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- ║ ║
- ║ Welcome to QUESTION.TXT! Hopefully you'll find the answer to your question ║
- ║ in this collection. ║
- ║ ║
- ║ o If you have a general question about data integrity, security, viruses, ║
- ║ system sectors or similar things, the help index in Integrity Master may ║
- ║ provide the answer (Hit F1 and then "I"). If that fails, read the manual ║
- ║ (file I-M.TXT), especially part two on "Data Integrity and Viruses". ║
- ║ ║
- ║ o If you're having trouble using the menus in Integrity Master try the ║
- ║ tutorial offered in SetupIM. ║
- ║ ║
- ║ o If all else fails, please contact us or the Advanced Support Group for ║
- ║ assistance. See details in file SUPPORT.TXT (IMVIEW SUPPORT.TXT ║
- ║ to read this file). ║
- ║ ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Q: SetupIM doesn't show a partition sector or DOS boot sector
- on my hard disk. What do I do?
- Q: Integrity Master says it can't read my boot sector. What do I do?
- A: First, make sure you are not running your disk as a server disk. This
- is possible with Windows 95 and NT even if not other PCs are attached.
- If you have any security or other software running that might intercept
- IM's access to the disk, disable that software.
- If the above doesn't solve the problem, one of the following two steps
- will correct the difficulty:
- 1) Run SetupIM. Select first "No" when asked if it's "your first time
- installing". Then select "Change how Integrity Master operates"
- and then select "Update hardware configuration". You can now
- select "Simple configuration". This establishes a configuration
- where C is your hard drive with partition and DOS boot sectors.
- This allows IM to provide virus protection for almost all standard
- PCs. Note, this allows IM to full checking of files on all
- your drives.
- or
- 2) Boot your PC from a clean DOS floppy and then rerun SetupIM. This
- will disable any software that is interfering with SetupIM's access
- to your disk and allow it correctly analyze your hardware. If this
- fails for any reason then follow step 1 (above) after booting DOS.
- Q: Integrity Master said a file has an invalid time/date stamp or a file
- date is set into the future. What should I do?
- A: Some viruses mark files as infected by setting the date ahead 100 years
- or by setting the fields in time to stamp to 60 or 62. This can also
- be caused by buggy software and is occasionally done deliberately. If
- you see this on only an isolated file, you probably have nothing to
- worry about. If you see this on a group of files associated with the
- same program, you should contact the company that produced that program
- to check if that is normal behavior or a bug. If you have many files
- with this, read the next question:
- Q: IM reports invalid time and date stamps on many of my files. Do I have
- a virus?
- A: Maybe! If it's only executable files with the illegal values, you'll
- need to check further to make sure there's no unknown virus on the
- loose. If you have such a virus, IM should be detecting unexplained
- changes to executable programs. Try following the procedures
- outlined in the manual (or the I-M.TXT file) for determining if file
- changes are due to viruses. (Basically, what you do is to run a full
- check, execute a suspect program, cold boot, and run another full
- check.) There are some common causes for files to have illegal time
- and date stamps (such as 62 seconds):
- 1) There is reportedly a backup program ("Intelligent Backup") which
- marks files by setting the seconds field to an illegal value.
- 2) Some anti-virus products attempt to "immunize" your files by setting
- the seconds of time stamp of your programs to 62. This works only
- against a handful of viruses but some programs do this anyway.
- 3) Central Point's (PC Tools) Datamon will reportedly mark encrypted files
- by setting the seconds field to 62.
- Q: Integrity Master found some duplicate files (files starting with the
- same name but ending in .COM, .EXE or .BAT). Do I have a virus?
- A: You could have a companion virus. This is a virus which plants extra
- files to match your legitimate programs (See the manual for details
- on how this works.) If you see only isolated instances of such
- files, it is usually nothing to worry about. If you have any concern
- this may be virus, run IM regularly in full check mode and if you see
- additional such files reported, you probably have a virus. Such a
- virus can be removed by simply deleting the extra files.
- Q: I asked IM to scan a floppy but it froze.
- A: You probably have a diskette with an invalid boot sector (some viruses
- cause this). It's actually DOS that crashes when IM asks DOS to read
- the diskette. You can use the "Scan floppy Boot sectors" option
- on the "Check" "Disk for known viruses" submenu (or the /VB command line
- option) to have IM scan this boot sector for viruses. In this case, IM
- will bypass DOS and directly read the boot sector.
- Q: I start SetupIM and suddenly nothing happens or I see the display
- scroll and then get disorganized. The program seems to be stuck.
- A: Insert formatted media (e.g., diskettes) in all removable drives, run
- SetupIM, and try waiting about 10 seconds and hitting the ENTER key
- several times. You may be using a program which is trying to write a
- message to the screen while SetupIM is checking out your disk drives.
- You can safely ignore any garbage which appears on your screen. SetupIM
- will write a full report to file IMPROC.TXT. Be sure to check this
- file. The most common cause for this type of problem is using
- DRIVER.SYS to assign a duplicate drive letter to a floppy drive:
- You may have a statement like this in the \CONFIG.SYS file:
- The numbers could be 0 as above or have some other value. DRIVER.SYS
- may try to write a message to the screen to ask you to insert a new
- disk and hit a key when SetupIM checks this drive. Deleting this line
- should solve the problem. Once you finish running SetupIM you may
- restore the line. IM will have know enough not to access the
- duplicate logical drive.
- Q: Sometimes IM comes up with different colors on the screen than before.
- What's going on?
- A: IM checks the DOS video mode indicator on your PC to see if you are
- in color or monochrome mode, as well as directly checking your video
- adapter. This allows you to use the DOS "MODE BW80" to indicate
- that a two-color display is present on a color adapter card. Some
- programs change this value to an incorrect value. If this happens
- to you, use the DOS mode command to set the video mode back to the
- correct state. For example, enter "MODE CO80" to restore normal
- color mode. You can also use the command line override (or SetupIM)
- so IM comes up using whatever colors you prefer. "IM /C" would
- force IM to use color mode.
- Q: I just tried to do a check or initialize on my hard disk. Integrity Master
- replied that this disk was not working. It IS working! What's wrong?
- ~~
- A: File "DISKhelp.TXT" describes how to correct this problem. Read file
- DISKhelp.TXT using your favorite program, copy it to your printer ("COPY
- DISKHELP.TXT PRN") or enter the command:
- to display this file.
- Q: I just entered the command IMVIEW (or IMPRINT) and nothing happened. My
- PC just said "Bad command or file name".
- A: IMVIEW.COM and IMPRINT.BAT must be either in the current directory or
- in one of the directories in your DOS path. To put these in the path,
- enter the command PATH at the DOS prompt and you'll see a list of
- directories on your disk. You can copy IMVIEW.COM or IMPRINT.BAT into any
- of these directories.
- Q: I don't have my original DOS install diskettes to do a clean boot from. How
- do I install Integrity Master?
- A: It's only important to have a certified clean copy if a virus may already
- in control of your PC. In most cases you can safely install using your
- DOS files in place on your hard disk.
- Q: I use DOS 4.0. I get a message saying that SHARE needs to be loaded for
- large media, when I boot from diskette. Do I need to copy SHARE.EXE to
- my Integrity Master boot floppy?
- A: Integrity Master does not need SHARE. You may wish to copy it so other
- programs can use it. If so, just copy it to your diskette. DOS will
- automatically load it when you boot.
- Q: I just checked several disks but I can't find the report file. What
- happened?
- A: If you have the report file option turned on in automatic mode (check the
- OPTION menu), then the report file is written to the first disk that you
- check. If you later switch to check another disk, without turning off the
- report file, the reports will still go to the same file on the same disk.
- You can choose to have this file always written to the same disk by
- selecting this on the OPTION menu.
- If you specified a report file name "of your choice", and did not
- include a drive or directory specification as part of the file
- name, then it will be written to the current disk and directory when
- you start checking or initializing.
- Q: Other anti-virus products don't say I have to boot my PC before checking
- my files; why do I have to boot before checking with Integrity Master?
- A: Actually, if you thoroughly read your documentation you'll probably see
- that your product DOES suggest you boot from a diskette; we're just
- a bit more up front about this issue. If you're satisfied with the level
- of protection obtained from other products without booting, then you don't
- VIRUSES. The reason we ask you to boot from a write protected floppy
- before checking, is that this is the ONLY way to be sure that a virus is
- not already resident and in control of your PC. Integrity Master
- checks memory for resident viruses, so it is somewhat safe NOT to boot.
- If you choose to do this, be sure you always have the latest version
- of Integrity Master.
- Q: I want to write my reports to my printer. IM reports that my printer
- isn't working, but it is! What can I do?
- A: You have a printer which is not compatible with the standard IBM BIOS
- functions that IM uses. There's an easy way around this. Just use
- the OPTION menu to write the reports to a file called "PRN". This
- will allow DOS to route the print for you.
- Q: IM just detected a change to a program. Only this one program changed,
- I don't think it's a virus. What are some programs known to change
- themselves?
- A: There are too many programs to list them all here. Many programs will be
- changed when you run the install or option update program for that
- program. WordStar is a well known example. A new program is SETVER.EXE
- which is part of DOS 5. Whenever you run SETVER to set the DOS version
- for a program, SETVER stores this information by modifying its own code.
- This will result in IM reporting a change to SETVER.EXE every time you
- run the program. Changing certain options in MicroSoft Windows (R)
- will also change the program itself (WIN.COM).
- Q: IM keeps reporting that my boot sector has changed. It is NOT reporting
- a known virus. The boot sector seems to change every day. I don't think
- I've got a virus. What's going on?
- A: If your boot sector keeps changing repeatedly and you have an older HP
- or Zenith PC, you may have one of the models that changes its boot
- sector every time you boot. If you use a program like STACKER which
- establishes a virtual (not a real) disk, do not be concerned if the boot
- sector on the virtual (e.g., Stacker) disk keeps changing. This is normal
- behavior. As a matter of fact, changes to the boot sector of any disk
- which can not be booted from, generally do not represent a problem. If
- you have any doubt about whether it's a virus, save a few of your
- BOOT.SRL files (Run an Initialize boot sector after IM reports a change)
- and send these along with the other information called for in file
- SUPPORT.TXT to us. We'll check to see if a virus might be present in
- your boot sector.
- Q: I use an executable compression program (e.g., LZEXE or PKlite), am I in
- danger of the compressed files being infected?
- A: If a virus should infect ANY of your files, compressed or not, IM can
- detect this fact. So if a virus should infect a compressed executable
- file, IM will have no trouble detecting this. On the other hand if a
- known virus infects a program and then that program is compressed, IM
- may or may not recognize the virus in the compressed file. However if
- the virus should attempt to spread, IM will detect this.
- Q: IM just detected a virus in one of my system sectors, and says to
- reload the system sector. I've never run an "Initialize", so I don't
- have the sector reload file (.SRL). Help! What do I do?
- A: This reinforces an important point: DO AN INITIALIZE ON ALL YOUR DISKS
- DO IT NOW! If you lost your boot sector, you're in luck, otherwise you
- have some serious work ahead of you.
- o Use the "Floppy boot sector" on the "ReLoad" menu to clean floppy
- diskettes.
- o Partition sector viruses can be removed with the "PArtition boot code"
- option on the "ReLoad" menu.
- o For boot diskettes, you can manually reload the DOS boot sector
- by entering the command: "SYS C:" where "C" is the drive with the
- damaged boot sector. You must logged on to drive A: when you enter
- this command.
- Q: I have a system sector virus but when I boot from floppy, I can't access
- my hard disk. What do I do:
- A: You have a virus like Monkey or Urkel.
- If you can not access your hard disk after booting from floppy, follow
- these steps:
- 1) Boot from your infected hard drive.
- 2) Insert a diskette containing IM.EXE and IM.PRM in drive A. (A: in
- this example but B: is fine also.).
- 3) At the C: prompt type "A:IM /IP /B" (without the quotes). This will
- allow IM to create an uninfected copy of your partition sector in file
- PART.SRL in your root directory.
- 5) Copy PART.SRL to a floppy. (e.g. "COPY C:\PART.SRL A:") DO NOT COPY
- 6) Cold boot (as explained above) from the write-protected "DOS"
- diskette.
- 7) Insert the IM diskette and execute IM (do not boot from this
- diskette).
- 8) Insert the diskette containing the PART.SRL file into a drive (you
- may remove the diskette with IM.EXE to do this.)
- 9) Go to the Options menu, hit "R" to select "Report" and then select
- "Nowhere" to turn off the report (this avoids IM trying to write
- a report while we remove the virus.
- 10) Select the ReLoad menu and then select "Missing partition". Select
- "Physical hard disk" and enter number 0 (zero). This will remove the
- virus and you can now continue booting from your hard drive.
- 11) Please use IM to check all diskettes for infection. We recommend
- you copy the files off the diskettes and reformat or discard them.
- Q: When I first start IM, I see something red flash on my screen, but I
- can't make out what it says.
- A: When IM first starts, it looks for the parameter file (IM.PRM)
- which contains all your option settings. On some PCs this can be a
- slow process, so IM announces that it is: "Searching for and reading
- parameter file." On faster PCs, this message appears as barely a blur!
- Q: IM says I have a virus resident in memory, but I doubt this, since I have
- another anti-virus product which reports nothing. What's going on?
- A: Some anti-virus products execute as a resident program (TSR) to monitor
- your system and check for signs of known viruses. To check for these
- viruses, they use fragments of the same viruses that IM checks for.
- It's a standard practice to keep these fragments encrypted or stored in
- pieces, but some products don't follow this practice. You probably have
- such a product. To double check, remove any line in your CONFIG.SYS and
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file which executes this product(e.g., VWATCH or VSAFE).
- Cold boot your PC. Now run IM. If the other product was at fault,
- IM will now detect no virus.
- Q: I'm using STACKER on my PC and IM keeps reporting boot sector corruption
- on my stacker volume. What gives?
- A: STACKER closely simulates an actual DOS disk drive on its volume. It
- pretends to have an actual boot sector. This boot sector is not a real
- boot sector and may change from moment to moment. Viruses can not spread
- by infecting this boot sector and since it can change at any time,
- checking this boot sector is a waste of time. When you check a STACKER
- volume, just check the files and not the system sectors. Don't do a
- "Check Entire disk integrity" which includes the system sectors on the
- STACKER volumes. If you use the command line, use "/CD" rather than
- "/CE". Automatic handling of STACKER volumes will be available soon.
- Q: IM reports corruption of its own report file. Why?
- A: This happens in one circumstance. If you select a report
- file with a name of your own choice and then check the disk and
- directory containing that report file, IM will write to that file
- between the time that it checks it and the time that the file is
- closed. We recommend using auto-named report files or placing them
- on a disk different from the disk being checked to avoid this message.
- Q: I am getting errors when reading a disk I think is working OK.
- Why does IM report an error.
- A: See file DISKhelp.TXT
- Q: How do I get rid of that wait for a keypress at the end of processing.
- A: If you enter a command line parameter such as "/CR" or "/CD", and
- specify no pause either by using the option menu or with the
- "/N" or "/NE" parameter, IM will pause only briefly after it
- finishes checking.
- Q: How can I quickly remove boot sector viruses (such as Stoned or
- Michelangelo) from numerous diskettes?
- A: Use the "Reload floppy boot sector" option on the IM "ReLoad" menu.
- This will quickly replace the infected boot sector with a clean
- (and self-checking) boot sector.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: we advise copying all files from infected diskettes
- and reformatting the diskettes. Many common boot sector viruses
- corrupt the FAT/directory structure on the diskette. This can lead
- to future data loss if you do not reformat these diskettes.
- Q: How can I avoid having separate report files on each disk IM checks?
- A: Use the Options menu to set the auto-named report file to go to
- a specific disk of your choosing. All reports will then go to this
- disk, independent of the disk being checked.
- Q: I see: "Changes in directory xxxxxx:" but no changes appear on my
- screen. Why is this?
- A: If you have asked IM to exclude files or directories from checking,
- IM will remove their associated integrity data the next time you
- run a check. If you have asked IM not to tell you about excluded files
- or directories, it will still alert you that it is updating the
- integrity data for directories where something is being excluded.
- This notice appears only once when IM first removes the preexisting
- integrity data for the excluded files and directories.
- Q: Integrity Master reported a file as having a problem or being suspicious
- yet I didn't see why. Where's the explanation?
- A: You probably have your halt options set to halt only on serious
- problems or emergencies. In this situation the detail information is
- written only to your report file. Please read the report for the
- detail information on what was found wrong with the file.
- Q: I tried the "/L" option on my laptop but the screen is not very legible.
- A: The "/L" (LCD) option is intended for older CGA compatible laptops such
- as the Toshiba 1000. Newer laptops (especially VGA gray scale displays)
- should work fine with no special video override. If the display doesn't
- look right on a newer laptop try the "/M" rather than the "/L" command
- line switch.
- Q: When I run Integrity Master on an empty directory, it lists a large
- number of files as deleted (or sometimes added). These files don't
- exist there.
- A: You are using the DOS "APPEND" command. This makes files appear to be
- present in any directory which are actually in the appended directory.
- Type "APPEND" and hit ENTER to see if you are using it. When you
- installed DOS this command may have been placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file. You almost certainly don't need it. If you don't want to
- get rid of it, just enter the command "APPEND ;" before you execute IM
- or include this in a .BAT file to execute IM.
- Q: I don't like the way IM displays dates or times.
- A: Execute SetupIM and select "Change Format for date or time" from the
- "Advanced option" menu.
- Q: I registered an earlier version of IM; can I download and use the current
- shareware (evaluation) version on my system? (How do I do electronic
- upgrades?)
- A: If you have registered or upgraded to version 2.31a or later, any
- shareware version will work as the registered version. (This is true
- for shareware versions released up to 12 months after your paid
- registration.) You must use the IM.PRM file that you created with
- registered version 2.31a or later. If you have lost this, get your
- IM diskette with the IM.DAT file--then run "SetupIM /U". This reads
- the IM.DAT from the diskette and updates the license information
- stored in your IM.PRM file.
- Q: IM keeps find the same changes every time it runs. It appears that it
- is not updating its integrity data.
- A: If you run IM from the command line with halt turned off (/N, /NE or /ND),
- it will stop updating your integrity data if it finds a damaged file.
- It does this because it assumes it is running unattended and can't ask
- you what to do about the damaged file. If you do want IM to update the
- integrity data just run from the menus or with a lower halt setting.
- IM will then ask you whether to update the integrity for the
- corrupted file. Check your report for disk corruption and run IM
- from the menus to let let it update t
- Q: IM reports that integrity data for a directory is invalid or a *.SRL
- file is damaged. What do I do?
- A: This could be due to a hardware problem but it's most likely due to
- doing another "first time" install with SetupIM. When you run
- SetupIM and specify a new install, it will look for an existing IM.PRM
- file. If it finds one, it will offer to "Keep the old check algorithms".
- If you do NOT select this option, IM will select different encryption
- and check algorithms. This means that when IM uses the new IM.PRM that
- is created by SetupIM, it will be unable to decrypt the old integrity
- data files.
- If this has happened to you, it's best to delete then new incompatible
- IM.PRM and locate the old IM.PRM files. If this is impossible or if
- something else such as a hardware problem damaged your integrity data,
- then you will need to use the "Initialize" menu to create new integrity
- data files.
- Q: IM says my disk does not have a boot sector or it fails while trying to
- read the boot sector.
- A: You may be running software such as the Artisoft Lantastic network server.
- This software intercepts all disk access and makes even local disks
- simulated (network) disks. These disks do not have a boot sector.
- To allow IM to run in this situation, shut down the server or start
- only your network redirector (without the server component). Alternately,
- ask IM to check only the files (use /CD rather than /CE) when this
- software is active.
- Q: Integrity Master is finding file corruption but it's not reporting a virus
- and I think my disk is OK. What could be wrong?
- A: Check the following items:
- If your disk uses disk compression (e.g., Stacker, DoubleSpace,
- DriveSpace, SuperStore, etc.) try disabling all other resident (TSRs
- and drivers) software including your disk cache. There may be a
- conflict causing the corruption.
- Turn off your disk cache and see if the problem goes away. It may be
- conflicting with another resident program or a hardware disk cache.
- Run Scandisk or similar program to read your entire disk and check for
- hardware errors.
- Boot with no config.sys or autoexec.bat file and see if the problem goes
- away. If not, then you are probably having hardware problems. If the
- problem does go away, then try adding back your files one line at a time.
- Q: I am using IM under Win95. When I start Win95, it present a window titled
- "Open with" and asks me what program to use to open one of IM's integrity
- data files (e.g., "ZZ##.IM"). I also see these files in different folders.
- How do I eliminate this nuisance?
- A: Integrity Master, if installed with the default options, will place
- integrity data files into all subdirectories including the Startup
- subdirectory. Unfortunately, Windows95 mistakes these files for
- application related files and will want to know what to do with
- them. There are several solutions to this:
- 1) Run SetupIM (not a new install) and select "Integrity data Options".
- Then select "Change attribute" and turn on the hidden attribute.
- a new install and you still see the IM files, you may have changed
- the setting that hides "hidden" files. To correct this, start the
- Win95 "Explorer" and click on "View", then click on "Options..."
- and select the "hide" option.
- 2) Use the IM Options menu to exclude subdirectory "Startup".
- 3) You can remove the integrity data files from your hard disk and then
- use setupIM to place your integrity data files on a different
- device:
- 1) From the IM "CoMands" menu select "Uninstall". This removes the
- existing integrity data files.
- 2) Run SetupIM (not a new install) and select "Integrity data Options".
- Then change the location of the integrity data to "Separate floppy
- disks". You will then need a separate floppy diskette to hold the
- integrity data for each disk you check.
- 4) Start the Win95 explorer and then click on "View", then click on
- "Options...", and then click on "File types" and click on "New".
- You can now enter "Integrity data" as the file name and the extension
- you are using for integrity data files (e.g., "IM"). You do not need
- to assign any program--just leave this blank. This will prevent Win95
- from asking you how to open the integrity data files.
- Q: I use DiskManager (or other third party hard disk partitioning software)
- to support my large hard drive. What special precautions should I take?
- A1: We suggest you upgrade to a controller that has a BIOS on the board
- that directly supports your hard drive. This will make you system
- much safer and more reliable than using this software.
- A2: Some products such as DiskManager DDO (Dynamic Drive Overlay), replace
- the real partition sector (AKA Master boot record) with their own code.
- If you boot from a plain DOS diskette, and can't access your hard drive
- you may have such software. Diskmanager and most similar programs
- can also be loaded from a DEVICE= statement in your CONFIG.SYS file.
- You will need such a statement to access your hard drive from a boot
- floppy. It is important to prepare such an emergency boot diskette.
- If you have the software installed in the partition sector (e.g.,
- DDO), rather than with a DEVICE= statement, do NOT use IM to reload
- the partition sector but use the product diskette to reinstall the
- partition sector. These type of products create a non-standard
- partition sector that IM may not be able to safely reconstruct.
- Q: I want to use the "Partition boot code" option on the ReLoad menu to
- remove a virus (I haven't run an initialize for the parition sector
- yet so I have no saved copy to reload). How can I be sure this is safe?
- A: This option replaces the partition sector boot code (not the partition
- table) with a clean, self-checking boot program. This will work
- if your partition sector loads a standard operating system (Win 3.1x,
- WinNt, Win95, DOS, OS/2, etc.) but will NOT if a non-standard program
- is in the partition sector such as Diskmanager (see the prior question).
- To verify that it's safe to rewrite your partition sector, boot from
- a clean floppy (without a CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file). If
- you can NOT access your hard disk normally (you don't see the files
- and directories you expect on your hard disk), then you should NOT
- use "Partition boot code" option to rewrite your boot sector. You
- either have the software described above or you have a virus like Monkey
- or Urkel that doesn't leave a valid partition table. You can follow
- the procedure described earlier in this file to remove viruses like
- Monkey or Urkel.
- Q: IM says: "Disk has invalid partition table!" What does this mean
- what do I do about it.
- A: The partition table is the table in the partition sector that
- describes how your disk organized. It determines how much space is
- allocated for each logical disk on your physical hard disk. This
- table is initially created using the FDISK program. Without this
- information, it is not safe to write to your hard disk. IM checks
- this for validity before offering to replace executable code
- in your partition sector.
- If the partition table is invalid, it means one of three things:
- 1) You have special software installed that replaces the standard
- partition sector with its own program. If this is the case, you
- can let IM reload the partition sector from its saved version
- but it's not safe to have IM replace just executable code; you
- must reinstall the original software to fix problems in the
- partition sector.
- 2) You have a virus such as Monkey or Urkel. In this case follow
- the procedure (earlier in this file) to remove the virus.
- 3) Your partition sector has been corrupted. You must either
- reload the sector by using the "Missing partition" option on
- the reLoad menu or use your partitioning software (e.g.,FDISK or
- Disk Manager) to recreate the partition sector.
- Q: How do I use IM with WinZip?
- A: IM can be used as the scanner with the checkout feature of WinZip.
- Under Windows Filemanager open an archive, then under Winzip select
- "program locations". For "Scanner", specify:
- (or whatever location you are using to keep your IM.EXE file)
- and for "Parameters" specify:
- /N /UN /B /VL /RF=%f /P%d
- Q: SetupIM or IM will not recognize the system sector (partition or boot)
- on my hard disk.
- A: You are running some software (such as security software or network
- server software) that is preventing us from accessing your disk directly.
- You must end these programs. WfWG, Win NT, and Win 95 provide network
- server capability. This software can be active even if you are not
- running a local area network and will prevent secure access to your
- partition sector.
- If you are having this problem under Win 95, it's almost always the
- the fact that your PC is making files available to the network (acting
- as a server). You can click on "My computer" and
- Q1: Integrity Master is finding a macro virus in a file that has already been
- cleaned. What do I do?
- Q2: I don't what to let IM delete infected MS Word documents or manually delete
- delete the macros with either Tool/Macro or File/Templates/Organizer/Macro;
- what else can I do?
- A: (to both questions) Be sure you are not loading an infected template
- (normal.dot) from your MS Word STARTUP directory. Create a new document
- and copy the text from the infected document into the new one. Then
- delete the infected document.
- Q: I am using Windows/NT. IM is not finding the HD boot sectors. How do
- I check these under NT?
- A: You can get full protection for your files by running IM directly under
- NT but you will have to run both SetupIM (so IM recognizes the boot
- sectors) and IM after booting DOS to check the actual boot sectors
- of the hard disk.
- Q: I have a question regarding long (or short) file names (LFNs).
- A: Please read file LONG.TXT (use Windows Notepad/Wordpad or the IMview
- program). This file has full details on IM and Long and short file names.
- Q: I have a .zip file that I would like to check for viruses and I have an
- entire CD full of .ZIP files that I would like to scan. How can I easily
- do this with IM?
- A: The registered version of IM includes file SCANZIP.ZIP. This is a set
- of utilities that allow you to use IM to quickly check a single .ZIP file
- or an entire disk (unzipping any .ZIP file that it finds on the disk).