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- Thank you for evaluating Integrity Master! It is your support that allows
- us to continue to develop and improve Integrity Master so please recommend
- it to your friends.
- If you have been using a prior release of Integrity Master, please read the
- HISTORY.TXT file for a full list of what has changed since your version.
- If you are using Windows 95 or 98, Integrity Master (and IMcheck) will now
- compare files and directories (folders) based on their long (up to 260)
- character long names. The long names will be reported along with the short
- (8.3 type) names. Please read file LONG.TXT for full details on this.
- When you run Integrity Master it will display all its findings on the
- screen and also write them to a report file. You can use the IM
- "Options" menu to control both the screen display and the report file.
- By default the report files are "auto-named" to ")(MMDD.REP" (where MM is
- the current month and DD is the current day). You can use NotePad or
- WordPad (in your Windows accessory group/folder) to read these files.
- Select File then Open. Click on "Files of type" and set the type to
- "All". Now select the C:\IM_Home directory (this is where IM stores the
- report files--although you can use SetupIM to change this.)
- *** OTHER FILES ***
- File README.TXT describes using IM under DOS and file FILES.TXT contains
- full descriptions of files included with IM.
- If you run more than one copy of Integrity Master under Windows, be sure to
- use the command line "/RF=" parameter or the Options menu to assign a
- different name to the report file. Otherwise the second copy of IM will
- fail when it tries to write to the same report file as the first copy.
- *** OPEN WITH? ***
- If you are using IM under Win95 and you get the "Open with" dialog or
- you see IM integrity data files in folders, please read the suggestion
- in QUESTION.TXT on this.
- *** SUPPORT ***
- See file SUPPORT.TXT for full information on getting tech support for IM.
- Visit the Stiller Research WWW home page: http://www.stiller.com
- We offer:
- o A tutorial on how viruses and anti-virus products work
- o A description of virus myths
- o Descriptions of common viruses
- o The latest virus related news
- o Information on Integrity Master (of course <g>)
- You can get support by sending email to support@Stiller.com
- Please visit our support forum on Compuserve. GO STILLER at any prompt and
- check library six (Stiller Research IM) for Integrity Master related files.
- You can customize the Windows "Integrity Master" group items to work
- exactly the way you want.
- You can do many customizations by clicking on the "Integrity Master Full
- Program" icon and using the IM "Options" menu to change various settings.
- For example:
- o Select "Halt" on the Options menu to determine when the display should
- pause and wait for you to hit a key. You can make IM run with no pauses
- by setting Halt to "Emergencies Only".
- o You can select "Report" to change the name used for the report file.
- o You can select "Exclude" to eliminate specific files or directories from
- checking.
- You can click on the "1st" icon (this runs SetupIM) to change the more
- rarely used option settings. This includes changing the name used for
- the integrity data files and the name of the home directory (where IM
- stores the report files).
- *****
- You can also directly customize what each of icons in the "Integrity Master
- program group does. If you wish to change which disks are checked by each
- icon, you can rerun our Windows Install program (IMWIN.EXE). To make
- other changes you can modify the Command line used. To do this:
- Under Windows 3.x:
- 1: Select the icon you want to customize and hit ALT+ENTER. This
- displays the "Program Item Properties". You will see the name of the
- .PIF file used by this item.
- 2: Go to the "Main" program group and start the "PIF Editor". Select
- "File" then "Open" and open the .PIF file you saw in step one. You
- can now change how IM executes including the Command line options.
- Under Windows 95 or 98:
- 1: Select "Start" then "Settings" then "Taskbar" then "Start Menu
- Programs" then "Advanced".
- 2: You will now see a number of icons. Double-click on the "Programs"
- file folder and then double-click on "Integrity Master".
- 3: You will now see the Integrity Master icons. You can now right click
- the icon you wish to change and select "Properties". By selecting the
- "Program" tab, you can modify the IM command line
- There are a number of things you might want to change to suit your
- preference. You may also wish to add (or remove) the /NE command line
- parameter if you prefer IM to run attended with no pauses.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- The latest evaluation version of Integrity Master can be obtained from
- these sources:
- o Download from CompuServe in IBMSYS (lib 3) and ZNT:TIPS lib 14 (one
- of the Ziff-Net, PC Magazine forums) file I-MAST.ZIP. Or visit
- our support forum (GO STILLER) lib 6 "Stiller Research IM" and
- download I-MAST.ZIP or IMWIN.ZIP.
- IM is available via ftp on Internet from:
- ftp://ftp.coast.net/SimTel/msdos/virus/i_m401aw.zip
- (This includes all the Simtel mirror sites)
- ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/virus/i_m401aw.zip
- ftp://members.aol.com/wstiller/i_m401aw.zip
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/virus/i_m401aw.zip
- ftp://ftp.stiller.com/i_m401aw.zip
- or
- ftp://ftp.stiller.com/imwin.exe
- (note, the file name will change as the version number changes 401a is
- for version 4.01a only)
- (Note that the above file names will change as we release new versions
- of IM. These names are valid for version 4.01a of IM only.)