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'******************************************************** '* * '* Internet Search for 123 * '* Authored by Darcy Burner * '* updated by Linda Sharar * '* * '******************************************************** Option Public 'Option Declare Declare Public Function RegOpenKeyExA Lib "advapi32" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (Byval HKEY As Long,Byval lpszSubKey As String,Byval dwreserved As Integer,Byval samDesired As Long, keyresult As Long) As Long Declare Public Function RegQueryValueExA Lib "advapi32" _ Alias "RegQueryValueExA" _ (Byval HKEY As Long,_ Byval lpszValueName As String,_ Byval dwreserved As Integer, _ lpdwtype As Long, _ Byval lpData As String, _ readbytes As Long) As Long Declare Public Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32" _ Alias "RegCloseKey" (Byval HKEY As Long) As Long Declare Public Function GetPrivateProfileStringA Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA"_ (Byval AppName As String,_ Byval KName As Any, _ Byval Def As String, _ Byval RStr As String, _ Byval nSize As Integer, _ Byval FName As String) As Integer Function GetKey (myKey As String) As String Dim HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long Dim KEY_READ As Long Dim HKEY_CURRENT_USER As Long Dim HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT As Long Dim KEY_QUERY_VALUE As Integer Dim KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS As Integer Dim KEY_NOTIFY As Integer HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT= &H80000000 HKEY_CURRENT_USER= &H80000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE= &H80000002 KEY_QUERY_VALUE=1 KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS=8 KEY_NOTIFY=16 KEY_READ=KEY_QUERY_VALUE Or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUBKEYS Or KEY_NOTIFY Dim lstat As Long Dim KeyVal As Long Dim KeyReadBytes As Long Dim ValueType As Long Dim ValueName As String Dim ReturnedKeyContents As String * 255 ReturnedKeyContents=String$(255,Chr$(32)) 'Open the registry and get the key address (myKey) lstat=RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,myKey,0,KEY_READ,KeyVal) KeyReadBytes = 255 'Get the value of the key at that address (ReturnedKeyContents) lstat=RegQueryValueExA(KeyVal,ValueName,0,ValueType, _ ReturnedKeyContents,KeyReadBytes) 'Close the registry, thank you (you wouldn't want the keys to escape!) regclosekey(KeyVal) 'Get rid of the extra characters in the keystring ReturnedKeyContents = Rtrim$(ReturnedKeyContents) ReturnedKeyContents = Left$(ReturnedKeyContents,(Len(ReturnedKeyContents)-1)) GetKey = ReturnedKeyContents End Function Sub Main %Include "Inistrs.lss" '**************************************************************** '* The following section added by Linda Sharar * '* on 10/2/96 * '**************************************************************** On Error Goto RangeError '**************************************************************** '* Continue Function as written by Darcy Burner * '* * '**************************************************************** 'Select current cell contents query$ = Selection.Cell(0,0,0).contents If query$ = "" Then Beep Messagebox NOTEXT, MB_OK, ERRSTR Exit Sub End If '**************************************************************** '* The following section added by Linda Sharar * '* on 9/26/96 * '**************************************************************** 'Set Variables for String Indicators singlequote$= "'" doublequote$= """" carat$= "^" 'Test to see if selected cell contains a text string If Instr(1,query$, singlequote$)=1 Then IsText="Yes" End If If Instr(1,query$, doublequote$)=1 Then IsText="Yes" End If If Instr(1,query$, carat$)=1 Then IsText="Yes" End If 'If cell does not contain text, give error and exit subroutine If IsText <> "Yes" Then Beep Messagebox NOTEXT, MB_OK, ERRSTR Exit Sub End If 'Assuming cell contains text, begin trimming and parsing string for query query$= Trim$(query$) Dim symbolposition As Integer Dim querylen As Integer 'First strip away any excess single quotation marks symbol$ = singlequote$ symbolposition = Instr(1, query$, symbol$) While symbolposition <> 0 querylen=Len(query$) leftquery$=Left(query$, symbolposition-1) rightquery$=Right(query$,querylen-symbolposition) query$= leftquery$+rightquery$ symbolposition = Instr(1, query$, symbol$) Wend 'Strip away any excess carat marks symbol$ = carat$ symbolposition = Instr(1, query$, symbol$) While symbolposition <> 0 querylen=Len(query$) leftquery$=Left(query$, symbolposition-1) rightquery$=Right(query$,querylen-symbolposition) query$= leftquery$+rightquery$ symbolposition = Instr(1, query$, symbol$) Wend 'Strip away any excess double quotation marks symbol$ = doublequote$ symbolposition = Instr(1, query$, symbol$) While symbolposition <> 0 querylen=Len(query$) leftquery$=Left(query$, symbolposition-1) rightquery$=Right(query$,querylen-symbolposition) query$= leftquery$+rightquery$ symbolposition = Instr(1, query$, symbol$) Wend 'Strip away spaces on left and right query$= Trim$(query$) 'Locate Internal Spaces and replace with addition symbols contents$=query$ firstspace$ = " " spaceposition = Instr(contents$, firstspace$) While spaceposition<>"0" Mid$(contents$, spaceposition, 1) = "+" oldspaceposition=spaceposition spaceposition = Instr(contents$, firstspace$) While spaceposition=oldspaceposition+1 leftcontents$=Left(contents$, spaceposition-1) contentlen=Len(contents$) rightcontents$=Right(contents$,contentlen-spaceposition) contents$ = Leftcontents$+Rightcontents$ spaceposition = Instr(contents$, firstspace$) Wend Wend query$=contents$ '**************************************************************** '* Continue Function as written by Darcy Burner * '* * '**************************************************************** Dim URL As String URL$ = "http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p="& query$ ' ** Define the search key list ** ' ******************************** Dim strKeylist(3) As String strKeylist(0) = "http" 'http strKeylist(1) = "htmlfile" 'htmlfile strKeylist(2) = ".htm" '.htm strKeylist(3) = ".html" '.html ' ** Declare the variables needed ** ' **************************************** Dim ReturnedKey As String * 255 'Dim DDEAppKey As String 'Dim DDETopicKey As String 'Dim ReturnedDDEAppKey As String 'Dim ReturnedDDETopicKey As String Dim strSKey As String Dim SeekKey As String Dim BrowserPath As String Dim LaunchPath As String Dim stat As Variant Dim QuotePos As Integer Dim ExePos As Integer ' ** Iterate through the list of keyvalues until a valid one is found ** ' ********************************************************************** Forall strPKey In strKeylist ReturnedKey = GetKey(strPKey) If ReturnedKey<>"" Then 'We got something. Were we looking for a file extension...? If Left$(strPKey, 1) = "." Then 'Set the DDE command to nothing SeekKey = Trim$(ReturnedKey) 'Strip out excess nulls While InStr(SeekKey, Chr$(0)) > 0 SeekKey=Left$(SeekKey, InStr(SeekKey, Chr$(0)) -1) Wend Else 'We weren't looking for a file extension, so get DDE keys (to 'send message to app if running) and command key (to launch app 'if not already running) 'DDEAppKey = strPKey+"\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" 'DDETopicKey = strPKey+"\shell\open\ddeexec\Topic" 'ReturnedDDEAppKey = GetKey (DDEAppKey) 'ReturnedDDETopicKey = GetKey (DDETopicKey) SeekKey = strPKey End If 'Get the app key pointed to strSKey= SeekKey+"\shell\open\command" 'Get the browser path BrowserPath = GetKey (strSKey) 'Delete all command line params: ExePos=Instr(1,BrowserPath,".exe",1) If ExePos<>0 Then BrowserPath=Left$(BrowserPath,ExePos+4) End If 'Return path without leading quote, if there is one: QuotePos=Instr(BrowserPath,Chr$(34)) If QuotePos<>0 Then BrowserPath=Mid$(BrowserPath,QuotePos+1) QuotePos=Instr(BrowserPath, CHR$(34)) If QuotePos<>0 Then Mid$(BrowserPath,QuotePos)=" " End If End If 'Create the command to send to the shell LaunchPath=BrowserPath+" "+URL Err=0 On Error Resume Next ' ** Send the appropriate commands to the shell ** ' ********************************************************* 'Send the command to application to change to a new URL '(Hah! Wishful thinking, that I could send a DDE command from Script. Oh well.) 'Send the command to the shell to launch a new browser stat=Shell(LaunchPath, 1) 'If you successfully launched, you're done If stat = 33 Then Exit Sub End If On Error Goto 0 End If End Forall 'None of the registry keys pointed to valid browsers, so send an error Msgbox NOBROWSER Exit Sub '**************************************************************** '* The following section added by Linda Sharar * '* on 10/2/96 * '**************************************************************** 'New Error control by Linda Sharar RangeError: Beep Messagebox NOTEXT, MB_OK, ERRSTR Exit Sub End Sub