2301 Change toolbar display options with right mouse button.
2320 Ready
2321 Wait
2322 Drag
2323 Draw
2324 Edit
2325 Move
2326 Size
2327 Rotate
2328 Crop
2329 Scroll
2330 Add
2331 Extend
2332 Copy
2333 Link
4001 Update '%s' and all of its instances?
4002 Update '%s'?
4003 Save changes to '%s'?
4004 Update the embedded object '%s'?
4005 Apply the pending changes?
4006 Apply changes before closing?
4007 This action will sever the object's link to its master.
4008 This file or object has been converted from an earlier version and will only be accessible by Visio 2.0 or a later version of Visio. Earlier versions of Visio will no longer be able to access it.
4009 This file or object has been converted from an earlier version and will only be accessible by Visio 3.0. Earlier versions of Visio will no longer be able to access it.
4010 Master(s) to be deleted are linked to objects on a drawing page. Break these links and delete the master(s)?
4011 At least one document in the workspace is unnamed. Visio will save only the named documents.
4013 This document contains Lotus Notes fields. Saving it in Visio 2.0 format will delete the Lotus Notes fields.
4014 The file '%s' is from a previous version of Visio.\n\nChoose how you want to save the file.\n\nNote: Saving in the Visio %d format may result in the loss of attributes unique to the Visio 5 format.
4015 The file or object has been converted from Visio 3.0, and will only be accessible by Visio 5.0 or later. Earlier versions of Visio will no longer be able to access it.
4016 The file or object has been converted from Visio 2.0, and will only be accessible by Visio 5.0 or later. Earlier versions of Visio will no longer be able to access it.
4017 The file or object has been converted from Visio 1.0, and will only be accessible by Visio 5.0 or later. Earlier versions of Visio will no longer be able to access it.
4018 The file '%s' is from a previous version of Visio.\n\nChoose how you want to send the file.\n\nNote: Sending in the Visio %d format may result in the loss of attributes unique to the Visio 5 format.
4019 Send Options
4020 An internal error occurred!\n\nAction %d: %s\nError %d: %s
4021 An error (%d) occurred during the action %s.\n\n%s
4022 Visio internal error: #%d\nAction %d: %s\n\nFirst try closing and reopening the file. Next try restarting Visio.
4023 Modifications made to a master open in a window will not be saved. Close the window and re-save the drawing to record the modifications.
4024 Visio &4 Format
4025 This is a master pattern.\nThis action may affect shapes that use it.
4026 Update '%s' and all shapes that may be using it as a pattern?
4030 The OLE linked data in this object is inherited from a master. If you want to perform an action on the OLE linked data, open the master.
4031 The OLE data in this object is inherited from a master. Performing an OLE action will create a local copy of the OLE data.
4032 This document has no OLE links.
4033 Visio is unable to zoom while embedded in this container.\n\nWould you like to open Visio in its own window so that you can zoom?
4034 Your Visio drawing contains ActiveX Controls, which may not behave properly when you open the drawing in Visio 4. See the file ReadMe.txt for more information.\n\nSave the drawing in Visio 4 format anyway?
4040 Visio requires Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later.
4041 The Clipboard contains a large amount of Visio drawing data. Do you want this data to be available to other applications after exiting Visio?
4042 The file '%s' is part of the workspace but cannot be opened. %s
4043 An unexpected floating point exception occurred.
4044 Guides cannot be added to a rotated group.\nContinue adding the other selected items to the group?
4050 This is not a Visio file.
4051 This file is corrupt.
4052 This file has an incorrect Visio version number.
4053 This file is already in use.
4054 '%s' is read-only. Type a new file name and try again.
4055 Do you want to replace the existing '%s'?
4056 This file name is invalid.
4057 This file is open for modification in another instance of Visio.
4058 This file is open read-only in another instance of Visio.
4059 This file is open read-only in this instance of Visio.
4060 This file is open for modification in this instance of Visio.
4061 This file is read-only. The original for this file cannot be opened.
4062 This file cannot be opened by 16-bit Visio.
4064 Visio is unable to save %s in a previous format. Save the file in Visio 5 format.
4070 The password is incorrect. Remember to use the correct upper and lower case characters.
4071 Zero is not a valid entry.
4072 For help with dialog box settings, press F1.
4073 Shapes protected from selection can still be selected unless\nyou check Shapes in the Protect Document dialog box.
4074 The password entered contains Far East or invalid charaters
4075 Removing this layer will delete all shapes\nbelonging to it. Remove the layer?
4080 You must enter an ID for a shape on the current page. Choose Format Special to see the ID of a specific shape.
4081 You must name the field.
4082 Field names can contain only letters, numbers, or the underscore character.
4090 Visio is unable to open the file %s.\n%s
4091 No preview is available
4092 No preview was saved for this drawing.
4100 Visio has finished searching all pages.
4101 Visio has finished searching the selection.
4102 Visio has finished searching the page.
4103 The spelling check is complete.
4104 The spelling check of the selection is complete.
4105 The spelling check of the page is complete.
4106 Visio was unable to find the dictionary.\nTo use the spelling checker please reinstall Visio.
4107 Visio was unable to find the spelling file for:
4110 You cannot quit Visio because a dialog box is active.\nSwitch to Visio first and close the dialog box.
4111 You cannot quit Visio because a program is handling an event from Visio.\nIf VBA is at a breakpoint, reset VBA, then quit again.
4112 An error occurred while trying to navigate the following hyperlink:\n\n%s
4113 Lay Out Shapes works best with flowcharts, network diagrams, and similar drawings.\n\nUsed with other diagram types, this command may produce unexpected results, but you can choose Undo to return to your original diagram.\n\nDo you want to proceed?
4114 Visio did not open "%s" because it\ncontains macros and MacroVirusProtection=3 was set in Visio.ini.
4115 To route the drawing, choose File > Send To > Next Routing Recipient.\n\nIf you choose not to route the drawing now, Visio will prompt you to do so when the drawing is closed.
4116 This drawing has an e-mail routing slip. Do you want to route to "%s" now?
5000 Visio
5001 Visio Standard
5005 vsd
5006 vss
5007 vst
5008 vsw
5009 exe
5010 vsl
5011 vs*
5012 hlp
5013 flt
5014 vsp
5020 - %d
5021 Drawing
5022 Stencil
5023 Template
5024 Workspace
5025 Stencil
5026 :
5027 ...
5028 Embedded
5029 in
5030 {
5031 }
5032 Drawing
5033 Stencil
5034 Template
5035 Workspace
5036 Embed
5040 VISIO Drawing
5041 VISIO 4 Drawing
5042 VISIO 3 Drawing
5043 VISIO 2 Drawing
5044 VISIO 1 Drawing
5045 VISIO 5 Drawing
5046 VISIO Automation
5047 VISIO 5 Automation
5048 VISIO 3 Automation
5049 VISIO 4 Automation
5050 &Edit
5051 &Open
5052 &Edit,0,2
5053 &Open,0,2
5054 VISIO
5055 OLE
5058 VISIO
5060 .vsd, Visio Drawing (*.vsd)
5061 Visshe32.dll
5062 System
5063 VISIO UI Object
5064 VISIO MenuSet Object
5065 VISIO Menu Object
5066 VISIO MenuItem Object
5067 VISIO ToolbarSet Object
5068 VISIO Toolbar Object
5069 VISIO ToolbarItem Object
5070 VISIO StatusBar Object
5071 VISIO StatusBarItem Object
5072 VISIO AccelTable Object
5073 VISIO AccelItem Object
5074 VISIO ActiveX Control
5080 Can't Undo Ctrl+Z
5081 Can't Redo Ctrl+Y
5082 Can't Repeat F4
5083 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
5084 &Redo %s Ctrl+Y
5085 &Repeat %s F4
5088 &Save Ctrl+S
5089 &About Visio Standard
5090 &Browse Drawings...
5091 &Update Ctrl+S
5092 Save &As...
5093 Save Copy &As...
5095 More &Pages...
5096 &Page...
5098 &Run...
5099 &Add-ons
5100 &Open
5101 &Protect Document...
5102 Un&protect Document...
5103 &Update
5104 &Properties...
5105 Master &Properties...
5106 &Copy Drawing Ctrl+C
5107 &Copy Ctrl+C
5108 E&xit && Return to %s
5109 &Object
5110 &Open
5111 Group
5112 &1-2-3 Worksheet...
5113 Lotus Annotator &Note...
5114 Clip A&rt...
5115 &Word Art...
5116 Microsoft &Graph...
5117 &Data Map...
5118 &More Templates...
5119 &More Stencils...
5120 &More Macros...
5121 &More Drawings...
5122 &Mail Recipient...
5123 &Routing Recipient...
5124 &Next Routing Recipient...
5125 &Other Routing Recipient...
5126 Show ShapeSheet
5127 View As Horizontal
5128 View As Vertical
5129 &Visio Map...
5130 &Properties
5131 &View Code
5132 &Equation...
5140 Title
5141 Subject
5142 Creator
5143 Keywords
5144 Description
5145 PageName
5146 CreationDate
5147 LastRevisionDate
5148 &Actions
5151 Open AutoCAD Drawing
5152 Insert AutoCAD Drawing
5153 ARRAY32.VSL
5154 Array Shapes
5155 Visio Flowchart Converter
5158 Visio File Converter
5159 Export to AutoCAD
5160 Property Reporting Wizard.EXE
5161 Custom Properties Editor.EXE
5163 HTML Files (*.htm,*.html)
5164 *.htm;*.html
5165 Hyperlinking Wizard.EXE
5166 Text Files (*.txt,*.csv)
5167 *.txt;*.csv
5168 ABC FlowCharter (*.af3,*.af2)
5169 *.af3;*.af2
5170 CorelFLOW (*.cfl)
5171 *.cfl
5172 AutoCAD (*.dwg,*.dxf)
5173 *.dwg;*.dxf
5174 Shape Explorer.EXE
5178 %s(%d) %s\nCell = %s\nCell's formula references cell %s, but the subscription is missing.\n\nFix subscription?
5180 %s(%d) %s\nCell = %s\nFormula = %s\n\nRemove the unneeded local override?
5181 %s(%d) %s\nSheet = %s\nSection = %s\n\nDelete the section?
5182 %s(%d) %s\nSheet = %s\nRow = %s\n\nDelete the row?
5183 %s(%d) %s\nCell = %s\nFormula = %s\nValue = %u (%s)\n\nReset to the default font?
5184 %s(%d) %s\nCell = %s\nFormula = %s\nValue = %u (%s)\n\nReset to the explict font?
5185 http://www.visio.com
5186 http://www.yahoo.com
5187 http://www.visio.com
5188 http://www.visio.com
5189 http://www.visio.com/solutions
5190 http://www.visio.com/support
5191 http://www.visio.com/resources
5193 It is recommended that you save the current document before continuing.\n\nDo you want to save this document now?
5194 You should save this document before creating a hyperlink.\n\nDo you want to save this document now?
5195 Windows Metafile
5196 .WMF
5197 Windows Bitmap
5198 .DIB
5199 .BMP
5200 Enhanced Metafile
5201 .EMF
5202 MS Graphic Import Filters
5203 MS Graphic Export Filters
5204 FilterDefinitions
5205 Page-%d
5206 Background-%d
5207 Page Name
5208 Background-1
5209 Page-1
5210 New empty document.
5215 Shape
5216 Guide
5217 OLE Linked Object
5218 OLE Embedded Object
5219 Metafile
5220 Bitmap
5221 <no master>
5222 Control
5225 <no background>
5226 0
5230 %s style '%s' also includes %s%s%s formatting.\n\nDo you want to apply all of the included formatting?
5231 fill
5232 line
5233 text
5234 and
5239 Laying out shapes
5240 Printing %s to %s on %s
5241 Printing...
5242 Operation
5243 Processing Shape %d
5244 Assembling
5245 Copy %d
5246 Convert To Group
5247 Record %d of %d
5248 Please wait while Visio updates its directory cache.
5250 Go to this page in the document.
5251 Run this Visio Add-on.
5252 Create a new drawing based on this template.
5253 Run this Visio macro.
5254 Open this Visio stencil.
5255 Browse for more files.
5256 Open this Visio drawing.
5258 #
5262 15mm
5263 0.5in
5264 5mm
5265 0.25in
5266 2pt
5267 2pt
5270 Visio Drawing Data
5271 Visio Style Data
5272 Visio Master Data
5273 Visio Text Data
5274 Visio Icon Data
5275 %s
5276 Picture
5277 Visio Foreign Data
5278 ANSI Text
5279 OEM Text
5280 Windows Device Independent Bitmap
5281 Windows Device Dependent Bitmap
5282 Hyperlink
5283 Hyperlink
5284 Picture (Enhanced Metafile)
5285 Not Found
5286 Visio Drawing in
5287 Built-in connector
5288 Universal connector
5289 You are missing a DLL that is necessary to run this version of Visio. Please re-install Visio.
5290 Run Add-on
5291 nologo
5292 nonew
5293 solutions\solution;solutions
5294 dvs\solution;solutions;dvs
5295 drawing
5296 Drag to add a horizontal guide. Ctrl+drag to set the vertical ruler zero. Double-click to reset horizontal ruler zero to default.
5297 Drag to add a vertical guide. Ctrl+drag to set the horizontal ruler zero. Double-click to reset vertical ruler zero to default.
5298 Drag to add a guide point. Ctrl+drag to set both ruler zeros. Double-click to reset ruler zeros to default.
5299 Dynamic connector
5305 Pages
5306 OLE Embeds
5307 ActiveX Controls
5308 Masters
5309 Styles
5310 Custom Fills
5311 Custom Line Styles
5320 Favorite
5321 Internet Shortcuts (*.url)|*.url|
5322 url
5323 Add To Favorites
5330 Custom
7000 Custom Formula
7001 Date/Time
7002 Document Info
7003 Geometry
7004 Object Info
7005 Page Info
7006 Lotus Notes Field
7007 Custom Properties
7008 User-defined Cells
7009 Creation Date
7010 Creation Time
7011 Current Date
7012 Current Time
7013 Last Edit Date
7014 Last Edit Time
7015 Print Date
7016 Print Time
7017 Creator
7018 Description
7019 Directory
7020 Filename
7021 Keywords
7022 Subject
7023 Title
7024 Manager
7025 Company
7026 Category
7027 Hyperlink Base
7028 Width
7029 Height
7030 Angle
7031 Data 1
7032 Data 2
7033 Data 3
7034 ID
7035 Master
7036 Name
7037 Type
7038 Background
7039 Name
7040 Number of Pages
7041 Page Number
7042 General
7043 General units
7044 0
7045 0 units
7046 0.0
7047 0.0 units
7048 0.00
7049 0.00 units
7050 0.000
7051 0.000 units
7052 Feet & Inches
7053 Radians
7054 Degrees
7055 0' 0 #/#"
7056 0' 0 #/##"
7057 0 #/#
7058 0 #/# units
7059 0 #/##
7060 0 #/## units
7062 Short Date
7063 Long Date
7064 M/d/yy
7065 MM/dd/yy
7066 MMM d, yyyy
7067 MMMM d, yyyy
7068 d/M/yy
7069 dd/MM/yy
7070 d MMM, yyyy
7071 d MMMM, yyyy
7072 General Time
7073 h:mm
7074 hh:mm
7075 H:mm (24 hour)
7076 HH:mm (24 hour)
7077 h:mm am/pm
7078 hh:mm am/pm
7079 Normal
7080 Lowercase
7081 Uppercase
7082 ggge NmRÄd · ww
7083 yyyy NmRÄd · ww
7084 ggge NmRÄd ·
7085 yyyy NmRÄd ·
7086 yyyy/M/d
7087 yy/MM/dd
7088 h:mm Râ–€ O/Râ–€RÏ€
7089 ñWñ╚/ñUñ╚h:mm
7090 R▀ O/R▀Rπ hÄ₧mm" ¬
7091 hÄ₧mm" ¬
7092 gggEª~MMMMñδddddñΘ
7093 ggEª~MMMMñδddddñΘ
7094 geª~MMMMñδddddñΘ
7750 None
7751 %d:
7752 None!
7753 Custom...!
7755 Top
7756 Middle
7757 Bottom
7760 Left
7761 Center
7762 Right
7763 Justify
7764 Force Justify
7765 Normal
7766 All Caps
7767 Initial Caps
7770 Normal
7771 Superscript
7772 Subscript
7775 6pt.
7776 8pt.
7777 9pt.
7778 10pt.
7779 12pt.
7780 14pt.
7781 18pt.
7782 24pt.
7783 30pt.
7784 36pt.
7785 48pt.
7786 60pt.
7790 (TrueType)
7791 [Symbol]
7792 [OEM]
7793 [SJIS]
7794 [Hangeul]
7795 [Big5]
7800 <
7801 >
7805 Left
7806 Center
7807 Right
7808 Decimal
7810 Round
7811 Square
7815 Very Small
7816 Small
7817 Medium
7818 Large
7819 Extra Large
7820 Jumbo
7821 Colossal
7830 400%
7831 200%
7832 150%
7833 100%
7834 75%
7835 50%
7836 Last
7837 Width
7838 Page
7840 Open
7841 Save As
7842 Save Copy As
7843 Save Workspace
7844 Browse Drawings
7845 Browse Templates
7846 Open Stencil
7847 Choose a Drawing Template
7848 Visio Drawing File
7849 Visio Stencil File
7850 Visio Template File
7851 Visio Workspace File
7852 Visio Pattern File
7853 All Visio Files (*.vs*)
7854 Drawing (*.vsd)
7855 Stencil (*.vss)
7856 Template (*.vst)
7857 Workspace (*.vsw)
7858 Pattern (*.vsp)
7859 Visio 4 Drawing (*.vsd)
7860 Visio 4 Stencil (*.vss)
7861 Visio 4 Template (*.vst)
7862 Visio 3 Drawing (*.vsd)
7863 Visio 3 Stencil (*.vss)
7864 Visio 3 Template (*.vst)
7865 &Browse...
7866 Disk Directory:
7867 Visio is unable to write to this folder or disk drive.
7868 Empty %s
7869 Browse Sample Drawings
7870 Wizard
7871 No Template
7872 No Stencil
7873 basic
7874 New empty stencil.
7875 basic
7880 Same as Printer
7881 Fit Page to Drawing Contents
7882 Standard
7883 Custom Page Size
7884 Custom Scaled Drawing Size
7885 Metric (ISO)
7886 ANSI Engineering
7887 ANSI Architectural
7888 No Scale
7889 Architectural
7890 Civil Engineering
7891 Custom Scale
7892 Metric
7893 Mechanical Engineering
7894 Page Setup
7895 Page
7896 Master Properties
7897 Drawing Size/Scale
7898 Drawing Size/Scale
7899 Master Size/Scale
7900 Master Properties
7901 Landscape
7902 Portrait
7905 Name
7906 Text
7907 Data 1
7908 Data 2
7909 Data 3
7910 Help
7911 Copyright
7912 &Shape Field:
7913 &Units:
7914 &Custom Formula
7915 &Shape ID
7916 Show Drawing Page
7917 Page
7920 <New style>
7921 OK
7922 Apply
7923 Cancel
7924 Close
7925 Ch&ange
7926 &Add
7927 <Use master's format
7928 Custom
7930 VISIO
7931 Continue
7932 Microsoft System Info
7935 {No Layer}
7936 New Layer
7937 Rename Layer
7938 {Multiple Layers}
7940 Fine
7941 Normal
7942 Coarse
7943 Fixed
7950 Lay Out Shapes
7951 Radial
7952 Top to Bottom
7953 Left to Right
7955 Shallow
7956 Medium
7957 Deep
7960 Flowchart
7961 Right Angle
7962 Straight
7963 Tree
7970 Active Document
7971 Are you sure you want to delete the macro: %s?
7972 Visio Add-ons
7973 Active Document and Visio Add-ons
7975 Initializing Visio Dialog Formatter
7976 {Reserved attribute data}
7977 Visio needs to know whether to read the field from Lotus Notes or write the field to Lotus Notes.
7978 New Master
7979 Properties
7980 Print to File
7981 One or more drawing pages is oriented differently from the printed page setup. Click OK to print your drawing across multiple pages. To match orientations, change the printed page orientation.
8010 Visio either could not connect to the file you specified, or the file was not created with Visio.
8011 You can only browse named locations in Visio drawing files.
8015 Text
8016 Options
8017 Print Setup
8018 Properties
8040 None
8041 Horizontal Lines
8042 Vertical Lines
8043 Last Routed Line
8046 Let Visio Decide
8047 Layout and Route Around
8048 Do Not Layout and Route Around
9600 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
9601 *.txt
9602 +-.eE
9603 {none}
9604 "
9605 '
9606 {tab}
9607 {space}
9608 ,
9609 This file already exists.\n\nReplace existing file?
9611 Cannot create file.
9612 Cannot create temporary file.
9613 Browse
9616 Inventory
9619 Edit Values
9621 Ascending
9622 Descending
9623 {not sorted}
9624 Must have at least one output field.
9625 Another application has the clipboard open.
9626 Please simplify your drawing or select fewer objects.\n\nMemory limit reached.
9627 SetClipboardData() failed.
9628 Qty
9629 ID
9630 Type
9631 Master
9632 Name
9633 Data 1
9634 Data 2
9635 Data 3
9636 Width
9637 Height
9638 X
9639 Y
9640 Text
9641 InvGeneral
9642 InvSelect
9643 Destination
9644 TextDelim
9645 FldSeparator
9646 DispColumnHeading
9647 TotalIdentical
9648 VisibleItemsOnly
9650 Custom Properties
9651 &Help
9652 Prompt
9800 (Default)
9801 (No Proof)
9802 Bulgarian
9803 Chinese
9807 Croatian
9808 Czech
9809 Danish
9810 Dutch
9811 English(US)
9812 English(UK)
9813 English(NZ)
9814 English(AUS)
9815 Finnish
9816 French
9817 French Canadian
9818 German
9819 Swiss German
9820 Austrian German
9821 Greek
9822 Hungarian
9823 Icelandic
9824 Italian
9825 Swiss Italian
9826 Japanese
9827 Korean
9828 Norwegian Bokmσl
9829 Norwegian Nynorsk
9830 Polish
9831 Portuguese
9832 Brazilian Portuguese
9833 Romanian
9834 Russian
9835 Slovak
9836 Slovenian
9837 Spanish
9838 Spanish(Mex)
9839 Swedish
9840 Turkish
9900 DIC
9901 Dictionaries (*.DIC)
9902 Add User Dictionary
9903 No Suggestions
9905 UserDictionaryPath
9920 Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools
9921 Spelling\1033\Normal
9922 Spelling\2057\Normal
9923 Engine
9924 Dictionary
9925 Custom Dictionaries
9926 MS Proofing Tools
9927 Spelling 1033,0
9928 Spelling 2057,0
9929 Custom Dict 1
9970 &Tab Character
9971 ^t
9972 Manual &Return
9973 ^r
9974 Optional &Hyphen
9975 ^-
9976 &Any Character
9977 ^?
9978 &Caret Character
9979 ^^
10050 MSSP2_EN.LEX
10052 MSSP2_BU.LEX
10053 MSSP2_CH.LEX
10057 MSSP2_CR.LEX
10058 MSSP2_CZ.LEX
10059 MSSP2_DA.LEX
10060 MSSP2_NL.LEX
10061 MSSP2_EN.LEX
10062 MSSP2_EN.LEX
10063 MSSP2_EN.LEX
10064 MSSP2_EN.LEX
10065 MSSP2_FI.LEX
10066 MSSP2_FR.LEX
10067 MSSP2_FR.LEX
10068 MSSP2_GE.LEX
10069 MSSP2_GE.LEX
10070 MSSP2_GE.LEX
10071 MSSP2_GR.LEX
10072 MSSP2_HU.LEX
10073 MSSP2_IC.LEX
10074 MSSP2_IT.LEX
10075 MSSP2_IT.LEX
10076 MSSP2_JA.LEX
10077 MSSP2_KO.LEX
10078 MSSP2_NO.LEX
10079 MSSP2_NO.LEX
10080 MSSP2_PL.LEX
10081 MSSP2_PT.LEX
10082 MSSP2_PT.LEX
10083 MSSP2_RO.LEX
10084 MSSP2_RU.LEX
10085 MSSP2_SL.LEX
10086 MSSP2_SV.LEX
10087 MSSP2_ES.LEX
10088 MSSP2_ES.LEX
10089 MSSP2_SW.LEX
10090 MSSP2_TU.LEX
15001 Create a new document based on a Visio template.
15002 Open an existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15003 Close all windows of the active document.
15004 Save the active document.
15005 Save a copy of the document in a separate file.
15006 Save document changes and create a workspace file.
15007 Insert a picture into your drawing.
15008 Export the document to an external graphics format.
15009 Show information about the active document.
15010 Print all or part of the active document.
15011 Select the target printer and change printer settings.
15012 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15013 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15014 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15015 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15016 Quit Visio.
15017 Reverse the last action.
15018 Redo the last action.
15019 Repeat the last action.
15020 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
15021 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.
15022 Paste the Clipboard contents.
15023 Delete the selected shape(s) or text.
15024 Duplicate the selected shape(s).
15025 Select all shapes.
15026 Select shapes by object type or layer.
15027 Insert Clipboard contents as a linked object, embedded object, or other format.
15029 Open the selected shape in a new drawing window.
15030 View and change document links.
15031 Launch an OLE server to create an embedded object.
15032 Insert the date, page number, and so on, into the selected shape(s) text.
15033 View the entire drawing page.
15034 Display the drawing at a 75% zoom.
15035 Display the drawing at actual size.
15036 Display the drawing at a 150% zoom.
15037 Display the drawing at a 200% zoom.
15038 Display the drawing at a custom zoom percentage.
15039 Toggle the display of rulers on/off.
15040 Toggle the display of the grid on/off.
15041 Toggle the display of guides on/off.
15042 Toggle the display of connection points on/off.
15043 Find the specified text.
15044 Toggle the display of the status bar on/off.
15045 Bring the selected shape(s) forward one layer.
15046 Bring the selected shape(s) to the front of the drawing.
15047 Send the selected shape(s) backward one layer.
15048 Send the selected shape(s) to the back of the drawing.
15049 Align an edge of the selected shape(s) with the first selected shape.
15050 Connect the selected shapes with the selected master or default connector.
15051 Group the selected shape(s).
15052 Ungroup the selected group(s) into their component shapes.
15053 Add the selected shape(s) to the selected group.
15054 Remove the selected shape(s) from their group.
15055 Convert the selected foreign shape(s) to group(s).
15056 Rotate the selected shape(s) 90â–‘ counterclockwise.
15057 Flip the selected shape(s) about their horizontal axis.
15058 Flip the selected shape(s) about their vertical axis.
15059 Reverse the selected shape(s) by rotating their vertices 180â–‘.
15060 Make one closed shape from the outline of the selected shapes.
15061 Combine the selected shapes into a single multi-component shape.
15062 Break the selected shapes into non-overlapping fragments.
15063 Apply a style to the selected shape(s).
15064 Create, remove, and edit style definitions.
15065 Set the line pattern, thickness, color, and end style of selected shape(s).
15066 Set the fill pattern, color, and shadow of the selected shape(s).
15068 Set the paragraph properties of selected shape(s) or text.
15069 Set the tab stops of selected shape(s) or text.
15070 Set the text margins and vertical alignment of selected shape(s).
15071 Set the behavior properties of selected shape(s).
15072 Set the protection properties of selected shape(s).
15073 Set the special data of a shape.
15074 Go to the foreground page of the current drawing.
15075 Go to the background page of the current drawing.
15076 Set the name, size, and scale of the current page and the print options, output format, and headers/footers for the document.
15077 Go to a specific page in the document.
15078 Create and go to a new page in the document.
15079 Delete an existing page from the document.
15080 Reorder the pages in the document.
15081 Change the document and/or application options.
15082 Change the colors of the current document.
15083 Protect the document contents, formatting, and shapes.
15084 Change the snap and glue settings.
15085 Open the current document in a new window.
15086 Cascade all open windows.
15087 Tile all open windows.
15088 Open a ShapeSheet window for the first selected shape.
15089 Open the stencil window of current drawing's master shapes.
15090 Run a Visio add-on.
15091 Show the drawing page.
15092 Display Help contents.
15097 Help on Visio stencils and windows.
15099 Run a self-running demonstration on how to use Visio.
15100 Display program information, version number, and the copyright.
15101 Edit icon of selected master(s).
15102 Edit selected master(s) in drawing window(s).
15103 Edit master properties.
15104 Create a new master.
15105 Set the icon of selected master(s) to default.
15106 Arrange the master icons in the active stencil window.
15107 Display cell values in the ShapeSheet.
15108 Display cell formulas in the ShapeSheet.
15109 Choose ShapeSheet sections to display.
15110 Paste a predefined name into a cell formula.
15111 Paste a predefined function into a cell formula.
15112 Insert row before active cell's row.
15113 Insert row after active cell's row.
15114 Change the active cell's row type.
15115 Delete the active cell's row.
15116 Add section(s) to the ShapeSheet object.
15117 Delete the active cell's section.
15118 Set the double-click property of the selected shape(s).
15131 Toggle bold on/off.
15132 Toggle italic on/off.
15136 Toggle underline on/off.
15146 Update the alignment box of the selected shape(s).
15147 Go to the previous page in the document.
15148 Go to the next page in the document.
15179 Find the specified text and change it.
15202 Center the drawing on the page.
15212 Choose an alternate output format for the drawing.
15214 Toggle between text edit and shape edit states.
15216 Zoom in to view the drawing in greater detail.
15217 Zoom out to view more of the drawing.
15230 Space the selected shapes horizontally or vertically.
15241 Insert a special character.
15242 Get information about Microsoft Office compatiblity.
15245 Edit the active document's Lotus Notes fields.
15270 Check spelling.
15274 Display the stencil in a floating window.
15279 Display the drawing at a 50% zoom.
15280 Display the drawing at a 400% zoom.
15282 Insert a Microsoft Data Map Object into your drawing.
15292 Send the current document as e-mail.
15312 Set the custom data of the selected shape.
15318 Change the properties of the rulers and grid.
15333 Change the shadow of selected shape(s).
15334 Change the corner rounding of selected shape(s).
15335 Generate a report on shape properties.
15339 Set the current page's size and scale properties.
15342 Move the stencil to the other side of the drawing.
15351 Protect the document contents, formatting, and shapes.
15354 Create an array of shapes.
15361 Close this window.
15363 Activate this window.
15364 Activate this window.
15365 Activate this window.
15366 Activate this window.
15367 Activate this window.
15368 Activate this window.
15369 Activate this window.
15370 Activate this window.
15371 Activate this window.
15372 Choose a window to activate.
15386 Get information about the next item chosen.
15387 Set the offset distance for the selected shape(s).
15389 Launch the Visio Shape Explorer to browse for shapes, stencils, templates, and macros.
15425 Set the size, position, and rotation angle of selected shape(s).
15428 Display additional information about the selected shape.
15430 Open the selected object for editing.
15438 Open the selected object for editing.
15439 Convert or activate the selected object as another type.
15442 Browse to select an existing Visio stencil to open.
15444 Set the action property of the active row.
15446 Assign the selected shape(s) to zero or more layers.
15448 Change the layer properties of the current page.
15452 Close the stencil.
15453 Intersect the selected shapes.
15454 Subtract the selected shapes.
15458 Activate a stencil in a docked set.
15461 Display the drawing at actual size.
15480 Display master icons and names.
15481 Display master icons only.
15482 Display master names only.
15483 Automatically arrange masters in a stencil.
15484 Run a Visio add-on.
15490 Display full pages as they will be printed.
15491 Open the drawing in its own window.
15492 Switch between normal view mode and maximized viewing area mode.
15494 Rotate the selected shape(s) 90â–‘ clockwise.
15495 Display the drawing at the previous zoom percentage.
15496 View the entire page width.
15497 Insert a Microsoft ClipArt Gallery object into your drawing.
15498 Insert a Microsoft WordArt object into your drawing.
15499 Insert a Microsoft Graph object into your drawing.
15500 Change the toolbar display options.
15502 Turn off the Visio toolbar.
15504 Turn on the Visio toolbar.
15505 Turn on the Visio toolbar.
15506 Add the hyperlink to your Favorites folder.
15507 Insert a Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet object into your drawing.
15508 Insert a Lotus Annotator Note object into your drawing.
15509 Toggle the display of page breaks on/off.
15512 View the current tile (printed page).
15513 View the previous tile (printed page).
15514 View the next tile (printed page).
15520 Convert an AutoCAD drawing into a new Visio document.
15521 Import an AutoCAD drawing into the current document.
15522 Insert an ActiveX control into your drawing.
15528 Perform a Lotus Notes action.
15529 Perform a Lotus Notes action.
15530 Perform a Lotus Notes action.
15531 Perform a Lotus Notes action.
15532 Perform a Lotus Notes action.
15533 Join the selected shapes.
15534 Trim the selected shapes.
15536 Approximate or interpolate the vertices with curves.
15538 Fit a curve to the vertices.
15561 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15569 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15570 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15571 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15572 Open the existing document, stencil, or workspace.
15574 Position and/or route either the selected shapes or the entire drawing.
15576 Launch the Visual Basic Editor.
15577 Select a macro to run.
15579 Create a new blank drawing.
15580 Create a new stencil based on an existing stencil.
15581 Run a Visio macro.
15582 Create a new blank stencil.
15584 Display additional information about how to automate Visio.
15585 Insert a hyperlink into your drawing.
15586 Get information about creating specific drawing types.
15588 Add or edit the e-mail routing slip.
15589 Send this drawing to a Microsoft Exchange folder.
15595 Go to your default search page.
15596 Go to the Visio home page.
15597 Go to the default search page.
15601 Open the currently active OLE embeded object in its own application window.
15602 Deactivate the currently active object and return to normal Visio.
15604 Go to the Visio Solutions Library Web site.
15605 Go to the Visio Online Support Web site.
15606 Go to the Visio Drawing Resources Web site.
15607 Open the hyperlink.
15608 Open the hyperlink in a new window.
15610 Copy the hyperlink to the Clipboard.
15619 Edit the hyperlink.
15620 Paste the Clipboard data as a hyperlink.
15621 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15622 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15623 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15624 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15625 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15626 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15627 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15628 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15629 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15630 Toggle the display of the toolbar on/off.
15637 Rotate the view so the selected guide is horizontal.
15638 Rotate the view so the selected guide is vertical.
15639 Show the properties of the selected control in the VBA property browser.
15640 Show the event handling code of the selected control in the VBA editor.
15641 Insert a Visio Map object into your drawing.
15642 Set the font, paragraph, text block, tab, and bullet properties of selected shape(s) or text.
15645 Open a sample drawing created with templates provided with this Visio product.
15646 Insert a Microsoft Equation object into your drawing.
20001 New
20002 Open
20003 Close
20004 Save
20005 Save As
20006 Save Workspace
20007 Insert Picture
20008 Export
20009 File Properties
20010 Print
20011 Page Setup
20012 Open Saved File
20013 Open Saved File
20014 Open Saved File
20015 Open Saved File
20016 Exit Application
20017 Undo
20018 Redo
20019 Repeat
20020 Cut
20021 Copy
20022 Paste
20023 Clear
20024 Duplicate
20025 Select All
20026 Select Special
20027 Paste Special
20029 Open Object
20030 Links
20031 Insert Object
20032 Insert Field
20033 Whole Page
20034 75% Zoom
20035 Actual Size
20036 150% Zoom
20037 200% Zoom
20038 Custom Zoom
20039 Rulers
20040 Grid
20041 Guides
20042 Connections
20043 Find
20044 Status Bar
20045 Bring Forward
20046 Bring to Front
20047 Send Backward
20048 Send to Back
20049 Align Shapes
20050 Connect Shapes
20051 Group
20052 Ungroup
20053 Add to Group
20054 Remove from Group
20055 Convert to Group
20056 Rotate Left
20057 Flip Vertical
20058 Flip Horizontal
20059 Reverse Ends
20060 Union
20061 Combine
20062 Fragment
20063 Set Style
20064 Define Styles
20065 Line Properties
20066 Fill Properties
20067 Character Properties
20068 Paragraph Properties
20069 Tab Properties
20070 Block Properties
20071 Behavior Properties
20072 Protection Properties
20073 Special Properties
20074 Go To Foreground
20075 Go To Background
20076 Page Setup
20077 Go To Page
20078 New Page
20079 Delete Page
20080 Reorder Pages
20081 Options
20082 Color Palette
20083 Protect Document
20084 Snap && Glue
20085 New Window
20086 Cascade Windows
20087 Tile Windows
20088 Show ShapeSheet
20089 Show Masters
20090 Run Add-on
20091 Show Drawing Page
20092 Help Contents
20093 Decrease Indent
20094 Increase Indent
20095 Decrease Paragraph Spacing
20096 Increase Paragraph Spacing
20097 Visio Windows
20098 Rotate Text 90â–‘
20099 Visio Quick Tour
20100 About Visio
20101 Edit Icon
20102 Edit Master
20103 Master Properties
20104 New Master
20105 Update Icon
20106 Arrange Icons
20107 Show Values
20108 Show Formulas
20109 Show Sections
20110 Paste Name
20111 Paste Function
20112 Insert Row
20113 Insert Row
20114 Change Row Type
20115 Delete Row
20116 Add Section
20117 Delete Section
20118 Double-Click Action
20119 Double-Click Action
20120 Set Style
20121 Text Style
20122 Line Style
20123 Fill Style
20124 Snap
20125 Glue
20126 Zoom
20127 Drawing Tool
20128 Text Style
20129 Font
20130 Font Size
20131 Bold
20132 Italic
20133 Small Caps
20134 Superscript
20135 Subscript
20136 Underline
20137 Horizontal Alignment
20138 Vertical Alignment
20139 Cancel Change
20140 Accept
20141 Set Formula or Name
20142 Value/Formula
20143 Select Color
20144 Select Color
20145 Pencil Tool
20146 Update Alignment Box
20147 Previous Page
20148 Next Page
20149 Normal Text
20150 Cut
20151 Cut
20152 Cut
20153 Cut
20154 Copy
20155 Copy
20156 Copy
20157 Copy
20158 Paste
20159 Paste
20160 Paste
20161 Paste
20162 Clear
20163 Clear
20164 Clear
20165 Clear
20166 Duplicate
20167 Duplicate
20168 Duplicate
20169 Duplicate
20170 Select All
20171 Select All
20172 Select All
20173 Select All
20174 Scroll
20179 Replace
20180 Add Guide
20181 Add Text Shape
20182 Add Rectangle
20183 Add Oval
20184 Duplicate
20185 Move Objects
20186 Move Object
20187 Move Object
20188 Size Object
20189 Size Object
20190 Rotate Shape
20191 Set Pin
20192 Crop Object
20193 Pan Object
20194 Modify Text Block
20195 1-D <--> 2-D
20196 Align Left
20197 Align Center
20198 Align Right
20199 Align Top
20200 Align Middle
20201 Align Bottom
20202 Center Drawing
20203 Open Text Window
20204 Add Segment
20205 Delete Segment
20206 Edit Segment
20207 Change Segment
20208 Add Vertex
20209 Add 1-D Shape
20210 Area Select
20212 Output Format
20213 Deselect All
20214 Text Edit
20215 Change Zoom
20216 Zoom In
20217 Zoom Out
20218 Area Zoom
20219 Pointer Tool
20220 Pencil Tool
20221 Line Tool
20222 Arc Tool
20223 Rectangle Tool
20224 Ellipse Tool
20225 Connector Tool
20226 Connection Point Tool
20227 Text Tool
20228 Rotation Tool
20229 Distribute Shapes
20230 Distribute Shapes
20231 Distribute Horizontal Spacing
20232 Distribute Left
20233 Distribute Center
20234 Distribute Right
20235 Distribute Vertical Spacing
20236 Distribute Top
20237 Distribute Middle
20238 Distribute Bottom
20239 Change Page Dimensions
20240 Move Master
20241 Insert Symbol
20242 Office Compatible Help
20243 Drop On Text
20244 Drop On Stencil
20245 Lotus Notes Fields
20246 Drop On Page
20250 Collapse Section
20251 Expand Section
20252 Select Cell
20253 Deselect Cell
20254 Up
20255 Down
20256 Left
20257 Right
20258 Home
20259 End
20260 Page Up
20261 Page Down
20262 Tab
20263 Add Connect
20264 Modify Connect
20265 Delete Connect
20266 Add Control
20267 Modify Control
20268 Delete Control
20269 Move Connection Points
20270 Spelling
20271 Format Painter
20272 Change Icon
20273 Scroll
20274 Float
20275 Object Event
20276 Draw Shape
20279 50% Zoom
20280 400% Zoom
20281 New Document
20282 Insert Data Map
20283 Open File
20284 Close All Files
20285 Save File As
20286 Save Workspace
20287 Import
20288 Export
20289 Summary Info
20290 Print
20291 Print To File
20292 Send To Mail Recipient
20300 Select Special
20301 Paste Special
20302 Edit Links
20303 Insert Object
20310 Custom Zoom
20311 Freeform Tool
20312 Custom Properties
20314 Offset
20315 Align Shapes
20316 Set Hyperlink
20317 Ruler && Grid
20318 Ruler && Grid
20319 Rename Row
20320 Define Style
20321 Rename Style
20322 Set Style
20323 Set Style
20324 Line Properties
20325 Fill Properties
20326 Character Properties
20327 Paragraph Properties
20328 Tab Properties
20329 Block Properties
20330 Behavior Properties
20331 Protection Properties
20332 Special Properties
20333 Shadow Properties
20334 Corner Properties
20335 Property Report
20339 Size && Scale
20340 Page Setup
20341 Drawing Size/Scale
20342 Switch Sides
20343 Master Setup
20344 Go To Page
20345 New Page
20346 Delete Pages
20347 Reorder Pages
20348 Options
20349 Color Palette
20350 Protect Document
20351 Unprotect Document
20352 Snap && Glue
20354 Array Shapes
20355 Line Weight
20356 Line Pattern
20357 Line Ends
20358 Corner Rounding
20359 Line Color
20360 New Window
20361 Close Window
20363 Activate Window
20364 Activate Window
20365 Activate Window
20366 Activate Window
20377 Master Properties
20378 New Master
20379 Shadow Color
20380 Show Sections
20381 Paste Name
20382 Paste Function
20383 Change Row Type
20384 Add Section
20385 Fill Color
20386 Help
20387 Offset
20388 Design Mode
20389 Shape Explorer
20390 Key Up
20391 Key Down
20392 Left
20393 Right
20394 Home
20395 End
20396 Page Up
20397 Page Down
20398 Tab
20399 Fill Pattern
20400 Set Text
20402 Get Text
20403 Set Text Field
20404 Font Color
20405 Increase Font Size
20406 Decrease Font Size
20407 Align Left
20408 Center
20409 Align Right
20410 Text Selection
20411 Text Selection
20412 Justify
20413 Align Top
20414 Middle
20415 Word Start
20416 Word End
20417 Paragraph Start
20418 Paragraph End
20419 Text Start
20420 Text End
20421 All Text
20422 Align Bottom
20423 Paste Format
20424 Stamp Tool
20425 Size && Position
20426 Size && Position 1-D
20427 Size && Position 2-D
20428 Shape Help
20429 Help By Topic
20430 First OLE Verb
20438 Last OLE Verb
20439 Convert Object
20440 Convert Object
20441 Unimplemented Command
20442 Open Stencil
20443 Print
20444 Shape Action
20445 Shape Action
20446 Shape Layer
20447 Layer
20448 Layer Properties
20449 Crop Tool
20450 Name Layer
20451 Text Block Tool
20452 Close Stencil
20453 Intersect
20454 Subtract
20455 Add Layer
20456 Delete Layer
20457 Modify Layer
20458 Activate Stencil
20461 Actual Size
20470 Set Formula
20471 Set Formula
20472 New Section
20473 Delete Section
20474 New Row
20475 Delete Row
20476 Change Row Type
20477 New Named Row
20479 Custom Properties
20480 Icons and Names
20481 Icons Only
20482 Names Only
20483 Auto Arrange
20484 Run Add-on
20485 Set Pin
20486 Delete Object
20487 Delete Master
20488 Move Guide
20490 Print Preview
20491 Open in VISIO
20492 Full Screen
20494 Rotate Right
20495 Last Zoom
20496 Page Width
20497 Insert Clip Art
20498 Insert Word Art
20499 Insert Microsoft Graph
20500 Toolbar Display
20501 Toolbar Display
20502 Turn Off Toolbar
20504 Turn Off Toolbar
20505 Turn On Toolbar
20506 Add to Favorites
20507 Insert 1-2-3 Worksheet
20508 Insert Lotus Annotator Note
20509 Page Breaks
20512 Single Tile
20513 Previous Tile
20514 Next Tile
20515 First Tile
20516 Last Tile
20517 First Page
20518 Last Page
20520 Open AutoCAD Drawing
20521 Insert AutoCAD Drawing
20522 Insert Control
20528 Lotus Notes Action
20529 Lotus Notes Action
20530 Lotus Notes Action
20531 Lotus Notes Action
20532 Lotus Notes Action
20533 Join
20534 Trim
20536 Custom Fit
20538 Fit Curve
20543 Bucket Tool
20544 Lasso Tool
20545 Selection Net Tool
20546 Align Shapes
20547 Distribute Shapes
20548 SSE File Cleaner
20561 Open Saved File
20569 Open Saved File
20570 Open Saved File
20571 Open Saved File
20572 Open Saved File
20574 Lay Out Shapes
20576 Visual Basic Editor
20577 Macros
20579 Blank Drawing
20580 Create Stencil
20581 Run Macro
20582 Blank Stencil
20584 Automation Reference
20585 Insert Hyperlink
20586 Template Help
20587 Navigate Hyperlink
20588 Send To Routing Recipient
20589 Exchange Folder
20595 Search the Web
20596 Visio Home Page
20597 Visio Search Page
20598 Forward
20599 Back
20600 Output Format
20601 Open Object
20604 Visio Solutions Library
20605 Online Support
20606 Drawing Resources
20607 Open Hyperlink
20608 Open Hyperlink
20609 Delete Hyperlink
20610 Copy Hyperlink
20612 Size & Position
20613 Center Snap
20614 Intersection Snap
20615 Midpoint Snap
20616 Perpendicular Snap
20617 Quadrant Snap
20618 Tangent Snap
20619 Edit Hyperlink
20620 Paste As Hyperlink
20621 Toolbar Display
20622 Toolbar Display
20623 Toolbar Display
20624 Toolbar Display
20625 Toolbar Display
20626 Toolbar Display
20627 Toolbar Display
20628 Toolbar Display
20629 Toolbar Display
20630 Toolbar Display
20632 Manual Edit
20633 Bullets
20634 Shape Layer
20635 Go To Page
20636 Rotate View
20637 Rotate View
20638 Rotate View
20639 Browse Control Properties
20640 View Control's VBA Code
20641 Insert Visio Map
20642 Text Properties
20643 Text Properties
20644 Build Graph Object
20645 Browse Sample Drawings
20646 Insert Equation
20647 Scroll Bars
25001 Unexpected end of file.
25002 Out of memory. Try closing Visio windows or other applications you aren't using.
25003 Invalid number.
25004 Floating point error. (Denormal)
25005 Division by zero is not permitted.
25006 Number overflow.
25007 Inexact number.
25008 Function is not emulated.
25009 Square root of a negative number is not permitted.
25010 Stack overflow.
25011 Stack underflow.
25012 Explicit gen.
25013 Cancel.
25014 No message.
25015 This action is not yet available in Visio under Windows NT.
25032 #NULL!
25039 #DIV/0!
25047 #VALUE!
25055 #REF!
25061 #NAME?
25068 #NUM!
25074 #N/A
25100 Visio cannot open the file because it's not a Visio file.
25101 Visio cannot write to the disk because the disk is full.
25102 Memory limit has been reached. Simplify your drawing.
25103 Memory limit has been reached. Simplify your drawing.
25104 Memory limit has been reached. Simplify your drawing.
25105 Memory limit has been reached. Simplify your drawing.
25106 Bad disk failure.
25107 The object has been purged from memory.
25108 Visio cannot save an unnamed document.
25109 This filename is not valid.
25110 Visio cannot write to the file. The file has been opened read-only.
25111 Visio cannot open the file. The file is currently in use.
25112 The object handle has been released.
25113 Close this file now because it may be corrupt. To recover, try to open '%s' or '%s'.
25114 This file cannot be opened because it was created with a newer or unrecognized version of Visio. For Visio upgrade information, contact Visio Customer Service at 0800 834 859.
25115 Fatal error - cannot delete file. Close this file now! To recover, open '%s'. To avoid this error, set NetFlags=3 in your Visio.ini file.
25116 Fatal error - cannot rename temp file. Close this file now! To recover, open '%s'. To avoid this error, set NetFlags=1 in your Visio.ini file.
25117 The file specification is invalid.
25118 This file cannot be opened by 16-bit Visio 4 because the drawing it contains is too complicated. Use 32-bit Visio 4 to open the file.
25119 The file was saved successfully. Visio cannot open the file because the file is write protected.\nYou may open the file in read-only mode from the File menu.
25120 This file cannot be opened because it was created with a trial version of Visio. For Visio product information, contact Visio Customer Service at 0800 834 859.
25200 Bad command data.
25201 The target window for this action isn't valid.
25202 This command isn't available in this version of Visio.
25203 OLE 2 must be installed to run Visio.
25204 Sorry! Visio Express can only be run from within an application that supports Object Linking & Embedding.
25205 Visio Express has successfully registered itself to run from within any application that supports Object Linking & Embedding.
25300 String constant too long.
25301 Syntax error: bad fraction.
25302 Missing quote.
25303 Fraction has zero denominator.
25304 Invalid exponent.
25305 Error in formula.
25306 Bad library function argument type.
25307 Cannot override Visio function.
25308 ShapeSheet name too big.
25309 Bad or missing section index.
25310 Circular formula reference.
25311 No active/valid cell.
25312 Bad ShapeSheet name.
25313 The master is empty. Nothing will be created.
25314 Type a number with a unit of measure, for example: 1in. or 12pt.
25315 Type a unitless number or percentage.
25316 Type a number with a unit of measure\n or type a percentage, for example: 1in. or 100%%.
25317 Type a number that has an angular unit, for example: 30deg.
25318 Referenced cell %s does not exist.
25319 Number is not valid.
25320 Cell is guarded.
25321 Operation not allowed for this row type.
25322 Operation not allowed for this section type.
25323 Invalid row tag for this section.
25324 Syntax error: bad cell reference.
25325 Unknown function name.
25326 Unknown cell name.
25327 This section type does not support named rows.
25328 Cell is read-only and cannot be deleted or modified.
25500 This file is open for modifications in another instance of Visio.
25501 This file is already open read-only and cannot be opened for modification.
25502 This file is open read-only in another instance of Visio and cannot be opened for modification.
25503 This file is already open for modification in this instance of Visio and cannot be copied.
25504 You must remove '%s' from the background list of '%s' before you can delete it.
25505 There are no printers installed.\nInstall a printer from Control Panel and try again.
25506 Visio cannot load Mail services. Check your Mail installation.
25507 There is no default printer.\n\nInstall and/or select a printer from the Control Panel and try again.
25508 Visio cannot save the workspace because all open files are unnamed. Name the open files, then save the workspace.
25509 Visio cannot open this file because the file type isn't recognized.
25510 Visio cannot delete a master when its edit window is open. Close the edit window, then delete the master.
25511 You must remove '%s' from the background list of '%s' before you can convert it to a foreground page.
25512 Visio cannot delete the page because it is open in another Visio window.
25513 Visio is unable to write to this directory or disk drive.
25514 The stencil is protected. Unprotect your document or uncheck Master Shapes in the Protect Document dialog box.
25515 No such style.
25516 Select a template or drawing file (*.VST or *.VSD).
25517 At least one open document is embedded in another application and can't be saved to a workspace file.
25518 Changing the size of the background page does not change the size of the foreground page.
25519 The stencil '%s' could not be found.
25520 You cannot base a new file on a workspace file.
25521 16-bit Visio 4 cannot process the file's long name.
25525 Visio cannot open the stencil '%s'.
25526 This version of Visio does not have permission to open this file.
25527 Visio was unable to save your route slip. Select File > Send To > Routing Recipient again and make sure to add at least one recipient.
25601 Bad brush from CreateBrushIndirect.
25602 Bad DIB resource.
25603 Bad pattern resource.
25604 Bad pattern brush.
25605 Bad pattern index.
25606 Bad pen.
25607 There has been an error queuing your print job.
25608 There is not enough disk space to queue your print job.
25609 Too many spline knots.
25610 A periodic spline must be alone in its section.
25611 Bad spline.
25700 There is insufficient memory to complete this command.
25701 Visio is unable to get information about printers from your WIN.INI file.
25702 Select a stencil file (*.VSS).
25707 No custom properties exist.
25708 A non-standard file extension has been specified.\nThe file '%s' will be saved as a Visio drawing.\nDo you want to save with this extension?
25709 No custom properties exist.\n\nWould you like to add custom properties to the master shapes in this drawing?
25904 Corrupt DIB file.
25905 The metafile is poorly constructed. Visio cannot process it further.
25906 Visio is unable to paste the OLE Object.
25908 Previously found filter is missing.
25909 Visio is unable to load the filter you requested.
25910 Visio cannot find any filters.
25911 Visio cannot open the file for reading.
25912 An error occurred reading the file.
25913 Visio is unable to create the file.
25914 The zoom magnification range is from %d%% to %d%%.
25915 The selected group is locked. Unlock the group, then try the action again.
25916 Identify the file type you are importing.
25917 Identify the file type you are exporting.
25918 The filter is unable to recognize the file.
25919 The file is too big.
25920 An error occurred. Visio is unable to complete exporting.
25921 You cannot export to the same document.
25922 You cannot import from the same document.
25923 The acceptable page range is from %d to %d.
25924 The metafile cannot be placed.
25925 Visio is unable to retrieve the %s data from the Clipboard.
25926 Visio is unable to obtain an acceptable format from the object.
25927 The text data on the Clipboard is too large to paste.
25929 An error occurred. Visio is unable to complete importing.
25930 Document is open read-only and cannot be modified.
25931 Document has Master Shapes protection set and cannot be modified.
25932 Stencil is open read-only. Close and re-open as original to allow modifications.
25933 The file contains information not supported by the current version of the import filter.
26110 Visio's Add-on services encountered an error.\nYou can continue running Visio.\nClick OK to continue.
26111 Visio's Add-on services encountered an error while initializing.\nYou can continue running Visio.\nClick OK to continue.
26112 Visio's Add-on services encountered an error while loading Add-on descriptions.\nClick OK to continue.
26113 Visio was unable to run "%s".\nCreateProcess returned a result of %ld.\nYou can continue running Visio.\nClick OK to continue.
26114 Visio was unable to run "%s".\nIts argument string exceeds %d characters.\nYou can continue running Visio.\nClick OK to continue.
26115 This version of Visio does not have permission to run this Add-on.
26116 This version of Visio does not support OLE Automation.
26117 This version of Visio does not support UI Customization.
26200 Visio's OLE Automation Services failed to initialize.\nYou can continue running Visio.\nChoose OK to continue.
26201 An exception occurred.
26202 Operation succeeded but no object returned.
26203 Inappropriate source object for this action.
26204 Inappropriate target object for this action.
26205 Inappropriate target cell for this action.
26206 Invalid document index.
26207 Invalid container index.
26208 Invalid ShapeSheet index.
26209 Invalid window index.
26210 Invalid selection index.
26211 Invalid parameter.
26212 Cannot create object.
26213 Visio failed to allocate memory for this action.
26214 Supplied string is too long for this action.
26215 This operation requires a fully qualified filename.
26216 Bad measurement unit.
26217 Invalid window type for this action.
26218 Invalid version number for this action.
26219 This document was opened with macros disabled. If you wish to Enable Macros, you should close and re-open the document, choosing the 'Enable Macros' option.
26300 The name '%s' already exists. Choose another name.
26301 The name '%s' is a reserved system name. Choose another name.
26302 The name '%s' is an invalid name. Enter a valid name.
26303 The name '%s' is already in use. Choose another name.
26304 A name is required. Enter a name.
26305 The reserved name '%s' cannot be renamed or deleted.
26306 Shape protection and/or layer properties prevent complete execution of this command.
26308 Object name not found.
26309 Attempting to add a shape to a hidden layer.\nUse View Layer Properties to change layer visibility before repeating this action.
26310 Attempting to change one or more locked layers.\nUse View Layer Properties to unlock the layer before repeating this action.
26311 User-defined cell data requires a name (1-31 chars).
26312 Cell names may consist of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore symbol (_).
26313 Visio is unable to lay out this drawing. Make sure your shapes are connected properly.
26314 Hyperlink to '%s' failed.\nMake sure the address is correct and try again.
26315 Cannot insert hyperlink. Hyperlinking Wizard not installed.
26316 Hyperlink failed. No Internet Browser installed.
26317 An unspecified error occured.
26318 String too long.
26400 Your registration database file may be corrupt.
26401 The application could not be found or may be corrupt.
26402 The application is single use.
26403 Your current operating system does not support Visio.
26404 The application has terminated.
26405 One or more of your OLE 2 DLLs is old or corrupt. Install the OLE 2 DLLs again.
26406 The OLE object doesn't support viewing.
26407 Visio is unable to convert the object from OLE 1 format to OLE 2 format.
26409 The OLE object cannot perform any actions.
26410 The OLE object cannot perform any actions at this time. Try again later.
26411 There was an error reading or writing OLE data.
26412 SHARE.EXE (or it's equivalent) is required for this action.
26413 The selected OLE object is static and no longer linked to its original application.
26414 OLE 2.0 is not properly registered. Run REGEDIT.EXE and merge OLE2.REG.
26415 Visio is unable to %s the %s object.
26416 There is not enough memory to complete the requested action.
26417 Access has been denied.
26418 OLE does not recognize the file extension.
26419 The object is not available.
26420 OLE is unable to open a file.
26421 Time limit has been exceeded.
26422 The requested verb is invalid.
26423 The object is not running.
26424 The object is empty.
26425 The class of the object is different.
26426 OLE is unable to connect to the object.
26427 OLE could not find a file.
26428 There are too many open files.
26429 The data is read-only.
26430 There is a file sharing conflict. The file cannot be opened as requested.
26431 There is not enough memory or disk space.
26432 Visio is unable to set the requested link options.
26433 Visio is unable to change the link source as requested.
26434 Visio is unable to open the source of the object.
26435 Visio is unable to update the link.
26436 Visio is unable to break the link.
26439 You do not have a license to insert this control.
26440 Visio is unable to insert this control.
26441 Visio cannot insert a new control because this file contains too many shapes, pages, or masters.
26501 DOS Invalid function code.
26502 File not found.
26503 Path not found.
26504 Too many open files.
26505 Access denied.
26506 DOS Invalid handle.
26507 DOS Memory control blocks destroyed.
26508 DOS Insufficient memory.
26509 DOS Invalid memory block address.
26510 DOS Invalid environment.
26511 DOS Invalid format.
26512 DOS Invalid access code.
26513 DOS Invalid data.
26515 DOS Invalid drive.
26516 DOS Attempt to remove the current directory.
26517 DOS Not the same device.
26518 DOS No more files.
26519 DOS Disk is write-protected.
26520 DOS Bad disk unit.
26521 DOS Drive not ready.
26522 DOS Invalid disk command.
26523 DOS CRC error (bad disk sector).
26524 DOS Invalid length (disk operation).
26525 DOS Seek error.
26526 DOS Not an MS-DOS disk.
26527 DOS Sector not found.
26528 DOS Out of paper.
26529 DOS Write fault.
26530 DOS Read Fault.
26531 DOS General failure.
26532 DOS Sharing violation.
26533 DOS Lock violation.
26534 DOS Wrong disk.
26535 DOS FCB unavailable.
26536 DOS Sharing buffer exceeded.
26538 DOS Handle end-of-file operation not completed.
26550 DOS Network request not supported.
26551 DOS Remote computer not listening.
26552 DOS Duplicate name on network.
26553 DOS Network name not found.
26554 DOS Network busy.
26555 DOS Network device no longer exists.
26556 DOS Net BIOS command limit exceeded.
26557 DOS Network adapter hardware error.
26558 DOS Incorrect response from network.
26559 DOS Unexpected network error.
26560 DOS Incompatible remote adapter.
26561 DOS Print queue full.
26562 DOS Queue not full.
26563 DOS Not enough space for print file.
26564 DOS Network name was deleted.
26565 DOS Access denied.
26566 DOS Network device type incorrect.
26567 DOS Network name not found.
26568 DOS Network name limit exceeded.
26569 DOS Net BIOS session limit exceeded.
26570 DOS Temporarily paused.
26571 DOS Network request not accepted.
26572 DOS Print or disk redirection is paused.
26580 DOS File exists.
26582 DOS Cannot make.
26583 DOS Interrupt 24 failure.
26584 DOS Out of structures.
26585 DOS Already assigned.
26586 DOS Invalid password.
26587 DOS Invalid parameter.
26588 DOS Net write fault.
26589 DOS Function not supported by network.
26590 DOS Required system component not installed.
26700 Invalid Custom Property Type.
26701 Invalid Custom Property Value.
26702 Custom Property is not of type String.
26703 Custom Property is not of type Number.
26704 Custom Property is not of type Boolean.
26705 Custom Property is not of type List.
26706 Cannot add elements to a fixed list.
26707 List too big. Cannot add new elements.
26708 Invalid list index.
26709 Entry must be a number.
26710 Maximum number of tables reached.
26711 Failed to create report file.
26712 Entry must be a date or time.
26713 Entry must be a date.
26714 Entry must be a time.
26715 Entry must be a duration.
26716 Entry must be currency.
26800 Visio failed to initialize VBA.\nYou can continue running Visio.\nChoose OK to continue.
26801 This file is currently referenced by another file and cannot be closed.
26802 Invalid Visual Basic macro name.
26803 Visio is unable to run the Macro because of an error in the VBA project. Correct the error using the Visual Basic Editor, then return to Visio.
26804 The macro is disabled.
26805 The document contains a VBA project which is corrupt.\nVisio will remove the project from the document.
27424 Too many sections. A shape cannot have more than 230 geometry sections.
28124 VISIO returned an error code to the Add-on library.
28125 The Add-on library returned error code to VISIO.
28126 The Add-on library made an illegal call into VISIO.
28127 Session ID of unknown session encountered.
28128 Unregistered Add-on ID encountered.
28129 Add-on library declared an unknown interface version.
28130 Add-on library is using older than supported interface.
28131 Add-on library is using newer interface than Add-on manager.
28132 An interface conversion error occurred.
28133 Add-on library passed an illegal request to VISIO.
28134 Add-on library requested an obsolete VISIO service.
28135 The specified Add-on name is too long.
28136 The specified Add-on ordinal is illegal.
28137 Add-on with duplicate ordinal specified.
28138 Add-on with duplicate name specified.
28139 Add-on library requested execution of an unknown command.
28140 Add-on library requested an illegal command execution mode.
28141 Add-on library requested an illegal buffer passing mode.
28142 Add-on services encountered a buffer of inadequate size.
28143 Add-on library passed a bad command packet to VISIO.
28144 Add-on library passed a bad document id or index to VISIO.
28145 Add-on library passed a bad container type to VISIO.
28146 Add-on library passed a bad container id or index to VISIO.
28147 Add-on library passed a bad sheet type to VISIO.
28148 Add-on library passed a bad sheet id or index to VISIO.
28149 Add-on library passed a bad selection action to VISIO.
28150 Add-on library requested a not-yet-implemented service.
28151 Enter OK to run this Add-on.
28152 Enter OK to run this Add-on.
28159 Add-on library requested execution of disabled command.