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- VERSION 4.00
- Begin VB.Form UserForm1
- Caption = "Developing Visio Solutions"
- ClientHeight = 2115
- ClientLeft = 5715
- ClientTop = 2445
- ClientWidth = 4680
- Height = 2520
- Left = 5655
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- ScaleHeight = 2115
- ScaleWidth = 4680
- Top = 2100
- Width = 4800
- Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
- Caption = "Done"
- Default = -1 'True
- Height = 495
- Left = 1440
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 1440
- Width = 1575
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox TextBox1
- Height = 375
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 1
- Text = "Text1"
- Top = 600
- Width = 3975
- End
- Begin VB.Label Label1
- Caption = "Output:"
- Height = 375
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 240
- Width = 1215
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "UserForm1"
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Copyright (C) 1997 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
- ' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
- ' the Sample Application Files (and/or any modified version) in any way
- ' you find useful, provided that you agree that Visio has no warranty,
- ' obligations or liability for any Sample Application Files.
- ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- Unload Me
- End Sub