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- -------------------------------------------------------------
- You can use the file SOLVE123.EXE in this directory to install a
- limited-use trial version of a new Solver add-in for Lotus 1-2-3
- 97 Edition. This add-in, which replaces the Solver in previous
- versions of 1-2-3, is a what-if analysis tool that you can use to
- find answers to problems that you define, using constraint
- formulas and an objective formula to be maximized or minimized.
- The Solver add-in was developed and is supported by Frontline
- Systems Inc.
- This README file covers the following topics:
- 1. Installing the Solver
- 2. Getting Help
- 3. What is the Solver Good For?
- 4. Upgrading from the Solver in 1-2-3 Release 5
- ---------------------
- To install the new Solver, simply run the program SOLVE123.EXE on
- the computer where you have installed 1-2-3 97 Edition. You can
- double-click the filename SOLVE123.EXE in Windows Explorer, or
- select Run from the Start menu and type or browse to the path of
- You don't have to specify anything further: Just click the Setup
- button, then the OK button when prompted. SOLVE123.EXE is a
- "self-extracting archive" which creates a Solver subdirectory
- within your 1-2-3 directory (for example, c:\lotus\123\solver)
- and copies the necessary files into this subdirectory. It then
- registers the Solver add-in (filename SOLVER.12A) to auto-load
- whenever you start 1-2-3.
- To use the Solver add-in from 1-2-3 97 Edition, select Range,
- Analyze, Solver to display the main Solver Parameters dialog.
- Click the Help button on this dialog to access extensive how-to
- information about the Solver (see "Getting Help" below).
- After you install the Solver, you'll also see a sample workbook
- SOLVSAMP.123 in your Recently Used Files List when you start
- 1-2-3: You can open this workbook, solve the problems on any of
- the six predefined application worksheets (sheets B through G),
- and practice setting up a Solver problem on worksheet A.
- If you have problems with registration or auto-loading of the
- Solver after the installation, double-click on the filename
- SOLVER.HLP in the Solver subdirectory, and consult the section
- "Custom Installation". If you were unable to run SOLVE123.EXE,
- you can extract the Help file SOLVER.HLP from the archive file
- SOLVE123.EXE using a program such as WinZip or PKZIP.
- To deactivate the Solver, select File, Add-Ins, Manage Add-Ins,
- then click on the check mark next to the filename SOLVER.12A so
- that the check mark disappears. Then click Done. To remove the
- Solver add-in completely from your system, use the Manage Add-Ins
- dialog Remove button to remove the filename SOLVER.12A, then
- delete the Solver subdirectory and all the files it contains.
- ------------
- Frontline Systems offers telephone technical support for the
- Solver on a fee basis, and also maintains an extensive World Wide
- Web support site which you can access free of charge. Lotus
- Customer Support also offers some information about the Solver,
- though not in the same depth as the Solver developers, Frontline
- Systems. Most questions can be answered from the Solver's online
- Help, or by consulting Frontline's Web site. We encourage you to
- use the free resources first!
- To learn about Solver licensing and telephone technical support,
- click on the Help button in the Solver Parameters, Solver Options
- or Solver Results dialog. You will see a dialog box which
- reports the status of your Solver license: If you are using the
- trial version, this dialog shows how many problem solution
- attempts (clicks of the Solve button) remain before the trial
- license expires. If you have purchased a permanent license, it
- shows your user name and registration serial number. To purchase
- a permanent license, click the Register button. Also included in
- this dialog is telephone support and Web site information. Click
- the Help button in this dialog to reach the Solver Help file.
- If you have access to the World Wide Web via the Internet, you
- will find a wealth of current information about the Solver --
- over 70 pages at this writing -- at Frontline Systems' Web site,
- http://www.frontsys.com
- Since this site is frequently updated, it is well worth while to
- check it periodically for the latest news about the standard and
- enhanced Solvers. If you can't find the answer you need, you can
- send email to Frontline Systems directly from your Web browser
- with a single mouse click. Or, if you're using a separate email
- system, send it to:
- info@frontsys.com
- To reach Frontline Systems by phone, fax, or mail, please use:
- Frontline Systems, Inc.
- P.O. Box 4288
- Incline Village, NV 89450, USA
- Tel (702) 831-0300
- Fax (702) 831-0314
- ----------------------------
- The Solver is especially useful for resource allocation problems.
- The resources may be raw materials, people or equipment time,
- money, or anything else in limited supply. The decision
- variables represent the amounts of resources, and the constraints
- quantify the limits on their use. The Solver finds the
- allocation of resources that will maximize profit or minimize
- cost, while satisfying the constraints.
- The workbook SOLVSAMP.123, which is installed with the Solver
- when you run SOLVE123.EXE, shows you how to:
- * Assemble products from parts in inventory so as to maximize
- profits
- * Ship goods from plants to regional warehouses at minimum cost
- * Schedule employees to meet demand at an amusement park while
- minimizing cost
- * Invest cash monthly in short-term certificates of deposit to
- maximize interest income
- * Allocate funds to stocks in a portfolio to maximize return for
- a given level of risk
- The Solver uses the methods of linear programming, nonlinear
- programming, and integer programming to find optimal solutions.
- You'll find more information on these topics in the Solver Help
- system, accessed by clicking the Help button in any of the Solver
- dialogs.
- --------------------------------------------
- Capabilities: The new Solver provides linear and nonlinear
- optimization capabilities similar to those of the Solver in 1-2-3
- Release 5. It also handles problems with integer constraints,
- which allow users to include features such as fixed costs and
- yes/no decisions (such as whether to build a new plant) in their
- models.
- Problem Size: Unlike the 1-2-3 Release 5 Solver, which had no
- fixed limits on problem size, the new Solver has a fixed upper
- limit of 200 decision variables, and 100 constraints for
- nonlinear problems. But you will be able to solve problems on
- most modern PCs all the way up to this limit, which in practice
- is substantially larger than the 1-2-3 Release 5 Solver could
- handle in the same amount of memory and allowed solution time.
- If you need to solve larger problems, contact Frontline Systems
- about enhanced versions of the Solver with more capacity and
- speed.
- Converting Models: Solver models created in 1-2-3 Release 5 may
- be easily converted into the form required by the new Solver.
- Just follow these steps: Open your 1-2-3 Release 5 worksheet
- containing a Solver problem. Select Range, Analyze, Solver to
- display the Solver Parameters dialog. Type or select the
- objective (cell to be maximized or minimized) and the range of
- adjustable, or variable cells. Then click the Add button to add
- constraints. In the Cell Reference edit box, select the range of
- constraint formula cells in your 1-2-3 Release 5 model, then
- click OK without selecting anything else. The new Solver will
- separate your constraint formulas into their "left hand sides",
- relations (<=, =, >=) and "right hand sides" automatically.
- NOTE: This can only be done once, since your constraint formulas
- are modified in the process!
- Converting Macros: If you have written 1-2-3 macros employing
- commands such as {SOLVER-DEFINE} to control the 1-2-3 Release 5
- Solver, you'll find that the new Solver supports the same
- commands, with a few changes in the arguments. The new Solver
- also sports a complete programmable interface for LotusScript,
- which will be the preferred approach for implementing new
- applications. NOTE: The macro commands are best used as a
- transition aid -- you are strongly encouraged to convert your
- applications to LotusScript!