This card represents strength, determination, and power in a manner similar to the Chariot. However, the differences are obvious at a glance. Instead of a powerful, focused warrior we encounter a gentle woman, unarmed and without the protection of armor. She overcomes the lion with a quiet strength which can only come from within. Where the Chariot represented outer strength and will, the card of Strength represents inner power, the power of the human spirit to overcome any obstacle. That the woman represents the spirit is manifest by her white robe, representing purity, and the symbol of eternity above her head. She wears a belt and crown of flowers and stands unprotected in an open green field. The Chariot indicates that worldly success is possible if our goals are pursued with focus and energy. The Strength card tells us that our deeper power comes from within. The lion represents inner and/or outer challenges that attempt to hinder us in our life's journey. This card tells us that we can overcome any difficulty if we utilize the inner Strength of our spirit and trust in the divine power of the universe for our energy and sustenance. When this card is encountered in a reading, it may be an indication of the need to deepen our spiritual life. Or it may be a reminder to those of us who have forgotten the inner strength that exists within.