Labels:crt screen | monitor | web site | window OCR: MS DOS Eingabeaufforderung FC 60x Auto Fast ZIP Cracker 1.05 (c) 1998 Fernando Papa Budzyn 0060000 brute-force cracking brorce vith static chars word- based cracking false passvords benchmarks FAO revision history ESC fJ- FZC zipname passva len charset [x:y] Begins brute force attack trying every possible word of "passwd len' length (see be ow using the char acter Sct defined by passvd len a] password length betveen ano (b range, ec 6- c starting length (same (d) same charset a one or more Of the following four characters: a vher lovercase uppercase digits 10 and sybo list hmar zipnare ined between tollowing symbols