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Text File | 1995-04-01 | 101.1 KB | 2,223 lines |
- Version 2.8
- Your Ticket to Finding the Best Movies
- Copyright 1995
- All rights reserved
- ImagiSOFT, Inc.
- P.O. Box 13208
- Albuquerque, New Mexico USA 87192-3208
- CompuServe: 70632,1177
- Prodigy: FSWM11A
- America On Line: ImagiSOFT
- Internet: 70632.1177@CompuServe.Com
- (800) 767-1978 USA / Canada Toll Free
- (505) 275-1920 New Mexico / International
- (505) 275-9697 FAX
- (505) 275-9696 BBS (2400 - 28,800 Baud)
- "Academy Awards" and "Oscar" are registered trademarks and
- service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
- "G", "PG", "PG-13", "R", and "NC-17" are registered trademarks
- and service marks of the Motion Picture Association of America.
- We have made every effort to make this software as powerful,
- flexible, accurate, inexpensive, and as easy to use as possible.
- However, we know it is not perfect even though we have spent
- thousands of hours writing this software, collecting the data,
- and writing the reviews. If you find inaccuracies or have any
- suggestions, please write us at one of the above addresses.
- INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- WHY MOVIES TO GO! IS UNIQUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- THE MAIN MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- THE NOW SHOWING SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- QUICK START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
- THE SEARCH FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
- THE CATEGORY SEARCH MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- MULTIPLE CATEGORY SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
- REVIEW SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- CAST SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- DIRECTOR SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- YEAR SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- MPAA RATING SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- KEY WORD SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- PERSONAL NOTE SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
- COMBINING SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
- HOW TO PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- UPDATING MOVIES TO GO! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
- CRITERIA FOR NEW MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- SUBMIT YOUR OWN REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
- HOW TO INSTALL MOVIES TO GO! . . . . . . . . . . . 26
- TROUBLE SHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
- SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
- FILE LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- SOURCES OF INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
- LICENSE AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
- INDEX 35
- _________________________________________________________________
- You probably have had the frustrating experience of spending an
- hour or so browsing the titles in your favorite video store only
- to end up with a movie you didn't like anyway. Out of more than
- 50,000 movies which have been made in this century, how do you
- find the right movie? The purpose of MOVIES TO GO! is to help
- you discover movies that suit your personal taste so that you
- will spend more time watching enjoyable movies instead of
- wandering the isles of your video store.
- This booklet will explain how you can use the powerful search
- features of MOVIES TO GO! to find and catalog the movies you want
- to watch. After a few minutes you will be a master at finding
- movies:
- - starring your favorite actors / actresses
- - directed by the most talented directors
- - in categories such as comedy, romance, drama, etc.
- - assigned a certain MPAA rating
- - without offensive language or scenes
- - which won Academy Awards
- - in a special category, such as "Disney Movies"
- - which are in your personal video library
- - and more!
- MOVIES TO GO! is different from most other movie books and
- software in the following ways:
- 1. The reviews are not written by movie critics but by ordi-
- nary people who love movies.
- 2. Most of the movies listed in MOVIES TO GO! are enjoyable
- to watch. We didn't want to clutter MOVIES TO GO! (or
- your hard drive) with poor or impossible to find films.
- 3. Most books and software give only a brief description of
- the movie and list only the director, principal actors,
- MPAA rating, and the length of the film. MOVIES TO GO!
- goes further by listing up to three categories, the set-
- ting, the main characters, several special categories,
- possible objectionable content, the authors, the music
- credits, and a detailed review.
- 4. MOVIES TO GO! has a stunning, fun-filled, easy to use,
- graphics interface with animated icons and sounds!
- Nothing is this fast or easy to use.
- 5. MOVIES TO GO! lets you attach personal notes to each movie
- so you can make a list of all the movies you want to rent,
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- those in your personal collection, or those you have
- loaned to friends. See page 20 for details.
- 6. The data in MOVIES TO GO! is in a compiled, hyper-text
- format. This reduces the size of the data to about one
- third the size it would be in a conventional database.
- Hyper-text also makes the searches about ten times faster.
- The disadvantage of hyper-text is that you can't add your
- own movies to MOVIES TO GO, but you can submit your own
- reviews on movies which are not in the database. See
- page 25 for details.
- 7. The data in MOVIES TO GO! is updated each month. You can
- order updates on floppy disks by mail or you can download
- updates directly from our BBS. See page 23 for details.
- After the opening screens, you will see a large TV screen
- containing an alphabetical list of movies starting with the movie
- "10." This is the MAIN MENU. On the upper right hand corner of
- the TV screen is a digital display showing the number of movies
- contained in this menu (it will be a number greater than 9,000).
- You can browse this list by pressing the the PgUp, PgDn, and up
- and down arrow keys. To display the information about a
- particular movie just type the first few letters of the title you
- have in mind.
- For example, to see what's stored on the movie RAIDERS OF THE
- LOST ARK, type "raide" and the movie with the closest matching
- title (in this case, the movie, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK) will be
- highlighted on your screen. Press the ENTER Key to see the
- information MOVIES TO GO! has stored about this movie.
- The bottom of the screen reveals that four function keys are also
- active on this screen:
- F1 Help Help is available everywhere in MOVIES TO GO! by
- pressing the F1 key.
- F2 Search The search function is perhaps the most powerful
- feature of MOVIES TO GO! Starting with page 7,
- several sections are devoted to helping you learn
- how to use these powerful searches to display a
- list of movies that you want to investigate.
- F3 Print Press this key to print all the movies which have
- been "marked" for printing with the F7 key. See
- page 22 for details about the printing options.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- F7 Mark Press F7 to "mark" a movie for printing. When a
- movie is "marked", a check mark will appear at the
- right of the movie title.
- Note: After a search is completed, all movies
- which meet the search criteria are displayed on
- the "TV" Screen and "marked" for printing. Use
- the F7 key to "unmark" movies that you don't want
- to print.
- F10 Quit You can quit the software at any time by pressing
- the F10 key.
- A movie poster surrounded by flashing lights appears on your
- screen after you press the ENTER Key on the highlighted movie
- title from the MAIN MENU. The categories, MPAA rating, length,
- and critical review are displayed graphically as icons, and the
- director, cast members, setting, author, music, and special
- categories are written on your screen. If you have a mouse you
- can search for one category, actor, or word simply by clicking on
- the word or icon. Several function keys are active on this
- screen:
- F1 Help Help is available through out the MOVIES TO GO!
- software by pressing the F1 key.
- F4 Review Press the F4 key to reveal additional information
- about the movie displayed on the Now Showing
- Screen. There is at least a one line review on
- all movies, and about one third of the movies have
- a review written by one or more of the reviewers
- listed on page 32.
- F6 Note The ability to add personal notes was the feature
- that people requested most often in version 1.0.
- After you press the F6 key the Notepad Icon will
- appear so you can attach a 20 character personal
- note to the movie displayed on the Now Showing
- Screen. There are dozens of uses for this field;
- some suggestions: "Want To See", "Rent This!",
- "MJP", "Kids Want To See", "Tape Number XXXX",
- "Steve Borrowed It", "Buy This", "Laser Disk",
- etc. For information on how to search for movies
- which have your personal notes see page 20.
- Cancel The ENTER or ESC key closes the Now Showing Screen
- and returns you to the "TV" Screen.
- Arrows The Up Arrow key will display the Now Showing
- Screen of the previous movie listed on the "TV"
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Screen. The Down Arrow will display the next one
- in the list.
- F10 Quit You can quit the software at any time by pressing
- the F10 key.
- Most people find using MOVIES TO GO! intuitive and easy to use,
- so they only browse through this manual. If you are one of these
- people, try the following example and you will learn the most
- essential features of the MOVIES TO GO! software:
- You've had a long day at work and feel like watching a good,
- romantic comedy. You've seen all the "new releases" your local
- video store is pushing, and want something fresh. Your teenage
- daughter will be watching the movie with you, and you don't want
- to be embarrassed by explicit language or sex scenes. In other
- words, you want a good, clean, romantic comedy.
- MOVIES TO GO! is perfect for this assignment:
- 1. At the Main Menu ("TV" Screen) press the F2 Search key
- from the keyboard or with your mouse.
- 2. At the Search Menu ("Ticket" Screen) do a Category Search
- using these steps:
- a) Press ENTER on the Category Icon, or double click it
- with your mouse.
- b) Arrow over to "Comedy" and press the F7 Mark key. A
- large red check mark will cover the comedy icon.
- c) Arrow down to "Romance" and press the F7 Mark key.
- Now both the "Comedy" and "Romance" categories will
- now be "marked" with a red check mark.
- d) Press ENTER (or OK with your mouse) to return to the
- "Ticket" Screen. The red check mark now covers the
- Category Icon, signifying that the computer is ready
- to do a category search.
- 3. Add a Review Search from the "Ticket" Screen as follows:
- a) Arrow over to the Review Icon and press ENTER, or
- double click the icon with your mouse.
- b) At the "Thumbs Up" Screen you will notice that the
- default selection is "Good". Press ENTER (or OK with
- your mouse) to return back to the "Ticket" Screen.
- Now there is a red check mark on both the Category
- Icon and the Review Icon.
- 4. Now add a Year Search:
- a) Arrow over to the Year Icon and press ENTER.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- b) Enter 00 in the "From Year" field, and press either
- the TAB key or the Down Arrow Key to move the cursor
- to the next field.
- c) Enter 90 in the "To Year" field and press ENTER. This
- will return you to the "Ticket" Screen again, and you
- will see three icons covered by the red check mark.
- 5. Your last search is a Key Word Search:
- a) Enter the phrase "Nothing Offensive".
- b) Press the ENTER key, which returns you to the "Ticket"
- Screen now showing four icons covered by the red check
- mark.
- 6. Now that you entered all your search criteria, press the
- F5 FIND IT! key. A green bar will appear on the screen
- for a few seconds, and after the computer is done search-
- ing, the "TV" Screen will appear with your list of movies
- (at this writing there were 78).
- 7. Notice that each movie has a small check mark next to the
- title. This means that it is "marked" for printing.
- Browse through this movie list and press the F7 Mark Key
- to "unmark" the ones you have seen or don't appeal to
- you.
- 8. When you are satisfied with your marked list, press the
- F3 Print key. The "50 Per Page" option is the default,
- so press ENTER to print your list.
- 9. You now have a printed list of good, clean, romantic
- comedies which were released in 1990 or earlier. Take
- this list to your video store. Don't wander the isles--
- go directly to the front counter and see which movies on
- your list are in stock.
- As you can see, the purpose of MOVIES TO GO! is to put a map in
- your hands of movies you want to watch before you walk into the
- video store. Not only will you stop wasting your time wandering
- the aisles of your video store, but you will get more out of your
- video dollar because you will rent a higher percentage of movies
- that you like.
- The power of MOVIES TO GO! lies in its ability to help you
- discover enjoyable movies that you have never heard of or may
- have forgotten about. This is what the search function is all
- about. Press the F2 key to display a menu of the following types
- of searches:
- Category Cast Year
- Review Director Rating
- Key Word Your Notes
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- After you press the F2 key from the Main Menu, the Search Menu
- Screen (often called the "Ticket" Screen) will appear. The
- Category Search icon looks like a file cabinet and is the menu
- option in the upper left hand corner of the "Ticket" Screen. To
- do a category search, press the ENTER key when the Category Icon
- is highlighted. The colorful Category Menu Screen will appear
- with icons representing the 25 categories you can choose from:
- Action Documentary Intrigue
- Adventure Drama Musical
- Animated Family Mystery
- Biography Fantasy Romance
- Children Fitness Sci-Fi
- Comedy Foreign Sports
- Classics Historical Suspense
- Crime Horror War
- Western
- Action movies usually have battles, fight scenes, drug
- dealers, criminals, guns, karate, fast cars,
- explosions, chase scenes, and other "exciting"
- themes.
- Adventure movies have pirates, heroes, jungles, wild animals,
- exploring, mountains, space ships, or other larger
- than life experiences.
- Animated movies are composed primarily of cartoon characters.
- Biography has been a popular movie theme from the very
- beginning. These are stories (not necessarily based
- on fact) about people, and the events and ideas
- which shaped their lives.
- Children means that the movie was aimed primarily at
- children, not adults. A good example is TEENAGE
- MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II. This is different than a
- "Family" movie in that family movies have something
- to interest mom and dad too.
- Comedy is a movie which shows the lighter side of life.
- This is a broad category and will comprise about one
- fourth of all movies in MOVIES TO GO! Searching for
- comedies should generally be combined with another
- category too. For example, searching for Action
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Comedies will list such movies as LETHAL WEAPON.
- Romantic Comedies are another popular choice. For
- details, see the "Multiple Category Search" section
- on page 10.
- Crime has to do with illegal activities such as bank
- robberies, murder investigations, etc.
- Documentary movies are based on fact, and are written primarily
- to provide information about an event, person, or
- place.
- Drama shows the serious side of life. As with the comedy
- category, "Drama" covers more than one third of the
- movies in MOVIES TO GO! Searching for dramas should
- usually be combined with a search in another
- category. For details, see the "Multiple Category
- Search" section on page 10.
- Family movies are good, clean, movies that will interest
- both adults and children. Walt Disney was a master
- at producing family movies.
- Fantasy usually has dragons, mythology, sorcery, ghosts,
- time travel, and other mythological themes.
- Fitness is usually videos aimed at helping you get yourself
- in shape.
- Foreign is a movie made outside the United States, in a
- language other than English, or is subtitled or
- dubbed.
- Historical movies are based on an historical event. However,
- most historical movies are better at entertaining
- audiences than they are at depicting an accurate
- representation of what actually happened.
- Horror movies have monsters, werewolves, vampires, and
- other scary creatures. In the last 20 years or so,
- "horror" has come to mean ax murderers, slashers,
- rapists and psychopaths who fill the screen with
- violence and gore. We have purposely omitted many
- of these low-budget, "violence for violence sake"
- horror films, and will attempt to warn you about
- those we do include in this genre.
- Intrigue is spy movies, and other cloak-and-dagger themes.
- You will find all the James Bond films listed in the
- intrigue category.
- Musical is both "musicals", such as THE SOUND OF MUSIC and
- movies which revolve around music such as AMADEUS.
- Most of Elvis Presley's movies are listed under the
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- category "musical" but they aren't "musicals" in the
- traditional sense of the word.
- Mystery movies usually have a detective trying to piece
- together the parts of a complex puzzle.
- Romance is a movie where two people fall in love and try to
- build a relationship.
- Sci-Fi Science fiction movies are usually set in outer
- space, have aliens, ray guns, flying saucers, and
- are filled with other imaginative ideas, creatures,
- events, and themes.
- Sports movies are centered around basketball, baseball,
- boxing, hockey, etc.
- Suspense movies keep the audience biting their fingernails in
- anticipation of what is about to happen next. Most
- of Alfred Hitchcock's movies are in the suspense
- category.
- War movies were popular after World War II, but we
- categorize any movie which has armed conflict as a
- central theme as a "war" movie. That was the
- rationale for the war classification for ROBIN HOOD
- Western movies usually take place in North America during
- the late 1800s, but some westerns which take place
- in Australia are also classified as "westerns."
- examples.
- You can use MOVIES TO GO! to search for movies that are listed in
- up to three different categories. To assume, for example, that
- all "Westerns" are identical is absurd. The highly dramatic
- western HIGH NOON is more like the science fiction movie OUTLAND
- than it is Mel Brook's western comedy BLAZING SADDLES. For this
- reason you will generally want to search for movies categorized
- in multiple categories such as, "Action-Comedy", "Romance-
- Comedy", "Drama-Comedy", "Western-Comedy", instead of just
- "Comedy".
- For example, to search for movies assigned to both the Drama and
- Western categories, do the following:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key, which will display the "Ticket"
- Screen.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- 2. Select the "Category" menu option, then press ENTER.
- 3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Drama Icon, then press
- the F7 Mark key to "Mark" that category. A red check mark
- will cover that icon.
- 4. Arrow to the Western Icon, then press the F7 key to mark
- that category too. Another red check will appear.
- 5. Press the ENTER key or press the OK Key with your mouse.
- This will return you to the "Ticket" Screen and the
- Category Icon will be checked.
- 6. The last step is to press the F5 Find It! key. A green
- bar will appear on the screen, and when the search is
- finished, the "TV" Screen will appear with a list of all
- dramatic westerns.
- This option gives you a way to search by more than 13,000 differ-
- ent category combinations. Try it!
- MOVIES TO GO! assigns each movie into one of three classes:
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- You will find primarily "Good" and "Average" movies in
- MOVIES TO GO! Movies in the Top 10 in box office gross for each
- year are always determined to be "Good", as are those nominated
- for Best Picture by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
- Sciences. Other pictures, such as CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD
- (which was #47 in box office gross in 1986 at only $8.7 million)
- are listed as "Good" because the reviewer liked it very much. As
- you can see, Review Searches are wholly subjective. Keep that in
- mind when you see a movie reviewed as "Good", "Average", or
- "Poor" and you thoroughly disagree. Remember, you are the final
- judge of what a "good" movie is.
- Here's how to do a Review Search:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key
- 2. Select "Review" from the search menu
- 3. Use the arrow keys or your mouse to select "Good",
- "Average" or "Poor", then press ENTER
- 4. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- After the search is completed the "TV" Screen will appear with
- your list of movies.
- It's lots of fun to search for movies which have your favorite
- star. A survey published in the July 17, 1992 issue of "Enter-
- tainment Weekly" ranked America's favorite actors and actresses
- as follows:
- Actor Actress
- ----- -------
- 1) Mel Gibson 1) Julia Roberts
- 2) Kevin Costner 2) Goldie Hawn
- 3) Tom Cruise 3) Michelle Pfeiffer
- 4) Michael Douglas 4) Meryl Streep
- 5) Harrison Ford 5) Whoopi Goldberg
- 6) Clint Eastwood 6) Kim Basinger
- 7) Burt Reynolds 7) Sharon Stone
- 8) Steven Seagal
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is reportedly the most popular actor
- worldwide. Humphrey Bogart is regarded by most critics to be the
- most powerful actor ever born. A partial list of other legendary
- or highly acclaimed stars you may want to search for include:
- Andrews, Julie Flynn, Errol
- Astaire, Fred Fonda, Henry
- Bacall, Lauren Fonda, Jane
- Beatty, Warren Ford, Glenn
- Bergman, Ingrid Foster, Jodie
- Bogart, Humphrey Gable, Clark
- Brando, Marlon Garbo, Gretta
- Bridges, Jeff Garland, Judy
- Burton, Richard Grant, Cary
- Cagney, James Hackman, Gene
- Chaplin, Charlie Hanks, Tom
- Colbert, Claudette Hepburn, Audrey
- Connery, Sean Hepburn, Katharine
- Cooper, Gary Heston, Charlton
- Crawford, Joan Hoffman, Dustin
- Crosby, Bing Holden, William
- Dafoe, Willem Hope, Bob
- Davis, Bette Hopkins, Anthony
- Day-Lewis, Daniel Hurt, William
- de Havilland, Olivia Kaye, Danny
- De Niro, Robert Keaton, Michael
- Dean, James Kelly, Gene
- Dietrich, Marlene Kelly, Grace
- Douglas, Kirk Ladd, Alan
- Dreyfuss, Richard Lancaster, Burt
- Dunaway, Faye Laughton, Charles
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Lemmon, Jack Powell, William
- Loren, Sophia Raft, George
- MacMurray, Fred Redford, Robert
- March, Fredric Robinson, Edward G.
- Marvin, Lee Ross, Katharine
- Marx, Groucho Scott, George C.
- Milland, Ray Stewart, James
- Monroe, Marilyn Taylor, Elizabeth
- Moore, Demi Temple, Shirley
- Newman, Paul Tracy, Spencer
- Nicholson, Jack Turner, Kathleen
- O'Hara, Maureen Valentino, Rudolph
- Olivier, Laurence Wayne, John
- Peck, Gregory Young, Loretta
- Here's an example of how to search for all movies which star MEL
- 1. Press the F2 Search key.
- 2. Select "Cast" from the search menu.
- 3. Type the first few letters of the actor's last name, GIBS.
- 4. Arrow down two times until you find Mel Gibson's name,
- then press ENTER.
- 5. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
- A green bar will appear on the screen which shows the status of
- the search, and after it is finished, the TV screen will appear
- with a menu containing all the Mel Gibson movies (there were 20
- at this writing).
- You can also find actors or actresses who were in the same movies
- together. For example, to find all the movies in which Paul
- Newman and Robert Redford were in together, do the following:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key.
- 2. Select "Cast" from the search menu.
- 3. Type the first few letters of Paul Newman's name, NEWM.
- 4. Arrow down until Paul Newman's name is highlighted, then
- press the F7 Mark key.
- 5. Type the first few letters of the 2nd actor's last name,
- REDF (for Robert Redford).
- 6. Arrow down until you find the name you want, then press
- the F7 Mark key.
- 7. Press ENTER.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- 8. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
- appear on the TV screen menu.
- The director's job is to make sure that all the parts of a movie
- come together in a way which will best tell the story. The
- director is a big part of any great movie. Some of the best
- directors include:
- Allen, Woody Lean, David
- Benton, Robert Levinson, Barry
- Bertolucci, Bernardo Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
- Capra, Frank Pollack, Sydney
- Coppola, Francis Ford Redford, Robert
- Cukor, George Scott, Ridley
- Curtiz, Michael Spielberg, Steven
- Demme, Jonathan Stevens, George
- Donner, Richard Stone, Oliver
- Ford, John Sturges, John
- Forman, Milos Wier, Peter
- Hill, George Roy Wilder, Billy
- Hitchcock, Alfred Wise, Robert
- Huston, John Wyler, William
- Kazan, Elia Zinnemann, Fred
- Search for the movies by these directors and you will find some
- very fine films. Here's how you would search for all movies
- which were directed by Michael Curtiz:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key.
- 2. Select "Director" from the search menu.
- 3. Type the first few letters of the director's last name,
- 4. Arrow down until you find the name Curtiz, Michael, then
- press ENTER.
- 5. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
- A list of 27 movies will will appear on your screen, including
- some of hollywood's best:
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Do you like old movies, or would you rather watch more recent
- movies? The year search feature will help you narrow your movie
- list even further. For example, here's how you search for all
- movies which were released in 1980 or later:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key.
- 2. Select "Year" from the search menu.
- 3. Type 80 in the "From Year" field, then press ENTER.
- 4. Leave the "To Year" field blank by pressing ENTER.
- 5. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
- To search for a single year, type that year in both the "From
- Year" and "To Year" fields. For example, to search for all the
- movies made in 1939, enter 39 both in the "From Year" field and
- the "To Year" field.
- To search for all the movies in a range of years, ENTER those
- years in the "From Year" and "To Year" fields. For example, to
- list all the movies made in the 1960s, enter 60 in the "From
- Year" field and 69 in the "To Year" field.
- The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has issued
- ratings to most movies released after 1968 which will give you an
- idea of a movie's possible objectionable material. These ratings
- are:
- G "General Audiences. All ages admitted."
- PG "Parental Guidance Suggested. Some material may not
- be suitable for children.
- PG-13 "Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be
- inappropriate for children under 13."
- R "Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or
- adult guardian."
- NC-17 "No children under 17 admitted."
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Note: MPAA ratings have undergone slight changes over the years.
- Movies previously rated "GP", we have listed as "PG"; movies
- previously rated "M" are listed as "PG-13"; movies previously
- rated "X" are listed as "NC-17". Some older movies that are
- rated "PG" but were made prior to the "PG-13" rating would likely
- be rated "PG-13" if they were released today. 1970's M*A*S*H and
- LITTLE BIG MAN are two examples where the violence, nudity, drug
- use, or adult situations in these films would probably warrant a
- PG-13 rating today. On the other hand, many movies made during
- the same period which received the R rating would receive a
- PG-13 rating today.
- Here's how you would search for movies which have been designated
- with the "NC-17" MPAA rating:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key; the "Ticket" Screen will appear.
- 2. Arrow over to the MPAA Rating Icon and press ENTER, or
- double click the icon with your mouse. The "Popcorn"
- Screen will appear.
- 3. Arrow over to the NC-17 Rating Icon and press ENTER. The
- "Ticket" Screen will reappear and the MPAA Rating Icon
- will be covered by a red check mark.
- 4. The last step is to press the F5 FIND IT! key. A green
- status bar will appear on the screen, and when the search
- is completed, the "TV" Screen will appear with a list of
- the all NC-17 movies in MOVIES TO GO!. At this writing
- there only 15. Some of these actually have no MPAA
- rating, but we listed them as NC-17 to help advise you of
- their explicit sexual content or extreme violence.
- One way to help weed out movies which contain objectionable
- material, is to do a multiple search for "G", "PG" and "Not
- Rated" movies:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key; the "Ticket" Screen will appear.
- 2. Arrow over to the MPAA Rating Icon and press ENTER, or
- double click the icon with your mouse. The "Popcorn"
- Screen will appear.
- 3. Press the F7 Mark Key. A red check mark will cover the
- Not Rated Icon.
- 4. Arrow over to the G Rating Icon and press F7 Mark key. A
- red check mark will cover the G Rating Icon.
- 5. Arrow over to the PG Rating Icon and press F7 Mark key. A
- red check mark will cover the PG Rating Icon.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- 6. After you have "marked" the Not Rated, G, and PG icons,
- press ENTER. The "Ticket" Screen will reappear and the
- MPAA Rating Icon will be covered by a red check mark.
- 7. Finally, press the F5 FIND IT! key. A green status bar
- will appear on the screen, and when the search is
- completed, the "TV" Screen will appear with a list of the
- Not Rated, G, and PG Rated movies. At this writing 3,813
- movies were found by doing this search.
- NOTE: Be cautious of movies issued after 1980 which fall into the
- "Not Rated" category. Some films, such as ANGEL HEART, 9 1/2
- WEEKS, and WARRIOR QUEEN have unrated, more explicit versions in
- video which go beyond their original "R" rating. Foreign films
- with no rating also often contain explicit material. We will try
- to alert you to the objectionable content in these films in the
- "Contains" section on the Now Showing Screen.
- Key word searches are perhaps the most fun to do of all! You can
- search for literally ANYTHING using the Key Word Search. We have
- tried to make it easier for you to find movies of particular
- interest by adding the "Special Categories" section. You can
- also search for your favorite reviewer, author, musician, the Top
- 10 grossing films, or the town in which you live. For example,
- how many movies were written by or based on a novel by Stephen
- King?
- 1. Press the F2 Search key, which will display the "Ticket"
- Screen.
- 2. Arrow over to the Key Word Icon and press ENTER, or double
- click the icon with your mouse. The "Candy Bar" screen
- will appear.
- 3. Type in the words "Stephen King", then press ENTER. The
- "Ticket" Screen will reappear and the Key Word Icon will
- be covered by a red check mark.
- 4. Lastly, press the F5 FIND IT! key. The green search
- status bar will be displayed while the computer searches,
- and when it is finished, the "TV" Screen will appear. At
- this writing 22 movies will be found by doing this search.
- Here is a list of suggestions for the Key Word Search. The most
- useful key word searches are listed in bold print:
- Abraham Lincoln Al Capone
- Academy Awards Albuquerque
- Adultery Alcoholism
- Africa Aliens
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Ancient Rome English Movies
- Animal Movies Evolution
- Anti-war Movies Fairy Tales
- Assassination Family Relationships
- Autobiographies Famous Battles
- Ballet Firefighters
- Bank Robberies Fires
- Baseball Football
- Battle of the Sexes Freedom
- Bernie Koppenhoffer French Films
- Best Actor Friendship
- Best Actress Gambling
- Best Picture Gangs
- Bible Movies Gangster Movies
- Big Business George Washington
- Black Comedies Ghosts
- Bounty Hunters Gold
- Box Office Gross Good vs. Evil
- Boxing Government
- Brainwashing Great Warriors
- British Films Guilt
- Broadway Gunrunners
- Buddy Movies Haunted Houses
- California Heroes
- Castles High School
- Catholicism Highly Recommended
- Chase Movies Hippies
- Chicago Hitler
- China Hollywood
- Chinese Hostages
- Christianity Humanitarians
- Christmas Movies Immigrants
- Circus Movies Israel
- Civil War Italian Movies
- Clive Cussler James Ingram
- College Days Japan
- Communism Japanese Movies
- Computers Jesus Christ
- Cop Movies Jews
- Corruption Joe Cocker
- Courage Judy Prestwich
- Courtroom Dramas Karate Movies
- Creature Movies Kathy Fricke
- Curt Freeman Kevin Kartchner
- Dan Margules Kidnapping
- Dance Movies Knights
- David D. Walls Korean War
- Detective Movies Kristen Kartchner
- Disaster Movies Lawyers
- Discrimination Legends
- Disney Movies Life After Death
- Dog Movies London, England
- Drug Abuse Los Angeles
- Elephants Love Stories
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Mac McCoy Rich vs. Poor
- Mad Scientists Robin Hood
- Manipulation Rock 'n' Roll
- McCarthyism Roman Movies
- Melodramas Royalty
- Midlife Crisis San Francisco
- Mike Prestwich Satires
- Monster Movies School Days
- Moral Courage Screwball Comedies
- Motorcycles Seduction
- Movie Making Serial Killers
- Murder Mysteries Shakespeare
- Murderers Sheriffs
- National Lampoon Ships
- Native Americans Skating
- Nature Skiing
- New Jersey Slapstick Comedy
- New York City Slavery
- Newspaper Movies Soap Operas
- Nominations Song & Dance Movies
- Nothing Offensive Spider Movies
- Number 1 Spoofs
- Number 2 Spousal Abuse
- Number 3 Spy Movies
- Number 4 Stephen King
- Number 5 Success Stories
- Number 6 Superhero Movies
- Number 7 Surfing
- Number 8 Swashbucklers
- Number 9 Swords
- Number 10 Tearjerkers
- Organized Crime Teen Pregnancy
- Outer Space Teenage Movies
- Pamela Prestwich Teenagers
- Paris, France Television
- Pirates Temptation
- Political Satire The Cold War
- Politics The Depression
- Prison Camps The Holocaust
- Prison Movies The Press
- Prisoners of War The Sea
- Propaganda Films The Sixties
- Psychopaths The Stage
- Psychotic Killers The Supernatural
- Quakers Tom Kelsey
- Race Cars Thrillers
- Racism Time Travel
- Recommended Titanic
- Rehabilitation Tolerance
- Reincarnation Tom Clancy
- Relationships Top 5
- Religious Movies Top 10
- Remakes Topless
- Revenge Movies Tragedies
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Trivia Walt Disney
- Truck Drivers Weddings
- True Love Werewolves
- True Stories Whiskey
- UFOs Witchcraft
- Vampires Women's Rights
- Veterans World War I
- Vietnam War World War II
- Vigilante Justice World War III
- Vikings
- You can attach your own, 20 character, personal note to any movie
- by pressing the F6 key on the The Now Showing Screen (see page 5
- for details). Here is an example of what you can use this
- feature for:
- 1) To catalog your video collection.
- 2) To mark the movies you want to see.
- 3) To mark the movies your children want to see.
- 4) To mark the movies you have seen.
- 5) To mark your favorite movies.
- 6) To mark movies you want to avoid in the future.
- To catalog your personal video collection, enter TAPE NUMBER XXXX
- in each movie in your collection using the F6 Notes key at the
- Now Showing Screen. After you have attached this note to several
- movies, search for the words TAPE NUMBER using the "My Notes"
- Search at the "Ticket" Screen. Here's how:
- 1. Press the F2 Search key, which will display the "Ticket"
- Screen.
- 2. Arrow down to the My Notes Icon and press ENTER, or double
- click the icon with your mouse. The "Notepad" screen will
- appear.
- 3. Type in the words "TAPE NUMBER", then press ENTER. The
- "Ticket" Screen will reappear and the My Notes Icon will
- be covered by a red check mark.
- 4. Lastly, press the F5 FIND IT! key. The green search
- status bar will be displayed while the computer searches,
- and when it is finished, the "TV" Screen will appear with
- a list of all the movies in your video collection.
- 5. Each movie title on the "TV" Screen will have a check mark
- next to it, meaning that it is "marked" ready to print.
- To print a list of your video collection press the F3
- Print key.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- If you come across a movie that you want to see at a future date,
- press the F6 Notes key at the Now Showing Screen and attach a
- note with your initials, followed by "Rent This". After a while
- you will have dozens of entries with "MJP Rent This", "JLP Rent
- This", and "Kids Rent This" that you can search for, and take
- with you to your video store. Keep this list in your car so that
- your "Rent This" list will be available when you need it.
- After you watch a movie, enter a note with the date such as, "Saw
- 10-10-93". You can then use the "My Notes" search to make a list
- of the movies you have seen by searching for the word "Saw".
- Keeping this record will help you keep from renting a movie that
- the family has already seen.
- Another way to use the personal notes feature is when you loan
- movies friends, attach a personal note to each movie that you
- loan such as "Loaned to Joan". To display a list of all the
- movies you have loaned out, do a "My Notes" search for the word
- "Loan". This will probably save you hundreds of dollars in
- videos which your friends "forget" to return.
- All of the searches discussed in the prior sections can be
- combined with any of the other searches. The more search
- conditions you combine, the fewer number of movies will be listed
- on the screen and the better your chances will be of finding a
- film that you will enjoy.
- For example, at this writing, searching for all Sci-Fi movies
- brings a list of 224 movies. That's a lot of movies to browse
- through to find one that you may like. Combining this Sci-Fi
- search with a Key Word word search for the words "Top 10" narrows
- the list down to only 20 films--all of which were top box office
- hits. Here's how you would do this search:
- 1. At the Main Menu ("TV" Screen) press the F2 Search key
- from the keyboard or with your mouse.
- 2. At the Search Menu ("Ticket" Screen) do a Category Search
- using these steps:
- a) Press ENTER on the Category Icon, or double click it
- with your mouse.
- b) Arrow over to "Sci-Fi" press ENTER (or OK with your
- mouse). The "Ticket" Screen will appear with a red
- check mark covering the Category Icon.
- 3. Do a Key Word Search from the "Ticket" Screen as follows:
- a) Arrow down to the Key Word Icon and press ENTER, or
- double click the icon with your mouse.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- b) At the "Candy Bar" Screen enter the phrase "Top 10".
- Press ENTER (or OK with your mouse) to return back to
- the "Ticket" Screen. Now there is a red check mark on
- both the Category Icon and the Key Word Icon.
- 4. Now press the F5 FIND IT! key. A green bar will appear
- on the screen for a few seconds, and after the computer
- is done searching, the "TV" Screen will appear with your
- list of 20 Sci-Fi movies, all of which were one of the
- top 10 box office grossing films in the year they were
- released.
- You can spend hours combining searches in this manner answering
- all your questions about movies or your favorite actors. For
- example:
- How many movies did John Wayne make which had a World War II
- setting? (To find out, combine a Cast Search for "John Wayne"
- with a Key Word Search for the phrase "World War II". You will
- be surprised at the number)
- How many horror films were the number 1 grossing films in the
- year they were released? (Combine a "Horror" Category Search
- with a Key Word search for the phrase "Number 1". The search
- will reveal only one movie.)
- Which romantic comedy stars Arnold Schwarzenegger? (Search for
- both Comedy and Romance categories, combined with a cast
- search.)
- Was Julie Andrews ever in any R rated films? (Combine as cast
- search and an a rating search)
- How many movies did Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas star in
- together? (Do a cast search for both people as explained on
- page 13.)
- Printing the information in MOVIES TO GO! is a snap. You can
- print information on an individual movie, or on a list of movies.
- To print the information on a single movie do the following:
- 1) From the Main ("TV") menu, type in the first few letters
- of the movie's title. For example, to print the infor-
- mation on THE SOUND OF MUSIC, type "soun". You may have
- to press the Down Arrow key a few times to highlight the
- movie you want.
- 2) When SOUND OF MUSIC, THE is highlighted on your screen,
- press the F7 Mark key. You will see a check mark appear
- at the right side of the title.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- 3) Now press the F3 Print key. A menu will appear with
- three options:
- a) 50 Movies Per Page. This prints the Title, the
- Year, and your personal notes on a single line.
- b) 3 Movies Per Page. This prints the title,
- director, actors, year, MPAA rating, and your
- personal notes.
- c) 1 Movie Per Page. This prints all the information
- stored about each movie on a single page.
- 4. Use the Down Arrow key to select 1 per page then press
- ENTER. All the information on THE SOUND OF MUSIC will be
- printed including the review.
- It is easy to print a list movies too. If you know which movies
- you want to print, follow the above procedure of marking movies,
- and do the printing in one step. The most common way, however,
- of printing a list of movies is by doing a search. After you
- press F5 Find It! key, the list of the movies that satisfy the
- search criteria will be displayed on the screen. Each movie
- listed will be "marked" ready for printing. Press the F7 Mark
- key to unmark movies that you do not want to print.
- You will find these printed pages are very useful. Here are a few
- ways you might use them:
- 1) Use the "50 Movies Per Page" option to print an alpha-
- betical list of your video collection. (See page 5 for
- details how to catalog your video collection and page 20
- for information on how to search for the tapes in your
- collection.)
- 2) Use the "3 Movies Per Page" to print a list of movies you
- would like to rent and take it to your video store.
- Remember to keep this list in your car so you will always
- have it when you decide to rent a movie at the last
- minute.
- 3) If you loan movies to your friends, be sure to use the F6
- Notes key at the Now Showing Screen to enter a note
- similar to "Loaned to Joan" and print a list for your
- records. (See page 21 for details about how to do this.)
- 4) Keep a list of all the tapes / laser disks that you own
- for your insurance records. This suggestion comes from
- one of our users in Florida who survived Hurricane Hugo.
- One of the things that makes MOVIES TO GO unique is that we add
- 200 or more additional movies to it each month, and you can
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- update your software with these updates as often as you like.
- Some people update every month, some every three months, and
- others feel that just one update per year is sufficient.
- Updates for MOVIES TO GO! are $12.95 plus $4.00 shipping and
- handling ($6.00 outside North America). Updates are sent on
- three high density 3.50" (1.44 megabyte) diskettes.
- If you have a modem (9600 baud or faster is recommended) and plan
- to update your software more than twice per year you will
- probably want to subscribe to our MOVIE UPDATE BBS service. The
- cost for this service is only $25 per year. Call ImagiSOFT's BBS
- at (505) 275-9696 N, 8, 1 to subscribe to the MOVIE UPDATE BBS.
- Download MDATA.ZIP after you enter your name, address, credit
- card number, and expiration date and telephone number.
- In the United Kingdom our authorized distributor is The Thompson
- Partnership. Subscribe to the Thompson Partnership BBS for
- updates. Call +44 [0]889-568635 9600, N, 8, 1 for details.
- These update offers are for registered users only. Someone who
- orders an update without having a registered version of the
- program will be disappointed because we generally only send the
- new data files (see page 30 for a list of these files) on the
- update disks.
- Over 50,000 movies have been made and more than 500 new movies
- are released each year. Separating the best movies from the run
- of the mill is not an easy task, but it is one we deal with each
- day. Before we add a movie to MOVIES TO GO! we evaluate it
- according to this criteria:
- 1. We always include movies which were one of the top 10 box
- office grossing movies in each year. Because it was
- rereleased several times, GONE WITH THE WIND meets this
- test in three separate years.
- 2. We always include movies which were nominated for Best
- Picture by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
- Sciences. Films nominated for Best Actor, Best Actress,
- and Best Director are also high on our list, and are
- generally included.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- 3. We usually include movies which are highly acclaimed by
- several movie critics.
- 4. We generally add movies when an enthusiastic user submits
- us a nice review about a movie they liked. (See page 25
- for details about how to submit your own movie reviews.)
- 5. New movies get preference over older movies.
- 6. We give a higher priority to US films than movies made
- outside the United States.
- 7. Films which are available in video get preference over
- those which are not.
- 8. Movies which feature popular actors have a better chance
- of being entered than films with unknown stars.
- Since the reviews for MOVIES TO GO! are written by ordinary
- people who like to watch movies, we naturally are interested in
- having as many people as possible submit reviews for publication.
- You can submit reviews for your favorite movies with the
- following understanding:
- 1. ImagiSOFT will become the owner of the material you submit
- to us. We have the right to make editorial changes or to
- not include your review in MOVIES TO GO!
- 2. We will not pay you royalties, nor any other type of remu-
- neration for your review; your submissions are strictly on a
- volunteer basis. If you would like to have your photo
- appear in the Graphics Edition of MOVIES TO GO!, send us one
- to scan.
- 3. If you are a registered user and five or more of your
- reviews are accepted for publication, we will send you a
- free update which contains your reviews.
- 4. We will notify you in writing as soon as possible (normally
- within ten working days) whether or not we have accepted the
- reviews you have submitted.
- 5. You have a better chance of getting your review published if
- you submit it to us in an electronic ASCII file. Use your
- word processor or text editor to modify the file SUBMIT.TXT
- found in your \MOVIES directory. Rename it to an appro-
- priate file name and send it to us using one of the
- following methods:
- a) E-Mail it to us at CompuServe address 70632,1177.
- b) Send us an E-Mail message to Prodigy ID FSWM11A.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- c) Upload your review compressed in a PKZIP file to the
- ImagiSOFT BBS: (505) 275-9696, N 8 1, up to 28,800 baud.
- d) Mail it to us on a floppy disk.
- 6. No matter which method you use to send us your review,
- please submit it to us in the file format shown below. The
- @ characters signify a tab position. If you want to start a
- new paragraph, begin it with an @3.
- ' Movie Title: (Very Important)
- ' Year Released:
- '
- ' (Your address is needed for the first review only)
- '
- ' Submitted by Name:
- ' Address:
- ' City, State and Zip:
- '
- @0 Setting: (City, State (or country), and decade)
- @0 Main Characters:
- @0 Contains (Violence, Nudity, Nothing Offensive, etc.)
- @0 Based on the book by
- @0 Screenplay by
- @0 Music:
- @0 Songs include
- @0 Special categories (see page 17 for a partial list)
- @0 @0 Start your review here after two @0 commands
- @0 @40 -- Your name here; write it the same way each time.
- We use THE FINISHING TOUCH, another ImagiSOFT product, to install
- MOVIES TO GO! This program compresses the files on the disk so
- that we can send the program on fewer disks. For this reason you
- can't simply copy the diskettes to your hard drive--you must use
- our installation program.
- Installing MOVIES TO GO! is simple, simply enter the command
- A:INSTALL (or if you are installing from drive B:, B:INSTALL).
- The installation program will detect what hardware your computer
- has and proceed accordingly. Follow the directions as they
- appear on the screen.
- The graphics edition of MOVIES TO GO! requires an MS DOS
- compatible computer, a VGA monitor, 3 megabytes of hard disk
- space, and 550 K of free conventional memory (see page 27 for a
- detailed description about PC memory). We recommend that you use
- it on a 386 or faster computer, but this is not required. A
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- mouse and a Soundblaster compatible sound card are desirable
- options.
- If you find the graphics version too sluggish, run TEXT.EXE
- instead of MOVIES.EXE. The text version of MOVIES TO GO!
- requires an MS DOS computer with only 256 K free conventional
- memory and 1.5 megabytes of hard disk space. A mouse is
- supported. Running the text version will save you about a
- megabyte of hard disk space because you can delete all the
- graphics files. For information on which files to delete see the
- "Required Files" section on page 30.
- MOVIES TO GO! can be launched from Microsoft Windows by adding it
- to your Windows environment with following steps:
- 1) In the Program Manager press the ALT-F key to pull down
- the "Files Menu".
- 2) Press the N key for "New".
- 3) Select "Program Item".
- 4) In the "Description" field, enter MOVIES TO GO!
- 5) In the "Command Line" field, enter \MOVIES\MOVIES.PIF.
- 6) Press the "Change Icon" button and when it prompts for the
- file name enter \MOVIES\MOVIES.ICO.
- The most common support question we receive here at ImagiSOFT is
- "I have eight megabytes of memory in my computer, why does your
- program say that there isn't enough memory to run it?" For users
- of MS-DOS 6.0, the short answer to this question is "Run
- MEMMAKER." The detailed answer to this is question, and an
- explanation of how the MEMMAKER utility works, is that MS-DOS
- computers have several types of memory:
- Conventional Memory is the first 640K.
- Upper Memory, the next 384K between 640K and 1 megabyte.
- Extended Memory (XMS), memory above 1 megabyte (defined using
- EMM386.EXE).
- Expanded Memory (EMS), memory above 1 megabyte (defined using
- EMM386.EXE) or another memory driver.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Sound confusing? It is. But the primary thing to you need to
- know is that Conventional Memory is the most precious--without
- it, most programs will run out memory--even if you have eight
- megabytes of total memory! To check how much conventional memory
- your computer has free, enter the command MEM /C and look for the
- column titled Conventional Memory. If you have less than 550K
- free, your computer probably is not configured to its maximum
- potential.
- The primary reason DOS 5.0 (and now DOS 6.0) is so popular is
- that it comes with the HIMEM.SYS memory management utility that
- DOS 3 or DOS 4 doesn't have. The primary purpose of HIMEM.SYS is
- to "Load High" into upper memory major portions of DOS, and other
- programs when you turn your computer on.
- The first step in getting more memory is to enter the command
- EDIT CONFIG.SYS at your DOS prompt on your C: drive. If you have
- a 386 or 486 class computer, your CONFIG.SYS file should look
- similar to the following:
- buffers=20 (number can vary)
- files=60 (number can vary)
- device=c:\dos\himem.sys (always include this line)
- device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems (only if you have 2 megs or
- more)
- dos=high,umb (always include this line)
- All other resident .SYS, .EXE, and .COM programs in this file
- should be preceded by devicehigh = instead of just device =. For
- example, replace device = mouse.sys with devicehigh = mouse.sys.
- In most cases, following these few steps will increase your
- memory dramatically by putting these programs in upper memory
- instead of conventional memory.
- After you are done editing CONFIG.SYS, EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT. Your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file will usually have something similar to the
- following:
- verify on (optional)
- set home = c:\bingo (optional)
- prompt $p$g (could be different)
- path \dos;c:\util (probably much longer)
- loadhigh \dos\mouse.com (mouse driver)
- The important thing to remember with AUTOEXEC.BAT is to use the
- loadhigh command on all resident .EXE and .COM programs to put
- these programs into upper memory. For example, instead of
- loading the mouse into conventional memory with the command
- \dos\mouse.com
- Use the command
- loadhigh \dos\mouse.com
- to put the mouse driver in upper memory and increase your
- available conventional memory by about 20 K.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- When you are done making changes to CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT,
- reboot your computer. Enter the command MEM /C again, and you
- should see that your computer has much more conventional memory
- available than it did before. If this section is beyond your
- experience, or if these changes don't free up more conventional
- memory, get help from an expert.
- Some people report that their mouse works in Microsoft Windows
- but it doesn't work in MOVIES TO GO! This is because Windows has
- a built-in mouse driver, whereas MOVIES TO GO! uses the mouse
- driver which is loaded into your computer's memory when you turn
- it on. When you bought your mouse it included a floppy disk
- containing the mouse driver software and documentation on how to
- install it. Please refer to this documentation and install your
- mouse driver accordingly.
- If have a 286, or 386 SX class computer, you may find the
- graphics version too sluggish. Because it has no graphics, you
- will find that TEXT.EXE runs much faster than MOVIES.EXE. Also,
- running the text version will save you about a megabyte of hard
- disk space because you can delete all the graphics files. For
- information on which files to delete, see the "Required Files"
- section on page 30.
- The opening screen of MOVIES TO GO! (the one which has a box of
- popcorn, a soft drink, and two video tapes on a platter) waits
- for you to press one of the following three buttons:
- OK which is the ENTER key. Press this button from
- your keyboard, or press the OK on the screen with
- your mouse. Press this key to bypass this screen
- and continue on to the Main Menu.
- F8 Setup allows you to turn the animated icons and sound on
- or off. The animated icons are lots of fun,
- especially in the beginning, but many people prefer
- not to wait for the icons to animate.
- F9 Demo which will show you how to use MOVIES TO GO! to its
- full capacity. If you have see our game Redhook's
- Revenge! you will recognize the parrot character
- who walks you through the major features of
- MOVIES TO GO! Press the ESC key at any time to
- exit the demo and return to the Main Menu.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- The text version of MOVIES TO GO! requires the least amount of
- memory and hard disk space. The text interface has only one
- printing option, doesn't have the personal notes feature, and of
- course, doesn't have any graphics or sound. If you have an older
- computer, are tight on disk space, or just prefer not to have all
- the "whistles and bells", these six files are all you need:
- TEXT.EXE Text Interface Program
- 1A.FIL Data File #1
- 2A.FIL Data File #2
- 3A.FIL Data File #3
- 4A.FIL Data File #4
- ORDER.TXT Data Update Order Form
- In addition to the files needed for the text version, the follow-
- ing files are required to run the graphics version of
- MOVIES.EXE Graphics Interface Program
- MOVIE.HLP Help File
- MOVIE.WL Graphics File - Main
- ICON.WL Graphics File - Icons
- HELV.SF Font File
- NOTE.FIL Personal Notes File
- MOVIE.FIL Configuration File
- MOVIES TO GO! will run without any of the following files, but
- most of these files are the "whistles and bells" that make
- MOVIES TO GO! unique:
- REVIEWER.WL Reviewer's Photos
- SUBMIT.TXT Submit your own reviews
- MOVIE.ML Soundblaster Sound File - Main
- ICON.ML Soundblaster Sound File - Icons
- DEMO.WL Graphics File - Demo
- DEMO.ML Demo Script File
- POSTER.ML Graphics File - Movie Posters
- POSTER.WL Misc File - Movie Posters
- ACTOR.ML Actor's Biography / Voices
- ACTOR.WL Graphics File - Actor's Photos
- MOVIES.ICO Icon for Microsoft Windows
- MOVIES.PIF Windows Personal Information File
- CAT_0.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_1.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- CAT_2.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_3.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_4.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_5.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_6.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_7.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_8.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_9.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_10.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_11.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_12.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_13.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_14.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_15.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_16.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_17.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_18.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_19.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_20.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_21.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_22.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_23.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- CAT_24.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- F_1.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- F_2.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- F_3.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- F_10.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_0.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_1.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_2.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_3.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_4.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_5.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_6.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- SEARCH_7.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- The following people have made a significant contribution to the
- MOVIES TO GO! program:
- Editor ..................................... Michael J. Prestwich
- Documentation .............................. Michael J. Prestwich
- Programmer ........................................ David Sanders
- Artist .......................................... Russ Chancellor
- Research ........................................... Kathy Fricke
- Kristen Kartchner
- Research Assistants .............................. Judy Prestwich
- Donna Kearns
- Patricia Emms
- Reviewers ........................................ Mike Prestwich
- Judy Prestwich
- Dan Margules
- Kevin Kartchner
- Kristen Kartchner
- Pamela Prestwich
- Kathy Fricke
- Mac McCoy
- David D. Walls
- Curt Freeman
- Bernie Koppenhoffer
- Tom Kelsey
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- _________________________________________________________________
- Box Office Champs - The Most Popular Movies of the Last 50 Years
- Eddie Dorman Kay
- Leonard Maltin's TV Movies and Video Guide
- Leonard Maltin
- Video Movie Guide, 1987-1995
- Mick Martin and Marsha Porter
- Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion, 1993 Edition
- Roger Ebert
- 5001 Nights at the Movies
- Pauline Kael
- The Bare Facts Video Guide
- Craig Hosoda
- HBO's Guide to Movies on Video-Cassette and Cable TV
- Home Box Office
- The Chronicle of the Movies
- Published by Crescent Books
- The Movie Guide
- James Monaco and the Editors of Baseline, Inc.
- Box Office Hits
- Susan Sackett
- Entertainment Weekly
- Premiere Magazine
- Magill's Guide to the Movies ............................ Prodigy
- Roger Ebert .......................................... CompuServe
- Show Biz Forum ....................................... CompuServe
- After Hours Forum ....................................... Ziffnet
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- The MOVIES TO GO! program and its documentation are copyrighted
- works protected by U.S. and international copyright law. You are
- granted a license to use your copy of MOVIES TO GO! only under
- the terms and conditions specified in this license agreement.
- MOVIES TO GO! is a commercial software product. It is not free,
- nor is it in the public domain. You may freely copy
- MOVIES TO GO! for personal use, but you may NOT give copies of
- MOVIES TO GO! to others.
- Users of MOVIES TO GO! must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
- ^LPage 36 ^LPage 1
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
- INDEX 35
- _________________________________________________________________
- A F
- Action Category 8 F10 Key 5, 6
- Adventure Category 8 F1 Key 4, 5
- AMADEUS 9 F2 Key 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13,
- Animated Category 8 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21
- Animated Icons Off 29 F3 Key 4, 8, 20, 23
- Arrow Keys 4 F4 Key 5
- AUTOEXEC.BAT 28 F5 Key 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
- 20, 22
- B F6 Key 5, 20
- BBS 24, 26 F7 Key 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16,
- Biography Category 8 17, 22, 23
- Box Office Gross 22 F9 Key 29
- BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE Family Category 9
- SUNDANCE KID 14 Fantasy Category 9
- Finding a Particular Movie 4
- C Fitness Category 9
- Cast Search 13 Foreign Category 9
- Catalog Your Movies 20
- Category Menu 8 G
- Category Search 6, 8, 21 G Rating 15
- Multiple 11 Good Movies
- Children Category 8 Finding 6, 11, 21
- CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD 11 Graphics Interface 3
- Comedy Category 8
- Contains 17 Hardware Requirements 26
- Conventional Memory 27 Help Key 4, 5
- Crime Category 9 HIGH NOON 10
- D Historical Category 9
- Demo 29 Horror Category 9
- Director Search 14 Hyper-text System 4
- Documentary Category 9
- Down Arrow 22 I
- Down Arrow Key 7 Installation 26
- Drama Category 9 Intrigue Category 9
- E J
- ENTER Key 4, 5 James Bond 9
- ESC Key 5
- Expanded Memory 27 K
- Extended Memory 27 Key Word Search 7, 17, 21
- _________________________________________________________________
- Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
- _________________________________________________________________
- L Quit Key 5, 6
- R Rating 15
- M Rating Search 16
- M*A*S*H 16 Review Search 6, 11
- Main Menu 4, 29 ROBIN HOOD -- PRINCE OF
- Mark for Printing 5, 7 Romance Category 10
- Mark for Search 13
- Memory 27 Sci-Fi Category 10
- Motion Picture Association of Searches 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15
- America 15 Slow Operation 29
- Mouse 5, 6, 21, 26, 28 Sound Off 29
- Mouse Driver 29 Soundblaster 30
- MPAA Ratings 15 Sports Category 10
- Musical Category 9 Suspense Category 10
- Mystery Category 10
- T
- N Tab Key 7
- Not Enough Memory 27 8
- Not Rated 17 THE SOUND OF MUSIC 9
- Notes 3, 5 THE STING 14
- Notes Search 20 Thompson Partnership BBS 24
- Now Showing Screen 5 Trivia 22
- Number of Movies 4
- U
- O Updates 4
- Objectionable Material Upper Memory 27
- Avoiding 6, 17
- OK Key 11, 29 W
- OUTLAND 10 Walt Disney 9
- War Category 10
- P Western Category 10
- Personal Notes 3, 5, 20 Windows 27, 29, 30
- PG-13 Rating 15
- PG Rating 15 X
- PgDn 4 X Rating 15
- PgUp 4
- Print Options 23 Y
- Printing 4, 7, 8, 20, 22 Year Search 6, 15
- Q
- _________________________________________________________________
- Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)