PC World Komputer 1999 January
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BASIC Source File
338 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "QUERY"
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Copyright (C) 1993-1996 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
' the Sample Application Files (and/or any modified version) in any way
' you find useful, provided that you agree that Visio has no warranty,
' obligations or liability for any Sample Application Files.
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'-- Description : Contains the database support. The grid control serves as
'-- the viewport onto a query displaying the inventory. All
'-- aspects of the query are maintained here and no direct
'-- access to the grid should occur unless otherwise specified.
Option Explicit '-- All Variable Explicit!
Dim iDBaseInit As Integer
Dim m_iSortIndex As Integer
Dim m_dbDatabase As Database
Dim m_MainTable As New TableDef
Dim m_MainTableIdx As New Index
Const QI_DBASE_FILE_NAME = "~vbinv.mdb"
Const QI_MTABLE_NAME = "Shapes_Table"
Const QI_MTABLE_IDX_NAME = "MTable_Index"
Private Sub AddTableField(iIndex As Integer)
'--- AddTableField ------------------
'-- Adds a field to the main table.
Dim TempField As New Field
TempField.Name = FieldNames(iIndex)
TempField.Type = dbText
TempField.Size = 255
m_MainTable.FIELDS.Append TempField
End Sub
Private Sub ClearGrid()
'--- ClearGrid ----------------------
'-- Clears the query grid, erasing any query currently displayed. To clear
'-- the grid we use RemoveItem on all indexes 1 and greater. Don't remove
'-- index 0 as it is the fixed title row. Because we can't remove the last
'-- row I instead clear out the last row's (Row = 1) column text.
Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
For iRow = (frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Rows - 1) To 2 Step -1
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.RemoveItem iRow '-- Remove Row
Next iRow
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Row = 1 '-- Go To First Row
For iCol = 0 To frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Cols - 1 '-- For Every Column...
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Col = iCol '-- Go To Column
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Text = "" '-- Reset Contents
Next iCol
End Sub
Private Sub CopyShapesToTable(shpsShapeColl As Visio.Shapes)
'--- CopyShapesToTable --------------
'-- Copies the current pages shape collection into the database main table.
Dim I As Integer, strStatus As String
Dim MTable As Table, shpCurshape As Visio.Shape
Set MTable = m_dbDatabase.OpenTable(QI_MTABLE_NAME)
EmptyTable MTable
For I = 1 To shpsShapeColl.Count '-- Loop Through Shapes...
strStatus = "Retrieving Shape " & Str$(I) & " of "
strStatus = strStatus & Str$(shpsShapeColl.Count)
StatusLineMsg strStatus '-- Update Status Line
Set shpCurshape = shpsShapeColl(I) '-- Get Next Shape
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_NAME) = "" & shpCurshape.Name & " "
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_DATA1) = "" & shpCurshape.Data1 & " "
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_DATA2) = "" & shpCurshape.Data2 & " "
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_DATA3) = "" & shpCurshape.Data3 & " "
If shpCurshape.Type = visTypeShape Or shpCurshape.Type = visTypeGroup Then
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_TEXT) = "" & shpCurshape.Text & " "
End If
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_WIDTH) = "" & shpCurshape.Cells("Width") & " "
MTable.FIELDS(IDX_HEIGHT) = "" & shpCurshape.Cells("Height") & " "
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub CopyTableToGrid()
'--- CopyTableToGrid ----------------
'-- Copies the shape table to the query grid by first sizing it and then
'-- copying each record into a row.
Dim I As Integer, MTable As Dynaset, ctlGrid As Grid, iCol As Integer
Set MTable = m_dbDatabase.CreateDynaset(QI_MTABLE_NAME)
Set ctlGrid = frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid
If MTable.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
SetupColumns '-- Display Col Labels
MTable.Sort = "[" & IncludeNames(m_iSortIndex) & "] Asc"
Set MTable = MTable.CreateDynaset()
MTable.MoveFirst '-- Move To Record
ctlGrid.Rows = MTable.RecordCount + 1 '-- Set Grid Rows
For I = 1 To MTable.RecordCount '-- Loop Through Shapes...
ctlGrid.Row = I '-- Go To Next Row
For iCol = 0 To IncludeCount() - 1
ctlGrid.Col = iCol
ctlGrid.Text = MTable.FIELDS(IncludeNames(iCol)).Value
Next iCol
MTable.MoveNext '-- Go To Next Record
Next I
End Sub
Private Sub EmptyTable(TheTable As Table)
'--- EmptyTable ---------------------
'-- Deletes all records from the table passed.
If TheTable.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do Until TheTable.EOF
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FitColumns()
'--- FitColumns ---------------------
'-- Fits the columns of the grid to the data within. Does so by iterating
'-- through each cell in a column, saving the largest text width and setting
'-- the width to it. We also add a leading space iLead for clipping.
Dim iCol As Integer, iRow As Integer, twipsBiggest As Integer
Dim strTemp As String, iLead As Integer
Dim ctlGrid As Grid
Set ctlGrid = frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid '-- Alias Grid Control
iLead = 90 '-- 1/16" = 90 * 1/(72*20)
For iCol = 0 To (ctlGrid.Cols - 1) '-- For Every Column...
ctlGrid.Col = iCol '-- Set Next Column
twipsBiggest = 1 '-- Reset For Each Column
For iRow = 0 To (ctlGrid.Rows - 1) '-- For Every Row In Column...
ctlGrid.Row = iRow '-- Set Next Row
strTemp = ctlGrid.Text '-- Get Cell Text
twipsBiggest = iMax(frmMainWindow.TextWidth(strTemp), twipsBiggest)
Next iRow
ctlGrid.ColWidth(iCol) = twipsBiggest + iLead
Next iCol
End Sub
Private Function InitDatabase() As Integer
'--- InitDatabase -------------------
'-- Initializes the local access database and table for inventory.
Dim I As Integer
InitDatabase = True '-- Default To True
If iDBaseInit Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo KillErrorHandler
On Error GoTo InitDBaseErrHandler
StatusLineMsg "Creating New Database..."
Set m_dbDatabase = CreateDatabase(QI_DBASE_FILE_NAME, dbLangGeneral)
m_MainTableIdx.Name = QI_MTABLE_IDX_NAME
m_MainTableIdx.Unique = False
m_MainTableIdx.Primary = True
m_MainTableIdx.FIELDS = FieldNames(IDX_NAME)
m_MainTable.Name = QI_MTABLE_NAME
StatusLineMsg "Adding Database Fields..."
For I = 0 To FieldCount() - 1
AddTableField I
Next I
m_MainTable.Indexes.Append m_MainTableIdx
m_dbDatabase.TableDefs.Append m_MainTable
m_iSortIndex = 0
iDBaseInit = True
Exit Function
Resume Next
MsgBox "Error Creating Database"
InitDatabase = False
Exit Function
Resume 0
End Function
Sub RePaint()
'--- RePaint ------------------------
'-- Repaints the database grid control with the current table contents. Does
'-- not perform a requery.
If Not iDBaseInit Then Exit Sub
BeginWaitCursor '-- Display Wait Cursor
ClearGrid '-- Clear Current Query
SetupColumns '-- Grid Column Headings
CopyTableToGrid '-- Display Query
FitColumns '-- Fit Grid Columns
EndWaitCursor '-- Remove Wait Cursor
End Sub
Sub ReQuery(iDocIndex As Integer, iPageIndex As Integer)
'--- ReQuery ------------------------
'-- Requery is responsible for reading in the current pages' shapes. Once
'-- the table is updated the grid is repainted.
Dim docDoc As Visio.DOCUMENT, shpsShapeColl As Visio.Shapes
BeginWaitCursor '-- Display Wait Cursor
If Not InitDatabase() Then '-- Error During Init...
EndWaitCursor '-- Reset Wait Cursor
Exit Sub '-- Get Outa Here
End If
Dim MTable As Table
Set MTable = m_dbDatabase.OpenTable(QI_MTABLE_NAME)
EmptyTable MTable
If Not (iDocIndex > 0 And iPageIndex > 0) Then Exit Sub
Set docDoc = g_appVisio.Documents(iDocIndex) '-- " Document
Set shpsShapeColl = docDoc.Pages(iPageIndex).Shapes
CopyShapesToTable shpsShapeColl '-- Create Shapes Table
EndWaitCursor '-- Remove Wait Cursor
End Sub
Sub SetSort(iNewIndex As Integer)
'--- SetSort ------------------------
'-- Sets the sort index for the table.
'-- Parameters : iNewIndex - 0 based index to sort by.
m_iSortIndex = iNewIndex
End Sub
Private Sub SetupColumns()
'--- SetupColumns -------------------
'-- Handles displaying the column headings for the query grid by setting the
'-- grid width to the number of fields and placing the field names into each
'-- column header.
Dim iCol As Integer
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Cols = IncludeCount() '-- Set Grid Columns
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Row = 0 '-- Use Top Row
For iCol = 0 To IncludeCount() - 1 '-- For Every Column...
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Col = iCol '-- Select Column
frmMainWindow.ctlQueryGrid.Text = IncludeNames(iCol)
Next iCol
End Sub