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- CPUIDLE.FAQ for CpuIdle Win95/98
- CpuIdle is Copyright (C) 1997,98 Andreas Goetz.
- goetz@stud.uni-hannover.de
- http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~goetz
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: How can I determine if CpuIdle really works on my computer?
- A: Ahh. That is a little bit difficult as this can't be answered by a
- software. A thermometer placed on your CPU cooler would do fine. The other
- way would be to hand-test the temperature of the air flowing from your CPU
- fan. After running CPUIDLE for some minutes it should be definitely cooler
- than without CpuIdle running (of course only if you don't put heavy CPU
- load on your PC during that time).
- On the other hand it is much simpler to tell if CpuIdle doesn't work. It
- doesn't if...
- 1. CpuIdle simply crashes of displays funny error messages.
- 2. the "About" box shows "disabled" instead of "enabled".
- 3. you have a Cyrix CPU and the "CPU Info" sheet in the "About" box shows
- "Suspend on HLT: disabled"
- Otherwise the chances that it works as promised are quite good, but the
- ultimate answer can only be given by a thermometer or other temperature-
- measuring device.
- If you have a mainboard with the TX chipset and you have an on-board system
- monitor and temperature sensor chips (LM75/78) you can also use mointoring
- software like CpuMonitor from http://www.c-lab.de/~chandler/
- Q: Ok, I believe that CpuIdle works, but is it safe?
- A: Well, Win NT does is, Linux does it and OS/2 does it. However a cheap PC
- with low-quality components could possible be crashed by CpuIdle, as well
- as by any other application.
- Q: Does CpuIdle put additional load onto my CPU?
- A: Read the documentation. No. It just consumes idle time. Measurements with
- the Winstone benchmark suite have shown that CpuIdle does not decrease the
- system performance.
- Q: But my CPU monitor suddenly shows 100% CPU load. How can this be?
- A: The monitor measures how much idle time he receives and he won't get any
- since this time is spent in suspend mode. This does not affect normal
- applications.
- Q: Now. You just said that with CpuIdle the System Monitor shows 100% CPU
- usage when CpuIdle is running (and working). It doesn't on my system. Is
- CpuIdle not working?
- A: You're probably using the Control Panel plugin provided with CpuIdle 3.
- When this plugin is enabled, CpuIdle is run just once (during startup) to
- optimize your CPU, load it's driver (the mysterious VxD) and the quits
- again, leaving the VxD in memory. Due to this fact the VxD is no longer
- owned by any program who's name could be shown by the CPU monitor or
- similiar tools (due to the way these things are implemented). CpuIdle is
- still working.
- If you use the plugin please make sure you see the splash screen at startup
- to veryfy that the program was started.
- Q: Will CpuIdle work with Windows98?
- A: MS should definitely put HLT support into the next version of Windows. But
- it seems they won't. I don't have access to any Win98 machines and can't
- test it but I'm told that it works with the beta releases 2 and 3.
- Q: When I run CpuIdle my computer immediately crashes/ GPF's/ reboots. What's
- going on?
- A: I honestly don't have the slightest idea. Sorry.
- Q: When I run CpuIdle I get random reboots every 10 to 60 minutes. Can you
- help?
- A: No, I'm sorry. Very few people have reported this. Most of them use VX
- chipsets. I don't know if this is an incompatibility. It could also be
- (with VX chipsets slightly out of fashion) that these computers use power
- supplies with an out of date design which isn't living up to the
- mainboard's and CPU's current expectations.
- Q: When I run CpuIdle my fan turns slower and the voltage on the +5V and +12V
- lines decreases. Doesn't that mean that the CPU is drawing more power?
- A: No. Most computer power supplies only compensate higher power demands on
- the +5V rail, resulting in an increase on the +12V rail when +5V power
- demand goes up.
- Koen Gadeyne says in the readme for set6x86:
- The CPU draws from the +5V rail, but the CPU fan uses +12V, so when the CPU
- draws more power (due to CPU load), the CPU cooling fan (which is delivered
- with the CPU by Cyrix) will run a little faster with higher supply
- voltages, so the significant power drop when the CPU drops into
- power-suspend mode might cause a noticeable change in the pitch of the
- buzzing fan sound!
- It depends on the way the switching power supply is designed. The 12V are
- generated in the same switching transformer as the 5V, and just the 5V are
- regulated. This means that the 12V voltage will depend on the current
- flowing by the transformer primary winding. What happens is that when
- CpuIdle runs, there is less +5V current so the switching power supply sends
- less current across the transformer primary and therefore the 12V MUST
- decrease as the feedback regulation loop exist only in the +5V. That's the
- reason behind the "fan mystery".
- Q: When I run CpuIdle I hear terrible static noise or buzzing sound through
- the speakers attached to my soundcard. What's up?
- A: This problem can probably be pinned on a poorly designed power supply and/
- or soundcard. I can't help you with that, sorry.
- Q: How can I use the command line switches?
- A: Make a shortcut to the program, right mouse click on the short cut, go down
- and click on properties, select the shortcut tab, you can add the switches
- where it says target. After you have verified that the shortcut works, it
- is recommended to copy it to your StartUp folder.
- Q: CpuIdle says "CPUID instruction not available on this machine". What does
- this mean?
- A: This means that your CPU either doesn't have the CPUID machine instruction
- (like 486 CPUs) or that it isn't enabled. On Cyrix CPUs CPUID can be
- en/disabled. Normally the BIOS should enable CPUID but on some machines it
- doesn't. If you have a Cyrix CPU and want to enable CPUID you can use tools
- like set6x86 to do this. Without CPUID CpuIdle will not be able to
- determine the clock rate of your CPU. However this does NOT influence other
- CpuIdle functions.
- Q: When I use DosIdle for DOS sessions, should I need to use CpuIdle when I
- enter Win95? Will it conflict if I use DosIdle in DOS and CpuIdle in Win95 ?
- A: CpuIdle is designed to HLT under Win95/98. It works under a Windows DOS Box
- as well, but is inefficient with ill-behaving DOS programs like Norton
- Commander (with these programs in a DOS window you can usually feel your
- other Windows programs run slower). DosIdle should work under older MS-DOS
- versions (MS-DOS up to 6.2), Windows DOS Box and MS-DOS 7.00 and above (if
- you restart in MS-DOS mode from Win95/98).
- To have DosIdle enabled all the time, just install it to your Win95/98
- Autoexec.bat AND the DOS 6.22 (or below) Autoexec.bat. This way, DosIdle
- will take care of anything that's DOS related. And it doesn't conflict with
- CpuIdle!
- Q: When I start CpuIdle on my 486 notebook it crashes with a "Fatal Exception
- 0D in VXD CPUIDLE". What can I do?
- A: CpuIdle didn't recognize your CPU and tried to use unsupported features.
- Please start CpuIdle with the -noopt command line switch.
- Q: Not all CPU features are enabled on my new PII CPU -- what's up?
- A: I don't have access to a PII machine and couldn't do any testing but it
- seems as if some PII CPUs don't support all features.