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- Attribute VB_Name = "FIELDS"
- ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Copyright (C) 1993-1996 Visio Corporation. All rights reserved.
- '
- ' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
- ' the Sample Application Files (and/or any modified version) in any way
- ' you find useful, provided that you agree that Visio has no warranty,
- ' obligations or liability for any Sample Application Files.
- ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Option Explicit
- Option Base 0 '-- Zero Based Arrays
- '--
- '-- Initialized Flag : Indicates if fields list has been initialized or not.
- '-- Module level variable ONLY. The shape fields list is
- '-- initialized by FieldNames when m_bInit is False.
- '--
- Dim m_bInit As Integer
- '--
- '-- Index Constants : Use these constants to index into the fields list.
- '--
- Global Const IDX_NAME = 0
- Global Const IDX_DATA1 = 1
- Global Const IDX_DATA2 = 2
- Global Const IDX_DATA3 = 3
- Global Const IDX_TEXT = 4
- Global Const IDX_WIDTH = 5
- Global Const IDX_HEIGHT = 6
- Global Const IDX_MAX = 6
- '--
- '-- Shape Fields List : The following type declares a shapes field descriptor.
- '-- Below it is a zero based array of the shape fields
- '-- that is initialized when m_bInit is False.
- '--
- strName As String
- iIncluded As Integer
- iOrder As Integer
- End Type
- Dim m_ShapeFields(0 To IDX_MAX) As SHAPEFIELD
- '--
- '-- Include List : Array of integers containing the indexes of every included
- '-- field. Their order also defines their appearance in the
- '-- query when extracting from 0 to IncludeCount. The counter
- '-- maintains the total fields being included.
- '--
- Dim m_iIncludeList() As Integer
- Dim m_iIncludeCount As Integer
- Private Sub BuildIncludeList()
- '------------------------------------
- '--- BuildIncludeList ---------------
- '--
- '-- Builds the include list by reading through the shape fields and, for every
- '-- included field, stores its index in the list.
- '--
- Dim I As Integer, iCount As Integer
- ReDim m_iIncludeList(FieldCount() - 1) '-- Enlarge To Full Size
- iCount = 0
- For I = 0 To FieldCount() - 1 '-- For Every Field...
- If m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded Then '-- If Included...
- m_iIncludeList(iCount) = I '-- Store Its Index
- iCount = iCount + 1 '-- Inc. Include Count
- End If
- Next I
- m_iIncludeCount = iCount
- End Sub
- Sub DumpFields()
- Dim I As Integer
- Debug.Print "Dumping Fields List - FieldCount() = "; FieldCount()
- Debug.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- For I = 0 To FieldCount() - 1
- Debug.Print I; Tab(4); "strName:"; m_ShapeFields(I).strName;
- Debug.Print Tab(24); "Inc:"; m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded;
- Debug.Print "Ord:"; m_ShapeFields(I).iOrder
- Next I
- End Sub
- Sub DumpIncludes()
- Dim I As Integer
- Debug.Print "Dumping Include List - m_iIncludeCount = "; IncludeCount()
- Debug.Print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- For I = 0 To IncludeCount() - 1
- Debug.Print Tab(5); I; m_iIncludeList(I); Tab(15); IncludeNames(I)
- Next I
- End Sub
- Function FieldCount() As Integer
- '------------------------------------
- '--- FieldCount ---------------------
- '--
- '-- Returns total number of fields available.
- '--
- '-- Returns : Integer containing number of field available.
- '--
- FieldCount = IDX_MAX + 1 '-- Return Total Fields
- End Function
- Function FieldNames(iIndex As Integer) As String
- '------------------------------------
- '--- FieldNames ---------------------
- '--
- '-- Returns a string containing the field named by iIndex.
- '--
- '-- Parameters : iIndex Integer containing 0 based index of field to return.
- '--
- '-- Returns : String containing field name or "" if iIndex is invalid.
- '--
- Dim I As Integer '-- Field Counter
- If m_bInit = False Then InitFields '-- Initialize If Needed
- If iIsWithin(iIndex, 0, IDX_MAX) Then '-- If Valid Index...
- FieldNames = m_ShapeFields(iIndex).strName '-- Return Field Name
- End If
- End Function
- Function GetIncludeFlag(iIndex As Integer) As Integer
- '------------------------------------
- '--- GetIncludeFlag -----------------
- '--
- '-- Returns the included flag for given shape field.
- '--
- GetIncludeFlag = False
- If Not m_bInit Then InitFields
- If iIsWithin%(iIndex, 0, IDX_MAX) Then
- GetIncludeFlag = m_ShapeFields(iIndex).iIncluded
- End If
- End Function
- Function IncludeCount() As Integer
- '------------------------------------
- '--- IncludeCount -------------------
- '--
- '-- Returns the total fields that are to be included during a query. If the
- '-- module has not been initialized we do so.
- '--
- If Not m_bInit Then InitFields
- IncludeCount = m_iIncludeCount
- End Function
- Function IncludeIndex(iIndex As Integer) As Integer
- '------------------------------------
- '--- IncludeIndex -------------------
- '--
- '-- Returns the include list index corresponding to the field index passed.
- '-- Only works for fields that are in the include list.
- '--
- '-- Parameters : iIndex - Zero based index of the include field.
- '--
- '-- Return Val : Integer containing the INCLUDE index of the field passed. If
- '-- iIndex is not in the include list then -1.
- '--
- Dim I As Integer
- If Not m_bInit Then InitFields
- IncludeIndex = -1
- If iIsWithin(iIndex, 0, FieldCount() - 1) Then
- For I = 0 To IncludeCount() - 1
- If m_iIncludeList(I) = iIndex Then
- IncludeIndex = I
- Exit For
- End If
- Next I
- End If
- End Function
- Function IncludeNames(iIndex As Integer)
- '------------------------------------
- '--- IncludeName --------------------
- '--
- '-- Equivalent to FieldNames except it returns field names only from the
- '-- include list. To get the size of the include field list use IncludeCount.
- '--
- '-- Parameters : iIndex - Zero based index of the include field name.
- '--
- '-- Return Val : String containing the field name or "" if iIndex is invalid.
- '--
- If Not m_bInit Then InitFields
- If iIsWithin(iIndex, 0, IncludeCount() - 1) Then
- IncludeNames = FieldNames(m_iIncludeList(iIndex))
- End If
- End Function
- Private Sub InitFields()
- '------------------------------------
- '--- InitFields ---------------------
- '--
- '-- Initalized the field array by setting the name of each field and making
- '-- all included by default.
- '--
- Dim I As Integer
- I = -1
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Name"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Data1"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Data2"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Data3"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Text"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Width"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- I = I + 1: m_ShapeFields(I).strName = "Height"
- m_ShapeFields(I).iIncluded = True
- BuildIncludeList
- m_bInit = True
- End Sub
- Function SetIncludeFlag(iIndex As Integer, iFlag As Integer) As Integer
- '------------------------------------
- '--- SetIncludeFlag -----------------
- '--
- '-- Sets the included flag for a specified shape field. After setting the
- '-- flag we must add the index to the include list.
- '--
- Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, iTests As Integer
- If Not m_bInit Then InitFields
- '-- Our first two If's make sure that the index and flag are valid. After that
- '-- we check to see if we actually changing a value. If so we must make sure
- '-- that we will not delete the last included field. However, remember that it
- '-- is valid to un-include a field that is ALREADY un-included, it's just
- '-- illegal to remove the last include field.
- iTests = ((iFlag = True) Or (iFlag = False))
- iTests = iTests And (iIsWithin%(iIndex, 0, IDX_MAX))
- If Not iTests Then Exit Function
- SetIncludeFlag = True
- If (m_ShapeFields(iIndex).iIncluded <> iFlag) Then
- iTests = ((IncludeCount() > 1) Or iFlag)
- If Not iTests Then
- SetIncludeFlag = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- Else
- Exit Function
- End If
- '-- If all these are True we procede by updating the field's include flag
- '-- and updating the include list.
- '-- If iFlag = True, we simply add the index to the end of the include list.
- '-- Otherwise we search the include list for the index being removed. When
- '-- we find it we copy all indexes above it down one.
- m_ShapeFields(iIndex).iIncluded = iFlag
- If iFlag = True Then
- m_iIncludeCount = m_iIncludeCount + 1
- m_iIncludeList(m_iIncludeCount - 1) = iIndex
- Else
- '-- Search include list for the element.
- For I = 0 To IncludeCount() - 1
- If m_iIncludeList(I) = iIndex Then '-- Found!
- '-- Move all elements above it down one in the list.
- For J = I To ((IncludeCount() - 1) - 1)
- m_iIncludeList(J) = m_iIncludeList(J + 1)
- Next J
- m_iIncludeCount = m_iIncludeCount - 1
- Exit For
- End If
- Next I
- End If
- End Function