57345 Unable to load scan engine or virus pattern file.
57346 In order for LANDesk Virus Protect to automatically scan your computer for viruses when it is idle, a screen saver must be selected.\n\nDo you want to select a screen saver now?
57347 An unspecified error occured.
57348 LANDesk Virus Protect found a disk in the floppy drive. In order to decrease the risk of being infected with a boot sector virus, remove the floppy before you shut down the computer.
57349 LANDesk Virus Protect Client (RTS Disabled)
57350 LANDesk Virus Protect Client (Service not running)
57351 LANDesk Virus Protect TDK (Expires %1)
57353 The LANDesk Virus Protect TDK (timeout version) has expired . To continue using this product, you must purchase a fully licensed version.\n
57354 Intel LANDesk(R) Virus Protect TDK is ready to expire. Please contact you reseller for more information about this product.