32821 Expand all proccesses to show threads\nExpand
32822 Collapse all entries to hide threads\nCollapse
32823 Modify display styles for headers and cells
32825 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
32826 Specify the columns displayed in the table\nSelect Columns
32827 Sort column in descending order
32828 Sort column in ascending order
32829 Display values as decimal integers
32830 Display values as hexadecimal integers
32831 Display values as decimal integers
32832 Display values with text labels
32833 Display values as text
32834 Display CPU Utilization in a bar graph
32835 Display CPU Utilization as decimal percentages
32837 Display values as dd:hh:mm:ss (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
32838 Display total in pages (4096 bytes per page)
32839 Display total in bytes
32840 Display total in kilobytes (1024 bytes per kilobyte)
32841 Display values as dd:hh:mm:ss (days:hours:minutes:seconds)
32842 Display in decimal bytes
32843 Display in hexadecimal bytes
32844 Display in decimal pages (1 page is 4096 decimal bytes)
32845 Display in hexadecimal pages (1 page is 1000 hexadecimal bytes)
32846 Display in decimal kilobytes (1 kbyte is 1024 bytes)
32847 Display in hexadecimal kilobytes (1 kbyte is 400 hex bytes)
32848 Reset program settings to factory defaults
32849 Display properties for this process
32851 Master control for processes and threads\nMaster Control
32852 Set display and logging frequency\nSet Frequency
32853 Use 'Smart' CPU monitoring
32854 Use 'Detailed' CPU monitoring
32855 Expand all proccesses to show threads\nExpand All
32856 Collapse all entries to hide threads\nCollapse All
32857 Display without title, menu, tool bar or status bar
32858 Show the Performance '95 README.TXT file
32859 Set advanced operation features
32860 Refresh all data items in the display\nRefresh All
32864 Filter display\nFilter
34000 Process
34001 ID
34002 Priority
34003 Base Prio
34004 Threads
34005 Running
34006 Total CPU
34007 CPU Utilization
34008 Private Code
34009 Private Data
34010 Shared Code
34011 Shared Data
34012 System Code
34013 System Data
34014 DOS Code
34015 DOS Data
34016 Global Thread ID
34018 Idle
34019 Normal
34020 High
34021 Realtime
34022 Performance '95
34023 Thread row style
34024 Column Header
34025 Process Row Header
34026 Thread Row Header
34027 Table Cell
34028 Column Header
34029 Process Header
34030 Thread Header
34031 Reset will set all program settings to their original\nvalues and close Performance '95. Is this OK?
34032 55/55/55 55:55:55
34033 Set Column Header Font
34034 Set Process Row Header Font
34035 Set Table Cells Font
34036 Set Thread Row Header Font
34037 Column
34038 Process row
34039 Table cell
34040 Thread row
34041 -- Text & Background --
34042 Log Data
34043 Begin
34044 End
34045 Warning! %1 is about to be terminated. Press OK to terminate this process or Cancel to abort.
34046 Notice! Changing the Base Priority Class will affect the execution priority for all threads in the process.
34047 Warning! Improperly changing the Thread Priority Level may adversely impact system performance. Proceed with caution!
34048 Parent ID
34049 Index
34050 ID
34051 CPU
34052 Current Prio
34053 Name
34054 Process
34055 Thread
34056 The selected Process may no longer exist. Press Refresh\n to refresh the list and try again.
34057 This operation is applicable only to Processes (not Threads).\nPlease select a Process from the list and try again.
34058 This operation is applicable only to Threads (not Processes).\nPlease select a Thread from the list and try again.
34059 At least one of the values entered below is out of range. The Display Update Frequency must be from 1 to 60 seconds. The File Logging Frequency must be from 5 seconds to 1 hour. The entered values have been modified to reflect these ranges.
34060 99:99:99
34061 P:999 T:999
34062 The Other VM and IdleTime processes can not be modified or terminated.
34063 Log
34064 Performance '95 - Logging
34065 This operation cannot be applied to the IdleTime or\nOther VM process.
34066 Press Ctrl+N to return from 'No Title' mode.
34067 Unable to start NOTEPAD to display README.TXT
34069 This setting allows CPU Utilization to be accurately tabulated for all DOS, 16-bit and 32-bit Windows programs.
34070 This is the default operating mode and it should not generally be changed.
34071 \n\nThe 'Basic' setting partially disengages Performance '95's analysis engine. Use this setting to view unadulterated CPU Utilization values as collected by Performance '95. This setting should not generally be used.
34072 The 'Normal' setting provides for a periodic analysis of Memory Utilization. Each time the display is updated, the memory utilization for a different process is calculated.
34073 This is the default operating mode and it should not generally be changed.
34074 \n\nThe 'High' setting provides for a continuous analysis of Memory Utilization. Each time the display is updated, the memory utilization for all processes is calculated.
34075 This operation is extremely CPU intensive and is not recommended for general use.
34076 \n\nNote: this setting must be re-enabled each time Performance '95 starts.
34077 Could not open log file.
34078 Insufficient timers!
34079 Base Prio
34080 Priority must be between 0 and 31.
34081 Process does not exist! Unable to set priority!
34082 Unable to set priority!
34083 Unable to terminate process!
34084 Could not open VxD!
34085 Another instance of Performance '95 is already running.