PC World Komputer 1999 January
Text File
232 lines
object HelpWindow: THelpWindow
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Lines.Strings = (
'Archive Peek for Windows 95'
'Copyright 1998 Javier Thaine'
'Archive Peek for Windows 95 is a freeware program.'
'Archive Peek for Windows 95 and all of its related files '
'may only be distributed in the original distribution form. '
'The distribution file may not have files added to it or '
'removed from it, and none of its contents may be '
'modified, decompiled, or reverse engineered.'
'You may distribute this program as part of a shareware '
'distribution, magazine, internet book, CD ROM, etc. '
'Please e-mail me at jthaine@hotmail.com if you do.'
'Archive Peek for Windows 95 is provided AS IS without '
'warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including '
'but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability '
'and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall '
'Javier Thaine be liable for any damages whatsoever '
'including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss '
'of business profits or special damages, even if Javier '
'Thaine has been advised of the possibility of such '
'damages. Use this program at your own risk.')
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Lines.Strings = (
'Have you ever wondered in what ZIP file you kept that '
'song? Or in which ARJ file in the C:\Letters folder you '
'kept that letter to dad? Archive Peek is the answer. You '
'can search for any file you specify inside all of the '
'archives of a floppy disk, CD-ROM, hard disk, etc. A '
'Windows 3.1 version is also available at my home page '
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Lines.Strings = (
'1. Select the drive and folder your archives are in.'
'2. In the '#39'Files to look for'#39' field, type in the files you want '
'to find inside your archives. You can enter up to ten '
'names separated by spaces and wildcards are allowed.'
'3. Click on '#39'Begin Search'#39' or press Enter.'
'During a search you may click on '#39'Stop Search'#39' at the '
'top of the results window. Archive Peek will finish the '
'archive it'#39's currently looking at and then it will stop. '
'The number of files found and the time the operation '
'took are displayed at the bottom of the results window. '
'You may double click on a file to open its archive (if it'#39's '
'compressed) or open it directly (if it'#39's not compressed).'
'You may save your results in text format or in HTML '
'format by clicking on '#39'Save Results As...'#39' in the File '
'menu in the results window. You may also print your '
'results from the File menu.')
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Lines.Strings = (
'You can customize Archive Peek'#39's operation through '
'the Options menu:'
'Case Sensitive: Since Windows 95 supports lower and '
'uppercase letters in filenames, this option allows you to '
'specify whether the filenames you are looking for must '
'be exactly those you typed (case sensitive) or if the case '
'may be ignored (not case sensitive).'
'Include Subfolders: If this options is checked, Archive '
'Peek will also look into all subfolders of the folder you '
'Display count only: If you only want to know the number '
'of files Archive Peek finds, this speeds up the program a '
'lot. The number of files is displayed at the bottom of the '
'results window.'
'Advanced Options - You should take a look to see if any '
'of these options can help you:'
'Archive types to look inside:'
'If you know what kind of archives the files you are '
'looking for are in, choosing only them helps Archive '
'Peek work faster. If you click on Select All, all of the '
'formats will be selected. If you click on Select All again, '
'all of the formats will be cleared. Selecting Non-archive '
'files will make Archive Peek look into ordinary folders, '
'just like using the Start Menu'#39's find utility.'
'The currently supported archive formats are ZIP (used '
'by PKZIP and WinZip), RAR, LZH, ARJ, ZOO, PAK, '
'ARC, TAR (often used on UNIX machines), SQZ, HYP, '
'WAD (used by games created by Id software) and GRP '
'(use by Duke Nukem 3D). Some ZIP files are not '
'supported due to their rarity. If such a file is encountered, '
'Archive Peek will issue a warning. Also, ARC files whose '
'first byte is not Control-Z will not be read by Archive '
'Peek and no warning will be issued.'
'HTML options:'
'If you ever save your results to HTML files, you can '
'change their appearance here. You can choose an item '
'from the combo box and choose which color goes with '
'it. '#39'Background color'#39' refers to the '#39'paper'#39' color of the '
'HTML document. '#39'Visited link color'#39' refers to the color of '
'links that point to files you'#39've already opened. '#39'Active '
'link color'#39' refers to the color a link takes when you click '
'on it. You may also change the text and normal link '
'colors of the document.'
'Of course, the color options for links are only valid if you '
'check the '#39'Create hyperlinks'#39' option. You may choose to '
'turn this off to save hard disk space. Hyperlinks allow '
'you to click on the names of files to access them.'
'The results in HTML format are displayed in a table. If '
'you want that table to have borders, check the option '
#39'Display table borders'#39'.'
'If you check '#39'Launch viewer when results are saved to '
'disk'#39', Archive Peek will start your web browser or text '
'editor to view the file you save. This saves you the work '
'of having to look for and open the file yourself.')
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object ListBox1: TListBox
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ItemHeight = 13
Items.Strings = (
'What is Archive Peek?'
'Searching for files'
'The Options menu')
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OnClick = ListBox1Click