PC World Komputer 1999 January
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190 lines
/* mclk.cpp v0.90ß 07/28/96
* 1) the chips.lib, which acts as an interface to the actual chip-
* registers...
* The first call in the program is to _detect(), which returns a
* pointer to a structure called "vga" (which is actually "cirrus"
* or "s3", depending on what my _detect() routine finds.
* 2) this program...which acts like a front-end (user-interface)
* so we've got a command-line interface, sorry it's still a bit
* rough around the edges
* Notes... compiled with Turbo C++ 3 (DOS), LARGE memory model,
* ...you must DISABLE <debug info in .OBJ>, if you recompile
* (it's under Options -> Compiler -> Advanced Code Generation
* v0.82 - added multiple command parsing, a "/X" command denotes the
* function to activate, while the following non-slashed parameters
* (eg. MCLK /X y z) are passed on the selectd MCLK function.
* v0.83 - added _info readout, so ::_info only returns information about
* installed RAM (EDO/burst/1-cycle), with S3-86x/96x/Trio chipsets
* v0.85 - modified program-code to use C++ streams instead of <stdio.h>
* still have some more routines to clean-up.
* added '/F' option to (f)orce user (override auto-detection)
* 07/28 Removed some unused (sloppy) code
* If used, "/F" must be the FIRST command-line parameter...
#define DEBUG 0
#define PARAM_SIZE 30
#include "vga.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern int _argc; // Command-line parameters
extern char **_argv;
main( void )
vga_info chipset; // Temp var for holding vga chipsetID
detect *find_vga = new detect; // Finds vga-card
message msg; // Another temp var for holding text messages
int i, op, switches = 0; // Stratch integers
// "switches" = # of NON-parameter related arguments
int n, copied, index; // temp Return variable for sscanf
char *param[ PARAM_SIZE ]; // Parameter table
vga *hardware = NULL;
// Following code checks for manual videochipset selection "/F" or "F"
// MCLK /F or MCLK /f or MCLK F or MCLK f
// cout << "argv[ 1 ]= " << _argv[ 1 ] << "_argc = " << _argc;
if ( _argc > 1 && _argv[ 1 ] ) {
if ( !strcmpi( _argv[ 1 ], "/F" ) || !strcmpi( _argv[ 1 ], "F" ) ){
// override autodetection
switch( _argc ) {
case 2: msg = find_vga->_help();
cout << msg.text ;
// Display help about manually selecting video chipset
case 3: msg = find_vga->_help( atoi( _argv[ 2 ] ) );
cout << msg.text ;
default: hardware = find_vga->_find(
atoi( _argv[ 3 ] ), atoi( _argv[ 2 ] ) );
// _find( chipset, family );
i = 4; // Skip "/F %1 %2"
if ( hardware == NULL ) {
hardware = find_vga->_find();
i = 1;
// Chipset specific object, all calls through here
cout << "\nVideo card MCLK utility v0.90ß 07/28/96, chips_lib ";
cout << hardware->version() << "\nFAMILY= ";
chipset = hardware->get_info();
cout << chipset.make << " ... CHIP= " << chipset.chipset;
cout << " ... REVISION= " << chipset.revision << "\n";
msg = hardware->_info(); // Get any specific chipset
cout << msg.text << "\n\n";
if ( strcmpi( chipset.make, "vga" ) == 0 ) {
cerr << "\nError, could not detect installed chipset.";
cerr << "\n...(are you running in windowed DOS-box?)";
cerr << "\ntry the '/F' command-line option";
if ( find_vga != NULL )
delete find_vga;
if ( hardware != NULL )
delete hardware;
// The following few lines prepare a "parameter table", which is
// needed by my "vga" class.
/* hardware->num_param = _argc - 2 - switches; // Prepare parameter table
if ( hardware->num_param < 0 )
hardware->num_param = 0;
hardware->param = param;
paramcpy ( hardware->param, _argv + 2 + switches, 2 - switches );
// Copy first set of useable parameters to hardware->v_argv */
// i == first active command parameter
// (i not necessarily ==0, eg. "/F" used)
do { // Keep on scanning command-line parameters until none left
n = 0; // Reset n, just incase sscanf() never executed
// cout << "_argv[" << i << "] = " << _argv[ i ] << '\n';
if ( _argv[ i ] && _argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '/' )
n = sscanf( _argv[ i ] + 1 , " %d", &op );
else if ( _argv[ i ] && i == 1 ) // For 1st param only, no '/' needed
n = sscanf( _argv[ i ], " %d", &op );
if ( n==0 ) { // If user invoked MCLK with no parameters,
// Then display menu of options for given video chipset
msg = hardware->get_settings(); // get video card settings
cout << "Adjustable settings:\n" << msg.text ; // display them
msg = hardware->get_vgahelp(); // get video help
cout << "\n" << msg.text; // Display general help information
if ( find_vga != NULL )
delete find_vga;
if ( hardware != NULL )
delete hardware;
copied = 0;
while ( i < _argc && _argv[ i ] && _argv[ i ][ 0 ] != '/' )
param[ copied++ ] = _argv[ i++ ];
hardware->num_param = copied; // # of parameters loaded into table
hardware->param = param; // Set-up vga-table's pointer to param
if ( op > _MAXOPTIONS ) {
cerr << "\nInvalid FXN" << op << " choice. ";
cerr << "Valid choices are 0 through " << _MAXOPTIONS;
if ( find_vga != NULL )
delete find_vga;
if ( hardware != NULL )
delete hardware;
if ( hardware->num_param > 0 )
hardware->go( op , _SET ); // >1 param(s), run _SET
hardware->go( op , _HELP ); // not enough params, run _HELP
cout << hardware->msg.text << "\n"; // display return-message
if ( hardware->status == EXIT_FAILURE ) {
cout << "\nERROR, operation" << op << " failed!";
if ( find_vga != NULL )
delete find_vga;
if ( hardware != NULL )
delete hardware;
exit( hardware->status );
} while ( i < _argc );
if ( find_vga != NULL )
delete find_vga;
if ( hardware != NULL )
delete hardware;