PC World Komputer 1999 January
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| This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text |
| and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text |
| section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. |
VENDINFO standard v1.04, produced by VendEdit v1.30, 17-May-1998
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: Converter Pro for Windows 95/NT Unit Conversion Program
Version: 3.05
Version Date: 15-May-1998
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Shareware, freely distributable by all channels
Product Description: CONVERTER PRO (32-bit) - Professional unit
converter. User-extendible database includes
length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure,
density, energy, power, temperature, dynamic
viscosity, kinematic viscosity and time
units. Units can be composed from up to four
available units (for example BTU, lb. and
deg. F will give BTU/lb. deg.F). Written by a
professional engineer for other pros.
Reason for version: New help system, new constant and geometry
data tables
Category: Engineering; Engineering utilities
Required Packages: CON305p
This Package: CON305P
Registration Fee: 11.00-25.00 (US $)
Required Configuration
Processor Family: Intel 80x86 (minimum 80386)
Clock Speed: 20 MHz
Minimum OS: Windows 95
Standard RAM: 640K
Hard Drive Space: 2500K
Hard drive
Won't Work With:
Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA)
Hercules Graphics Card
Color Graphic Adapter (CGA)
Address: ACCSOFT
Seestrasse 80
CH-8712 Staefa
Phone: +41 1 926 27 50
FAX: +41 1 926 27 50
CompuServe: accsoft_ch
Internet: accsoft@accsoft-ch.com
Address: ACCSOFT
Seestrasse 80
CH-8712 Staefa
Phone: +41 1 926 27 50
FAX: +41 1 926 27 50
CompuServe: accsoft_ch
Internet: accsoft@accsoft-ch.com
===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================
CONVERTER PRO is a program to convert units in a professional manner.
CONVERTER PRO comes with a database that contains the most important
conversion factors to convert length, area, volume, mass, force,
pressure, density, energy, power, temperature, dynamic viscosity,
kinematic viscosity and time units.
The database contains all commonly used unit systems (British, US, SI,
CGS and MKS).
Units that are not available in the database can be composed from up to
four available units (for example 'mile' and 'hr.' will give 'mile/hr.'
or 'BTU', 'lb.' and 'deg. F' will give 'BTU/lb. deg.F').
All conversion factor tables contained in the database are extendible.
If you miss a unit that you use frequently, you can simply add it
You may also enter up to ten user-defined conversion factor tables (for
example electrical or acoustical units)
You can rely on the accuracy of the conversions. The database was
established using the most accurate basic conversion factors available
and carefully tested. At least five digits of the results will therefore
always be accurate.
CONVERTER PRO has been written by an engineer who is working
internationally. He got fed up for good one day to continue with
re-inventing the wheel over and over again and wrote this program. The
program is therefore particularly suitable for all those who work under
similar circumstances and are frequently confronted with unfamiliar unit
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
CONSTANT.CN_ 104 17-Apr-1998 11:24a CED3E3F3
CONVENG.CN_ 387 14-May-1998 09:05a 0FA889F7
CONVFRA.CN_ 423 13-May-1998 06:09p CA17F616
CONVGER.CN_ 265 13-May-1998 05:21p 7BB6E4F0
GEOMETRY.CN_ 253 17-Apr-1998 11:23a 50BC36AF
FILE_ID.DIZ 405 14-May-1998 09:49a 7D8F57C7
CTL3D32.DL_ 15600 21-Aug-1996 12:00a 42355184
SHRLK20.DL_ 133589 29-Sep-1997 02:03a D9B76912
VB5STKIT.DL_ 16457 16-Jan-1997 12:00a AC25A7CD
SETUP.DOC 6144 15-May-1998 06:25p BE6B527C
BESTELL.DO_ 4246 14-May-1998 09:09a 5E582352
HANDBUCH.DO_ 10520 13-May-1998 06:36p B635CEAD
MANUAL.DO_ 9715 13-May-1998 06:39p 40F7D285
MANUEL.DO_ 10056 13-May-1998 06:42p EF434248
ORDER.DO_ 4153 14-May-1998 09:08a 41FF32A9
ORDRE.DO_ 4021 13-May-1998 06:25p B9BFDB90
SETUP.EXE 27650 15-May-1998 03:18p 09C84709
SUCON.EXE 89600 16-Jan-1997 12:00a 9274D771
CONVERT.EX_ 68924 16-May-1998 04:13p F730EB03
SETUP1.EX_ 83159 17-Apr-1998 03:08p 4D631999
ST5UNST.EX_ 37850 16-Jan-1997 12:00a 1BAFE88F
GET_IT.GI_ 531 12-Feb-1997 09:36a 3C0E8679
CONSTANT.HL_ 16813 17-Apr-1998 11:24a 195766D3
CONVENG.HL_ 10345 14-May-1998 09:05a 09C9B4B2
CONVFRA.HL_ 10766 13-May-1998 06:09p 50581964
CONVGER.HL_ 11501 13-May-1998 05:21p 83DCB929
GEOMETRY.HL_ 63917 17-Apr-1998 11:23a 7D972F1D
ALBERTS.HT_ 817 15-May-1998 04:09p 051940E4
SETUP.LST 9181 15-May-1998 04:44p A123D087
MSFLXGRD.OC_ 125294 19-Jul-1997 05:00p 8D913BFC
SHRLK20.OC_ 177609 18-Nov-1997 02:05a CD57764E
SETUP.PIF 967 16-May-1998 02:05p 93401945
CON305.TXT 1028 17-May-1998 11:25a BA1946FD
AREA.VA_ 1472 1-Feb-1998 07:35p DA0109A3
DENSITY.VA_ 553 2-Nov-1997 02:38p 170BAC34
DYNVISC.VA_ 651 2-Nov-1997 02:47p FE69752E
ENERGY.VA_ 2819 18-Mar-1998 05:34p 406D8D60
FORCE.VA_ 355 2-Nov-1997 02:35p 9AA02AB2
KINVISC.VA_ 372 9-Oct-1997 10:07a 3F718EEF
LENGTH.VA_ 1828 9-Oct-1997 09:51a B8C37F49
MASS.VA_ 1182 2-Nov-1997 02:34p E945E4DD
POWER.VA_ 2236 2-Feb-1998 04:50p C00117D3
PRESSURE.VA_ 1330 5-Jan-1998 03:59p 49A4C74E
TEMPERAT.VA_ 223 2-Nov-1997 02:46p 36731D01
TIME.VA_ 323 2-Nov-1997 02:49p D07F652F
VISCOS.VA_ 20 28-Jan-1996 03:40p 5FEA79A9
VOLUME.VA_ 3526 14-Apr-1998 12:03a 802510B6
===== Installation =====================================
Unzip the ZIP file to a separate directory on your hard disk. Then run
SETUP.EXE and follow the instructions.
===== About Shareware/Licensing ========================
This program is 100% functional. However, it is provided on a trial
basis only and it is therefore time-limited. You may test this program
during 30 days. If you want to continue using it after the end of the
trial period, you must obtain a license.
This concept allows you to evaluate the software in detail. You can then
decide whether it fits your needs or not and whether you like it or not
- before an eventual purchase.
A single license entitles you to install and use the program on one PC.
Additional licenses allow an institution, company or school to install
the program on additional PCs or on a file server. If installed on a
file server, it must be guaranteed that the program does not run on
more client PCs at the same time than there are licenses available. All
licenses are issued to the same (company) name, which will appear in
the program's title bar.
===== Registration =====================================
You can register this program against payment of a license fee. As a
registered user, you will be entitled to the following additional
o You will receive the latest program version.
o You will be entitled to free advice and support if you should have a
problem with the software. Contact telephone no. +41 1 926 27 50 in
Switzerland or send electronic mail to accsoft@accsoft-ch.com or
send a fax to +41 1 926 27 50.
o If you discover a bug in the software, you will be entitled to a free
program update.
o You will entitled to get new program versions for free it you get them
yourself. The unlock code will (until further notice) also be valid for
future program updates. If you have Internet access you can visit
http://www.accsoft-ch.com and download new program versions.
You will receive the unlock code by e-mail (if you order on-line) or by
mail with two 3.5 inch diskettes containing the latest version of the
software (if you order by fax or by mail) against pre-payment of a
license-fee to the program author as follows:
For a single license: Swiss Francs 36.- (Unlock code by e-mail or by
mail with two 3.5 inch diskettes)
For a multiple license:
2nd to10th license: Swiss Francs 24.- per license (without diskettes)
11th to 25th license: Swiss Francs 18.- per license (without diskettes)
26th to 100th license: Swiss Francs 15.- per license (without diskettes)
Multiply by 0.7 to approximately convert Swiss Francs to US dollars.
On-line registration:
Internet: You can purchase a license for this program on the Internet.
Transactions are via credit card over a secure server.
Please go to: http://www.accsoft-ch.com and register online. The unlock
code will be e-mailed to your Internet address.
CompuServe: GO SWREG, search on Converter Pro. The unlock code will be
e-mailed to your CompuServe address.
Registration by fax or mail:
If you do not have Internet access or if you wish to purchase a
multiple-user license, you must order by fax or by mail. The file
ORDER.DOC contains an order form that you may process with and print
from Windows WordPad .
Fax the order form to
+41 1 926 27 50
or mail it to
AccSoft, Willy R. Aus der Au
Seestrasse 80
CH-8712 Staefa
Please do not forget to indicate your complete address, and allow up to
two weeks for delivery.
===== Warranty =========================================
Limited warranty and disclaimer of warranty
This software and accompanying written materials (including instructions
for use) are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Further,
Willy R. Aus der Au does not warrant, guarantee, or make any
representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the
software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy,
reliability, currentness, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the
results and performance of the software is assumed by you.
Neither Willy R. Aus der Au nor anyone else who has been involved in the
creation, production or delivery of this product shall be liable for
any direct, Indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including
damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of
business information, and the like) arising out of the use or inability
to use such product.
This limited warranty shall be governed and construed in accordance with
the laws of Switzerland.
===== About VENDINFO Files =============================
Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product.
This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record
useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other
distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a
wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users,
free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors)
are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO:
Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324
7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333
Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================