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- TAnimated Component
- Version 1.01
- Copyright 1995 by L. David Baldwin
- All rights reserved
- See end of this document for more information
- The TAnimated Component is a visual component for use with Borland's Delphi.
- It allows the easy programing of simple animations such as exploding text,
- books being paged through, etc. Animations are drawn as bitmaps consisting
- of two or more frames arranged in filmstrip form.
- A demo program, ANIMDEMO.EXE, will give you a feel for the types of
- animations which can be accomplished. Please keep in mind when viewing the
- demo that my artistic abilities are quite limited.
- The source code for ANIMDEMO is included. You can run the demo, ANIMDEMO.EXE,
- but you CAN'T successfully load the source into Delphi until you install
- the TAnimated component. If you do load it (pressing the 'Ignore All'
- button), be careful not to save the resulting files as they will have many
- essentials stripped from them.
- README This one
- ANIMDEMO.EXE The demo file
- EXPLODE.WAV Sound effects for demo
- INSTSTUF.ZIP Zipped file containing the files req'd for installing the
- TAnimated component, consisting of:
- ANIMATE.PAS Source code
- ANIMATE.HLP Help file
- ANIMATE.KWF Keyword file to link ANIMATE.HLP to the Delphi help system.
- ANIMATE.DCR Button bitmap for TAnimated on the Delphi component palette.
- DEMOSRC.ZIP Zipped file containing the source for ANIMDEMO consisting of:
- ANIMDEMO.DCR Project file
- ANIMDEMO.RES Resource file (icon)
- ANIUNIT.PAS Unit file
- ANIUNIT.DFM Form file
- BITMAPS.ZIP The various filmstrip bitmaps for the demo. You don't need
- these to compile the demo but may want to look at them
- as filmstrip samples.
- INSTALLING THE TAnimated Component
- Installing new components in the library is covered starting on page 68 of
- the User's manual. Here's some extra comments and suggestions.
- 1. The Register procedure in ANIMATE.PAS is setup to place TAnimated on
- a palette page tab named 'MyStuff'. You can change the location after
- installation but you may prefer to edit the Register procedure to place
- it on a different page when it's installed.
- 2. Backup COMPLIB.DCL or start a new library file.
- 3. Pick a directory for the TAnimated component. You'll probably be adding
- other components. I think it's a good idea to have one or two
- directories to hold the non-Borland components. It's probably not a
- good idea to assign each component a directory of its own. Put
- ANIMATE.PAS and ANIMATE.DCR in the chosen directory.
- 4. From the Delphi IDE, choose Options|Install Components. In the dialog,
- choose the Add... button. In the Add Module dialog that then comes up,
- the simplest approach is to use the Browse button to find ANIMATE.PAS.
- Hit OK then and the Search Path edit box will have the correct path
- added and TAnimated will have been added to the installed units listbox.
- (You may have to scroll down to see it.)
- 5. Hit OK on the Install Components dialog and the necessary steps will be
- taken to do the installation. The TAnimated button will appear on
- the chosen component page tab.
- The file ANIMATE.HLP will supply context sensitive help for the TAnimated
- component. It also discusses how to contruct the filmstrip bitmaps.
- Installation of component help files is discussed in the Component Writer's
- Guide on page 80.
- 1. Place the ANIMATE.KWF file in the DELPHI\HELP directory with the other
- .KWF files.
- 2. Close the Delphi IDE.
- 3. Run Delphi's HELPINST. Choose File|Open to open DELPHI.HDX in the
- DELPHI\BIN directory.
- 4. Choose Keywords|Add Keyword File to add the ANIMATE.KWF file to the list
- of .KWF files.
- 5. Choose File|Save or hit the blue disk button to compile and save the
- revised .HDX file.
- 6. Now it remains to set things up so that WINHELP can find the help file
- ANIMATE.HLP. There are several choices:
- a. Put ANIMATE.HLP in the DELPHI\BIN directory with the other help files.
- b. Put ANIMATE.HLP somewhere on the your path.
- c. Modify WINHELP.INI to add a directory entry for ANIMATE.HLP.
- The ANIMATE.HLP file contains documentation for how to use the TAmimated
- component and how to construct the filmstrip bitmaps. To access the help,
- open the help file from Delphi, press the Search All button and search for
- 'TAnimated'. Or place a TAnimated component on your form and press F1.
- 1.01 Set form's Scaled property to false in demo to correct problem with some
- screen resolutions. Add note to help filementioning Scaled property.
- Component itself is unchanged.
- There is no charge for the use of the TAnimated component. However, if
- you come up with some good animations, I'd enjoy seeing them.
- This package may be copied and distributed freely providing that it is not
- modified, no fee is charged, and it is not made part of a package for which
- a charge is made. If you upload this package to other bulletin boards, I'd
- appreciate it if you would try to keep the upload current.
- Please report all bugs, suggestions, and problems to:
- Dave Baldwin,
- CompuServe ID: 76327,53.
- 22 Fox Den Rd., (Summer)
- Hollis, NH 03049
- (603) 465-7857
- 144 13th St. East, (Winter)
- Tierra Verde, FL 33715
- (813) 867-3030