFill(GetMaxX+1,Height-2,Pixels[GetMaxX+1,Height-2],fsSurface);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.Paint;
- var bCounter: Byte;
- tBuffer : TBitMap;
- tFrame : TRect;
- begin
- If fAutoSlider then begin
- bWUnit:=Width div 10;
- bHUnit:=Height div 5;
- end;
- If Height<30 Then
- Height:=30;
- If Width<20 Then
- Width:=20;
- If Not fIsLoaded Then
- CreateProcedure;
- tBuffer:=TBitmap.Create;
- try
- tBuffer.Width:=Width;
- tBuffer.Height:=Height;
- With tBuffer do begin
- Canvas.Brush.Color:=clBtnFace;
- Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,Width,Height));
- DrawUnits(Canvas);
- DrawSliders(Canvas);
- tFrame:=Rect(0,0,Width,Height);
- If fShowPanel then
- Frame3D(Canvas,tFrame,clBtnHighLight,clBtnShadow,1);
- end;
- Canvas.Draw(0,0,tBuffer);
- finally
- tBuffer.Destroy;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetMinValue;
- begin
- lMinValue:=lValue;
- If (lMinPos<lValue) Then
- lMinPos:=lValue;
- if (lMaxPos<lValue) Then
- lMaxPos:=lValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetMaxValue;
- begin
- lMaxValue:=lValue;
- If (lMinPos>lValue) Then
- lMinPos:=lValue;
- if (lMaxPos>lValue) Then
- lMaxPos:=lValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetMinColor;
- begin
- tMinColor:=tValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure TBonanza.SetMaxColor;
- begin
- tMaxColor:=tValue;
- InValidate;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- {use your own location for registering instead!!'}
- RegisterComponents('Slarti', [TBonanza]);
- end;
- begin
- end.