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- /* VAO.H - Visio 4.0 VSL Interface
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1997 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file contains definitions that define the interface between
- * Visio and VSLs. A VSL is a dynamic link library that implements
- * the protocol defined herein. A VSL implements one or more Add-ons.
- * Each Add-on has a name and implements some operation. An Add-on
- * can be invoked from Visio in several ways, e.g. by selecting it from
- * Visio's Run Add-ons dialog, or by associating it with the double
- * click action of a shape in a Visio drawing.
- *
- * A Visio Add-on can also be developed as an executable file instead of
- * in a VSL. In general the advantage of doing it as a VSL is that it will
- * run faster and integrate with Visio slightly more seamlessly. The
- * advantate of doing an Add-on as an exe is that VSLs can't be developed
- * using certain nice development environments such as Visual Basic.
- *
- * A VSL can be written in C or in C++. It can be built for WIN16 or
- * for WIN32. However Visio16 will only load WIN16 VSLs and Visio32
- * will only load WIN32 VSLs.
- *
- * Implementations for the methods protyped herein can be found in vao.c.
- * The c-cpp directory shipped with Visio contains this vao.h file and
- * vao.c. It also contains the source files for a sample VSL written in
- * C and a sample VSL written in C++. The source for these sample projects
- * is portable to either WIN16 or WIN32, but there are separate .mak files
- * provided for building the WIN16 or WIN32 versions of the projects.
- */
- #if !defined(_VAO_H)
- #define _VAO_H
- #ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif
- #if !defined(RC_INVOKED)
- // Structs passed between visio and vsl defined to have no padding.
- #pragma pack(1)
- #endif
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #if !defined(LOADDS)
- #if defined(_WIN32)
- #define LOADDS
- #else
- #define LOADDS _loadds
- #endif
- #endif
- #if !defined(VAOU_PROC)
- #define VAOU_PROC(type) type LOADDS PASCAL FAR
- #endif
- // Even though definitions in this interface are "C" definitions, we want
- // it to be possible to embed structures defined as part of the interface
- // within C++ objects. Since structs are really classes in C++, it is
- // required that C++ know whether the "this" of the struct is near or
- // far. Any struct defined as part of this interface that is declared
- // using VAO_EMBEDDABLE_STRUCT can be embedded within a FAR C++ instance
- // as well as being used as an ordinary C structure.
- //
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- #define VAO_EMBEDDABLE_STRUCT typedef struct FAR
- #else
- #define VAO_EMBEDDABLE_STRUCT typedef struct
- #endif
- #endif
- // Version of the VSL inteface defined herein.
- #define VAO_IFMAJOR ((WORD)2) // Major interface version number.
- #define VAO_IFMINOR ((WORD)3) // Minor interface version number.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // -----------------------------------
- //
- // An Add-on library is expected to have an exported entry point of type
- // VAOFUNC whose name is LPVAOENTRYNAME. When Visio loads an Add-on library
- // it determines the address of the library's entry point by calling
- // GetProcAddress() on this name.
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define LPVAOENTRYNAME ((LPSTR)"VisioLibMain")
- typedef WORD VAORC, FAR* LPVAORC; // Visio Add-on Return code.
- typedef WORD VAOMSG, FAR* LPVAOMSG; // Visio Add-on Message code.
- #if defined(_WIN32)
- #define VAOCB __cdecl
- #else
- #endif
- // This structure is passed by Visio to a VSL's VisioLibMain() as an argument
- // accompanying most messages.
- //
- {
- HINSTANCE hVisInst; // Handle to running Visio instance.
- LPVAOFUNC lpfunc; // Call back address in Visio.
- WORD wSessID; // Id of session
- LPVOID lpArgs; // Pointer to session arguments.
- // Currently always null.
- LPSTR lpCmdLineArgs; // Analog of "cmd line args" passed to
- // an exe when it gets WinExec'd.
- // Recipient shouldn't assume this is
- // non-null or depend on any particular
- // string to be passed to it.
- // This structure describes an Add-on implemented by a VSL. When Visio sends
- // an V2LMSG_ENUMADDONS message to a VSL, the VSL responds by sending several
- // L2VMSG_REGADDON messages back to Visio. The VSL passes a pointer to a
- // VAOREGSTRUCT along with each L2VMSG_REGADDON message.
- //
- // A VAOREGSTRUCT describes an Add-on to Visio. In particular, it specifies:
- //
- // - The Add-on's ordinal. When Visio tells the library to run an Add-on
- // it identifies which Add-on by specifying the Add-on's ordinal.
- // - Several attributes of the Add-on.
- // - The enabling policy the Add-on wants to use.
- // - the name of the Add-on.
- //
- // VAO_ORDINAL: Specifies an add-on's ordinal.
- //
- #define VAO_INV_ORD (0) // The ordinal no valid Add-on can have.
- // We choose 0 for invalid id because
- // resources having id's equal to
- // to VAO_ORDINAL are quite likely and
- // resid's of 0 aren't cool.
- // VAO_ATTS: Specifies an add-on's attributes in the form of a mask of
- // zero or more VAO_AOATTS_xxx values.
- //
- #define VAO_AOATTS_ISACTION 0x0001 // Add-on performs actions.
- #define VAO_AOATTS_HASABOUT 0x0002 // Add-on supplies an about for itself
- #define VAO_AOATTS_HASHELP 0x0004 // Add-on supplies help about itself.
- #define VAO_AOATTS_WAITCRSR 0x0008 // Keep wait cursor up when Add-on runs.
- #define VAO_AOATTS_DONTSHOW 0x0010 // Don't show addon in menus/dialogs.
- // VAO_ENABMASK: Specifies an add-on's enabling policy. Value should be
- //
- #define VAO_ENABLEALWAYS 0xFFFF // Add-on is always enabled.
- #define VAO_ENABLEDYNAMIC 0 // Visio should query Add-on using
- // V2LMSG_ISAOENABLED when it wants to
- // know if Add-on is enabled. Add-on
- // should respond VAORC_L2V_ENABLED or 0.
- #define VAO_ENABLEDYNAMICEX 0x8000 // If Add-on is still considered enabled
- // after VAO_NEEDSxxx has been checked,
- // Visio will send V2LMSG_ISAOENABLED
- // to Add-on. Add-on should respond
- // VAORC_L2V_ENABLED or 0.
- // Semi-dynamic enabling masks. If an Add-on is registered with an enabling
- // mask of e.g. VAO_NEEDSDOC then Visio will consider Add-on enabled only
- // if state implied by mask is in effect (e.g. only if a document is open if
- // mask is VAO_NEEDSDOC). Visio won't query a semi-dynamically enabled Add-on
- // to see if it is enabled unless VAO_ENABLEDYNAMICEX also set. Bits are
- // negative, e.g. consider this add-on disabled if there is no target doc.
- // If none of negative condictions met, add-on will be considered enabled.
- //
- #define _VAO_ND 0x0001 // Add-on needs a document.
- #define _VAO_NW 0x0002 // Add-on needs a window.
- #define _VAO_NDrW 0x0004 // Add-on needs a draw window.
- #define _VAO_NStW 0x0008 // Add-on needs a stencil window.
- #define _VAO_NShW 0x0010 // Add-on needs a sheet window.
- #define _VAO_NIcW 0x0020 // Add-on needs an icon window.
- #define _VAO_NT 0x0040 // Add-on needs a target context.
- #define _VAO_NPgT 0x0080 // Add-on needs target that is a page.
- #define _VAO_NMsT 0x0100 // Add-on needs target that is a master.
- #define _VAO_NS 0x0200 // Add-on needs a selection.
- // VAO_INVOKEMASK: Specifies what events, if any, an Add-on wants to
- // be automatically invoked on. Value should be mask of zero or more
- // VAO_INVOKExxx values.
- //
- #define VAO_INVOKE_LAUNCH 0x0001 // Invoke on Visio Launch. The vsl file
- // must reside in a directory that is
- // listed in Visio's startup path list
- // for this to have an effect.
- // This is the maximum add-on name length we'll allow an add-on name to
- // have (not counting the null at its end). Names over 20 or so characters
- // will be truncated when made visible by the UI, so names much longer
- // than that aren't particularly useful anyway.
- //
- #define VAOMAXAONAME 100
- {
- VAO_ORDINAL ord; // Ordinal of Add-on. This should be
- // a value other than VAO_INV_ORD. Each
- // Add-on registered by a given Add-on
- // library should be assigned a distinct
- // ordinal.
- VAO_ATTS atts; // Attributes of Add-on.
- VAO_ENABMASK enabMask; // Add-on's enabling policy.
- VAO_INVOKEMASK invokeOnMask; //
- VAO_NOTIFYMASK notifyOnMask; //
- LPCTSTR lpName; // Add-on's name.
- //
- // - Visio makes a copy of the name
- // hence the lib needn't keep memory
- // pointed to by lpName around.
- //
- // - Name can be null or "", but it
- // won't show up in Run Add-on
- // dialog and analogous dialogs.
- //
- // - If the name isn't null, Visio will
- // return an error if a given Add-on
- // lib registers more than one Add-on
- // with the same name.
- //
- // - Visio assumes name is an ansi (as
- // opposed to an oem) string. This
- // makes a difference if the name
- // container e.g. accented characters.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define _VAOGEN_INVBASE (0x0000) // First invariant generic message/rc
- #define _VAOGEN_SENBASE (0x1000) // First int sensitive generic message/rc
- #define _V2L_INVBASE (0x2000) // First invariant v2l message/rc
- #define _V2L_SENBASE (0x3000) // First int sensitive v2l message/rc
- #define _L2V_INVBASE (0x4000) // First invariant l2v message/rc
- #define _L2V_SENBASE (0x5000) // First int sensitive l2v message/rc
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // ------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // The "V2L" messages below are messages that Visio passes to an Add-on
- // library. The "L2V" messages are messages a library passes to Visio.
- //
- // The receiver of a message should respond by returning a VAORC (Visio
- // Add-on Return Code) to the message sender. The return codes defined as
- // part of this interface are given later in this file.
- //
- // Passed with each message are two parameters, a WORD and an LPVOID. In
- // many cases the LPVOID should point to a structure whose type is a function
- // of the message being sent. Definitions of the various message related
- // structures are given later in this file. Depending on the message, fields
- // in a message structure may be set by the sender or the receiver of the
- // message. In all cases the sender of the message is to be construed as
- // the owner of the memory allocated for the message structure.
- //
- // Discussion of individual messages can be found later in this file.
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef enum
- {
- INVALID_VAOMSG = _VAOGEN_INVBASE, // The code no msg can have.
- // Messages that Visio sends to a VSL:
- // Messages that a VSL sends to Visio:
- L2VMSG_AVAILCALLS = _L2V_INVBASE, // Not for external use.
- L2VMSG_ISCMDENABLED, // Not for external use.
- L2VMSG_ENABLEMENU_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_ISCMDQUERY_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_GETARGSIZE, // Not for external use.
- L2VMSG_AVAILMODES_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_EXECUTE, // Not for external use.
- L2VMSG_ENUMDOCS_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_ENUMCONS_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_ENUMSHEETS_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_PROMPTUSER_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_DBL2ASCII_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_ASCII2DBL_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_GETAPPINFO_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- L2VMSG_DEBUGMSG_obsolete, // Consume id for backwards compatibility.
- // --values below here were added to Visio 4.0--
- // --------------------
- // --------------------
- // Prescribed error response to V2LMSG_LOAD.
- // True response by lib to V2LMSG_ISAOENABLED
- // query. (False response should be 0.)
- // Prescribed lib response to V2LMSG_RUNxxx
- // meaining session persists.
- // Prescribed lib response to V2LMSG_RUNABOUT
- // meaining lib didn't respond to Visio's
- // request. Visio will respond by displaying
- // a very generic about box. Note that Visio
- // will only send V2LMSG_RUNABOUT to Add-ons
- // that declare VAO_AOATTS_HASABOUT in their
- // registration structure. So Add-ons that
- // really don't provide about should say so
- // when registering.
- // Prescribed lib response to V2LMSG_RUNHELP
- // meaining lib didn't respond to Visio's
- // request. Visio will respond by displaying
- // very generic. Note that Visio will only
- // send V2LMSG_RUNHELP to Add-ons that
- // declare VAO_AOATTS_HASHELP in their
- // registration structure. So Add-ons that
- // really don't provide help should say so
- // when registering.
- // Lib returns this if sent illegal message.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // -------------------------------
- //
- // Messages sent from Visio to library
- // -----------------------------------
- //
- // wmsg wparam lparam return
- // ---- ------ ------ ------
- //
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_LOAD to an Add-on library right after it has
- // done LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress(LPVAOENTRYNAME) on the library.
- //
- // The value of the wparam passed with V2LMSG_LOAD indicates the Add-on
- // interface version being used by the sending Visio. Typically the
- // receiving library shouldn't care. However, if it so chooses, it can
- // refuse to load itself based on the version of Visio it is running
- // with. WParam packs the major and minor interface version numbers
- // being used by Visio in the same fashion as described below for
- // VAO_L2V_VERSION(). [See (*) below.]
- //
- // The value of the lparam passed with V2LMSG_LOAD is a pointer to the
- // procedure in Visio the library is to call when it wants to make calls
- // back into Visio later.
- //
- // Visio expects a response of VAO_L2V_VERSION() to V2LMSG_LOAD unless
- // the library fails to initialize itself. If initialization fails, the
- // response should be VAORC_L2V_LOADFAILED, in which case Visio will
- // perform an immediate FreeLibrary() and send the lib no more messages.
- //
- // Note: This value should never have _L2V_INVBASE bit set in it!
- // That way we can always distinguish it from VAORC_L2V_LOADFAILED.
- //
- //
- // Visio disables library call backs when it sends V2LMSG_LOAD.
- //
- // Note that a Visio INSTANCE will send V2LMSG_LOAD when it loads an
- // Add-on library. Thus a library may receive V2LMSG_LOAD multiple
- // times without receiving intervening V2LMSG_UNLOADs if multiple Visio
- // instances are running. Thus a library wanting to perform instance
- // independent initialization can take one of several tacks:
- //
- // option1: Do instance independent initialization in its LibMain().
- // option2: Keep a global load count around that's initialized to 0,
- // incremented when V2LMSG_LOAD is received and decremented
- // when V2LMSG_UNLOAD is received. Instance Instance
- // independent initialization should then occur when
- // V2LMSG_LOAD is received and the load count is 0. Services
- // implementing this option are available in vlibutils.h/c.
- //
- // (*): Visio 2.0, which implemented version 2.1 of the Add-on interface,
- // passed wparam as VAO_INV_SESSID. Versions of Visio that implement
- // version 2.2 or later of the Add-on interface pass the interface
- // version they are using in wparam as described above.
- //
- // V2LMSG_UNLOAD undefined NULL moot
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_UNLOAD to an Add-on library right before it is
- // about to do a FreeLibrary() on the library (probably because it is
- // quitting). The library has no choice in this matter, V2LMSG_UNLOAD
- // doesn't allow the library to respond that it doesn't want to be
- // unloaded. The result a library returns in response to V2LMSG_UNLOAD
- // is really moot (but VAORC_SUCCESS is suggested).
- //
- // Note that Visio doing a FreeLibrary() doesn't necessarily imply the
- // library is really about to be unloaded. Windows will decrement the
- // library's use count when Visio does the FreeLibrary() and actually
- // unload the library only if the use count decrements to zero. The use
- // count may still be non-zero if multiple instances of Visio have loaded
- // the library. If the library has instance independent cleanup that it
- // only wants to perform when it is really going to be unloaded, it can
- // put the cleanup in its WEP() procedure or maintain a use count as
- // described above in the V2LMSG_LOAD discussion.
- //
- // Visio disables library call backs when it sends V2LMSG_UNLOAD.
- //
- // Note that Visio will never send V2LMSG_UNLOAD to a library that has
- // modeless sessions in progress (see V2LMSG_RUN). Rather, it will send
- // V2LMSG_KILLSESSIONs until no sessions remain, then send V2LMSG_UNLOAD.
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_ENUMADDONS to a library when it is requesting
- // the library to enumerate its Add-ons. Typically a library will respond
- // by sending L2VMSG_REGADDON messages back to Visio.
- //
- // The VAOV2LSTRUCT pointed to by lparam specifies information the
- // library will need in order to make calls back into Visio.
- //
- // If the result returned by the library in response to V2LMSG_ENUMADDONS
- // isn't VAORC_SUCCESS, Visio will send an immediate V2LMSG_UNLOAD and
- // not deal further with the library. If some but not all of a library's
- // Add-ons register successfully and if the library wishes to continue,
- // it should respond VAORC_SUCCESS to V2LMSG_ENUMADDONS.
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_ISAOENABLED to a library when it is requesting
- // the library to indicate whether the Add-on whose ordinal is passed
- // in wparam is enabled or not. Visio will only send this message if
- // the targeted Add-on was registered as having an enabling policy of
- // VAO_ENABLEDYNAMIC or VAO_ENABLEDYNAMICEX. In the latter case message
- // will only be sent if static tests indicate Add-on potentially enabled.
- //
- // The library should respond VAORC_L2V_ENABLED or 0.
- //
- // The VAOV2LSTRUCT pointed to by lparam specifies information the
- // library will need in order to make calls back into Visio.
- // VAORC_SomeError
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_RUN to a library when it is requesting the library
- // to run the Add-on whose ordinal is passed in wparam. Visio will only
- // send this message if the targeted Add-on has been deemed currently
- // enabled according to the enabling policy declared for it when it was
- // registered.
- //
- // The VAOV2LSTRUCT pointed to by lparam specifies information the
- // library will need in order to make calls back into Visio.
- //
- // If the invoked Add-on completes whatever operation it performs in
- // response to V2LMSG_RUN, then VAORC_SUCCESS or VAORC_SomeError should
- // be returned by the library to Visio in response to the message.
- //
- // If the Add-on initiated some modeless activity in response to the
- // V2LMSG_RUN (e.g. opened a window), then VAORC_L2V_MODELESS should
- // be returned in response to the message. Such a modeless session will
- // persist until the library sends L2VMSG_SESSIONDONE to Visio, or until
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_KILLSESSION to the library. Visio won't send
- // V2LMSG_UNLOAD to a library that has modeless sessions in progress.
- // VAORC_SomeError
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_RUNABOUT to a library when it is requesting the
- // library to invoke "about" for the the Add-on whose ordinal is passed
- // in wparam. Visio will only send this message if the targeted Add-on
- // was declared to provide "about" when it was registered.
- //
- // The VAOV2LSTRUCT pointed to by lparam specifies information the
- // library will need in order to make calls back into Visio.
- //
- // The result Visio expects a library to return in response to
- // V2LMSG_RUNABOUT is exactly as described for V2LMSG_RUN.
- // VAORC_SomeError
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_RUNHELP to a library when it is requesting the
- // library to invoke help for the the Add-on whose ordinal is passed
- // in wparam. Visio will only send this message if the targeted Add-on
- // was declared to provide help when it was registered.
- //
- // The VAOV2LSTRUCT pointed to by lparam specifies information the
- // library will need in order to make calls back into Visio.
- //
- // The result Visio expects a library to return in response to
- // V2LMSG_RUNHELP is exactly as described for V2LMSG_RUN.
- //
- // Visio sends V2LMSG_KILLSESSION to a library when it is mandating that
- // a session that an in progress session be terminated. The library can't
- // refuse this request.
- //
- // The session to be terminated is identified in the VAOV2LSTRUCT
- // pointed to by lparam.
- //
- // When it sends V2LMSG_KILLSESSION, the only call backs Visio enables
- // are the so called "shutdown" call backs.
- //
- // Typically this message will be sent to a session that previously
- // "went modeless." See V2LMSG_RUN description above. However, in rare
- // cases it may also be sent to an uncompleted modal session, e.g.
- // session invokes app modal dialog, user switches to program manager,
- // then exits Windows.
- // Messages sent from library to Visio
- // -----------------------------------
- //
- // When an Add-on library sends a message to Visio (really meaning it makes
- // a call back into Visio), it must always pass as wparam the id associated
- // with the session doing the calling. This id is passed by Visio to the
- // library in the LPVAOV2LSTRUCT passed as lparam on most messages sent
- // from Visio to an Add-on library, specifically in lpvaov2lstruct->wSessID.
- // The address of the procedure in Visio the library is to call is passed
- // in lpvaov2lstruct->lpfunc.
- //
- // ---WIN16 ONLY---
- // Note that several instances of Visio may be running at once. Although
- // chances are small that it will happen, there is no guarantee that
- // distinct instances won't invoke a session with the same id. Thus a
- // session is really keyed by (hVisInst,wSessID), both of which are passed
- // with the VAOV2LSTRUCTs passed to the lib when Visio starts a session.
- // When you pass wSessID back to Visio you're implicitly identifying the
- // session with id wSessID that belongs to the currently running Visio
- // instance. Keep this in mind if your lib keeps session specific data
- // structures.
- //
- // ---WIN32 ONLY---
- // Above discussion is slightly different in win32. In the event that
- // several Visio's are running, many "instances" of a library are loaded,
- // unlike the win16 case where one instance gets loaded that is driven by
- // the many Visio instances. Thus a win32 library always thinks it is
- // running with a lone instance of Visio. This typically makes things
- // easier for a win32 library that wants to maintain session specific data
- // structures. It needn't take app instance into account as a component of
- // the key.
- //
- // wmsg wparam lparam return
- // ---- ------ ------ ------
- //
- // L2VMSG_REGADDON tells Visio to register an Add-on implemented by
- // an Add-on library. The Add-on is described by the VAOREGSTRUCT
- // pointed to by lparam. The library should fill out the VAOREGSTRUCT
- // prior to sending L2VMSG_REGADDON.
- //
- // Typically a library sends L2VMSG_REGADDON in response to receiving
- // V2LMSG_ENUMADDONS from Visio. However, V2LMSG_ENUMADDONS can be sent
- // at other times if a library finds occasion for doing so.
- //
- // L2VMSG_UNREGADDON tells Visio to unregister an Add-on that was
- // previously registered. The VAOREGSTRUCT pointed to by lparam says
- // which Add-on to unregister. Only the ordinal of the Add-on needs to
- // be specified in the VAOREGSTRUCT.
- //
- // L2VMSG_ISAOENABLED passes a VAOREGSTRUCT in which an Add-on enabling
- // policy is specified to Visio and Visio returns whether the policy
- // evaluates at the moment to enabled or disabled. The VAOREGSTRUCT may
- // be the registration structure for an actual Add-on, but that need
- // not be the case. Only the enabling policy field of the VAOREGSTRUCT
- // needs to be filled out. Visio ignores the other VAOREGSTRUCT fields.
- // If the specified policy is VAO_ENABLEDYNAMIC (i.e. the library
- // evaluates the enabledness of an add-on) then Visio will return 0,
- // otherwise it will use the same logic it uses to determine whether
- // a statically enabled Add-on with the specified enabling policy is
- // enabled or not. Visio returns VAORC_V2L_ENABLED or 0.
- //
- // A library sends L2VMSG_SESSIONDONE to Visio when it wants to end
- // on its own volition a session that previously "went modeless" (see
- // V2LMSG_RUN description).
- //
- // L2VMSG_SESSIONDONE might be used e.g. if the library opened a window
- // in response to V2LMSG_RUN. When the user closes the window, the
- // library would send L2VMSG_SESSIONDONE to Visio. Note that if Visio
- // wants a library to end a modeless session, e.g. when it's quitting,
- // then it will send V2LMSG_KILLSESSION to the library. A library can
- // respond to V2LMSG_KILLSESSION by sending L2VMSG_SESSIONDONE, but it
- // need not do so.
- //
- // A library sends L2VMSG_BINDDATA to Visio when it wants to associate
- // an arbitrary pointer with a session. The pointer can be retrieved
- // later using L2VMSG_BOUNDDATA.
- //
- // A library sends L2VMSG_BOUNDDATA to Visio to retrieve the pointer
- // that was most recently bound to the session via L2VMSG_BINDDATA.
- // Null is returned if L2VMSG_BINDDATA has never been invoked on
- // the session.
- // The implementations for the following few methods can be found in vao.c.
- // VAOUtil_DefVisMainProc() provides default handling for a message sent from
- // Visio to a VSL's VisioLibMain proc. You can see an example of its use in
- // lib.c. VAOUtil_SetVisCallBack() need only be called if you decide not to
- // let VAOUtil_DefVisMainProc() handle the V2LMSG_LOAD message from Visio.
- // VAOUtil_VisCallBack() provides the address of the proc in Visio that a VSL
- // is to call in order to send messages to. You'll probably find little reason
- // to use it. VAOUtil_RegisterAddons() is used by a VSL to register its Add-ons
- // with Visio. See lib.c for an example of its use. VAOUtil_SendEndSession() is
- // to be called by a "modeless" session when it wants to end itself.
- //
- VAOU_PROC(VAORC) VAOUtil_DefVisMainProc ( VAOMSG wMsg,
- WORD wParam,
- LPVOID lpParam,
- HINSTANCE hResources );
- VAOU_PROC(VOID) VAOUtil_SetVisCallBack ( LPVAOFUNC lpfunc );
- VAOU_PROC(LPVAOFUNC) VAOUtil_VisCallBack ( void );
- #if !defined(_WIN32)
- VAOU_PROC(HINSTANCE) VAOUtil_hAppInst ( void );
- #endif
- VAOU_PROC(VAORC) VAOUtil_RegisterAddons ( WORD wSessID,
- LPVAOREGSTRUCT lpRegStructArray,
- WORD nRegStructs );
- #define VAOUtil_SendEndSession(wSessID) \
- ((*((LPVAOFUNC)(VAOUtil_VisCallBack()))) \
- (wSessID), \
- // gbl_hDLLModule is the instance handle for the dll this code is running
- // in. It gets set by LibMain() or DllMain() when this dll gets loaded.
- //
- extern HINSTANCE gbl_hDLLModule;
- #define VLIBUTL_hModule() gbl_hDLLModule
- #if !defined(RC_INVOKED)
- // Resume to using default struct packing.
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #define VAOEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #define UNUSED_ARG(x) if (x) { }
- #else
- #define UNUSED_ARG(x)
- #endif
- #if defined(__cplusplus)
- } /* End of extern "C" { */
- #endif
- #endif /* _VAO_H */