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- /* HELPERS.CPP - Helper classes for easing BSTR and VARIANT use.
- * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
- */
- #ifdef MFC_HELPERS
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #endif
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole2.h>
- #include <winnls.h>
- #include <tchar.h>
- #include "helpers.h"
- // ***************************************************************************
- // The default BSTR helper class implementation:
- #define V_MAX_STR_CONVERT 2048
- VBstr::VBstr()
- {
- m_bstr= NULL;
- }
- VBstr::VBstr(const VBstr FAR &other)
- {
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(other.m_bstr);
- }
- {
- if (lpStr)
- {
- #ifndef OLE2ANSI
- int nBytes= _tcslen(lpStr) + 1;
- OLECHAR *pOleStr= szOleStr;
- if (nBytes > (ULONG)(V_MAX_STR_CONVERT))
- {
- pOleStr= new OLECHAR[nBytes];
- }
- MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpStr, -1, pOleStr, nBytes);
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(pOleStr);
- if (nBytes > (ULONG)(V_MAX_STR_CONVERT))
- {
- delete [] pOleStr;
- }
- #else
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(lpStr);
- #endif
- }
- return NOERROR;
- }
- VBstr::VBstr(LPCTSTR lpStr)
- {
- m_bstr= NULL;
- AllocFromLPCTSTR(lpStr);
- }
- VBstr::VBstr(BSTR bstr, BOOL bAssumeResponsibility /*= FALSE*/)
- {
- if (bAssumeResponsibility)
- m_bstr= bstr;
- else
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(bstr);
- }
- VBstr::~VBstr()
- {
- if (m_bstr)
- SysFreeString(m_bstr);
- }
- VBstr::operator const BSTR() const
- {
- return m_bstr;
- }
- const VBstr FAR &VBstr::operator=(const BSTR bstr)
- {
- if (m_bstr)
- SysFreeString(m_bstr);
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(bstr);
- return (*this);
- }
- const VBstr FAR &VBstr::operator=(const VBstr &other)
- {
- if (m_bstr)
- SysFreeString(m_bstr);
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(other.m_bstr);
- return (*this);
- }
- const VBstr FAR &VBstr::operator=(LPCTSTR lpStr)
- {
- if (m_bstr)
- SysFreeString(m_bstr);
- m_bstr= NULL;
- AllocFromLPCTSTR(lpStr);
- return (*this);
- }
- const VBstr FAR &VBstr:: operator=(LPCOLESTR lpOlestr)
- {
- if (m_bstr)
- SysFreeString(m_bstr);
- m_bstr= SysAllocString(lpOlestr);
- return (*this);
- }
- #define VBSTR_COMPARE wcscmp
- #define VBSTR_COMPARE_I _wcsicmp
- // Since Borland 5.0 doesn't support wcscmp and Win95 only
- // stubs lstrcmpW, write our own:
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- // Neither of these will work with embedded NULL OLECHARs:
- // (but for simple string compares, it's better than nothing...)
- int VBstr_cmp(unsigned short *s1, unsigned short *s2)
- {
- int ret;
- ret= (int)((short)*s1 - (short)*s2);
- while( (0==ret) && *s2)
- ++s1, ++s2, ret= (int)((short)*s1 - (short)*s2);
- return ret;
- }
- // For characters outside the A to Z range, this function compares them
- // exactly; watch out for strings with special accented characters - you may
- // have to write your own version of this for certain applications with the
- // Borland compiler...
- // (but again, for simple string compares, it's better than nothing...)
- int VBstr_cmpi(unsigned short *s1, unsigned short *s2)
- {
- wchar_t f,l;
- do {
- f = ((*s1 <= L'Z') && (*s1 >= L'A'))
- ? *s1 + L'a' - L'A'
- : *s1;
- l = ((*s2 <= L'Z') && (*s2 >= L'A'))
- ? *s2 + L'a' - L'A'
- : *s2;
- s1++;
- s2++;
- } while ( (f) && (f == l) );
- return (int)(f - l);
- }
- #define VBSTR_COMPARE(s1, s2) \
- VBstr_cmp((unsigned short *)(s1), (unsigned short *)(s2))
- #define VBSTR_COMPARE_I(s1, s2) \
- VBstr_cmpi((unsigned short *)(s1), (unsigned short *)(s2))
- #endif
- BOOL VBstr::Compare(const VBstr FAR &other, BOOL bCaseSensitive /*= TRUE*/) const
- {
- // Use "vbstr.Compare(other, VBSTR_CASE_INSENSITIVE)" for case-insensitive compare...
- // Use "vbstr.Compare(other)" for case-sensitive compare...
- // Simple string comparison function.
- // Only works on simple NULL terminated strings.
- // If you embed NULL OLECHARs within you BSTRs,
- // write another function to compare them.
- // The strings must be identical or
- // both NULL/"empty" to return TRUE.
- if (NULL==m_bstr)
- {
- if (NULL==other.m_bstr || 0==other.m_bstr[0])
- {
- // They are both the "empty"/NULL string:
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // One's NULL, but the other is non-NULL with content:
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (NULL==other.m_bstr)
- {
- if (0==m_bstr[0])
- {
- // They are both the "empty"/NULL string:
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // One's NULL, but the other is non-NULL with content:
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // They're both non-NULL, compare:
- if (bCaseSensitive)
- {
- return (0==VBSTR_COMPARE(m_bstr, other.m_bstr));
- }
- else
- {
- return (0==VBSTR_COMPARE_I(m_bstr, other.m_bstr));
- }
- }
- BOOL VBstr::operator==(const VBstr FAR &other) const
- {
- // Case-sensitive!
- // Use "vbstr.Compare(other, VBSTR_CASE_INSENSITIVE)" for case-insensitive compare...
- return Compare(other);
- }
- #ifdef MFC_HELPERS
- void VBstr::ConvertToCString(CString FAR& cstr)
- {
- if (m_bstr)
- {
- #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(OLE2ANSI)
- int nbyte= WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, m_bstr, -1, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
- LPTSTR lpStr= cstr.GetBuffer(nbyte);
- WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, m_bstr, -1, lpStr, nbyte, 0, 0);
- cstr.ReleaseBuffer();
- #else
- cstr= m_bstr;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- cstr = "";
- }
- }
- #endif
- HRESULT VBstr::ConvertToLPTSTR(LPTSTR pStr, ULONG *pnBytes)
- {
- // *pnBytes should be size of pStr buffer on entry
- // *pnBytes is size needed if E_FAIL is returned
- // *pnBytes is size copied if NOERROR is returned
- // It is a BAD programming error to call this function with NULL args.
- // Don't do it!
- // ASSERT(pStr!=NULL);
- // ASSERT(pnBytes!=NULL);
- int nNeeded; // intentionally uninitialized - all code paths
- // below initialize nNeeded properly
- if (m_bstr)
- {
- #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(OLE2ANSI)
- nNeeded= WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, m_bstr, -1, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
- if ( (*pnBytes) >= ((ULONG)nNeeded) )
- {
- WideCharToMultiByte(GetACP(), 0, m_bstr, -1, pStr, nNeeded, 0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- (*pnBytes)= (ULONG) nNeeded;
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- #else
- nNeeded= _tcslen(m_bstr) + 1;
- if ( (*pnBytes) >= ((ULONG)nNeeded) )
- {
- _tcscpy(pStr, m_bstr);
- }
- else
- {
- (*pnBytes)= (ULONG) nNeeded;
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- nNeeded= 1;
- if ( (*pnBytes) >= ((ULONG)nNeeded) )
- {
- (*pStr)= (TCHAR) 0;
- }
- else
- {
- (*pnBytes)= 1;
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- }
- (*pnBytes)= (ULONG) nNeeded;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- // ***************************************************************************
- // The default VARIANT helper class implementation:
- VVariant::VVariant()
- {
- Init();
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const VVariant& other)
- {
- Init();
- Copy(other.m_v);
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const VARIANT& v)
- {
- Init();
- Copy(v);
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(LPCTSTR p)
- {
- Init();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_BSTR;
- V_BSTR(&m_v)= SysAllocString(VBstr(p));
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const BSTR bstr, BOOL bAssumeResponsibility /*= FALSE*/)
- {
- Init();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_BSTR;
- if (bAssumeResponsibility)
- V_BSTR(&m_v)= bstr;
- else
- V_BSTR(&m_v)= SysAllocString(bstr);
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const long n)
- {
- Init();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_I4;
- V_I4(&m_v)= n;
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const double d)
- {
- Init();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_R8;
- V_R8(&m_v)= d;
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const LPUNKNOWN pUnk)
- {
- Init();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_UNKNOWN;
- V_UNKNOWN(&m_v)= pUnk;
- if (pUnk)
- pUnk->AddRef();
- }
- VVariant::VVariant(const LPDISPATCH pDisp)
- {
- Init();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_DISPATCH;
- V_DISPATCH(&m_v)= pDisp;
- if (pDisp)
- pDisp->AddRef();
- }
- VVariant::~VVariant()
- {
- Clear();
- }
- VVariant::operator VARIANT *()
- {
- return &m_v;
- }
- VVariant::operator VARIANT()
- {
- return m_v;
- }
- VVariant::operator const VARIANT() const
- {
- return m_v;
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const VVariant& other)
- {
- Clear();
- Copy(other.m_v);
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const VARIANT& v)
- {
- Clear();
- Copy(v);
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(LPCTSTR p)
- {
- Clear();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_BSTR;
- V_BSTR(&m_v)= SysAllocString(VBstr(p));
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const BSTR bstr)
- {
- Clear();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_BSTR;
- V_BSTR(&m_v)= SysAllocString(bstr);
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const long n)
- {
- Clear();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_I4;
- V_I4(&m_v)= n;
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const double d)
- {
- Clear();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_R8;
- V_R8(&m_v)= d;
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const LPUNKNOWN pUnk)
- {
- Clear();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_UNKNOWN;
- V_UNKNOWN(&m_v)= pUnk;
- if (pUnk)
- pUnk->AddRef();
- return (*this);
- }
- const VVariant& VVariant::operator=(const LPDISPATCH pDisp)
- {
- Clear();
- V_VT(&m_v)= VT_DISPATCH;
- V_DISPATCH(&m_v)= pDisp;
- if (pDisp)
- pDisp->AddRef();
- return (*this);
- }
- void VVariant::Init(void)
- {
- VariantInit(&m_v);
- }
- void VVariant::Clear(void)
- {
- VariantClear(&m_v);
- }
- void VVariant::Copy(const VARIANT &v)
- {
- VariantCopy(&m_v, (VARIANT *) &v);
- }
- // ***************************************************************************
- // Generalized SAFEARRAY helper class implementation:
- HRESULT VSafeArray::Init(void)
- {
- // This Init must be called before Create. Calling it after Create
- // would cause a memory leak...
- // We have it so we don't duplicate a bunch of code in all the various
- // constructors.... Set initial values of members here.
- // Call from ALL constructors...
- m_vt= VT_EMPTY;
- m_pSA= NULL;
- return NOERROR;
- }
- VSafeArray::VSafeArray()
- {
- Init();
- }
- VSafeArray::VSafeArray(VARTYPE vt, unsigned int nDims, SAFEARRAYBOUND FAR* pBounds)
- {
- // Generic:
- Init();
- Create(vt, nDims, pBounds);
- }
- VSafeArray::VSafeArray(VARTYPE vt, ULONG cElements, LONG lLbound)
- {
- // Simple 1D:
- bound[0].cElements= cElements;
- bound[0].lLbound= lLbound;
- Init();
- Create(vt, 1, bound);
- }
- VSafeArray::VSafeArray(VARTYPE vt, ULONG cElements1, LONG lLbound1, ULONG cElements2, LONG lLbound2)
- {
- // 2D:
- bound[0].cElements= cElements1;
- bound[0].lLbound= lLbound1;
- bound[1].cElements= cElements2;
- bound[1].lLbound= lLbound2;
- Init();
- Create(vt, 2, bound);
- }
- VSafeArray::VSafeArray(VARTYPE vt, ULONG cElements1, LONG lLbound1, ULONG cElements2, LONG lLbound2, ULONG cElements3, LONG lLbound3)
- {
- // 3D:
- bound[0].cElements= cElements1;
- bound[0].lLbound= lLbound1;
- bound[1].cElements= cElements2;
- bound[1].lLbound= lLbound2;
- bound[2].cElements= cElements3;
- bound[2].lLbound= lLbound3;
- Init();
- Create(vt, 3, bound);
- }
- VSafeArray::~VSafeArray()
- {
- Destroy();
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray::Create(VARTYPE vt, unsigned int nDims, SAFEARRAYBOUND FAR* pBounds)
- {
- Destroy(); // Forget about anything we currently point to...
- m_nDims= nDims;
- m_vt= vt;
- m_pSA= SafeArrayCreate(vt, nDims, pBounds);
- if (NULL==m_pSA)
- return hr;
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray::Destroy(void)
- {
- if (NULL!=m_pSA)
- {
- hr= SafeArrayDestroy(m_pSA);
- m_pSA= NULL;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- //****************************************************************************
- unsigned int VSafeArray::GetDimensions(void)
- {
- if (DIM_UNINITIALIZED==m_nDims && NULL!=m_pSA)
- {
- m_nDims= SafeArrayGetDim(m_pSA);
- }
- return m_nDims;
- }
- long VSafeArray::GetNumberElements(unsigned int nDim /*= 1*/)
- {
- return GetUpper(nDim)-GetLower(nDim)+1;
- }
- long VSafeArray::GetLower(unsigned int nDim /*= 1*/)
- {
- long nRet= 0;
- {
- long nLower= 0;
- if (SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetLBound(m_pSA, nDim, &nLower)))
- {
- nRet= nLower;
- }
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- long VSafeArray::GetUpper(unsigned int nDim /*= 1*/)
- {
- long nRet= 0;
- {
- long nUpper= 0;
- if (SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetUBound(m_pSA, nDim, &nUpper)))
- {
- nRet= nUpper;
- }
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray::PutElement(long *pnIndices, void const *pData)
- {
- if (NULL!=m_pSA)
- {
- hr= SafeArrayPutElement(m_pSA, pnIndices, (void *) pData);
- }
- return hr;
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray::GetElement(long *pnIndices, void *pData)
- {
- if (NULL!=m_pSA)
- {
- hr= SafeArrayGetElement(m_pSA, pnIndices, pData);
- }
- return hr;
- }
- VSafeArray::operator SAFEARRAY FAR* const (void) const
- {
- return m_pSA;
- }
- VSafeArray::operator SAFEARRAY FAR* FAR* (void) const
- {
- return (SAFEARRAY FAR* FAR*) &m_pSA;
- }
- {
- // Call this function when you are passing the SAFEARRAY ** to a method
- // which is going to fill in the SAFEARRAY for you. ('out' args)
- Destroy();
- return &m_pSA;
- }
- // ***************************************************************************
- // 1-dimensional concrete SAFEARRAY helper class implementation:
- HRESULT VSafeArray1D::PutShort(long nIndex, short n)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_I2==m_vt);
- return PutElement(&nIndex, &n);
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray1D::PutLong(long nIndex, long n)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_I4==m_vt);
- return PutElement(&nIndex, &n);
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray1D::PutDouble(long nIndex, double d)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_R8==m_vt);
- return PutElement(&nIndex, &d);
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray1D::PutBstr(long nIndex, BSTR bstr)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_BSTR==m_vt);
- return PutElement(&nIndex, bstr);
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray1D::PutVariant(long nIndex, const VARIANT &v)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_VARIANT==m_vt);
- return PutElement(&nIndex, &v);
- }
- HRESULT VSafeArray1D::PutObject(long nIndex, LPUNKNOWN pUnk)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_UNKNOWN==m_vt || VT_DISPATCH==m_vt);
- return PutElement(&nIndex, pUnk);
- }
- short VSafeArray1D::GetShort(long nIndex)
- {
- short n= 0;
- // ASSERT(VT_I2==m_vt);
- if (FAILED(GetElement(&nIndex, &n)))
- {
- n= -1;
- }
- return n;
- }
- long VSafeArray1D::GetLong(long nIndex)
- {
- long n= 0L;
- // ASSERT(VT_I4==m_vt);
- if (FAILED(GetElement(&nIndex, &n)))
- {
- n= -1L;
- }
- return n;
- }
- double VSafeArray1D::GetDouble(long nIndex)
- {
- double d= 0.0;
- // ASSERT(VT_R8==m_vt);
- if (FAILED(GetElement(&nIndex, &d)))
- {
- d= -1.0;
- }
- return d;
- }
- BSTR VSafeArray1D::GetBstr(long nIndex)
- {
- BSTR bstr= NULL;
- // ASSERT(VT_BSTR==m_vt);
- if (FAILED(GetElement(&nIndex, &bstr)))
- {
- bstr= NULL;
- }
- // non-NULL return MUST be SysFreeStringed
- return bstr;
- }
- VARIANT VSafeArray1D::GetVariant(long nIndex)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_VARIANT==m_vt);
- VariantInit(&v);
- if (FAILED(GetElement(&nIndex, &v)))
- {
- V_VT(&v)= VT_EMPTY;
- V_NONE(&v)= 0;
- }
- // return MUST be VariantCleared
- return v;
- }
- LPUNKNOWN VSafeArray1D::GetObject(long nIndex)
- {
- // ASSERT(VT_UNKNOWN==m_vt || VT_DISPATCH==m_vt);
- if (FAILED(GetElement(&nIndex, &pUnk)))
- {
- pUnk= NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- pUnk->AddRef();
- // non-NULL return MUST be Released...
- }
- return pUnk;
- }