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- #ifndef __vga_h
- #define __vga_h
- #include<string.h>
- #include<strstrea.h>
- #include"pci.h"
- /* CHIPS header file v0.93ß 06/15/97
- *
- * Some major changes since v0.84...
- * I removed most <stdio.h> functions (sprintf, fprintf, etc.), and
- * (finally) replaced them with the more appropriate C++ stream methods.
- * .............
- * This header contains the necessary class structure VGA for my MCLK
- * program to manipulate. Chipset specific classes (S3, Cirrus, etc.)
- * are defined in other header files, and are not necessary for MCLK.CPP
- *
- * (If you wish to recompile the chips.lib file, you must compile
- * chips.cpp with chips.h.)
- */
- #define INITMSG(x) ostrstream msgout( x, sizeof( x ) )
- // macro to quickly setup "msgout" method, printing-to-string
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define _CRindex 0x3D4 // CRindex port-io address, color
- #define _CRIO 0x3D5 // CRIO port-io address, color
- #define _SRindex 0x3C4 // SRindex port-io address, color
- #define _SRIO 0x3C5 // SRIO port-io address, color
- #define _GRindex 0x3CE // GRindex port-io address, color
- #define _GRIO 0x3CF // GRIO port-io address, color
- #define _DACmask 0x3C6 // RS[1:0]=10 RAMDAC MASK port-io address
- #define _DACindexR 0x3C7 // RS=11 RAMDAC read-index
- #define _DACindexW 0x3C8 // RS=00 RAMDAC write-index
- #define _DACIO 0x3C9 // RS=01 read/write data port of RAMDAC
- #define _OSC 14.31818 // Reference oscillator frequency
- #define _MAXOPTIONS 5
- // Maximum # of user-selectable choices
- #ifndef uchar
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- typedef unsigned long ulong;
- typedef unsigned short uint;
- #endif
- // A structure for exchanging information about video hardware
- // between the program and the underlying data structures
- typedef struct {
- char make[ 80 ]; // Examples... S3, Cirrus Logic, etc.
- char chipset[ 80 ]; // Examples... Trio64, GD-5428, etc.
- char revision[ 80 ]; // Examples... 01, 0A, etc.
- } vga_info;
- #define _TEXTLENGTH 512
- typedef struct {
- char text[ _TEXTLENGTH ];
- char temp[ _TEXTLENGTH ]; //temporary work space
- } message;
- #define _SET 1
- #define _GET 2
- #define _HELP 3
- #define _QUERY 4
- // Query will cause xxx::_fxnX( _QUERY ) to put a text-line
- // describing its operation (eg. "2 IO RDY wait state control")
- // into msg.text
- class vga {
- protected:
- int parse_param( int index, uchar *parsed ); // Acquire 1 parameter
- uchar shift( uchar in ); // remaps shift(2) -> 3, and shift(3) -> 2
- vga_info id; // Video chipset identification
- virtual void _mclk( int cmd ); // Allow MCLK reprogramming
- virtual void _fxn1( int cmd );
- virtual void _fxn2( int cmd ); // cmd = _GET, _SET, _HELP
- virtual void _fxn3( int cmd );
- virtual void _fxn4( int cmd );
- virtual void _fxn5( int cmd );
- char * bitstat( uchar bit ); // Returns "ENABLE or DISABLE"
- /* Quick function for printing hex-numbers in "XX" format */
- void hexout( ostrstream &deststr, int value );
- public:
- int num_param; // Number of parameters in input list
- char **param; // List of parameters
- virtual message _info( void ); // return SVGA information
- vga( vga_info info ); // Constructor prototype,
- // set-up identification "info" structure -> vga_info id;
- virtual ~vga() { ; } ; // Destructor
- message get_settings( void ); // List user-changeable settings
- vga_info get_info( void ) // Inquire information of video chipset
- { return( id ); };
- // Returns information, like VGA name, chipset, revision
- message get_vgahelp( void ); // Returns general help message
- message msg; // Text-buffer for return messages
- int status; // EXIT_FAILURE or EXIT_SUCCESS
- void go( int fxn, int cmd ); // Execute command,
- // where cmd == _SET, _GET, _HELP
- char * version( void ) // Returns software_revision in text-string
- { return "v093ß 06/15/97" ; };
- uchar read_SR( uchar index ); // Reads VGA _SR register index,
- void write_SR ( uchar index, uchar data ); // Writes VGA _SR register
- uchar read_CR( uchar index ); // Reads VGA _CR register index
- void write_CR ( uchar index, uchar data ); // Writes VGA _CR register
- uchar read_bit ( int port, uchar index, uchar bit );
- // Read single bit, bit = #bits from RIGHT -> 7654 3210
- // intended for VGA indirect indexed registers
- void write_bit( int port, uchar index, uchar bit, uchar data );
- // Write single bit, bit = #bits from RIGHT -> 7654 3210
- // intended for VGA indirect indexed registers
- uchar read_bit ( int port, uchar bit );
- // Read single bit from any standard port-io
- void write_bit( int port, uchar bit, uchar data );
- // Write single bit to any standard port-io
- };
- // Force auto-detection to check only these graphics controllers
- #define _AUTO -1
- #define _FCIRRUS 1
- #define _FS3 2
- #define _FTSENG 3
- #define _FTRIDENT 4
- #define _FMATROX 5
- // for forcing auto-detection of _W32P...
- // Note, _FMATROX does not do anything so far...
- class detect {
- protected:
- vga_info id;
- vga *hardware;
- // Added PCI-stuff v0.93
- pci_bios_type *pci_bios;
- pci_device_handle_type pci_vga;
- message msg; // char buffer for returning messages to caller
- public:
- detect( void )
- { hardware = NULL; }; // Constructor
- message _help( int mode = _AUTO ); // Help menu lists chipsets
- vga * _find( int chipset = _AUTO, int family = _AUTO );
- // Detection routine, default is auto-detection
- vga * _debug( int mode = _AUTO ); // DEBUGGING purposes only!
- vga * detect_cirrus( int mode = _AUTO );
- vga * detect_s3( int mode = _AUTO );
- vga * detect_tseng( int mode = _AUTO ); // v0.93 added ET6000
- vga * detect_trident( int mode = _AUTO );
- vga * detect_pci( int mode = _AUTO ); // v0.93 added PCI-detection
- // So far, only Tseng Labs ET6000 and Cirrus GD5462/64 chipsets
- // autodetected
- };
- // Added word & dword structures v0.93
- #endif
- #ifndef __dword_struct
- #define __dword_struct
- union dword
- {
- public:
- ulong dw;
- struct {
- word w0;
- word w1;
- } w;
- struct {
- uchar b0;
- uchar b1;
- uchar b2;
- uchar b3;
- } b;
- // Constructors
- dword( void )
- { dw = 0; };
- dword( ulong init_value )
- { dw = init_value; };
- dword( long init_value )
- { dw = (ulong)init_value; };
- dword( dword &init_dword )
- { dw = init_dword.dw; };
- dword&
- operator =( ulong value )
- {
- dw = value;
- return *this;
- };
- };
- #endif
- #ifndef __word_struct
- #define __word_struct
- union word
- {
- public:
- uint w;
- struct {
- uchar b0;
- uchar b1;
- } b;
- // Constructors
- word( void )
- { w = 0; };
- word( uint init_value )
- { w = init_value; };
- word( unsigned init_value )
- { w = (uint)init_value; };
- word( word &init_word )
- { w = init_word.w; };
- word&
- operator =( uint value )
- {
- w = value;
- return *this;
- };
- };
- #endif