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File List | 1998-02-23 | 5.1 KB | 97 lines |
- Once you install Integrity Master, there will be only two files you
- absolutely need to use Integrity Master:
- IM.EXE - Integrity Master itself
- IM.PRM - The parameter file which controls how IM works
- - This file is created by SETUPIM.EXE
- IM.DAT - When you first run IM or SetupIM it will use file IM.DAT--
- after that it is no longer needed.
- If you want to reinstall IM, or change advanced features of IM, you will need:
- SETUPIM.EXE - The setup and install program (It creates and updates IM.PRM)
- If you use IM under Windows, you will also need to keep the *.PIF files.
- When you install IM, SetupIM will create file:
- IMPROC.TXT - Complete instructions to finish install and run IM
- IM.PRM - The parameter file (all option settings are stored here)
- IMCONFIG.SYS - Sample CONFIG.SYS file for floppies (optional)
- When you run (initialize) IM, it will create integrity data files.
- These files will have varying names but you can use SetupIM to control
- exactly what names are used. These files contain the integrity data
- describing your files. Files: BOOT.SRL and PART.SRL contain system
- sector integrity and reload information. (*.SID files are no longer
- needed.)
- The following files are provided as additional aids but are not required
- to use or modify Integrity Master:
- *.ICO ------- Various icon files for use of IM under windows.
- *.PIF ------- These files are needed only if you run IM under Windows.
- 3YEAR.TXT ---- Special three year virus and data integrity update offer
- ASQ.* ---- Files for the Qualitas ASQ configuration analysis program
- DEL-IM.* --- ,EXE and .INI file to uninstall IM from Windows.
- DESCRIBE.TXT - Contains ASCII text descriptions of IM for posting online.
- DISKHELP.TXT - Contains information to help with accessing disk drives
- GENVIR.EXE -- Execute this program to create SAMPVIR.COM a fake test virus
- HISTORY.TXT -- List of versions and changes made to Integrity Master
- I-M.TXT ------ Documentation file for IM and information on data integrity
- IMCHECK.EXE -- Supplemental stand-alone integrity check program
- IMPRINT.BAT -- Batch file to print files. Syntax: "IMPRINT filename"
- IMVIEW.COM --- File viewer program. Syntax: "IMVIEW filename"
- LONG.TXT --- Description of Windows 95/98 Long File names and how IM handles
- them.
- QUESTION.TXT - Enter "IMVIEW QUESTION" to see common questions and answers
- OMBUDSMN.ASP Information of how to contact the ASP ombudsman for help with
- resolving a problem with an ASP member
- ORDER.TXT ---- Complete information on how to license Integrity Master
- ORDER.FRM ---- Enter "COPY ORDER.FRM PRN" or "IMPRINT ORDER.FRM" to print an
- order form for IM
- NET.TXT ------ Suggestions on how to best install and use IM on a LAN
- QUANTITY.TXT - Table of discounts for licensing multiple copies of IM
- README.TXT --- Contains latest information concerning using IM under DOS
- READWIN.TXT--- Contains latest information concerning using IM under Windows
- RUNMAYBE.EXE - The RunMaybe execution scheduling program
- SUPPORT.TXT -- How to contact Stiller Research for product support and help
- SYSOP.TXT -- How to post Integrity Master on a BBS and info for BBS SYSOP
- VENDOR.TXT --- Distribution requirements for disk vendors and clubs
- VIRREP.TXT --- How to report a virus attack
- VTEXT.TXT --- List of viruses IM identifies by name
- We're also including the following batch file to make IM easier to use
- and to serve as examples for constructing your own batch files:
- IMSCAN This batch file allows you to virus scan all files on a
- disk or specific directory on a disk and all lower
- subdirectories. For example, to scan disk C, type
- "IMSCAN C:" or to scan subdirectory DOS and all lower
- directories (e.g., \DOS\UTILS) type "IMSCAN \DOS". If
- you don't want to check memory each time include a "/B"
- (e.g., "IMSCAN \DOS /B"
- IMSCAND This allows you to scan a specific subdirectory. You can
- specify just the subdirectory or both the subdirectory
- and the disk (e.g., "IMSCAND C:\PCB\UPLOADS").
- IMSCANM Allows you to scan multiple diskettes for known viruses.
- After each diskette, IM will prompt you to insert
- another.
- IMQ Does a check in "Quick Update" mode of your current
- disk. This scans memory and the system sectors for known
- viruses and then checks only the files that have
- changed, providing a very fast way to check an entire
- disk for known viruses. This also keeps your integrity
- data current for all files so you are up-to-date in case
- of a problem. If you want to specify a different disk to
- check, you must use the "/Dx" command line switch (e.g.,
- "IMQ /DCF" will check both drive C and drive F).