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- ' Note: MOVIES.EXE will not work if this file is
- ' modified in any way
- '
- '
- The upper right hand corner of the TV Screen displays
- the number of movies in this menu.
- To read the information about a specific movie, type
- the first few letters of its title. For example, to
- read about CASABLANCA type the letters CASA. When the
- title you want is highlighted, press ENTER to display
- the "Now Showing" screen.
- You can also browse through the movie list with the Up
- and Down Arrow keys, or by scrolling the menu bar with
- your mouse.
- Press the F2 key to perform a SEARCH. The real power
- of this movie guide is found in its ability to help you
- search for particular types of movies.
- To PRINT the information on a movie or group of movies,
- press the F7 key to MARK that movie, then press the
- F3 key to print the movies that are marked.
- Press the F10 key to quit this program.
- Use the Arrow Keys to highlight the kind of search you
- want to do, then press ENTER. To invoke the Search
- Routine press the F5 Find It! key.
- For example, find all the COMEDIES starring JOHN WAYNE:
- 1. Arrow over to the CATEGORY Icon on the "Ticket"
- screen then press ENTER. from this menu. When
- the category menu appears, arrow over to the
- COMEDY selection, then press ENTER.
- 2. Arrow over to the CAST Icon on the "Ticket"
- screen, and press ENTER. When the cast menu
- appears, type Wayne, John then press ENTER.
- 3. The "Ticket" screen will reappear with a red
- check mark on the Category and Cast Icons.
- Press the F5 Find It! key. The "TV" screen
- will appear with a list of movies which
- features John Wayne in a Comedy.
- This movie guide helps you search for movies which
- qualify in one, two, or three categories. For example
- you can search for:
- COMEDY (1 Category)
- COMEDY and ROMANCE (2 Categories)
- COMEDY and ROMANCE and WESTERN (3 Categories)
- 1st Example
- From the Category Menu, arrow over to the COMEDY icon
- and press ENTER. When the "Ticket" screen appears,
- press the F5 Find It! key to search for ALL comedies.
- 2nd Example
- From the Category Menu, arrow over to the COMEDY Icon
- and press F7 Mark. Now arrow over to the FAMILY Icon
- and press the F7 Mark key. A red check mark will now
- cover both the Comedy and Family Icons. Press ENTER.
- When the "Ticket" screen appears press, F5 Find It! to
- search for all movies which are BOTH comedies AND
- family movies.
- Movies in this software are categorized in one of three
- categories:
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Movies categorized as Good are those movies which
- were in the Top 10 in box office sales, were nominated
- for or earned "Best Picture" by the Motion Picture
- Academy, or were enjoyed very much by the reviewer.
- Average movies are generally enjoyable to watch but
- are weak in one way or another.
- We have tried to keep as many Poor movies out of this
- movie guide as possible. These movies have major flaws
- and generally should be avoided.
- Use the arrow keys to select either "Good", "Average"
- or "Poor", then press ENTER. When the "Ticket" screen
- appears press the F5 Find It! key.
- To highlight the name of the actress or actor you want
- to search for, type the first few letters of their last
- name. For example, to search for all Mel Gibson
- movies, type GIBS and arrow down to Mel Gibson's name
- and press the ENTER key. At the "Ticket" screen, press
- the F5 Find It! key.
- You can also search for movies which have two actors or
- actresses. For example, to find all movies with have
- BOTH John Wayne AND Maureen O'Hara:
- 1) Highlight John Wayne's name (as described above)
- and press the F7 Mark key.
- 2) Now highlight Maureen O'Hara's name and press
- the F7 Mark key.
- 3) When you are done marking your selections, press
- the ENTER key.
- 4) On the "Ticket" Screen, press F5 Find It!
- All five movies where Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne
- appeared together will appear on the "TV" screen.
- As a general rule, if you like a movie, you will enjoy
- other movies by the same director. To find all the
- movies by a certain director, type the first few
- letters of the director's last name, Down Arrow until
- it appears on the screen.
- For example, to search for all Steven Spielberg movies,
- type SPIEL, and when you find his name, press ENTER.
- When the "Ticket" screen appears, press the F5 Find It!
- key to begin your search.
- The YEAR search is especially valuable for those who
- like "old movies" or "recent releases".
- 1st Example
- To search for movies from 1990 to present, enter 90 and
- press the ENTER key (the automatic "TO" year is the
- present year). Press F5 Find It! to begin the search.
- 2nd Example
- To search for movies made in 1939, type 39, press the
- TAB key, type 39, then press ENTER. Press F5 Find It!
- 3rd Example
- To search for all the movies made in the 1950s, type
- 50, press the TAB key, type 59, then press ENTER.
- Press the F5 Find It! key to initiate the search.
- 4th Example
- To search for all movies made before 1940, delete the
- date in the "From Year", press TAB, type 39, then press
- ENTER. Lastly, press the F5 Find It! key.
- The MPAA rating has undergone several changes since it
- was established in the mid 1960s, but is still useful
- as a general guide. Movies which were formerly rated
- "GP" we have rated "PG" and movies which received the
- "M" rating we rated "PG-13". "X" rated movies and
- recent movies which were released in the movie theaters
- as "R", but came out in video as "Not Rated" to allow
- more sex or violence we have generally rated "NC-17".
- 1st Example
- To search for all "R" rated movies, Down Arrow to the R
- Icon then press ENTER. Press F5 Find It! to search.
- 2nd Example
- To search for all "G", "PG" or "Not Rated" movies (the
- movies which contain the least amount of objectionable
- material)
- 1) highlight the "G" icon and press F7 Mark.
- 2) Mark "PG" and "Not Rated" the same way.
- 3) Press ENTER.
- 4) At the "Ticket" Screen, press F5 Find It!
- The key word search is perhaps the most flexible and
- fun search of all because you can search for any word,
- or consecutive group of words, which appears in the
- synopsis or in any review.
- For example, to display the movies which had the
- highest box office gross each year, enter the key words
- Number 1, then press ENTER. When the "Ticket" screen
- appears, press the F5 Find It! key.
- Use the same method to search for Top 5 which will
- display the top five grossing movies of each year, and
- Top 10 to display the top ten grossing movies.
- Combine searches for even more power. For example, to
- list movies released in 1990 which reached the Top 10
- in box office gross, combine a Key Word Search for
- Top 10 with a Year Search for 1990.
- more . . .
- NOTE: Some of the movies released in 1990 sold most of
- their tickets in 1991. This was the case with DANCES
- WITH WOLVES which was released in 1990 but was the
- number 6 grossing movie in 1991. HOME ALONE was the
- number 3 grossing movie in BOTH 1990 and 1991. Because
- of this, searching for Top 10 in any one given year
- won't always list exactly 10 movies on the screen.
- Here's how to find the movies released in 1990 which
- made the top 10:
- 1) At the "Ticket" screen Down Arrow to the
- Key Word Icon, and press ENTER.
- 2) Type the phrase Top 10 in the field on the
- "Candy Bar" screen, then press ENTER. The
- "Ticket" screen will appear and a red check mark
- will cover the Key Word Icon.
- 3) Arrow over to the Year Icon and press ENTER.
- The "Cup" screen will appear.
- more . . .
- 4) Input 90 in the first field and press the TAB
- key.
- 5) Input 90 in the second field and press the ENTER
- key. The "Ticket" screen will reappear with a
- red check mark covering on the Year Icon.
- 6) Press the F5 Find It! key to display your list.
- Academy Awards Black Comedies Computers
- Abraham Lincoln Boxing Cop Movies
- Adultery Box Office Gross Corruption
- Africa Brainwashing Courage
- Alcoholism British Films Courtroom Dramas
- Al Capone Broadway Creature Movies
- Aliens Buddy Movies Dance Movies
- Ancient Rome California Disaster Movies
- Animal Movies Castles Discrimination
- Assassination Chase Movies Disney Movies
- Autobiographies Chicago Dog Movies
- Ballet China Drug Abuse
- Bank Robberies Chinese Elephants
- Baseball Christianity English Movies
- Best Actor Christmas Movies Evolution
- Best Actress Circus Movies Fairy Tales
- Best Picture Civil War Family
- Bible Movies Clive Cussler Famous Battles
- Big Business College Days Firefighters
- Football Israel Murder Mysteries
- Freedom Italian Movies Murderers
- French Films Japan National Lampoon
- Friendship Japanese Movies Native Americans
- Gambling Jesus Christ Nature
- Gangs Jews Newspaper Movies
- Gangster Movies Kidnapping New Jersey
- George Washington Knights New York City
- Ghosts Korean War Nothing Offensive
- Gold Lawyers Number 1
- Good vs. Evil Legends Number 2
- Government Life After Death Number 3
- Haunted Houses London, England Number 4
- Henry Mancini Los Angeles Number 5
- Heroes Love Stories Number 6
- Hippies Mad Scientists Number 7
- Hitler Melodramas Number 8
- Hollywood Midlife Crisis Number 9
- Hostages Monster Movies Number 10
- Humanitarians Motorcycles Organized Crime
- Immigrants Movie Making Outer Space
- Paris, France Roman Movies Stephen King
- Pirates Royalty Success Stories
- Political Satire San Francisco Superhero Movies
- Politics Satires Surfing
- Prison Camps School Days Swashbucklers
- Prison Movies Screwball Comedy Swords
- Prisoners of War Seduction Tearjerkers
- Propaganda Films Serial Killers Teen Pregnancy
- Psychopaths Shakespeare Teenagers
- Psychotic Killers Sheriffs Television
- Quakers Ships Temptation
- Racism Skating The Cold War
- Race Cars Skiing The Depression
- Recommended Slapstick Comedy The Holocaust
- Reincarnation Slavery The Press
- Relationships Soap Operas The Sea
- Remakes Song & Dance Movies The Sixties
- Revenge Movies Spider Movies The Stage
- Rich vs. Poor Spoofs The Supernatural
- Rock 'n Roll Spousal Abuse Thrillers
- Robin Hood Spy Movies Titanic
- Time Travel True Stories Weddings
- Top 5 UFOs Werewolves
- Top 10 Vampires Witchcraft
- Topless Veterans Whiskey
- Tom Clancy Vietnam War Women's Rights
- Tragedies Vigilante Justice World War I
- Truck Drivers Vikings World War II
- True Love Walt Disney World War III
- Press the Up Arrow to move to the previous movie, and
- the Down Arrow to move to the next movie. Press the F4
- key to read a review on this movie. ESC closes this
- screen
- If you have a MOUSE you can also do the following
- searches from this screen:
- KEY WORD SEARCH Click the mouse on any word, or between
- any two words to start a key word search.
- ACTOR SEARCH Click the mouse on the name of any actor
- or actress to search for all the movies which star that
- person. If there is a photo stored for this actor it
- will be displayed on the screen.
- DIRECTOR SEARCH Click the mouse on the director's name
- to search all movies which star this director.
- CATEGORY SEARCH Click the mouse on any of the
- categories displayed on this screen to search for all
- movies which belong to this category.
- This software allows you to enter your own, 20
- character note about each movie. You can use this
- special field for the following reasons:
- 1) To catalog your video collection
- 2) To mark the movies you want to see
- 3) To mark the movies your children want to see
- 4) To mark the movies you have seen
- 5) To mark your favorite movies
- 6) To mark movies you want to avoid in the future
- 1st Example
- To mark movies in your personal video collection, enter
- TAPE NUMBER XXXX in each movie in your collection using
- the F6 Notes key at the NOW SHOWING screen. After you
- have done this to several movies, search for the words
- TAPE NUMBER using the "My Notes" Search at the "Ticket"
- Screen. A list of all the movies in your personal
- library will be displayed on the screen, marked, and
- ready to print.
- more . . .
- 2nd Example
- When you come across a movie you want to see, use the
- F6 Notes key at the NOW SHOWING screen to enter your
- initials, followed by "want to see". This way you will
- have stored notes such as MJP want to see, JLP want to
- see, and Kids want to see that you can search for.
- Before you go to the video store, search for the words
- want to see using the My Notes Search at the "Ticket"
- Screen. All the movies your family wants to see will
- be listed on the screen, and marked for printing.
- Print the list with the F3 Print key and take it with
- you to the video store. Keep your current want to see
- list handy for last minute trips to the video store.
- 3rd Example
- After you have seen a movie, enter Saw XX/XX/XX (date).
- This will help keep you from renting movies you have
- already seen.
- Down Arrow to the movie you want to print and press the
- F7 Mark key. To print it, press the F3 Print key.
- More often you will print a list of movies after doing
- a search. On the "Ticket" screen, after you press the
- F5 Find It! key, a list of the movies that the computer
- found in its search will be displayed on the "TV"
- screen. A small check mark will appear at the right
- side of the title of each movie listed, and indicates
- that the computer is ready to print this movie. Press
- the F7 Mark key to Mark / Unmark movies that you want
- to print.
- You can print movie information in three formats:
- 1) 50 Movies Per Page This prints the Title, the
- Year, and your personal notes on a single line.
- 2) 3 Movies Per Page This prints the title,
- director, actors, year, MPAA rating, and your
- personal notes.
- 3) 1 Movie Per Page This prints all the
- information stored about this movie on a page.
- A few suggestion on how to use print your print outs:
- 1) Use the 50 Movies Per Page option to print an
- alphabetical list of your video collection.
- 2) Use the 3 Movies Per Page to print a list of
- movies you would like to see to take to your
- video store. Remember to keep this list in your
- car so you will always have it when you decide
- to rent a movie at the last minute.
- 3) If you loan movies to your friends, be sure to
- use the F6 Notes key at the NOW SHOWING screen
- to enter a note similar to Loaned to Joan and
- print a list for your records.
- 4) Keep a list for your insurance records. This
- suggestion comes from one of our users in
- Florida who survived Hurricane Hugo.
- ~ end of help