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- --- 10/7/98 Version 3.0--
- What's new:
- 1. Vertical scroll bar added to switch pages easily.
- 2. Splash screen and Hackman's Logo have been changed.
- 3. Enhanced date changer routine: [the OS applies some restrictions]
- a) You can set any date and time
- b) Set separately creation, modification & access date and time
- c) Synchronize optionally with system's values
- 4. CORE directory includes Hackman's rarely used functions:
- a) Hackman's main .EXE file has been kept small
- b) You can separately update them
- c) You can add your core objects (consult SDK please)
- 5. Vast changes in Info dialog box under help menu:
- a) Now a detailed memory consumption dialog box appears
- b) Info station panel added (processor, OS info)
- c) Info dialog box may stay on top to monitor memory usage.
- d) NT WKS/Server 4.x,5.x and Windows 98 support added.
- 6. Resisable interface now supports:
- - 640x480 resolution (not recommended)
- - 800x600 (highly recommended)
- - 1024x768
- - 1152x864
- - 1280x1024
- - 1600x1200 (not recommended)
- 7. Two toolbars were added to offer speedy access to main functions.
- 8. Changes to the Find dialog box:
- a) Unicode ASCII search added
- b) Hex monitor for ASCII input and vice versa
- c) Up to 44 characters ASCII search
- d) Up to 44 characters HEX search
- 9. SDK changes (further info in SDK 3.0)
- a) Separation of core code and plugins.
- b) It is possible to add second level menus.
- c) Web integration for plugins
- d) Binary mode was added
- e) Name output only capability
- 10. Monitor behaves differently: no highlight is allowed, cursor is focus not blue.
- 11. Live update has been significantly super-charged!
- 12. Brand New 32-bit disassembler:
- - Initializes faster
- - Full source info, not only paging capabilities
- - Provides true disassembling of the whole program.
- - Separated from the main program to keep kernel small.
- - Supports 486,Pentium I & II, Pentium MMX and Pentium Pro.
- - Resizable window to fit your needs.
- - While disassembling, Hackman & your system are available.
- 13. It's now possible to select a portion in the ASCII monitor too.
- 14. Lettering menu is available in ASCII only monitor.
- 15. Added SPACES choice (256th) as End Of File bytes.
- (Configuration|Appearance|Advanced)
- 16. Right click integration in Windows (windows explorer too)
- 17. Disassembler's properties have changed.
- 18. Developer support added:
- - Live update searches for developer's components
- - Instantly load and display Hackman's SDK
- - PlugIn built-in debugger
- - On the fly Language Pack Reading to assist translation
- 19. Goto/Goto again functions added.
- 20. Enter now activates the dialog box command i.e. find
- (instead of setting the focus).
- 21. Smart editor system:
- - Ignores changes when identical to previous condition
- - ESC restores hex value in the hex monitor.
- 22. Compare core plugin added:
- - Supports differences and equalities
- - Smart recalibration algorithm
- Fixes:
- 1. Minor display bugs.
- 2. ESC wouldn't close all of the windows.
- 3. Unresolved crash at start-up will be handled.
- 4. Faster resource display (all windows and messages).
- 5. Several labels and messages appeared incorrectly.
- 6. Hackman would not create ! and ", instead of these he would read next and previous.
- 7. Closing without asking to save changes fixed.
- --- 22/5/98 Version 2.2--
- What's new:
- 1. Known Issues and What's new menus were removed.
- 2. Turbo loading achieved: now hackman initializes instantly.
- 3. Brand new calculator featuring:
- - hex, decimal and octal support
- - logical operators (OR, AND, NOT, XOR)
- - Customizable (mode, units, ontop, etc)
- - Operates like a normal calculator
- - Clipboard interoperation
- - Tightly integrated with Hackman
- 4. Plugins Machine Enhancements:
- a) Plugins can add a menu under configurations menu.
- b) Multiple level entries under help menu.
- {See SDK for more info.}
- 5. Speedy display.
- 6. Now, hackman cancels loading more than 10 files.
- 7. Help files were updated and fixed.
- Fixes:
- 1. Print preview is significantly enhanced.
- 2. Locale problems in print preview are now fixed.
- 3. Closing monitors dialog box by pressing (x) would freeze program.
- 4. Rare bug crashing assembler kernel is fixed.
- 5. Fixed close routine.
- 6. New file would not be correctly registered in files tab.
- 7. Startup would fail if auto starting was disabled and Send to feature was used.
- --- 21/4/98 Version 2.1--
- What's new:
- 1. Added export selection and copy as support for Visual Basic 5.0.
- 2. Now, kernel can load up to 10 files at the same time.
- 3. Hackman may be localized! All you need is a .lng file in your
- language. Get it from our web site or make it yourself.
- 4. Icon menus were removed as they were NT incompatible.
- Fixes:
- 1. A rare numbering bug in our recent files section.
- 2. Hackman was crashing at start-up on some systems with old OLE
- - producing an unexpected error 50003
- - overflowing (number error 6)
- Also, several NT 4.0 compatibility issues were permanently fixed.
- --- 6/4/98 Version 2.0a--
- What's new:
- 1. Intelligent kernel functions added:
- -recognizes missing recent files and removes them automatically.
- -detects version updates and creates updated ini files
- if necessary without losing all of the settings.
- 2. Improved anatomy function.
- 3. It's possible now to add a submenu under help menu (SDK).
- 4. We've reconstructed the Readme.txt file in order to be more useful to you.
- 5. INTEGRATION: can add Hackman under the Send To windows menu.
- Fixes:
- 1. FIX: menu icons incorrectly placed when not autostarting.
- 2. FIX: splash screen not removed when not autostarting.
- 3. Better icon contrast in several menus.
- 4. FIX: disassembler fonts were not updated.
- 5. FIX: undo list resets now if new file or another one is loaded.
- 6. Live update wizard now stays on top.
- --- 28/3/98 Version 2.0--
- What's new:
- 1. Added the Execute menu:
- - You can run a file
- - or create a standalone file
- - or create an executable file
- 2. Brand new interface
- 3. Many SDK improvements
- 4. Unlimited UNDOs and undo list convenience
- 5. Autosave function
- 6. Monitor font is now user-selectable.
- 7. New file creation.
- 8. Size controller.
- 9. Date controller.
- 10. Integrating capabilities (register files, create shortcuts)
- 11. Memo tab added to active monitor (inport, save memo information)
- 12. Print and print preview functions added.
- Fixes:
- 1. FIX: backup was fixed.
- 2. FIX: Save,load & export now remember last directory.
- 3. FIX: ESC wouldn't close some windows under certain circumstances.
- 4. FIX: Edit cursor would become white after hex edit.
- 5. FIX: After write command, cursor would lose its position.
- --- 29/2/98 Version 1.3a--
- Fixes:
- 1. FIX: find again wouldn't work.
- 2. FIX: rtf copy and export now work smoothly.
- 3. FIX: After executing a plugin that requires selection, selection
- would become invinsible.
- 4. FIX: Under certain circumstances, FAQ would crash.
- --- 16/2/98 Version 1.3---
- What's new:
- 1. Redesigned input/output/export file system.
- 2. Removed copy file function, but we enhanced the backup system.
- 3. Save as... function added as requested.
- 4. Live update tool added.
- 5. Print to file function.
- 6. ESC closes windows as requested.
- 7. Copy as... & export selection functions support 5 diferent formats.
- 8. Different FAQ format.
- 9. Byte order may be Intel or Motorola.
- ----24/1/98 Version 1.2----
- What's new:
- 1. New, redesigned start-up interface.
- 2. Update (removable) notification at startup.
- 3. Replace hex and ascii function.
- 4. A Decimal monitor has been added.
- 5. Four recent files are one-click accessible.
- 6. Buffer added (cut, copy and paste capabilities).
- 7. Inserting and deleting bits is possible now.
- 8. Clear selection function added.
- 9. Notification capabilities and backup enhancements.
- 10. Boolean NOT plugin added (thanx to John Ashley)
- 11. Checksum for selection plugin redesigned (thanx to Zortran)
- Fixes:
- 1. FIXED: major bugs concerning hex administration between &&7FFF to &&FFFF.
- 2. Navigation panels completely fixed.
- 3. Various minor problems.
- ----16/1/98 Version 1.1----
- What's new:
- 1. A jump to offset function added.
- 2. Addresses may be default, number of lines or decimal.
- 3. Enhanced calculator & start-up customization systems.
- 4. Selections support and exporting selected code.
- 5. Improved exported files from disassembler.
- 6. Added support for floating point numbers (both 32 and 64 bits).
- 7. Updated help files and overall stability (several crashes resolved, no known issues remain).
- ----26/12/97 Version 1.0----
- Original official release.
- ----2/3/96 Alpha 1 (build 1)----
- First line of code.