"" "0IA" "A." "readme.wri.45" "CRead Me DrawPlus CD-ROM" "DA"
; This is a dummy file to get the ArtPack stuff added.
"" "0D" "A." "readme.wri.1" "NArtPack Categories" "TAdds Art & Border categories for the 7000 Mega ArtPack clipart images. The actual images are left on the CD-ROM to save hard disk space." "IArtPackIniDp"
; This is a dummy file to get the font preview installed.
"" "0D" "A." "readme.wri.1" "NFontPack Preview" "TA document which allows you to view the 400 Mega FontPack fonts. To use the fonts, you must add the fonts to Windows by using the Control Panel."
"" "0JIA" "fFONTS" "fontlist.wri.0" "CFont List DrawPlus CD-ROM" "Df"
"" "0CDTA" "BDRAWP20\D2" "samples.scf.710" "NSample Drawings" "TA small collection of drawings to give a taste of what DrawPlus can do."
"" "0JDIB" "bBROWSER" "AMERICAN.EXE.0" "CAmericana" "Db" "NArtPack Catalogs" "TInstalls an icon for browsing each Mega ArtPack category. The actual catalogs are left on the CD-ROM to save hard disk space." "RBrowserReg"