Labels:monitor | stairs | window OCR: MS DOS Eingabeauf forderung YAAC 60x Auto E\ \dkill>yaac bla.arj YAAC (Yet Another ARJ Cracker 97 Copyr ight c 1994-98 pSU-soft Semjanov THIS IS BETA VERSION Process ing archive: bla arj version: 2.60 The may begin vith: ga, gc ga, te arar gh, gk, ai, gm, gn, go, ap, 'bf gr, gs, gt gu gv gw gx gy gB, gC gD gF gG gH aI gJ gK aL gM gN 06 aP gQ, gR gu gv gw gx, az go c4 g6 g8 T gs g hN ho ho hR hs hT hU hv hO h8 h9 h? h# The 3rd char Recorrne nded set chars Processing line 48 of password Test: ing 4-chars passwords Test: ing 5-chars passvords Processi passvord detinition