The Star is a card of harmony and balance, much like the card of Temperance. However, because the Star follows the card of the Tower, it also represents the end of a period of change and turmoil. The Star is a card of fulfillment, peace of mind, mental and emotional stability. Like Temperance, the woman in the card holds two containers of water, but in this case she pours the water out to nourish the earth and continue the cycle of fertility which is represented by the lush greenery around her. Also like Temperance, she has one foot on land and the other in the water. The water represents the spiritual realm and the land is a symbol of the material world. She represents the wisdom of experience and the calm certainty of self-confidence, self-knowledge. She will not rush carelessly into the unknown like the Fool but will remain calm and in peace because of her wisdom. The Star is a guiding light within us, the deepest part of our Self which knows that we are under the protection and guidance of the Divine spirit. What reaction does she call forth from you as you encounter her peaceful image?