Labels:dialog box | monitor | window OCR: MS DOS Eingabeauf forderung YAAC Auto EV \dki ll>yaac bla.arj YAAC (Yet Another ARJ Cracker 97 Copyr ight (c) 1994-98 pSU-soft Semjanov THIS I9 BETA VERS ION Process ing archive: bla arj version: 2.60 The begin vith: ga, gb gc gd, ge gf gg gh, gi gk, gl, gm, gn, go, gp, 'bf gr, gs, gt gu gv gw gx, 26 gA gB, gc, gD gE gF gG gH gI gJ gK, gL gN go, gp gQ, gR gs 15 n5 gV, n5 'x6 5 gz g0 g1 g4 a5 g6 a7 g8 g< gt cre c# gs g) hK hL hM hN ho br hQ, hR hS IT hU AV hO h1 h6 h" h8 h9 h? h#, h+ The 3rd char Recorme nded set chars Processing line 48 of password Test: ing 4-chars passwords Test: ing 5-chars passvords Processi passvord nceo detinition