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Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "Kernel" _ (Byval lpApplicationName As String, _ Byval lpKeyName As String, Byval lpDefault As String, _ Byval lpReturnedString As String, Byval nSize As Integer, _ Byval lpFileName As String) As Integer Declare Function GetPrivateProfileStringA Lib "kernel32"_ Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA"_ (Byval lpApplicationName As String, Byval lpKeyName As Any,_ Byval lpDefault As String, Byval lpReturnedString As String,_ Byval nSize As Long, Byval lpFileName As String) As Long Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory LIB "kernel32" ALIAS "GetWindowsDirectoryA" (ByVal szBuf$,ByVal cbBuf&) AS LONG ' Registry declarations Declare Function RegOpenKeyExA Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (Byval HKEY As Long,Byval lpszSubKey As String,Byval dwreserved As Integer,Byval samDesired As Long, keyresult As Long) As Long Declare Function RegQueryValueExA Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (Byval HKEY As Long,Byval lpszValueName As String,Byval dwreserved As Integer, lpdwtype As Long, Byval lpData As String, readbytes As Long) As Long Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegCloseKey" (Byval HKEY As Long) As Long '---------------------------- Helper Functions --------------------------------------- FUNCTION NullTrim (szString$) DIM l% l% = INSTR (szString, CHR$(0)) IF l% > 0 THEN NullTrim = RTrim$(LEFT$ (szString, l% - 1)) ELSEIF l% = 0 THEN NullTrim = RTrim$(szString) ELSE NullTrim = "" END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION GetWindowsDir() DIM szBufAl$, cbBuf&, szBuf$, rv& szBufAl$ = STRING$(256, " ") cbBuf& = GetWindowsDirectory(szBufAl$, 256) IF cbBuf& = 0 THEN GetWindowsDir = "" Print SID_ERR_GETWINDOWSDIR, "" ERROR STFQUIT ELSE IF cbBuf& > 255 THEN Print SID_ERR_GETWINDOWSDIR2, "" ERROR STFQUIT END IF szBuf$ = NullTrim(szBufAl$) if Right(szBuf$,1) <> "\" THEN szBuf$ = szBuf$ + "\" GetWindowsDir = szBuf$ END IF END FUNCTION Function GetWord(searchstr As String, sepstr As String, wordnum As Integer) As String Dim done As Integer done = False Dim beginpos As Integer beginpos = 0 Dim endpos As Integer endpos = 0 Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To wordnum beginpos = endpos + 1 endpos = Instr(beginpos, searchstr, sepstr) If endpos = 0 Then endpos = Len(searchstr) + 1 Exit For End If Next i GetWord = Mid$(searchstr,beginpos,endpos-beginpos) End Function Function SearchRegistry(ApplicationName, ExeName) ' Return the full path for an application ' the applicationName should be in the form of Approach.exe ' WordPro.exe etc.. ' if "" is returned then the app was not found in the registry Dim hKey As Long Dim HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long Dim KEY_READ As Long Dim HKEY_CURRENT_USER As Long Dim ValueType As Long Dim ReturnedKeyContents As String * 255 Dim readbytes As Long ReturnedKeycontents$=String$(255,Chr$(32)) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE= &H80000002 HKEY_CURRENT_USER= &H80000001 KEY_QUERY_VALUE=1 KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS=8 KEY_NOTIFY=16 KEY_READ=KEY_QUERY_VALUE Or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS Or KEY_NOTIFY ReadBytes=255 ' ' 1st try: Look Under "HLM\SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" ' BaseName$ = "SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" ' this is your key KeyName$ = BaseName$ + ExeName ValueName$ = "" ' this is your value to look up Statopen = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,KeyName$,0,KEY_READ,hKey) Print "OpenKey " StatOpen StatQuery = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,ValueName$,0,valueType, ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes) Print "Query " StatQuery regclosekey(hKey) If StatQuery = Success Then SearchRegistry = Left$(ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes-1) Exit Function End If ' ' 2nd try: Look Under "HLM\SoftWare\Lotus\" + ApplicationName + "\97.0\" ' KeyName$ = "SoftWare\Lotus\" + ApplicationName + "\97.0" ' this is your key ValueName$ = "Path" ' this is your value to look up Statopen = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,KeyName$,0,KEY_READ,hKey) Print "OpenKey " StatOpen StatQuery=RegQueryValueExA(hKey,ValueName$,0,valueType, ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes) Print "Query " StatQuery If StatQuery = Success Then ExePath = Left$(ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes-1) Else SearchRegistry = "" Exit Function End If ValueName$ = "Name" ' this is your value to look up StatQuery = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Name",0,valueType, ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes) Print "Query " StatQuery regclosekey(hKey) If StatQuery = Success Then ExeName=Left$(ReturnedKeyContents$,ReadBytes-1) SearchRegistry = ExePath + ExeName Exit Function Else SearchRegistry = "" End If End Function Function SearchIni(CommonName) Dim IniData As String * 255 Dim IniData2 As String Dim Stat Dim IniFileName As String IniData = String$(255,0) IniFileName = GetWindowsDir() + "Lotus.Ini" If IsDefined("Win16") Then Stat = GetPrivateProfileString("Lotus Applications",CommonName,"",IniData,255,IniFileName) IniData2=Left$(IniData,Stat) End If If IsDefined("Win32") Then Stat = GetPrivateProfileStringA("Lotus Applications",CommonName,"",IniData,255,IniFileName) IniData2=Left$(IniData,Stat) End If If IniData2 <> "" Then IniData2 = GetWord(IniData2," ",1) End If SearchIni = IniData2 End Function Function LaunchApp (ExeName, AppName, IniName) ' ExeName : listed under HLM\SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ ' AppName : listed under HLM\SoftWare\Lotus\ ' IniName : listed under lotus.ini WindowStyle = 3 ' Maximized with Focus Status = 0 If IsDefined("Win32") Then FullPath = SearchRegistry(AppName, ExeName) End If If FullPath = "" Then FullPath = SearchIni(IniName) End If FullPath = Trim(FullPath) If FullPath <> "" Then Status = Shell(FullPath,WindowStyle) End If LaunchApp = Status End Function Sub Main End Sub '---------------------------- Lauching Application --------------------------------------- ' ExeName : listed under HLM\SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ ' AppName : listed under HLM\SoftWare\Lotus\ ' IniName : listed under lotus.ini Sub Acrobat ExeName = "acroread.exe" AppName = "DocOnline" IniName = "DocOnline" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub Approach() ExeName = "Approach.Exe" AppName = "Approach" IniName = "Approach" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub ccMail ExeName = "ccMail.exe" AppName = "ccMail" IniName = "ccMail" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub Freelance ExeName = "f32main.exe" AppName = "Freelance" IniName = "FLW" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub Notes ExeName = "Notes.exe" AppName = "Notes" IniName = "Notes" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub Organizer ExeName = "Org32.exe" AppName = "Organizer" IniName = "organize" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub Screencam ExeName = "scrncam.exe" AppName = "ScreenCam" IniName = "ScreenCam" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub WordPro ExeName = "WordPro.exe" AppName = "WordPro" IniName = "AmiPro" FullPath = LaunchApp(ExeName, AppName, IniName) End Sub Sub SmartPics ExeName = "SmartPics.exe" AppName = "SmartPics" IniName = "SmartPics" FullPath = "" End Sub