The Hierophant, or the Pope, is similar to the Magician in that he represents a link between ourselves and the divine. The role of the Pope is traditionally that of the mediator between God and mankind, the high priest on earth. As such he represents the spiritual teacher who helps us come into contact with the divine. Unlike the Magician who simply points the way, the Hierophant is a trusted guide, one who will take us by the hand and lead us to our spiritual goal. He also represents tradition, the orthodox, organized methods of nurturing spirituality. Regardless of your religious background, the Hierophant represents the spirituality you were taught from childhood, the religious traditions which are your heritage. The darker side of this card can represent authoritarian control and domination of religious expression. If you encounter the Hierophant, you may need to examine your spiritual life, particularly in terms of the communal expression of that spirituality. Perhaps there is a need to return to the roots and re-explore forgotten traditions. Or there may be the opposite need to learn to stand on your own spiritual feet, as it were, and explore the spiritual depths of your own psyche apart from any communal expression of faith. What feelings does the Hierophant elicit when you see him? What is he trying to tell you?