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'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' File: LTSSL30.LSS ' Module: Sample Function Libraries - Windows 3.1 interfaces ' Created: 07/12/94 ' ' Copyright (c) 1994-95 Lotus Development Corporation ' ' Description: This file contains the following sample ' LotusScript Windows Functions: ' ' GetTempDirectory ' GetWinDirectory ' WindowsHelp ' GetProfInteger ' GetProfString ' WriteProfInteger ' WriteProfString ' ' AppClose ' AppGetAppCount ' AppGetAppNames ' AppGetHWnd ' AppGetWindowPos ' AppHide ' AppShow ' AppIsRunning ' AppIsVisible ' AppMaximize ' AppMinimize ' AppMove ' AppRestore ' AppSize ' AppSendMessage ' ' FormatDate ' DateDiff ' Pause ' ProperCase ' Repeat ' Str_Word ' Log10 ' ' Disclaimer: ' The sample LotusScript functions are provided ' as code examples that provide useful functionality ' to LotusScript programmers. lotus makes no promise ' or guarantee with respect to the use of these ' functions. Users can use the library at their own risk. ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- option declare option compare nocase '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Windows functions/constants ' ' Culled from windows.h, rather than including the whole huge file. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '------------------------------------------ ' WinHelp '------------------------------------------ public Const HELP_CONTENTS = &H3 ' Display index. public Const HELP_FORCEFILE = &H9 ' Ensure that correct file is displayed. public Const HELP_HELPONHELP = &H4 ' Display "Using Help" public Const HELP_QUIT = &H2 ' Help no longer needed. '------------------------------------------ ' GetWindow '------------------------------------------ public Const GW_HWNDFIRST = 0 public Const GW_HWNDLAST = 1 public Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 public Const GW_HWNDPREV = 3 public Const GW_OWNER = 4 public Const GW_CHILD = 5 '------------------------------------------ ' GetWindowRect '------------------------------------------ Type RECT left As Integer top As Integer right As Integer bottom As Integer End Type '------------------------------------------ ' ShowWindow '------------------------------------------ public Const SW_HIDE = 0 public Const SW_NORMAL = 1 public Const SW_MAXIMIZE = 3 public Const SW_SHOW = 5 public Const SW_MINIMIZE = 6 public Const SW_RESTORE = 9 '------------------------------------------ ' SetWindowPos '------------------------------------------ public Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 public Const SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 public Const SWP_NOZORDER = &H4 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' External Function Declarations ' ' Rather than include a monster header file with every Windows function ' in it, we just take what we need. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer Declare Function GetProfileInt Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpEntry As String, ByVal nDefault As Integer) As Integer Declare Function GetProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpEntry As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer Declare Function GetPrivateProfileInt Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpEntry As String, ByVal nDefault As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer Declare Function WriteProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpSection As String, ByVal lpEntry As String, ByVal lpNewString As String) As Integer Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpSection as String, ByVal lpEntry As String, ByVal lpNewString As String, ByVal lpFileName As String ) As Integer Declare Function WinHelp Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal lpHelpFile As String, ByVal wCommand As Integer, dwData As Any) As Integer Declare Function GetWindow Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wCmd As Integer) As Integer Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "User" () As Integer Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal aint As Integer) As Integer Declare Function GetNextWindow Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wFlag As Integer) As Integer Declare Function IsWindowVisible Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As Integer Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer, lParam As Any) As Long Declare Sub GetWindowRect Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, lpRect As RECT) Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Integer Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Integer, ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer, ByVal wFlags As Integer) As Integer '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Implementation ' '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function GetWinDirectory() as String '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetWinDirectory ' ' Returns the Directory in which Windows is installed. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim sBuffer as String * 256: sBuffer = string( 256, " " ) GetWindowsDirectory sBuffer, 256 GetWinDirectory = sBuffer End Function Public Function GetTempDirectory() as String '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetTempDirectory ' ' The temporary directory "TEMP" set in the environment variables. ' If this fails, it looks for "TMP". If neither one is found, it returns ' an empty string. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim sTempBuffer as String sTempBuffer = Environ$( "TEMP" ) If sTempBuffer = "" then sTempBuffer = Environ$ ( "TMP" ) End If GetTempDirectory = sTempBuffer End Function Public Function WindowsHelp(HelpFile as String, HelpType as Integer ) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WindowsHelp ' ' Brings up Windows Help with a given help file and context flags. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowsHelp = WinHelp(0, HelpFile, HelpType, 0 ) End Function Public Function GetProfInteger(Section as String, Entry as String, Filename as String, DefaultValue as Integer) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetProfInteger ' ' Finds a value of the specified entry in the specified file. If ' the entry is not found, the return value is set to zero. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim retval as Integer If filename = "" then retval = GetProfileInt(Section, Entry, DefaultValue) Else retval = GetPrivateProfileInt(Section, Entry, DefaultValue, Filename) End If GetProfInteger = retval End Function Public Function GetProfString(Section as String, Entry as String, Filename as String, DString as String) as String '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetProfString ' ' This function returns a profile string from the specified ini file. ' If the filename passed is "", then the string will be searched for ' in the WIN.INI file '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim retstr as String*256 Dim retval as Integer If filename = "" then retval = GetProfileString(Section, Entry, DString, retstr, 256) Else retval = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, Entry, DString, retstr, 256,Filename) End If GetProfString = Left$(retstr, retval) End Function Public Function WriteProfInteger(Section as String, Entry as String, Filename as String, NewValue as Integer) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WriteProfInteger '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim Strval as String Dim Errval as Integer Dim CurrChar as String Strval = CSTR(NewValue) If filename = "" then Errval = WriteProfileString(Section, Entry, Strval) Else Errval = WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Entry, Strval, Filename) End if WriteProfInteger = Errval End Function Public Function WriteProfString(Section as String, Entry as String, Filename as String, NewString as String ) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' WriteProfString '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim Errval as Integer If filename = "" then Errval = WriteProfileString(Section, Entry, NewString) Else Errval = WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Entry, NewString, Filename) End If WriteProfString = Errval End Function public function AppClose(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppClose ' ' Close a particular application '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- on error goto handleit ActivateApp AppName SendKeys "%{F4}", TRUE AppClose = TRUE exit function handleit: AppClose = FALSE end function public function AppGetAppCount() as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppGetAppCount ' ' Return number of running Windows applications '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long dim namebuf as string*80 dim textlen as Integer AppGetAppCount = 0 hWnd = GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow(),GW_CHILD) do while hWnd <> 0 textlen = GetWindowText(hWnd,namebuf,80) if textlen <> 0 then AppGetAppCount = AppGetAppCount + 1 end if hWnd = GetNextWindow( hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ) loop end function public function AppGetAppNames(AppList() as String, AppCount as Integer) as Integer '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppGetAppNames ' ' Fill an array with the names of the currently running applications. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long dim namebuf as String*80 ': namebuf = string(80," ") dim i as Integer : i = 0 dim textlen as Integer redim AppList(AppCount) hWnd = GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow(),GW_CHILD) do while hWnd <> 0 textlen = GetWindowText(hWnd,namebuf,80) if textlen <> 0 then AppList(i) = left$(namebuf,textlen) : i = i + 1 if i = AppCount then exit do end if end if hWnd = GetNextWindow( hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ) loop AppGetAppNames = i end function public function AppGetHWnd(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppGetHWnd ' ' Returns HWnd for a given window title '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long dim namebuf as String*80 ': namebuf = string(80," ") dim textlen as Integer AppGetHWnd = 0 hWnd = GetWindow(GetDesktopWindow(), GW_CHILD) if hWnd = 0 then AppGetHWnd = 0 exit function end if do while hWnd <> 0 textlen = GetWindowText(hWnd,namebuf,80) if textlen <> 0 then if AppName = left$(namebuf,textlen) then AppGetHWnd = hWnd exit do end if end if hWnd = GetNextWindow( hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ) loop end function public function AppGetWindowPos(AppName as String, x as Integer, y as Integer, w as Integer, h as Integer) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppGetWindowPos ' ' Get the coordinates and size of a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long dim namebuf as string*80 dim r as RECT hWnd = AppGetHWnd(AppName) if hWnd = 0 then AppGetWindowPos = FALSE exit function end if ' Window is valid, get rectange coordinates and compute width/height... call GetWindowRect(hWnd, r) x = r.left y = r.right w = r.right - r.left h = r.bottom - r.top AppGetWindowPos = TRUE end function function SetWindowState(AppName as String, NewState as Integer) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' SetWindowState (Private function) ' ' Set the state of a named window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long hWnd = AppGetHWnd(AppName) if hWnd = 0 then SetWindowState = FALSE exit function end if if ShowWindow(hWnd, NewState) = 0 then SetWindowState = TRUE ' Previously visible else SetWindowState = FALSE ' Previously hidden end if end function public function AppHide(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppHide ' ' Hides a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppHide = SetWindowState(AppName, SW_HIDE) end function public function AppShow(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppShow ' ' Shows a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppShow = SetWindowState(AppName, SW_SHOW) end function public function AppIsRunning(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppIsRunning ' ' Return whether or not an application is running '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if AppGetHWnd(AppName) <> 0 then AppIsRunning = TRUE else AppIsRunning = FALSE end if end function public function AppIsVisible(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppIsVisible ' ' Return whether or not an application is visible '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long AppIsVisible = FALSE hWnd = AppGetHWnd(AppName) if hWnd <> 0 then if IsWindowVisible(hWnd) then AppIsVisible = TRUE end if end if end function public function AppMaximize(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppMaximize ' ' Maximizes a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppMaximize = SetWindowState(AppName, SW_MAXIMIZE) end function public function AppMinimize(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppMinimize ' ' Minimizes a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppMinimize = SetWindowState(AppName, SW_MINIMIZE) end function public function AppRestore(AppName as String) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppRestore ' ' Restore window to previous state '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppRestore = SetWindowState(AppName, SW_RESTORE) end function public function AppMove(AppName as String, x as Integer, y as Integer) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppMove ' ' Move a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long hWnd = AppGetHWnd(AppName) if hWnd = 0 then AppMove = FALSE exit function end if AppMove = SetWindowPos(hWnd, 0, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE+SWP_NOZORDER) end function public function AppSize(AppName as String, w as Integer, h as Integer) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppSize ' ' Resize a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long hWnd = AppGetHWnd(AppName) if hWnd = 0 then AppSize = FALSE exit function end if AppSize = SetWindowPos(hWnd, 0, 0, 0, w, h, SWP_NOMOVE+SWP_NOZORDER) end function public function AppSendMessage(AppName as String, msg as Integer, wParam as Integer, lParam as Long) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AppSendMessage ' ' Send a Windows message to a window '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim hWnd as Long hWnd = AppGetHWnd(AppName) if hWnd = 0 then AppSendMessage = FALSE exit function end if AppSendMessage = SendMessage(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam) end function Public Function FormatDate(d as variant, fmt as string) as string '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' FormatDate ' ' Formats date based on specified flag. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- select case fmt case is="b": FormatDate = format$(d, "mmmm dd, yyyy") case is="B": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "mmmm dd, yyyy")) case is="c": FormatDate = format$(d, "dd mmmm yyyy") case is="C": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "dd mmmm yyyy")) case is="d": FormatDate = format$(d, "long date") case is="D": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "long date")) case is="e": FormatDate = format$(d, "mmmm dd") case is="E": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "mmmm dd")) case is="f": FormatDate = format$(d, "dddd dd") case is="F": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "dddd dd")) case is="g": FormatDate = format$(d, "mm/dd") case is="G": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "mm/dd")) case is="h": FormatDate = format$(d, "mm/dd/yyyy") case is="H": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "mm/dd/yyyy")) case is="i": FormatDate = format$(d, "dd, mmmm") case is="I": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "dd, mmmm")) case is="j": FormatDate = format$(d, "dd, mmmm yyyy") case is="J": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "dd, mmmm yyyy")) case is="k": FormatDate = format$(d, "yyyy mmmm dd") case is="K": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "yyyy mmmm dd")) case is="l": FormatDate = format$(d, "mmmm, dd") case is="L": FormatDate = ucase(format$(d, "mmmm, dd")) case else: FormatDate = "" end select End function Public Function DateDiff(date1 as Variant, date2 as Variant ) as Long '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' DateDiff ' ' Returns an integer value that represents the number of days that ' separate the dates passed to the function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim TempVal as Variant TempVal = CINT((DateValue(date1)) - (DateValue(date2)) ) DateDiff = ABS(TempVal) End Function Public Sub Pause( pausetime as Integer ) '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Pause ' ' Suspend execution of application for specified amount of time. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim BeginTime as Single BeginTime = Timer Do While Timer < BeginTime + pausetime Yield loop End Sub Public Function ProperCase ( s as String ) as String '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ProperCase ' ' Capitalizes the first character, and lowercases the rest, of a string. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim UpperIt as Integer : UpperIt = TRUE Dim newstring as string Dim currchar as string Dim i as Integer For i = 1 to len(s) currchar = mid(s,i,1) currchar = lcase$(currchar) If UpperIt then currchar = ucase$(currchar) UpperIt = FALSE End if If currchar = " " then UpperIt = TRUE End if newstring = newstring + currchar Next i ProperCase = newstring End Function Public Function Repeat(pattern as string, repcount as integer, maxlen as integer) as String '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Repeat ' ' Repeat a given pattern a certain number of times, up to a maximum length. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim Newstring as String Dim i as Integer For i = 1 to repcount Newstring = Newstring + pattern Next i If maxlen <> 0 then ' in lieu of ommitted arguments... newstring = left$(newstring, maxlen) end if Repeat = newstring End function Public Function Str_Word(searchstr as String, sepstr as String, wordnum as Integer) as String '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Str_Word ' ' Search for a given numbered repetition of a substring '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim done as Integer : done = FALSE Dim beginpos as Integer : beginpos = 0 Dim endpos as Integer : endpos = 0 Dim i as Integer For i = 1 to wordnum beginpos = endpos + 1 endpos = instr(beginpos, searchstr, sepstr) if endpos = 0 then endpos = len(searchstr) + 1 exit for end if Next i Str_Word = mid$(searchstr,beginpos,endpos-beginpos) End function Public Function Log10( inVal as Double) as Double '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Log10 ' ' Calculates the logarithm for a given number for the base of 10. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log10 = Log(inVal)/Log(10) End function