102 This command will activate a window by title. The active window has the highlighted title bar. For example: \nActivateWindow("Untitled - Notepad")
103 This command will execute a program by name.
104 Displays text in a message box with an "OK" button. This is used for notifications.
105 Displays text in a message box with an "OK" and a "Cancel" button. The result can be checked and used in an If statement to change macro flow.
106 This command will pause the execution of the macro for the number of milliseconds you specify (1 second = 1,000 milliseconds). For example:\nDelay(60000)
107 Stops the macro execution. For example:\nExitMacro()
108 Displays a custom dialog box that will prompt for input. The input can be sent as keystrokes or put in a variable. For example:\nInputBox("Enter your first name")\nSendInput()\n
109 Closes all programs and displays a login dialog box. For example:\nLogout()
110 Writes text to the specified file with a date and time stamp. For example:\nLogToFile("mylog.txt","Starting...")
111 Reboots the system. For example:\nRebootSystem()
112 Shuts the system down. For example:\nShutdownSystem()
113 Executes the specified macro file. For example: \nRunMacro("c:\part2.gc")
114 Jumps the macro's execution to the line after the label name. For example:\nGoTo(":CodeBlock1")
115 This command will send keystrokes to the active window or application. For example:\nSendKeys("a~")
116 This command will send keystrokes to the specified window. For example:\nSendKeys("Calculator","23")
117 Writes text to the default error log file. The name and location of the error log is defined in the System Options dialog. For example:\nLogError("File didn't exist!")
118 Closes the window with the specified title. For example: \nCloseWindow("Untitled - Notepad")
119 A comment is a macro line that will not execute. Use comments to make notations in your macro, or for debugging. For example:\n//This is cool code!
120 Sends keys that were input from the last InputBox() command to the active window. For example:\nInputBox("Enter your name")\nSendInput()
121 Sends keys that were input from the last InputBox() to a window based on its title. For example:\nInputBox("Enter your name") \nSendInputToWindow("Untitled - Notepad")\n
122 Executes a command for a specified number of times. For example:\nRepeat(SendKeys("This is a test~"),10)\n
123 Sounds the system beep. For example:\nBeep()
124 Plays a wave file. For example:\nPlaySound("c:\winnt\media\The Microsoft Sound.wav")\n
125 Executes a system power off (if your hardware supports it). For example:\nPowerOff()
126 Appends a line to a file (with a carriage return). This function will create the file if it does not exist. For example:\nWriteLineToFile("test.txt","Line 1") \nWriteLineToFile("test.txt","Line 2")\n
127 Appends text to a file (without a carriage return). This function will create the file if it does not exist. For example:\nWriteToFile("test.txt","This text is ")\nWriteToFile("test.txt","on the same line")
129 Minimizes the window by the title. The window title is optional. If the window title is not specified, the current active window is minimized. For example:\nMinimizeWindow("Untitled - Notepad")
130 Normalizes the window by the title. The window title is optional. If the window title is not specified, the current active window is normalized. For example:\nNormalizeWindow("Calculator")
131 Returns TRUE if the file exists. For example: \nIf(FileExist("c:\test.log"),Beep())\nIf(FileExist("c:\*.txt"),MessageBox("Found"))
132 Returns TRUE if the current active window title matches the passed window title. For example: \nIf(WindowActive("Calculator"),GoTo(":DoStuff"))
133 Returns TRUE if there is a window that has a title that matches the passed window title. For example: \nIf(FindWindow("Calculator"),Beep())
134 This is used after a MessageBox(), MessageBoxOkCancel(), or InputBox() to detect which key the user pressed to exit the dialog. For example:\nMessageBoxOkCancel("Hit Ok to beep")\nIf(ResponseOk(),Beep())\n
135 This is used after a MessageBox(), MessageBoxOkCancel(), or InputBox() to detect which key the user pressed to exit the dialog. For example:\nMessageBoxOkCancel("Hit cancel to exit")\nIf(ResponseCancel(),ExitMacro())\n
136 This defines the label that the program will go to when an error occurs. For example:\nOnError(":Handler")
137 This command sends the Quit command to the specified program, based on its window title. For example: \nQuitProgram("Untitled - Notepad")
138 This command will execute a program. You can specify "Minimized", "Maximized", "Hidden", or "Normal".
139 This command will set the working directory for the running macro. For example: \nSetDirectory("c:\My_Files")
140 This line is a label. It is used with the GoTo command. Labels begin with a colon (:). For example: \n:JumpHere
141 This is a blank line. It has no effect, but makes your macro more readable.
142 Sets the window caption for all message box and input box commands. For example: \nSetCaption("Orange Corporation")
143 Sends a string containing environment variables to the active window. For example:\nSendEnvironment("The temp path is %TEMP%")
144 Sends the current date and time based on a format string. For example:\nSendNow("The current date and time is: %x %X")
145 Checks a condition and performs an action if the test result is TRUE, and optionally, a different action if the test is FALSE. For example:\nIf(FileExist("c:\b.txt"),Beep(),GoTo(":Done"))
146 Sends a single DDE command to an Application and Topic. For example:\nDdeCommand(Excel,System,[New()])
147 Sends a series of DDE commands stored in a script to an Application and Topic. For example:\nDdeScript(Excel,System,"c:\mycomm.txt")
148 This command will execute a specified command while the TRUE condition is met. For example: \nWhile(FileExists("signal.txt"), RunMacro("chores.gc"))
149 This defines the start of a For-Next loop.
150 Checks if value A is less than (<) value B. If TRUE, the specified command is executed. A or B can be a system resource constant or variable. For example:\nIfLessThan(%A,30,GoTo(":Oops"))
151 Checks if value A is more than (>) value B. If TRUE, the specified command is executed. A or B can be a system resource constant or variable. For example:\nIfMoreThan(%A,30,GoTo(":Oops"))
152 This command logs a system resource or system information to a file. For example:\nLogSystem("C:\Test.log",DISK_C_FREE)
153 Waits for a program to complete. It is used after the RunProgram command to pause macro execution until the program started is complete. You can specify the number of milliseconds to wait or -1 to wait indefinitely.
154 This runs a DOS command such as COPY, DIR, etc. For example:\nRunDOSCommand("copy c:\data.txt a:\data.txt")
155 This function returns TRUE if the file is older than the specified number of seconds. For example: \nIf(FileOlderThan("c:\data.txt",3600),GoTo(:"Stale"))
156 This command sends keystrokes from a file to the active window or application. For example: \nSendKeysFromFile("c:\mytext.txt")
157 This logs an event to the system event file. The name and location of the event log is defined in the System Options dialog. For example: \nLogEvent("Started routine")
158 Assign a value to a variable. For example:\nPutVar(%A,7) puts 7 into %A. \nPutVar(%B,"My text") puts "My text" into %B.
159 Move a file from one location to another. For example, MoveFile("C:\autoexec.bat","A:autoexec.bak")
160 Copy a file from one location to another. For example, \nCopyFile("C:\autoexec.bat","A:\backup.txt")
161 Create a directory with the specified path. For example, \nCreateDirectory("C:\junkdir")
162 %lu KB
163 %lu KB Free on %c:
164 Unavailable
165 Remove a directory with the specified path. For example:\nRemoveDirectory("c:\junk.dir")
166 Delete the specified file. For example:\nDeleteFile("C:a.txt")
167 Search the specified path for the given file. Optionally return the location of the specified file. For example:\nFindFile("myfile.txt","C:\") looks in the given path only\nFindFile("myfile.txt","PATH",%A) looks in all the system paths.
168 Display the contents of all the variables in a message box. For example:\nDump()
169 Write the value of a system resource into a memory variable. For example: \n// Load %A with the free disk space in bytes\nGetSystem(DISK_C_FREE,%A)
170 Copy the contents of the ClipBoard to a variable. For example: GetClipBoard(%A)
171 Gets the size of file in bytes, and returns it in a variable. For example:\nGetFileSize("C:\gc\ddedefs.h",%A)
172 Get an entry to the registry. For an example press "Help"
173 Write an entry to the registry. For an example press "Help"
174 Write to the specified INI file. For example: \nWriteToIniFile("c:\gc\junk.ini","[strings]string1","this is string 1")
175 Read from the specified INI file. For example:\nGetFromIniFile("c:\gc\junk.ini","[strings]string1",%A)
176 Increments the indicated variable by one. For example: \nIncrement(%A)
177 Decrements the indicated variable by one. For example: \nDecrement(%A)
178 Returns TRUE if the specified file is locked by a process. For example: \nIf(IsFileLocked("C:\logfile.dat"),GoTo(":Locked"))
179 Open a text file for reading strings from. Must specify a unique buffer identifier. For example:\nOpenFile(1,"C:\textdata.txt")
180 Read a line from a text file into a variable. The text file is identified by the buffer identifier used in OpenFile. For example:\nReadLine(1,%L)
181 Closes the file identified by the buffer identifier. For example: \nCloseFile(1)
182 No function. Use this for a placeholder. For example:\nIf(ResponseOk(),DoNothing(),Beep())
183 Turns the CAPS lock On or Off. For example:\nSetCapsLock(ON)
184 Sends a mouse click to the window at specified screen coordinate. For example:\nMouseClickScreen(100,30)
185 Sends a mouse double click to the window at specified screen coordinate. For example:\nMouseDblClickScreen(100,30)
186 Returns the system date in the form "MM/DD/YY" into the specified variable. For example:\nGetDate(%A)
187 Returns the system time in the form "HH:MM:SS" into the specified variable. For example:\nGetTime(%A)
188 Returns TRUE if date A is before date B. For example:\nIsDateBefore(%A,"01/22/1998")
189 Returns TRUE if date A is after date B. For example:\nIsDateAfter(%A,"01/22/1998")
190 Returns TRUE if date A is equal to date B. For example:\nIsDateEqual(%A,"01/22/1998")
191 Returns TRUE if date A is after date B but before date C. For example:\nIsDateBetween(%A,"01/22/1998","01/28/1998")
192 Returns TRUE if time A is before time B. For example:\nIsTimeBefore(%A,"01:37:00")
193 Returns TRUE if time A is after time B. For example:\nIsTimeAfter(%A,"01:37:00")
194 Returns TRUE if time A is equal to time B. For example:\nIsTimeEqual(%A,"01:37:00")
195 Returns TRUE if time A is after time B but before time C. For example:\nIsTimeBetween(%A,"01:37:00","05:30:26")
196 Returns the system date in any format you specify. See help for format srings. For example:\nGetDateTime(%A,"%m/%d/%Y") = 12/31/1998\nGetDateTime(%A,"%d%m%Y") = 31121998\nGetDateTime(%A,"%x %X") = 12/31/98 19:30:00
197 Checks to see if a file exists in the specified path. Supports wild cards. For example:\nIf(FileExistWild("C:\*.dat"),Beep())
198 Opens a conversation to a DDE server through the specified buffer. For example: \nDdeOpen(1,"excel","[book1.xls]Sheet2")
199 Closes the DDE conversation in the specified buffer. For example:\nDdeClose(1)
200 Reads the value of the DDE item from the specified buffer into the variable. For example:\nDdeRead(1,"R10C2",%A)
228 Maximizes the window by the title. The window title is optional. If the window title is not specified, the current active window is maximized. For example:\nMaximizeWindow("Untitled - Notepad")
229 Checks if two variables are equal. The first variable may be a system resource. If TRUE, the specified command is executed. For example:\nIfEquals(%A,30,GoTo(":Match"))
230 This command will print a document. You can specify "Minimized", "Maximized", "Hidden", or "Normal". For example:\nPrint("c:\docs\myfile.doc")
231 Adds the second string to the end of the first string. For example:\nAddString(%X," sir!")
232 Returns a formatted string with the file's change date/time. For example:\nGetFileDateTime(%A,"C:\autoexec.bat","%m/%d/%y")
30995 Visit the Acrasoft internet web site.
32771 Add a new line\nAdd Line (Ctrl+A)
32772 Edit the current line\nEdit Line (Ctrl+E)
32773 Delete the current line\nDelete Line (Ctrl+D)
32774 Move the selected line up\nMove Up (Alt+U)
32775 Move the selected line down\nMove Down (Alt+D)
32776 Change the line to a comment or uncomment it\nComment
32777 Add blank line before current\nBlank Line
32778 Change the display font
32779 Run the macro (Ctrl+R)
32780 Test the current line (Ctrl+T)
32782 Edit the current line manually
32783 Manually edit the current line\nManual Edit (Ctrl+Enter)
32785 Test an If condition and execute an option\nIf
32786 Sound the default system beep\nBeep
32787 Play a full sound file\nPlaysound
32788 Send keys to the active window\nSend Keys Active
32789 Send a single DDE command to an application and topic\nDDE Command
32790 Send a DDE script file to an application and topic\nDDE Script
32791 Minimize a window\nMinimize
32792 Maximize a window\nMaximize
32793 Normalize ( Restore ) a window\nNormalize
32794 Close a window\nClose
32795 Bring a window to the foreground\nActivate
32796 Temporarily pause execution for a specified number of milliseconds\nDelay
32797 Create a notification message box with an Ok button\nMessage Box
32798 Create a question message box with Ok and Cancel buttons\nOk/Cancel Message Box
32799 This command will execute a program\nRun Program
32800 Show/Hide Extended Controls Bar\nControls
32801 Exit the current macro\nExit Macro
32803 Test if a file exists\nFile Exist
32804 Create an input message box to ask for and store a string\nInput Box
32805 Jump to a label\nGoto
32806 Logout\nLogout
32807 Set the working directory for the running macro\nSet Directory
32808 Set the window title for all message box and input box commands\nSet Caption
32809 Repeat a command for a specified number of times\nRepeat
32810 Send a stop command to a currently running program\nQuit Program
32811 Execute another macro file\nRun Macro
32812 Execute a system power off (if supported by the hardware)\nPower Off
32815 Enter a For Command\nFor Loop
32816 Perform a command while a condition is True\nWhile
32818 Append text to a text file (no carriage return)\nWrite Text to File
32819 Log an error to the default error log file\nLog Error
32820 Define the label to jump to if an error occurs\nOn Error
32823 Exit the currently executing macro\nExit Macro
32824 Return TRUE if the specified file exists\nFile Exist
32825 Reboot the system\nReboot
32826 Shut the system down\nShutdown System
32827 Enter a label for use with a GoTo command\nLabel
32828 Send environment string to active window\nSend Environment
32831 Return TRUE if the specified window is the active window\nWindow Active
32832 Return TRUE if a window exists that matches the specified title \nFind Window
32833 Execute a command if the specified system resource is less than the specified limit\nIf Less Than
32834 Execute a command if the specified system resource is more than the specified limit\nIf More Than
32835 Log system information to a text file\nLog System Info
32836 Log message to a log file\nLog To File
32837 Send the string from the last input box to the active window\nSend Input To Active
32838 Send the string from the last input box to the specified window\nSend Input Specific
32839 Send keys to a specified window\nSend Keys Specific
32840 Send current time to the active window as keystrokes based on a format string\nSend Now
32844 Display the Standard Editing toolbar\nEdit Toolbar
32845 Display the Common Commands toolbar\nCommon Toolbar
32846 Display the DDE/SendKeys toolbar
32847 Display the System Functions toolbar\nSystem Toolbar
32848 Display the Conditions toolbar ( If, While, GoTo, etc. )
32849 Display the Window Controls toolbar
32850 Quick start help
32851 Display help on help
32852 Visit the Acrasoft web site
32853 Edit the system options
32855 Launch editor with current macro file
32856 Display a summary of all commands by category
32857 Dump variables for inspection (Ctrl+Shift+D)
57344 GroundControl
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents