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Text File | 1996-10-29 | 42.9 KB | 1,312 lines |
- VISIO.INI Sections and Settings
- ====================================
- Copyright (c) 1996 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ===============
- Visio uses a private INI file to store user settings and other
- application information. To keep the INI file small and less confusing,
- Visio automatically writes out only those settings that are not
- default and a few others that are useful (for example, file paths,
- import and export filters, and last files).
- To include all possible settings in the file:
- 1. Make sure there are no instances of Visio running.
- 2. Open VISIO.INI in a text editor.
- 3. In the [application] section, add the entry IniShowAll=1.
- 4. Save and close VISIO.INI.
- 5. Run Visio.
- 6. Quit Visio.
- 7. Open VISIO.INI again.
- Note: Editing the file while an instance of Visio is running
- has no effect. Always exit Visio before editing the VISIO.INI file.
- Visio does not require that the VISIO.INI file exists in order to run.
- If you delete the file, a new one is created the next time you run
- Visio. To restore Visio's default settings, simply delete the VISIO.INI
- file.
- ================
- This file describes VISIO.INI entries that you may find useful. Sections
- are presented in the order they appear in VISIO.INI. Entries in each
- section are presented in alphabetical order, for easier reading. Entries
- typically do not appear in alphabetical order in VISIO.INI.
- Some entries in VISIO.INI are reserved for internal or future use. These
- entries are not documented in VISINI.TXT.
- [application] section
- =====================
- The [application] section includes settings that are application-wide in
- scope.
- AddonsPath=Solutions
- --------------------
- The location of Visio add-on executables (programs written in Visual
- Basic or another programming language that supports Automation)
- and Visio add-on libraries. Can be relative to the location of VISIO.EXE
- or fully qualified.
- AlreadyRanQuickTour=0
- ---------------------
- Non-zero if the user has already responded to the Quick Tour dialog box,
- zero if the user has not seen the Quick Tour dialog box. Usually zero
- after Visio installation or deletion of the VISIO.INI file.
- AltFilterINIFile=VISIO.INI
- --------------------------
- If INIFileForFilters=2, use this setting to specify the .INI filename.
- AltFilterINIFileExportSect=Exports
- ----------------------------------
- If INIFileForFilters=2, use this setting to specify the name of the
- Export section in the .INI file set by AltFilterINIFile.
- AltFilterINIFileImportSect=Imports
- ----------------------------------
- If INIFileForFilters=2, use this setting to specify the name of the
- Import section in the .INI file set by AltFilterINIFile.
- Animation=60000
- ---------------
- The time in milliseconds between evaluations of the NOW() function
- in ShapeSheet formulas. The default is one minute. To evaluate NOW()
- more frequently, set Animation to a smaller value, such as 125.
- AutoStartIME=0
- --------------
- Determines whether to enable the Input Method Editor (IME) when
- the user starts Visio. The IME assists the user in entering characters
- from multi-byte character sets, typically used on Far East systems.
- 0 Do not automatically enable the IME.
- 1 Automatically enable the IME.
- BiDiMode=0xFFFF
- ---------------
- When Visio displays a line of text, it calculates the position of
- characters in the line multiple times to achieve optimal spacing
- between the characters. This ensures that text on the screen
- exactly matches the text when printed. If the text mixes characters
- from languages that run in different directions-- for example, English
- (left to right) and Arabic or Hebrew (right to left), attempting to
- achieve optimal spacing may cause reversed or missing characters.
- Use the BiDiMode setting to control Visio behavior when displaying
- bidirectional text.
- 0 Make multiple calculations to achieve optimal
- character spacing.
- Recommended for single-language text.
- 1 Make a single run, regardless of system settings.
- 0xFFFF Use Windows international system settings.
- Recommended for mixed-language, bidirectional text.
- BlastFlag=1
- -----------
- Determines the default behavior with respect to local formulas when
- styles are applied from the toolbar.
- Zero Keep local formulas.
- Non-zero Reset local formulas.
- BuiltDirectoryCache=0
- ---------------------
- Non-zero indicates that the Visio directory cache has been built and saved
- in VISIO.BIN. Set this value to 0 if you want to force Visio to rebuild this
- cache.
- CubicTolerance=5
- ----------------
- How closely Visio follows the mouse pointer when drawing a freeform
- curve, or spline: the lower the number, the more closely Visio follows
- the pointer. The CubicTolerance setting corresponds to the Smoothing
- option in the FreeForm Drawing section in the Options dialog box.
- CustomCommonDialog=1
- --------------------
- Determines which dialog boxes Visio uses.
- Zero Use the Windows default dialog box templates.
- Non-zero Use the Visio custom templates for the common dialog
- boxes (File Open, File Save, Save As, and so forth).
- CustomMenusFile =
- ------------------
- The name and path of a file that contains custom menus and
- accelerators to use for all instances of Visio.
- CustomToolbarsFile =
- ---------------------
- The name and path of a file that contains custom toolbars and status
- bars to use for all instances of Visio.
- Default3LegConnectorFile =
- ------------------------
- The name of an alternate file that contains a 3-legged connector.
- Default3LegConnectorName =
- ------------------------
- The name of the master shape in the file specified in
- Default3LegConnectorFile.
- Default5LegConnectorFile =
- ------------------------
- The name of an alternate file that contains a 5-legged connector.
- Default5LegConnectorName =
- ------------------------
- The name of the master shape in the file specified in
- Default5LegConnectorFile.
- DefaultCurrencyFmt=0
- --------------------------
- DefaultCurrencyFmt determines how Visio formats currency when it is
- displayed as a string. The default setting, zero, uses the formatting
- specified in the user's international system settings. Non-local
- currency is displayed using the local currency settings for thousands
- and decimal separators and positive/negative format, but uses the
- ISO 4217 three-character currency mnemonic for the currency symbol,
- displayed after the value separated by a space.
- DefaultCurrencyFmt is a mask that allows you to control several related
- formatting options. You simply add together the options you
- want to set. DefaultCurrencyFmt affects formatting of all currency
- within the application. The mask is easiest to understand in its
- hexadecimal format, because most values are powers of 2. Both the
- hex and decimal values are listed below.
- To control the displayed currency symbol, chose one of the following:
- 0x0000 or 0 Local currency uses the symbol defined by the
- international settings.
- Non-local currency uses its ISO 4217 three-character
- mnemonic.
- 0x0200 or 512 Both local and non-local currency use their local symbol.
- 0x0400 or 1024 Both local and non-local currency use ISO 4217
- three-character.
- To control the display format of positive and negative currency values,
- chose one of the following:
- 0x0000 or 0 Use the user's international settings.
- 0x0100 or 256 Use the explicit settings defined below.
- Explicit negative formats:
- 0x0000 or 0 ($1.1)
- 0x0001 or 1 -$1.1
- 0x0002 or 2 $-1.1
- 0x0003 or 3 $1.1-
- 0x0004 or 4 (1.1$)
- 0x0005 or 5 -1.1$
- 0x0006 or 6 1.1-$
- 0x0007 or 7 1.1$-
- 0x0008 or 8 -1.1 $
- 0x0009 or 9 -$ 1.1
- 0x000A or 10 1.1 $-
- 0x000B or 11 $ 1.1-
- 0x000C or 12 $ -1.1
- 0x000D or 13 1.1- $
- 0x000E or 14 ($ 1.1)
- 0x000F or 16 (1.1 $)
- Explicit positive formats:
- 0x0000 or 0 $1.1
- 0x0010 or 16 1.1$
- 0x0020 or 32 $ 1.1
- 0x0030 or 48 1.1 $
- DefaultFontCharset=0xFFFF
- -------------------------
- The character set of the default font as defined in the Windows logical
- font structure for that font. Common character set values are 0 for
- ANSI, 2 for Symbol, and 255 for OEM (system-dependent).
- DefaultFontFamily=0xFFFF
- ----------------------
- The font family to which the default font belongs, as defined in the
- Windows logical font structure for that font.
- DefaultFontName =
- ---------------------
- The name of the font to use as the default. If you format text in the
- default font, Visio automatically uses whatever font is defined as the
- default on the user's system. This method allows a more flexible mapping
- of fonts. The default font is displayed at the top of the font list in
- angle brackets (< >) if ShowDefaultFont is non-zero. The default font
- also has the value 0 in the Font cell of the Characters section of the
- ShapeSheet.
- Developer=0
- -----------
- Non-zero enables certain developer Visio UI functionality.
- Dialog3D=1
- ----------
- Zero Show dialog boxes with flat, two-dimensional effect.
- Non-zero Show dialog boxes with three-dimensional effect.
- DragBitmap=1
- ------------
- Determines whether Visio creates a bitmap representation of a dragged
- shape or master while waiting to drop the shape or master.
- Zero Do not create a bitmap representation.
- 1 Create a bitmap representation after the duration
- specified by the MousePauseTime setting.
- 2 Create a bitmap representation immediately.
- DrawingsPath=Drawings
- ---------------------
- The default path for saving Visio drawings. Can be relative to the
- location of VISIO.EXE or fully qualified. Multiple paths are separated
- by a semicolon. If a Drawings directory doesn't exist, Visio will use
- the Explorer Shell Folder for personal document storage (usually "My Documents").
- EditInPlaceOnInsertObject=1
- ---------------------------
- 0 Edit in the full Visio window when inserting a Visio
- embedded object into another OLE 2.0 container application.
- 1 Use in-place editing when inserting a Visio embedded object.
- EventsEnabled=1
- ---------------
- Non-zero enables Visio events to be sent to Visio add-ons and VBA macros.
- Zero disables all Visio events.
- FaceDialogLabel=???
- -----------------------------
- The typeface used in dialog box labels, such as "MS Sans Serif". "???" tells Visio
- to use the current system defaults.
- FaceMasterIconAndName=???
- ---------------------------
- The typeface used in the stencil window when both icons and names are
- displayed, such as "Arial". "???" tells Visio to use the current
- system defaults.
- FaceMasterNameOnly=???
- --------------------------------
- The typeface used in the stencil window when only master names are
- displayed, such as "MS Sans Serif". "???" tells Visio to use the current
- system defaults.
- FacePIPCaption=???
- --------------------
- The typeface used in the floating stencil window when Visio is activated
- for in-place editing, such as "Arial". "???" tells Visio to use the current
- system defaults.
- FaceRuler=???
- ---------------
- The typeface used in the ruler, such as "Arial". "???" tells Visio to use
- the current system defaults.
- FaceShapeSheet=???
- ------------------------------
- The typeface used in the ShapeSheet, such as "MS Sans Serif". "???" tells
- Visio to use the current system defaults.
- FaceStatusBar=???
- ---------------------------
- The typeface used in the status bar, such as "MS Sans Serif". "???" tells
- Visio to use the current system defaults.
- FaceTip=???
- -------------
- The typeface used in the tip window, such as "Arial". "???" tells Visio
- to use the current system defaults.
- FaceToolbar=???
- -------------------------
- The typeface used in the toolbar, such as "MS Sans Serif". "???" tells
- Visio to use the current system defaults.
- FilterLibrary32=ISGDI32.DLL
- ------------------------
- The name of the main library used by all of the filters.
- FiltersPath32=System\Filter32
- -----------------------------
- The location of import and export filters. Can be relative to the
- location of VISIO.EXE or fully qualified. The import and export filters
- must match the .DLL file specified by the corresponding FilterLibrary
- setting.
- FontSizeDialogLabel=0xFFFF
- ----------------------
- The point size of text in dialog box labels. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to
- use the current system defaults.
- FontSizeMasterIconAndName=0xFFFF
- ---------------------------
- The point size of text used in the stencil window when both icons and
- names are displayed. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the current system defaults.
- FontSizeMasterNameOnly=0xFFFF
- ------------------------
- The point size of text used in the stencil window when only master names
- are displayed. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the current system defaults.
- FontSizePIPCaption=0xFFFF
- ---------------------
- The point size of text in the floating stencil window when Visio is
- activated for in-place editing. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the
- current system defaults.
- FontSizeRuler=0xFFFF
- ---------------
- The point size of text in the ruler. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the
- current system defaults.
- FontSizeShapeSheet=0xFFFF
- --------------------
- The point size of text displayed in the ShapeSheet window. "0xFFFF" tells
- Visio to use the current system defaults.
- FontSizeStatusBar=0xFFFF
- -------------------
- The point size of text in the status bar. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the
- current system defaults.
- FontSizeTip=0xFFFF
- -------------
- The point size of text used in the tip window. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to
- use the current system defaults.
- FontSizeToolbar=0xFFFF
- -----------------
- The point size of text in the toolbar. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the
- current system defaults.
- FPEAlertCount=0
- ---------------
- The number of times the Floating Point Exception alert box is displayed
- when a floating point exception occurs.
- GengoData1=yyyy/mm/dd,english_short,kanji_short,kanji_long
- GengoData2=yyyy/mm/dd,english_short,kanji_short,kanji_long
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- The Japanese version of Visio has built-in date information for the
- Emperors Meiji, Taishou, Shouwa, and Heisei. If new emperor(s) come to
- power between releases of Visio, the user can customize gengo date
- information by setting these entries. If both GengoData1 and GengoData2
- are set, GengoData2 should be later chronologically. Dates are formatted
- at run time, so these entries should be updated in all VISIO.INI files
- on all systems, or the date may be formatted differently on different
- systems.
- yyyy/mm/dd The first date of the new emperor's reign.
- english_short The English abbreviation of the emperor's name
- (used by the "g" date format).
- kanji_short The Kanji short name of the emperor
- (used by the "gg" and "G" formats).
- kanji_long The Kanji long name of the emperor
- (used by the "ggg" and "GG" formats).
- GridNonPage=0
- -------------
- Non-zero Display a grid on the pasteboard.
- HeightPIPCaption=0xFFFF
- ------------------
- The height of the caption in the floating stencil window when Visio is
- activated for in-place editing. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the current
- system defaults.
- HelpPath=Help;Solutions
- -----------------
- The location of help files for templates and stencils.
- HideVerticalFonts=0
- -------------------
- Zero to display vertically-oriented fonts in the Visio font list, or non-
- zero to hide vertically-oriented fonts. Although Visio does not provide
- true vertical text composition, you can get the effect of vertical text
- by using a vertical font and resizing the text box to force a single-
- character column. A vertical font is designated with a @ as the first
- character of its name. Vertical fonts are typically used on Far East
- systems.
- IconsAndNamesGridHeight=60
- IconsAndNamesGridWidth=50
- --------------------------
- The height and width of the stencil grid used to arrange icons in the
- stencil window when icons and names are displayed.
- IconsOnlyGridHeight=36
- IconsOnlyGridWidth=36
- ----------------------
- The height and width of the stencil grid used to arrange icons in the
- stencil window when only icons are displayed.
- IMEDefaultFontCharset=0xFFFF
- ----------------------------
- The character set of the default font to be used by the Input Method Editor
- (IME), as defined in the Windows logical font structure for that font.
- The Visio default for Japanese is the ShiftJIS character set. The following
- are examples of typical settings:
- 128 ShiftJIS
- 129 Hangeul
- 134 GB2312
- 136 ChineseBig5
- 0xFFFF causes Visio to use Windows international system settings.
- IMEDefaultFontFamily=0xFFFF
- ---------------------------
- The font family to which the default IME font belongs, as defined in the
- Windows logical font structure for that font. 0xFFFF causes Visio to use
- Windows international system settings.
- IMEDefaultFontName=???
- ----------------------
- The name of the font to use as the default in the IME. If you format text in
- the default font, Visio automatically uses whatever font is defined as the
- default on the user's system, which allows a more flexible mapping of fonts.
- The string "???" causes Visio to use Windows international system settings.
- INIFileForFilters=0
- -------------------
- Indicates where to look for information about import and export filters.
- Zero Use the [VisioImports] and [VisioExports]
- sections of VISIO.INI.
- 1 Use the [MS Graphic Import Filters] and
- [MS Graphic Export Filters] sections of WIN.INI.
- 2 Use the [AltFilterINIFileImportSect] and
- [AltFilterINIFileExportSect] sections of the file
- specified by AltFilterINIFile.
- IniShowAll=1
- ------------
- To keep the INI file small and less confusing, Visio automatically writes
- out only those settings that are not default and a few others that are
- useful (for example, file paths, import and export filters, and last files).
- Use this setting to include all possible settings in the file. For details,
- see "About VISIO.INI" at the beginning of this file.
- InPlaceWidth=5.5 in.
- InPlaceHeight=3.0 in.
- ---------------------
- The default width and height of the Visio embedded object when it is
- edited in-place.
- IsMultiByteAware=0
- ------------------
- Non-zero to handle multi-byte character sets, typically used on Far East
- systems. Setting IsMultiByteAware to a non-zero value may cause Visio to
- run more slowly, but it will run more reliably when using a multi-byte
- character set.
- LastFile1=<file1.vsd>
- LastFile2=<file2.vsd>
- LastFile3=<file3.vsd>
- LastFile4=<file4.vsd>
- LastFile5=<file5.vsd>
- LastFile6=<file6.vsd>
- LastFile7=<file7.vsd>
- LastFile8=<file8.vsd>
- LastFile9=<file9.vsd>
- ---------------------
- The last nine files used in Visio. These appear on the File menu under
- the Exit command. For example, if LastFile1=FLOWCHT.VSD,
- 1 FLOWCHT.VSD appears on the File menu under the Exit command.
- LastStencil=Basic Shapes.vss
- ---------------------
- The last stencil file selected with the Open Stencil command.
- LastTemplate=Basic Diagram.vst
- ----------------------
- The last template file selected with the New command.
- LinesAndTextPrintBlack=0
- ------------------------
- When printing to a PCL printer on Windows NT 3.51, colored lines
- and text print as white. Set LinesAndTextPrintBlack to a value other
- than zero to ensure that lines and text print in black.
- LineTolerance=5
- ---------------
- How far the mouse pointer can deviate from a straight line before Visio
- starts drawing a freeform curve, or spline: the higher the number, the
- farther the mouse pointer can deviate. The LineTolerance setting
- corresponds to the Precision option in the FreeForm Drawing section in
- the Options dialog box.
- LoopLimit = 40
- --------------
- The maximum number of times Visio processes a dependency loop in a
- ShapeSheet formula before stopping recalculation. For best results, set
- LoopLimit to a value greater than 10, because some complicated shapes
- may legitimately loop several times during recalculation.
- MacroVirusProtection=0
- ------------------
- Different options for virus checking.
- 0 = Don't check for viruses when the user opens files and
- always enable macros.
- 1 = Always ask the user what to do.
- 2 = Always disable macros.
- 3 = Always refuse to open file with macros.
- MainDictionaryPath
- ------------------
- The location of the main dictionary to be used by Visio to check
- spelling of text.
- MaxDigitsLeftOfDecimal=14
- ------------------------
- The maximum number of digits to the left of the decimal point in the
- ShapeSheet.
- MaxSpellerWordLength=50
- -----------------------
- The maximum length of the words that can be checked by the Visio
- spell checker. Words longer than MaxSpellerWordLength are flagged as
- misspelled, but no suggestions are offered.
- MeasurementDigits_Dlgs=4
- ------------------------
- The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in dialog
- boxes.
- MeasurementDigits_SheetForm=4
- -----------------------------
- The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in
- ShapeSheet formulas.
- MeasurementDigits_SheetVal=4
- ----------------------------
- The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in values
- in the ShapeSheet.
- MeasurementDigits_StatBar=4
- ---------------------------
- The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point in the
- status bar.
- MeasurementFlags_Dlgs=49
- MeasurementFlags_SheetForm=529
- MeasurementFlags_SheetVal=2577
- MeasurementFlags_StatBar=529
- ------------------------------
- The formats used to display numbers in dialog boxes, ShapeSheet formulas
- or values, or the status bar. To select localized or universal units,
- use one of the following values:
- 0 Use the localized full unit name (INCH vs IN)
- 1 Use the localized abbreviated name (IN. vs INCH)
- 2 Use the localized formula unit name (" vs INCH)
- 3 Use the universal unit name
- To combine other options, add values from the following list:
- 4 Show the unit label for default unit data
- 8 Omit unit labels (12 vs 12MI). Takes precedence
- over other label-related flags.
- 16 Convert label to lowercase (6in vs 6IN)
- 32 Include inches even if zero (5'0" vs 5')
- 64 Use only feet unit (5'6 vs 5'6")
- 128 Use both units for picas (1P3PT vs 1P3). Also
- affects display of ciceros.
- 256 Override with indicated measurement unit
- 512 Separate value and units with a space
- 1024 Omit leading zero (.99 vs 0.99)
- 2048 Fill decimal with zeros (.2500 vs 0.25)
- 4096 Leading space in positive numbers (' 5' vs '5')
- 8192 Leading plus in positive numbers ('+5' vs '5').
- Takes precedence over 4096 if both are set.
- 16384 Display as fractions ('2 1/2' vs '2.5'). Works only
- for denominators 2, 4, 8, ... 64.
- 32768 Display small values as 0 rather than use scientific
- notation
- MinIMEFontSize=8
- ----------------
- The minimum font size used to display text in the Input Method Editor,
- which converts phonetic input into glyphs on Far East systems.
- MouseDetectCreate=3
- -------------------
- The number of pixels you must move the mouse before Visio detects a
- drawing action to create a new shape.
- MouseDetectDrag=3
- -----------------
- The number of pixels you must move a dragged shape before Visio detects
- a motion.
- MousePauseTime=1000
- -------------------
- The number of milliseconds the mouse must pause before Visio creates a
- bitmap representation of a dragged shape (see DragBitmap, above).
- NetFlags=0
- ----------
- Used to resolve an error 113, 115, or 116 when saving files,
- particularly to a network or floppy disk drive. These errors tend to
- occur when a user's network permissions are incompatible with the
- permissions that Visio needs in order to save files.
- 1 Remove the user's file naming privileges
- 3 Remove the user's file rename and delete privileges.
- NewFileSavePreview=1
- --------------------
- Non-zero to save a preview picture of the file. This is the same as
- checking Save Preview Picture in the Properties dialog box.
- NoVBA=0
- -------
- Non-zero disables Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Visio.
- OLESizeIncludeBlackBits=1
- -------------------------
- Non-zero When embedding a Visio object, tightly enclose all
- of the object's black bits, regardless of the position
- of the object's alignment box.
- Zero Clip the object to its alignment box, even if part of
- the shape is outside of the box.
- OLEUpdateDelay=10000
- --------------------
- The number of milliseconds between updates when Visio is embedded.
- OpenHierarchical=0
- ------------------
- Non-zero changes the File Menu "Open" menu item into a hierarchical
- sub-menu, similar to the "New" and "Stencils" sub-menus.
- OpenPreview=1
- -------------
- Non-zero to display a preview picture of the file in the Open dialog
- box. This is the same as checking File Preview in the dialog box.
- OpenStencilsDocked=1
- --------------------
- Zero Open stencils in floating windows.
- Non-zero Open stencils docked in the drawing window.
- OpenStencilsReadWrite=0
- ----------------------
- Zero Open stencils with read-only access.
- Non-zero Open stencils as original (read/write access) by default.
- PageBorderDisplay=1
- -------------------
- Zero Don't display a border or its shadow around the drawing page.
- Non-zero Display a border and its shadow around the drawing page.
- PromptForSummaryInfo=1
- ----------------------
- 0 Do not prompt for summary information when saving a file
- for the first time.
- 1 Prompt for summary information.
- QuickTourPath=Help\Vistutor.exe
- -----------------------------------
- The location of the Visio Quick Tour program. Can be relative to the
- location of VISIO.EXE or fully qualified.
- ReallyEmptyDoc=0
- ----------------
- Zero Create a New, No Template document with the normal
- selection of styles.
- Non-zero Create a New, No Template document with only the four
- default base styles (No Style, None, Normal, Text Only).
- RegistrationFlags=0x1D6F
- ------------------------
- To combine options, add values from the following list:
- 0x0001 Register for Visio 1.0 OLE objects.
- 0x0002 Register for Visio 2.0 OLE objects.
- 0x0004 Register for Visio 3.0 OLE objects.
- 0x0008 Auto-convert Visio 2.0 and Visio 3.0
- embedded objects to Visio 4.0 format.
- 0x0010 Do not auto-convert Visio 2.0 or Visio 3.0
- embedded objects to Visio 4.0 format.
- 0x0020 Register the Visio file extensions.
- 0x0040 Register support for Lotus Notes F/X.
- 0x0100 Register Visio Automation.
- 0x0200 Use UNC syntax if running from a network drive.
- For best results, do not set this flag on Novell networks.
- 0x0400 Register for Visio 4.0 customizable UI objects.
- 0x0800 Register for Visio 4.0 OLE objects.
- 0x1000 Register the shell extensions for Windows 95.
- ShowDefaultFont=0
- =================
- Non-zero to display the font specified by DefaultFontName enclosed in
- angle brackets (< >) at the top of the font list. If you format text in
- the default font, Visio automatically uses whatever font is defined as
- the default on a user's system.
- SingleInstanceFileOpen=1
- ------------------------
- Determines whether to run a new instance of Visio every time a Visio file is
- opened by double-clicking it in the Windows Explorer.
- Zero Run a new instance each time a file is double-clicked.
- Non-zero Open all files in a single instance of Visio; run a new
- instance only if one is not already running.
- SnapGridX=8
- SnapGridY=8
- -----------
- The distance in pixels that an object must be from a grid line before
- the object snaps to that grid line in the x (horizontal) or y (vertical)
- direction.
- SnapGuideX=10
- SnapGuideY=10
- ------------
- The distance in pixels that an object must be from a guide before it
- snaps to that guide in the x (horizontal) or y (vertical) direction.
- SnapPointX=10
- SnapPointY=10
- ------------
- The distance in pixels that an object must be from a connection point or
- vertex before the object snaps to that point in the x (horizontal) or y
- (vertical) direction.
- SnapRulerX=4
- SnapRulerY=4
- ------------
- The distance in pixels that an object must be from a ruler subdivision
- before the object snaps to that tic in the x (horizontal) or y
- (vertical) direction.
- SpellAPI=0
- ----------
- 0 Use the spell checker installed with Visio.
- 1 Use the spell checker provided with Microsoft Word.
- SpellLibraryPath=
- -----------------
- The location of the DLL that Visio uses to check spelling. If you change
- the SpellLibraryPath entry, make sure you also change SpellAPI to the
- correct setting for the new DLL. Note that 16-bit Visio requires a 16-
- bit spell checker, and 32-bit Visio requires 32-bit spell checker.
- StartUpPath=Startup
- ---------------------------
- The location of Visio add-on executables and libraries that contain add-
- ons to run when Visio is launched. Can be relative to the location of
- VISIO.EXE or fully qualified.
- StatusDisplay=1
- ---------------
- Zero The status bar is not displayed
- Non-zero The status bar is displayed
- StencilAutoArrange=0
- --------------------
- Non-zero Auto arrange the icons and/or names in the stencil window.
- StencilHomeBorder=12 6
- ---------------------
- The x,y coordinates of the top-left icon relative to the position of the
- stencil window. Each time a stencil is opened, Visio scrolls the icons
- in the stencil window until the top-left icon is in the position
- specified by StencilHomeBorder.
- StencilIconsAsButtons=1
- -----------------------
- Non-zero Create a button-style border around auto-updating
- master icons.
- StencilPath=Solutions
- ------------------------------------------------
- The location of stencils that appear in the New dialog box and the
- Stencils dialog box. This path can be relative to the location of
- VISIO.EXE or fully qualified. Multiple paths are separated by a
- semicolon. For example: StencilPath=stencil;c:\mydata\visio
- StopCircularLinks=1
- -------------------
- Non-zero Prevents some of the problems with circular OLE links
- by not forwarding data change notifications.
- StretchBltMode=0
- ----------------
- Determines the appearance of bitmaps when they are stretched or
- compressed or displayed at other than 100% magnification.
- 0 Visio chooses the appropriate mode for the type of bitmap.
- 1 Preserves black pixels at the expense of colored or white
- pixels. This is the default.
- 2 Preserves colored or white pixels at the expense of
- black pixels.
- 3 Deletes eliminated lines and does not preserve them.
- TemplatePath=Solutions
- ---------------------
- The location of templates and stencils that appear in the New dialog
- box. This path can be relative to the location of VISIO.EXE or fully
- qualified. Multiple paths are separated by a semicolon. For example:
- TemplatePath=template;c:\mydata\visio
- TextAutoZoom=1
- --------------
- Non-zero to enable auto-zooming of text.
- TextAutoZoomFontSize=8
- ----------------------
- The font size that activates auto-zooming of text.
- TextBaselineAlignment=1
- -----------------------
- Zero Use top alignment for text output. This setting can be
- helpful for certain printers that have trouble with
- rotated text.
- Non-zero Use baseline alignment for text output.
- TextEditBorderWidth=1
- ---------------------
- The width of the text edit window border in screen pixels.
- TileStencilWindowWidth=172
- --------------------------
- The width in screen pixels of the stencil window, including the scroll
- bar, when the window is tiled.
- ToolbarLargeButtons=0
- ---------------------
- Non-zero to use large toolbar buttons.
- ToolbarRaisedButtons=0
- ---------------------
- Non-zero to use raised toolbar buttons.
- ToolbarShowToolTips=1
- ---------------------
- Non-zero to show tool tips.
- ToolbarStyle=1
- --------------
- 0 No toolbar
- 1 Use Visio standard toolbar
- 2 Use Microsoft Office 4.0 toolbar
- 3 Use Lotus SmartSuite toolbar
- TurnOffBitMapCache=0
- --------------------
- Zero Cache linked or embedded objects that are opaque as
- bitmaps for faster screen redraw.
- Non-zero Don't cache objects as bitmaps.
- UIDefaultFontCharset=0xFFFF
- ----------------------
- The character set of the font used in Visio's user interface, as defined
- in the Windows logical font structure for that font. Common character
- set values are 0 for ANSI, 2 for Symbol, and 255 for OEM (system-
- dependent). "0xFFFF" tells Visio to use the current system defaults.
- UIDefaultFontFamily=0xFFFF
- ------------------------
- The family of the font used in Visio's user interface, as defined in the
- Windows logical font structure for that font. "0xFFFF" tells Visio to
- use the current system defaults.
- UpdateIconBorderOnly=0
- ----------------------
- Non-zero to update only the border of the icon, so it looks three-
- dimensional.
- UseBanners=0
- ------------
- Non-zero tells Visio to print a banner on every page printed and/or
- in every metafile created.
- 0 Visio does not print with a banner
- 1 Visio prints a banner in the lower right of every page printed
- 2 Visio puts a banner in the lower right of all metafiles
- 3 Visio uses a print and metafile banner
- UseOldNewDialog=0
- -----------------
- Use the Visio 4.0 (and earlier) "New" dialog to pick templates.
- UseRGBForDocumentColors=2
- -------------------------
- This affects only drivers that use color palettes.
- UseRGBForPatternLines=0
- -----------------------
- A value of 1 tells Visio to use RGB when drawing patterned lines on
- color palette devices. This is a workaround for the behavior of certain
- video systems.
- UseRGBForUIColors=2
- -------------------
- 0x01 Use RGB colors when running standalone.
- 0x02 Use RGB colors when running in-place.
- UserName=Name
- -------------
- Used to initialize the Creator section in the Properties dialog box, as
- well as the text for the Document Creator text field. UserName can be
- set in the Options dialog box.
- ZoomMode=0
- ----------
- 0 The center of the selection remains stationary when zooming.
- 1 The selection is centered in the window when zooming.
- [document] section
- ==================
- The [document] section contains state information that is specific to
- the current document. Much of this information is also stored in the
- Visio data file.
- AutoScaleConversionRatio=8
- --------------------------
- Visio uses this setting to determine when to automatically scale masters
- when the master's scale differs from the drawing page scale by this
- ratio.
- ConnectDisplay=1
- ----------------
- Non-zero if connection points are displayed; zero if not.
- GlueState=0x9
- -------------
- To combine options, add values from the following list.
- 0x0000 No glue.
- 0x0001 Glue to guides.
- 0x0002 Glue to object handles.
- 0x0004 Glue to shape vertices.
- 0x0008 Glue to object connection points.
- 0x8000 All glue-to states disabled.
- GridDensity=4
- -------------
- The density of the grid in subdivisions per inch.
- GridPage=1
- ----------
- Non-zero if the grid is displayed on the drawing page; zero if not.
- GuideDisplay=1
- --------------
- Non-zero if guides are displayed; zero if not.
- MaxRecentFiles=4
- ----------------
- Maximum number of files that appear in the File Menu's recent
- file list.
- MaxUndo=10
- ----------
- The maximum number of commands in the undo buffer.
- MeasurementSystem_Angle=81
- MeasurementSystem_Drawing=73
- MeasurementSystem_Duration=44
- MeasurementSystem_Page=73
- MeasurementSystem_Text=50
- --------------------------
- The default units to use if a user doesn't type any units and no units
- were previously specified. _Angle, _Page, _Text, and _Duration indicate the units
- specified in the Default Units of Measure section of the Options dialog
- box, while _Drawing indicates the units specified in the Measurements
- section of the Page Properties dialog box. Settings are based on the
- following constants:
- 43 Elapsed weeks
- 44 Elapsed days
- 45 Elapsed hours
- 46 Elapsed minutes
- 47 Elapsed seconds
- 49 Picas and points
- 50 Points
- 51 Picas
- 52 Ciceros and didots
- 53 Didots
- 54 Ciceros
- 65 Inch (decimal)
- 66 Foot
- 67 Feet and inches
- 68 Mile (decimal)
- 69 Centimeter
- 70 Millimeter
- 71 Meter
- 72 Kilometer
- 73 Inch (fractional)
- 74 Miles (fractional)
- 75 Yards
- 81 Angles in decimal degrees
- 82 Angles in degrees-minutes-seconds
- 83 Angles in radians
- 84 Angles in minutes-seconds
- 85 Angles in seconds
- MRUFileCriteria=0x00F1
- ----------------------
- Criteria used to determine which files are added to the File Menu's
- recent file list. Use any combination of the following values:
- 0x0001 .VSD Files Opened
- 0x0002 .VSS Files Opened
- 0x0004 .VST Files Opened
- 0x0008 .VSW Files Opened
- 0x0010 .VSD Files Saved
- 0x0020 .VSS Files Saved
- 0x0040 .VST Files Saved
- 0x0080 .VSW Files Saved
- NewMasterAlign=2
- ----------------
- Default alignment for new masters.
- 1 Left
- 2 Center
- 3 Right
- NewMasterAutoUpdate=1
- ---------------------
- Non-zero to automatically update master icons to reflect changes to the
- master.
- NewMasterIconSize=1
- -------------------
- The default size of a new master.
- 1 Normal
- 2 Tall
- 3 Wide
- 4 Double
- PageBreakDisplay=0
- ------------------
- 0 Do not show page breaks during print preview.
- 1 Show page breaks.
- RulerDensity=16
- ---------------
- The density of the rulers in subdivisions per inch.
- RulerDisplay=1
- --------------
- Non-zero if the ruler is displayed; zero if not.
- ShowFormulas=1
- --------------
- Zero Display values in cells in the ShapeSheet window. This
- is the same as checking Values on the View menu in the
- ShapeSheet window.
- Non-zero Display formulas in cells in the ShapeSheet window. This
- is the same as checking Formulas on the View menu in the
- ShapeSheet window.
- SnapState=0x67
- --------------
- To combine options, add values from the following list:
- 0x0000 No snapping.
- 0x0001 Snap to ruler tick marks.
- 0x0002 Snap to grid lines.
- 0x0004 Snap to guides.
- 0x0008 Snap to object handles.
- 0x0010 Snap to shape vertices.
- 0x0020 Snap to object connection points.
- 0x0040 Snap to rotation angle.
- 0x0080 Do not snap to DRAWCB.idObj.
- 0x1000 No snap to in the x direction.
- 0x2000 No snap to in the y direction.
- 0x4000 No snap to truth-in-rulers values.
- 0x8000 All snap to states disabled.
- 0x7FFF Mask to enable the disable.
- [VisioImports] section
- ======================
- In the [VisioImports] section, the text to the left of the equal sign
- (=) is displayed in the File Type box in the Picture dialog box. The
- text to the right of the equal sign is the filter file name and the file
- extension supported by that filter, separated by a comma.
- Adobe Illustrator File=imps_9.flt,AI
- Computer Graphics Metafile=imcgm9.flt,CGM
- CorelDRAW! Drawing File Format=imcdr9.flt,CDR
- Encapsulated Postscript File=imps_9.flt,EPS
- IGES Drawing File Format=imigs9.flt,IGS
- Macintosh PICT Format=impct9.flt,PCT
- Micrografx Designer Version 3.1=imdrw9.flt,DRW
- Tag Image File Format=ibtif9.flt,TIF
- Zsoft PC Paintbrush Bitmap=ibpcx9.flt,PCX
- [VisioExports] section
- ======================
- In the [VisioExports] section, the text to the left of the equal sign
- (=) is displayed in the File Type box in the Save As dialog box. The
- text to the right of the equal sign is the filter file name and the file
- extension supported by that filter, separated by a comma.
- Adobe Illustrator File=emps_9.flt,AI
- Computer Graphics Metafile=emcgm9.flt,CGM
- Encapsulated Postscript File=emps_9.flt,EPS
- IGES Drawing File Format=emigs9.flt,IGS
- Macintosh PICT Format=empct9.flt,PCT
- Microsoft Windows DIB=ebbmp9.flt,BMP
- Tag Image File Format=ebtif9.flt,TIF
- Zsoft PC Paintbrush Bitmap=ebpcx9.flt,PCX
- [StencilServer] section
- =======================
- The names and window positions of the stencils opened by double-clicking
- a stencil file name in File Manager in Windows 3.1 or the Explorer in
- Windows 95. A stencil launched in this way appears in a floating stencil
- window so you can drag masters into the documents of other applications.
- [colors] section
- =================
- The [colors] section contains entries you can set to fine-tune Visio
- colors for a particular monitor, such as a gray scale monitor. The
- format of the three numbers is (red,green,blue) where (0,0,0) is black
- and (255,255,255) is white.
- ColorAmbiguous
- ColorConstant
- ColorInherited
- ColorNonConstant
- ColorTouched
- ----------------
- These entries indicate various states in Windows 95 dialog boxes. If
- Visio is running under Windows NT 3.51, these entries are ignored.
- ColorCellBorder=0 0 0
- ---------------------
- The color of the cell border in the ShapeSheet window.
- ColorEmptyCell=255 255 255
- --------------------------
- The color of an empty cell in the ShapeSheet window.
- ColorGridBackground=255 255 255
- -------------------------------
- The background color used to draw grid lines.
- ColorGridForeground=192 192 192
- -------------------------------
- The foreground color used to draw grid lines.
- ColorGuideBackground=255 255 255
- --------------------------------
- Guides are dithered so this is the background color used to draw guides.
- ColorGuideForeground=0 0 255
- ----------------------------
- Guides are dithered so this is the foreground color used to draw guides.
- ColorInactive=192 192 192
- -------------------------
- The color of the selection box of an object that is inactive or unable
- to perform the requested dynamic action. Also used for subselected
- objects.
- ColorMasterName=0 0 0
- ---------------------
- The color of the label text if a master is not selected in the stencil
- window.
- ColorMasterNameBackground=128 255 128
- -------------------------------------
- The background color for the label text if the master is not selected in
- the stencil window.
- ColorNameCell=192 192 192
- -------------------------
- The color of name cells in the ShapeSheet window.
- ColorNameCellLabel=255 0 0
- --------------------------
- The color of text in a name cell in the ShapeSheet window.
- ColorNonPage=192 255 255
- ------------------------
- The color of the paste board, which is the area that surrounds the
- drawing page in the Visio window.
- ColorPage=255 255 255
- ---------------------
- The color of the drawing page.
- ColorPageBorder=0 0 0
- ---------------------
- The color of the page border.
- ColorPageShadow=192 192 192
- ---------------------------
- The color of the drawing page's drop shadow in the Visio window.
- ColorPreviewBackground=128 128 128
- ----------------------------------
- The background color of the print preview window.
- ColorPrimary=0 255 0
- --------------------
- The color of the selection box for the primary selection.
- ColorRulerBackground=193 193 193
- --------------------------------
- The background color of the ruler.
- ColorRulerLabel=0 0 0
- ---------------------
- The color of the ruler label.
- ColorSecondary=0 255 255
- ------------------------
- The color of the selection box for the secondary selection.
- ColorSelMasterName=255 255 255
- ------------------------------
- The color of label text when a master is selected in the stencil window.
- ColorSelMasterNameBackground=0 0 127
- ------------------------------------
- The background color of the label text if a master is selected in the
- stencil window.
- ColorStencilBackground=128 255 128
- ----------------------------------
- The color of the stencil window.
- ColorTipBackground=255 255 128
- ------------------------------
- The background color of the tip window.
- ColorTipLabel=0 0 0
- -------------------
- The color of the text in tool tips.
- ColorValueCell=255 255 255
- --------------------------
- The color of a value cell in the ShapeSheet window.