PC World Komputer 1996 September
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Text File
1,921 lines
W W 2 i n E U R O P E
(c) 1995 W R Hutsell
1 I N T R O D U C T I O N 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Files 1
1.3 Beginning the Game 1
1.4 Initial Menu 1
1.5 How to Win 2
1.6 Map Display 3
1.7 Cities & Connections 3
1.8 Using the Menus 4
1.9 Using a Mouse 4
1.10 Screen Saver 5
1.11 Set Up 5
1.12 Sequence of Play 5
1.13 PBM (Play-by-Mail) Game 6
2 D E C I S I O N P H A S E 7
2.1 Movement 7
2.2 Armies 8
3 M A I N M E N U 9
3.1 Main Menu 9
3.2 Recruits 9
3.3 Navy 10
3.4 Special Cases- Ship Moves 11
3.5 Amphibious Assault 11
3.6 Invasions 11
3.7 Special Case - Retreats 12
3.8 Move 12
3.9 Air Force 12
3.10 Dogfight 13
3.11 Technology 13
3.12 Next Turn 14
3.13 Inform (Reports) 14
3.14 COMMANDS 15
3.15 Utility 15
3.16 Editor 15
3.17 Files (Saved Games) 15
4 F U N C T I O N K E Y S 15
4.1 F1 - Help 15
4.2 F3 - Redraw Screen 16
4.3 F7 - Next Turn 16
5 C O M M A N D S 16
5.1 Commands Submenu 16
5.2 Cancel 16
5.3 Paratroop 16
5.4 Fortify 17
5.5 Join (Combine) 17
5.6 Detach 17
5.7 Supply 18
5.8 Rotate Stack 18
5.9 Drill 18
5.10 Static Units 18
6 U T I L I T Y 19
6.1 Utility Submenu 19
6.2 Side 19
6.3 1-Player/2-Player 19
6.4 Noise 19
6.5 Display 19
6.6 Balance 19
6.7 End Game Conditions 20
6.8 End Game Bonuses 20
6.9 End Game Condition Override 20
6.10 Vary Start 20
6.11 Neutrals 20
6.12 Keyboard / Mouse 21
6.13 Weather 21
6.14 Hi Scores 21
6.15 PBM 21
6.16 Autosave 21
6.17 Save Config 21
7 M O V E & C O M B A T P H A S E 21
7.1 Computer Decisions 21
7.2 Army Movement 22
7.3 Weather 22
7.4 Combat 23
7.5 Resolving Combat 24
7.6 Income Update 25
7.7 Maintenance 25
8 D A T A F I L E S 26
8.1 Initialization File (WW2BASE.INI) 26
8.2 Scenario Initialization File (WW19xx.INI) 27
8.3 Configuration File (WW2.CFG) 29
8.4 City Matrix Files (EURO19xx.DAT) 29
8.5 Special Events 30
9 D E S I G N E R N O T E S 31
9.1 Game Concept 31
9.2 Sources 31
1 I N T R O D U C T I O N
1.1 Introduction
The VGA World War II in Europe Game is a 1 or 2-player
graphic strategic level wargame with mouse support and PBM
capability. It requires VGA and is best played from a hard
drive. Although it uses the popular game engine from "VGA
Civil War Strategy," it has undergone extensive change to
adapt to more modern combat. It is provided "as is" without
any warranty of any kind. It has been tested on several
types of IBM compatibles (from XT to 386) but it is
impossible to try all the many combinations of equipment
that exist.
The object of the game is to accumulate as many victory
points as possible. The game is played in turns of 1 month
during which both sides perform their actions. Decisions are
made using menus which are described below.
1.2 Files
The program requires the following files:
WW2.EXE - the game program
WW2.CFG - your customizable configuration file
WW2BASE.INI - base data for all scenarios
WW1939.INI - initialization data file for 1939 scenario
(1939 starting forces)
EURO1939.DAT - city data file as of 1939
WW2.DOC - this documentation file
HISCORE.WW2 - high score file
SPECIAL.EVT - special events file
In addition, the program requires several *.VGA
graphics files.
1.3 Beginning the Game
Type 'WW2' at the command line prompt. The title screen
display will appear while the game initializes.
1.4 Initial Menu
| WW2-Europe STRATEGY |
| Start NEW Game |
| Resume Saved Game |
| Continue PBM Game |
| Quit |
The option to load a game, begin a new game, or quit is
given at the beginning of the game, in addition to being
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available during the game (using the 'Files' option on the
Main Menu). If you select a new game, you will then be
prompted to select the scenario (designated by the year it
begins). Each scenario has different initial and winning
conditions. Some scenarios will favor one side more than the
other to reflect the changing balance of power as the war
In addition, there is an option to Continue a Play-by-Mail
game (if one is in progress). For more information on
playing by mail, see that section.
1.5 How to Win
You are awarded victory points for (1) capturing cities,
(2) capturing armies, (3) winning battles, and (4) special
events. Each city you control gives you a certain number of
victory points (and a like amount of income). This varies
depending on the city. For instance, a large city such as
Rome is worth much more than a smaller city such as Bern. To
see the number of victory points each city is worth, use the
"Inform" option to access the "Cities" report.
Capital cities are worth 100 units of bonus income,
representing the additional income from the country at
large, including other cities not represented on the map. If
you lose your capital, you permanently lose this bonus
If your army defeats an enemy that has no route for retreat
or causes enough casualties to crush the enemy, you capture
the army and receive a bonus of 25 victory points.
Eliminating the enemy fleet also results in 25 bonus victory
For each battle you win, you receive 3 victory points.
Some special events may result in extra victory points for
one side or the other. In addition, the side that triggers
the end game conditions receives a bonus. For instance, if
you are able to annihilate the enemy, you receive a 10%
victory point bonus.
As play progresses, the score will not instantly track the
performance on battlefield, but rather will "lag" slightly.
The game continues until one side achieves an end game
condition. (See End Game Conditions under the "Utility"
If your score is one of the top 5 scores for the side
played, you name and score are entered into the high score
When the game is over, you are returned to the opening
screen, with the option to quit, load a game or begin a new
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1.6 Map Display
The title screen will clear and a map of western Europe will
appear along with a menu entitled 'Main'. This is the Main
Menu from which you choose most of your options. Above the
menu is a flag showing which side is currently selected,
Allies or Axis.
The small colored circles on the map display are cities or
other key locations. There are a total of 58 such locations.
Blue circles are Allied controlled; gray ones are Axis
controlled. Red circles are neutral cities (not controlled
by either side).
Two of the cities are CAPITAL cities, and their circle is
marked with a small yellow cross. The connections between
the cities will be shown by dashed lines.
If the circle representing the city is surrounded by a
HOLLOW BLACK box, it is a FORTIFIED (FORT+)location; if
surrounded by a SOLID BLACK box, the location is HEAVILY
FORTIFIED (FORT++). Any level of fortification tends to
improve resistance to enemy attacks.
Small flag icons appear next to some cities. Each flag
represents an army. Mountains and other terrain features are
also shown on the map.
You will notice that two of the cities are oval and bigger
than the others. These represent off screen countries (USA
and Russia) and cannot be attacked. However, they may be the
source of new armies for the Allies.
1.7 Cities & Connections
Cities should not be strictly taken to be ONLY the city in
question, but rather the entire REGION (city plus
surrounding areas). Also, the connections between cities are
not to imply that roads and railways in fact connect only as
shown, but rather the simulate the relative EASE of moving
from one city area to another. (For instance, difficulty of
movement in the hedgerow areas in France is achieved by not
having connections between some cities).
Movement can take place between any two cities directly
connected provided the moving unit does not cross an ocean
or sea. Movement can take place between any two FRIENDLY
cities that are connected across an ocean or sea, provided
the enemy fleet is not located at either of the two cities
involved, However, movement across the ocean to a NEUTRAL or
ENEMY-controlled city requires special INVASION technology.
Note that in the early scenarios that Allied armies beaten
in either Amsterdam or Rouen have the option of
retreating to England (as at Dunkirk), as long as the Axis
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fleet does not block the move.
1.8 Using the Menus
You may move the highlighted menu option by pressing the
"up" and "down" arrow keys. Pressing 'Enter' will select the
currently highlighted option. Usually, you may exit from a
menu without selecting any option by pressing the "escape"
or "esc" key.
"Hot keys" are provided to speed menu access. The first
letter of each command will immediately select the item
without having to move the menu bar. NOTE: In responding to
city locations, watch out for cities that have the same
first letter. Using the hot key will select the FIRST city
on the menu that begins with the letter you press. If you
wanted to select another, you must use the up/down arrow
keys. Example: You have the option to recruit at either Koln
or Kiel, both of which begin with "K". If you press "K",
Kiel will be selected because it comes first alphabetically
in the menu list. If you want to select Koln in this case,
you must use the arrow keys. If there had been no other
cities beginning with "K" except for Koln the hot key would
work fine.
For the Commands and Utility menus, the cursor stays on the
submenu if there are more choices available for the item
currently being selected (e.g., more troops to be drilled).
Otherwise it returns to the main menu and stays on the
Option or Utility item.
1.9 Using a Mouse
The option to use a mouse can be activated from the Utility
menu. Once activated, most menu selections can be made by
pointing to the desired menu item and clicking with the left
mouse button. The mouse option can be saved to the
configuration file so it is active when the game is first
booted up.
In general, the right mouse button is treated as the escape
("Esc") key.
The mouse is especially convenient for movement on the map.
To move a friendly army, point to the CITY circle which is
slightly below and to the right of the army and click the
left mouse button. Do not click on the army itself. The army
will change to an icon representing the unit type to
indicate it is ready to be moved. Then point to the city
circle the army is being directed to move to, and click the
left mouse button. The movement path will show as a dotted
white line.
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To select your airforce, click on the plane icon. A menu of
options will be shown. Select an option from the menu, then
point to the location on the map if that is required by the
option. For instance, if you wish to bomb a city, click on
the plane icon, then select 'City Bomb' from the menu. You
will notice a large circle around the plane icon showing its
range. Point to a city within this circle to complete the
bombing mission.
Likewise, you may select your navy and bring up the menu of
naval options by clicking on the ship icon. The actual naval
actions are all carried out via the menu.
City targets for bombing or for relocating the air base may
be similarly selected using the mouse.
PLEASE NOTE: The COMMAND and UTILITY submenus require you to
select your actions from the menu (you may use the mouse to
do this). The mouse cannot be used to select units on the
map while using these submenus, and you will not be able to
move the mouse cursor onto the map while these submenus are
You may change sides using the mouse by clicking on the flag
icon above the main menu. This should be done before giving
any orders.
1.10 Screen Saver
| There is a SCREEN SAVER accessed by pressing "Ctrl-B". |
| (The "B" may be either upper or lower case). |
| The screen will instantly blank with a C:> prompt but |
| will not respond to any keystrokes except "Ctrl-B". |
| To resume the game press "Ctrl-B" again. |
1.11 Set Up
There are several setup options available which can be
accessed from the "UTILITY" option of the Main Menu. You can
swap sides, select 1- or 2-player options, control sound and
graphic options, and adjust difficulty. When you save a
game, the configuration file is automatically updated to the
current set of options you have chosen.
1.12 Sequence of Play
Play proceeds in the following sequence for each game turn
(representing 2 months):
A. Decision Phase
Side 1 Decisions
(Allies if 2 players ; Human if 1 player)
1. Decisions
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* Recruit
* Naval Actions (Resolved Immediately)
* Airforce Actions (Resolved Immediately)
* Move Orders
* Other Decisions (Paratroop, Join, Fortify,
2. End Turn (Finished Making Decisions)
Side 2 Decisions
(Axis if 2 players ; Computer if 1 player)
1. Decisions
* Recruit
* Naval Actions (Resolved Immediately)
* Airforce Actions (Resolved Immediately)
* Move Orders
* Other Decisions (Paratroop, Join, Fortify,
2. End Turn (Finished Making Decisions)
B. Move & Combat Update Phase
(Move Orders Carried Out)
C. Turn Update Phase
1. Income Updated Based on Cities Controlled
2. Unit Supply Updated
1.13 PBM (Play-by-Mail) Game
The game has capability to play against another person by
mail (either by sending a file on a disk to your opponent or
by using e-mail to send the file). This has been automated
to make it as easy as possible.
To begin a PBM game, the Allied player should select the
scenario desired. Before making any decisions, the Allied
player should select PBM in the Utilities menu. Then the
Allied player can enter decisions on movement, recruiting,
etc. as is normally done. When finished entering decisions,
a picture of a letter will appear as a reminder that the
file 'PBM' has been created. At that point the game will
quit to allow the Allied player to either copy the file to a
disk or to upload via e-mail.
When the Axis opponent receives the 'PBM' file, he should
select the 'Continue PBM Game' option from the opening menu.
The Axis player will FIRST be allowed to enter his
decisions. When the Axis player is finished, the Update
phase will begin where the outcomes of all decisions are
shown on the map, and units moved to new positions. Then a
picture of a letter will appear as a reminder that the file
'PBM' has been created. At that point the game will quit to
allow the Axis player to either copy the file to a disk or
to upload via e-mail.
When the Allied opponent receives the 'PBM' file, he should
select the 'Continue PBM Game' option from the opening menu.
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The Allied player will FIRST view the Update phase to see
the outcomes of all decisions. These will be the same
outcomes previously seen by the Axis player. Then the Allied
player will be allowed to make his decisions, at which point
the 'PBM' file will be created to send to the Axis player.
Play will continue with players exchanging the updated 'PBM'
file and using the 'Continue PBM Game' option. When the game
is over a special PBM score screen will show the scores to
the current player as well as create an endgame 'PBM' file
to send to the opponent so he can see the scores as well.
When a PBM game is begun, you have the option to update the
configuration to set the drive where the PBM file will be
found. The default is the current drive where the WW2
program resides. This option is useful if you are actually
exchanging a game disk, and wish to play directly from the
drive containing that disk, without having to copy to your
hard drive each turn.
2 D E C I S I O N P H A S E
2.1 Movement
Movement is from city to city (point-to-point movement) by
armies. Your armies that are eligible to move will have a
small black "shadow" to the right of the unit. Those that
have already used their movement do not have the shadow.
Any number of friendly armies may stack in a city. Armies
that move to a city occupied by an enemy army must fight the
enemy, and either drive off the enemy (to capture the city)
or be forced back themselves. When you select a city, the
top army of a stack is the one selected. If this is not the
one you wish, you may switch which unit is on top of the
stack using the Rotate command.
If the currently selected city on the menu is occupied by
another army (enemy or friendly), the name of the occupying
army is shown in place of the city name on the highlighted
menu line. Underneath the menu box, the strength of the
occupying army is also displayed.
NOTE: If there is more than one army in an occupied city
that another army is attempting to move to, the name and
strength of only one army is shown. You will need to consult
use INFORM option to determine all the armies in that
particular city.
Moving into an enemy city that is not occupied by an army
results in automatic capture of the city. Likewise, movement
into a neutral city automatically captures the neutral city.
However, there will be a victory point penalty (10 VP's) for
capturing a neutral city if it was originally neutral in
1939 and the NEUTRALS switch is ON. Any city captured will
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change colors to indicate you have gained control.
Fighting to capture an occupied fortified city reduces the
fortification by one level. (Thus, a FORTIFIED+ city would
be reduced to an unfortified city.)
When an army captures an unoccupied fortified city, the fort
is not necessarily reduced. The victorious army is given the
option to raze the fortifications. Note that razing TOTALLY
destroys the forts, even if they were double fortified.
2.2 Armies
Armies have several attributes of importance. These will
change as the game progresses, and it is important for you
to understand how they influence the outcomes.
STRENGTH - the number of men in the unit; a prime
attribute in combat
UNIT TYPE - the equipment and training of the army unit.
The attributes shown below may be modified
in the WW2BASE.INI file.
Type Relative Movement Attack Defense
Cost $ Bonus Bonus Bonus
| Infantry | 100 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
| Armor | 300 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
| Artillery | 200 | -1 | 4 | 0 |
| Elite | 200 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
| Static | 60 | -9* | 0 | 0 |
* Static units represent home guard/militia units that
cannot move except for retreating from a lost battle.
EXPERIENCE - the number of battles the unit has won (0-10).
More experienced units are more effective in
combat. Each battle won increases the
experience level by 1. ELITE units will have an
experience level of at least 4.
SUPPLY - the current state of food and equipment (0-10).
Units use 1 unit of supply each turn. Capturing
cities and capturing enemy armies increases
supply. Moving and fighting accelerate use of
supplies. Units that are 'out of supply'
(supply level=0) fight at 50% effectiveness,
and move very slowly. (Special case: defending
ELITE units that are out of supply fight at 80%
effectiveness). Units that out of supply are
now marked with an "S" to make them easier to
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locate. Armies in port cities are always in
supply if the city is not blockaded.
3 M A I N M E N U
3.1 Main Menu
| Main |
| Recruit |
| Navy |
| Move |
| Air Force |
| Technol |
| Inform |
| Editor |
| Files |
This menu shows the primary decisions you can make. At the
bottom of the menu are symbols that tell you what setup
options are active, and a reminder that F7 is a shortcut
"speed" key to go to the next turn. (WARNING: F7 will take
you to the next turn without asking for confirmation; be
SURE you are through with your moves).
3.2 Recruits
Allows you to recruit new armies or build up existing
armies. Each recruitment requires 100 money units. If you do
not have enough money, you cannot recruit.
You will be given one or more randomly selected cities where
you may recruit. If the city is vacant, a NEW army is placed
there; otherwise, the army on top of the stack is increased.
In order to be eligible to be recruiting city, the following
2 conditions must be met:
* you must CURRENTLY control the city
* the city ORIGINALLY was on your side at the beginning
of the war (defined as either 1939 for the 1939
scenario or 1940 for all other scenarios)
Note that these rules would prohibit the Axis from ever
recruiting in Paris, for example.
Recruits take on the nationality of the city (British,
French, Polish, American, or Russian for the Allies; German
or Italian for the Axis). Nationality does not affect
fighting ability.
Selecting a city for a new army brings up a menu for you to
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choose the army type. The number of men in the new unit will
depend on the army type and the value of the city in which
the new army is being raised. For instance, recruiting a
new infantry unit in a city with a value of 3 will result in
an army strength of 34,000 men. However, if an armored unit
were chosen instead, it would have only 11,300 men, since
armor costs three times as much.
Recruiting in a city occupied by an existing army will ADD
to the existing army rather than create a new army.
Newly created armies MAY NOT move on the turn they are
created, while they train and organize. Existing armies that
are increased in strength CAN MOVE in the current turn.
Experience level of recruits will be low (varies slightly,
with slightly better levels for Axis armies). Elite units
will automatically start with an experience level of at
least 4.
NOTE: Once you begin to recruit, you should NOT change
sides or number of players, since the cities to
recruit in are already selected for that part of the
Sometimes you may wish to place a special type of unit
that can only be used for defense. Such a unit is called
a Static unit; it is raised in a different way from
regular army units. (See the Static unit option under the
Commands menu).
3.3 Navy
Allows you to build and move warships and bombard enemy
cities. Each side has one fleet, consisting of 0-10 ships.
Ships can be added to the fleet only in friendly port
cities. Each ship costs $100 at the base production
technology level.
Ships can be moved to other port cities within a certain
range. Generally this means ships may move much more rapidly
than armies, but their effect is different.
If the two fleets meet in a port, they will engage in
combat. During each round of combat, the attacker has the
option to press the attack or retire. Each ship can take a
certain number of enemy hits before it sinks. That number is
(2 + its navy attack level + its navy defense level). The
current number of hits remaining is shown below the ship
icon. Combat continues until one fleet either retreats or is
eliminated. At the end of the turn, there can be only one
fleet in a given port.
Normally, when a ship is hit, it takes 1 point of damage.
However, if the enemy fleet is at the highest level of navy
attack technology, it scores 3 points of damage every time
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it hits. If the struck ship has the highest level of navy
defense technology, the amount of damage is reduced by 1
50% of the time.
Ships do not transport armies, but can bombard enemy cities
to damage defending armies or fortifications, or to drive
the city to neutrality. If the city has an enemy army, the
bombardment will damage the enemy. The fleet will also
blockade the enemy army in the port, reducing his supplies.
Fortified cities may have the forts damaged or reduced.
However, forts may sink attacking ships.
Unfortified cities not occupied by a defending army may
become neutral as a result of the bombardment.
3.4 Special Cases- Ship Moves
North Sea-Baltic movement is controlled by the city Kiel,
which cannot be under enemy control for a fleet to pass.
(If Kiel is neutral either fleet may pass). If a fleet
is trapped in the Baltic at Rostock, a special option is
provided to allow the ship to "blast its way" out by
attacking Kiel from the Baltic side. This is the only case
where a city can be attacked by a fleet in this manner.
Movement from the Atlantic (Bordeaux) to the Mediterranean
(Marseilles) is controlled by Gibraltar (or vice versa),
which is always possessed by the Allies. Axis ships have a
50% chance of being sunk when passing Gibraltar.
The Axis side may attempt to reduce the flow of supplies to
the Allies by placing a fleet at Bristol, Liverpool, or
London. Allied income is reduced by 50% each turn the Axis
fleet remains at any of these cities.
3.5 Amphibious Assault
If the attacker has AMPHIBIOUS Technology, it is possible
for the fleet to launch an amphibious assault by
marines. Amphibious assaults may be conducted only at
neutral port cities if there is more than one ship in the
invading fleet. The fleet size will be reduced by 1 and the
new marine unit will seize the neutral city. The invading
army is small and vulnerable to attack.
3.6 Invasions
If the attacker has INVASION Technology, it is possible for
armies to move from a friendly city to a neutral or
enemy-controlled city that are connected across an ocean,
provided the enemy fleet is not located in either of the
port cities involved. Note that the friendly fleet is not
required to be present (since the fleet represents warships
and not transports), only that enemy CANNOT be present.
Invasions against an enemy-held city result in invasion losses
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even before the battle itself begins. If such invasions occur in
BLIZZARDS or STORMS, the invasion losses are triple the normal
3.7 Special Case - Retreats
If armies are beaten in combat in a coastal city, they can
retreat to an adjoining FRIENDLY coastal city across the
ocean, even if they do not meet the Invasion requirements
3.8 Move
This option is provided for moving units using the menu. If
using a mouse to select armies to move, you should do so on
the map itself and not use this menu.
The 'Move' option allows you to select an army to move and
where to move it. A menu will cycle through all your armies
that are able to move this turn. Armies that already have
move orders, or that have been combined this turn, or that
have built fortifications this turn, or newly created armies
are not eligible to move in the current turn.
Once you select the army to move, the choice of all possible
connecting destinations for that army are shown. Selecting a
destination will result in a white dotted line from the
selected unit to the destination. Note that the army does
not move immediately. Rather, it will attempt to move during
the move and update phase.
If an army with move orders is attacked during the move and
update phase, there is a chance that it will not be able to
carry out those orders. If it is defeated, it must retreat,
but even if it wins it may have its orders cancelled.
During the month of January, you may not carry out any land
campaigns (i.e., attack enemy or neutral cities). You may
move armies to friendly cities, fortify, or conduct other
land operations. Naval operations are unaffected by the
January restriction.
3.9 Air Force
This option allows you to build, attack with, or relocate your
airforce, which consists of up to 10 planes. If an airforce
is present, it appears as a small plane icon next to the
city that contains the air base. Planes cost 70 credits
each at the base production technology level.
Planes can bomb enemy cities, armies, and navies within
range of the air base. Normally, only one bombing raid can be
conducted in a turn. However, at the highest technology level,
planes can conduct 2 bombing raids in a single turn.
Bombing of an empty enemy city can destroy its
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fortifications, if present. Bombing an
unfortified empty enemy city can destroy its contribution to
income by making it neutral. Bombing of the enemy
capital when it is empty can destroy enemy PRODUCTION
technology. More planes increase the chance of damaging an
enemy city.
Bombing an occupied enemy city will damage the enemy unit
and destroy supplies. There is also a good chance that the
enemy will be pinned by the action and unable to move,
effectively cancelling any move orders the enemy unit might
have had.
The enemy fleet can be bombed if it is within range. Ships
fight similarly as they would against another fleet, and the
combat continues until one side is eliminated.
Bombing has its risks, and planes may be lost in the
attempt. Fortified cities, in particular, are more likely to
shoot down attacking planes.
3.10 Dogfight
Bombing the enemy city which is the location of his airbase
results in a dogfight, which is fought until one side is
destroyed. Each plane can take a number of hits equal to 1 +
the airforce technology level before it is shot down.
At the highest technology level, the airforce is presumed to
have high performance propeller aircraft or even jets. To
reflect this, the odds of being hit by enemy craft is
reduced by 50%.
3.11 Technology
Technology plays an important role in all wars, and that was
particularly true in World War II. Smaller forces with more
advanced technology may defeat superior enemy forces. There
are 8 technologies available. Except for the Amphibious
technology, the levels vary from 0 (Standard), 1 (Improved),
2 (Advanced), to 3 (Ultramodern). Technology advances cost
200 credits, except for production technology, which costs
500 units.
ability to conduct sea-land operations; if the sum
of the current naval technology levels is at least
2, AMPHIBIOUS technology may be gained. If you
already have amphibious technology and the sum of
the current naval technology levels is at least 4,
INVASION technology may be gained.
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also affects Paratroop capacity
reflects improving production technology and
efficiency. This has the effect of reducing the
cost of purchase of most of the other options in
the game. Example: Fortifications normally cost
200 credits. However, if PRODUCTION technology is
at the Improved level, the cost is only 190
credits. Better PRODUCTION technology also reduces
the cost of technologies.
When the technology menu is brought up, the current
status of all your technologies can be seen by moving the
menu bar to the desired menu item. If the menu item is
shown in gold, you have enough money to attempt to
upgrade that technology. If it is shown in gray, you do
not have enough money to select that item to upgrade.
| NOTE: There is a chance that attempted |
| improvements in technology will fail. This is |
| controlled by the Technology Success Factor |
| (TSF) which is set in WW2BASE.INI. |
| The cost is assessed when the attempt is made, |
| whether or not it is successful |
3.12 Next Turn
When you have completed your decisions for the current turn,
select this option to continue with the game sequence. Note
that once the game sequence progresses, you cannot back up.
Thus, when you select this option, you will be asked to
confirm before the turn actually progresses.
3.13 Inform (Reports)
Seven different reports are potentially available; there is
no cost for any of the reports.
1) Friendly Army report
Shows the status of all your armies, and other useful
statistics on the progress of the game. After the
first turn, it will also show the total strength of
the enemy forces.
2) Enemy Army report
Shows information similar to Friendly army report,
except that it shows less complete information on the
enemy forces. It includes the composition of the
enemy navy.
3) City report
Provides information on the cities, their worth,
status, and so on.
- 15 -
4) Force summary
Shows on the map the strength of all armies (in 100's
of men).
5) Intelligence report
Provides an on-map summary of attributes of all
FRIENDLY armies (strength, leadership, experience,
and supply).
6) Battle Summary report
Shows number of battles won and casualties incurred
for each side.
These allow special commands available for individual
armies. See the COMMANDS submenu description for details.
3.15 Utility
See Utility Submenu for a description of the choices. These
generally relate to options for overall play of the game.
3.16 Editor
Provides access to the separate scenario editor program which
allows you to edit/create your own scenarios.
3.17 Files (Saved Games)
Allows you to load or save games and to quit then program.
There are 5 saved game slots, named from WWII1.SAV through
WWII5.SAV. The first 4 can be used to save any games in
progress. WWII5.sav is reserved for loading games saved
using the AUTOSAVE feature. Games that have been saved are
identified as follows:
| Saved Games |
| 1 05-06-95 1942=>1943 |<- 1942 scenario played to 1943
| 2 Not used | and saved on May 6, 1995
: : :
| 5 Autosave |<- Autosave file
When the game is started, the base game is automatically
initialized, configured according to the current saved game
4 F U N C T I O N K E Y S
4.1 F1 - Help
- 16 -
Pressing F1 will display the on-line help file.
4.2 F3 - Redraw Screen
Pressing F3 will redraw (refresh) the screen.
4.3 F7 - Next Turn
Pressing F7 will advance to the next turn. CAUTION: this is
offered as a SPEED option and it bypasses the "are you sure
?" check. Once you commit with the F7 key, you cannot back
5 C O M M A N D S
5.1 Commands Submenu
| Commands |
| Cancel |
| Fortify |
| Paratroop |
| Join |
| Detach |
| Supply |
| Rotate |
| Army Drill |
| Static |
5.2 Cancel
Allows the move orders for unit selected (menu with eligible
units will be displayed) to be cancelled - in case you
change your mind before you go to the next turn.
5.3 Paratroop
Both sides have access to paratroops to rapidly move 1 ELITE
army unit per side from one friendly city to another
friendly or neutral city. In order to use the paratroop
option, the army must not have moved this turn. The number
of troops involved in a paratroop drop is limited to the
current troop lift capacity, which depends on the size of
the air force and the AIR ATTACK Technology level.
In order to be eligible to paratroop, the candidate ELITE
unit must begin the move within the circle that shows the
range of the airforce from its current base (and reflecting
its current AIR ATTACK Technology level). Note that BOTH the
ORIGIN and the DESTINATION must be inside this circle. Also,
the unit size must not exceed the paratroop capacity (which
depends on airforce size and technology level).
- 17 -
To be eligible to paratroop, an army may not have other move
orders, nor can it have used its turn in any other way (such
as in fortifying a city).
When an army is selected to paratroop, a small parachute
icon of appropriate color will appear in the box in the
middle right of the map. The destination for paratroop moves
is shown in the paratroop box. If you are playing a 2-player
game, your opponent will know you have an army in transit,
but will not know its destination. The arrival of armies
moved by paratroop for BOTH sides takes place at the
BEGINNING of the move and combat phase. Thus, paratroops
will appear at their destinations BEFORE any other land
moves or attacks are made.
If both sides paratroop armies to the same neutral city, a
battle results. The loser must withdraw to an adjacent
friendly city or be destroyed.
5.4 Fortify
If ALL the following conditions are met, you may fortify a
1. City is occupied by a friendly army
2. City is not already at DOUBLE FORTIFIED ++ level
3. You have at least 200 money units
All cities meeting these conditions, will appear in a menu
of candidates. Selecting a city to fortify will cause the
city icon to be updated on the game display. The army
occupying a city that is fortified loses its turn (it is
presumably busy building fortifications) and will be shown
as 'Resting' in the Army report.
An army may increase a given city's fortifications by 1
level per turn. If there are 2 units in a city, each army
may add 1 level of fortification in a turn, thereby double
fortifying the city.
5.5 Join (Combine)
Up to a certain level, friendly armies may be combined to
create larger and more powerful forces. To be considered for
joining, armies must start the turn stacked in the same
city. Stacked armies are indicated by a yellow circle on the
flag icon. Only units of the same type may be combined
(e.g., an Armor unit may not be combined with an Infantry
unit). Selecting 'Join' will result in an attempt to combine
other units with the unit on top of the stack. If there are
no other units of the same type, nothing happens. You can
control which type units combine by using the 'Rotate'
command to put a unit of the desired type on top of the
5.6 Detach
- 18 -
Both sides have the option to detach smaller armies,
provided the original army is large enough (25,000 men or
more) and there is an available slot for the detached unit
(each side may have up to 30 units). 30% of the original
force is split into the new unit, along with 30% of the
supplies. The original unit is 70% of its size. The detached
unit is of the same type as the original unit.
5.7 Supply
On occasion, you may need to manually allocate additional
provisions to units that are out of supply. These units may
be seen on the map marked with an "S" to make them easier to
locate. At the end of the move and update phase, units will
automatically receive 1 unit of supply, assuming enough
money is available.
To manually resupply, you must have enough money to provide
the supplies, which depends on the size and type of the unit
being resupplied. The basic cost for infantry is $2 per unit
of supply per 1000 men being supplied, but adjusted for the
unit's cost factor. For example, armored units cost $6 per
unit of supply for each 1,000 men being resupplied. If you
do not have enough money to allocate at least 1 unit of
supply, none will be provided.
5.8 Rotate Stack
When two or more armies occupy the same city, one of the
armies is placed on top of the stack, and is considered the
"occupying" army. (This will normally be the MOST RECENT
unit to enter the city). If you attempt to recruit or select
a unit to move, this will be the army selected. However, you
may wish to select one of the underneath armies instead. The
Rotate option allows you to select which of the armies to
place on top of the stack.
This can be useful for defensive purposes as well, since the
initial enemy attack is directed at the unit on top of the
5.9 Drill
Both sides may drill armies to increase their experience
level. Drilling requires one turn in which the army cannot
move. Experience gained in this manner and is limited to a
maximum of 5.
5.10 Static Units
Static units are special militia units that you may raise
in ANY city currently under your control that does not
already have a Static unit in it. These units cost less
than a regular unit, and can be used only for defense (they
cannot move or attack). They are much less powerful in
- 19 -
combat than regular army units. Static units can be
trained to a maximum level of 1, but may accumulate more
experience through battle. If a Static unit achieves an
experience level of 5, it changes to a regular Infantry
unit. Static units are able to perform some other tasks,
such as building fortifications.
6 U T I L I T Y
6.1 Utility Submenu
| Utility |
| Side |
| 1 Player |
| Noise |
| Display |
| Balance |
| End Cond |
| Vary Start |
| Neutrals |
| Keyboard |
| Weather √ |
| Hi Scores |
| PBM |
| Autosave √ |
| Save Config|
6.2 Side
Toggles between the Allied and Axis side for the 1 player
game only. If you have a mouse, you may toggle the side by
clicking on the flag above the main menu.
6.3 1-Player/2-Player
Toggles between 1- and 2- player game.
6.4 Noise
Toggle between Sound & Music, Sound Only, and Quiet. If
sounds are ON and a sound card is specified, the letters
"SC" will show on the menu.
6.5 Display
Sets display speed for messages displayed, from fast to very
6.6 Balance
Set Play Balance from Axis++ (large Axis advantage) all
the way to Ally++ (large Allied advantage). Play balance
- 20 -
affects the relative resources allocated, along with the
handicap received in combat.
6.7 End Game Conditions
Shows the conditions that will determine when the game is
over. These are specified in the input file WW19xx.INI, and
can be changed by changing that file. Up to 3 different
preset conditions may trigger the end of the game:
Time (Month & Year)
% Cities Controlled by Either Side
Capital Capture By Either Side *
In addition, the total elimination of either side's armies
will trigger an end game condition. Active conditions are
marked with an "√". These may be toggled either off or on
(active) using this option by pressing ENTER when the
desired condition is highlighted, but the VALUES themselves
can only be changed in WW19xx.INI (see "Files" section below).
If ANY of the active conditions are achieved by EITHER SIDE,
the game will end. If there are NO active end game
conditions, the game will continue indefinitely until one
side is annihilated.
* Note: If BOTH sides lose their capital in the same turn,
the game does NOT end even if this condition is active.
6.8 End Game Bonuses
The side that triggers the end game condition (other than
time expiring) automatically receives a 10% victory point
bonus. An additional 10% bonus is gained for annihilating
the enemy. Further, for each month the game ends earlier
than the expiration time (defined by the end game
conditions), there is a bonus of 10 victory points.
6.9 End Game Condition Override
There is an override option when end game conditions signal
the game should end This allows you to keep playing if you
choose instead of abruptly ending the game. Each time the
override is used it increases the end game condition that
was triggered. For example, suppose the % cities controlled
condition is triggered. Suppose it is currently set at 90
(90% of 58 cities = 52) and that the end game condition is
overridden. The percentage is of cities required to trigger
the condition again is increased to 91% (or 53 cities). If
it is overridden later, it increases to 92% and so on.
6.10 Vary Start
Selecting this option at the beginning of the game will
give different starting conditions.
6.11 Neutrals
- 21 -
If NEUTRALS is ON, a penalty of 10 VICTORY POINTS is
required to move into any city that was neutral AT THE
does not apply to other cities that may have been bombed
into neutrality. A special case is Minsk, which not only
will cost 10 VP's to take, but will have the additional
effect of activating Russia, and bringing Russian troops
into the war. If NEUTRALS is OFF, neutral cities are treated
as any other cities. When NEUTRALS is ON, the menu item is
marked with a "√" symbol.
6.12 Keyboard / Mouse
Allows gameplay with keyboard only or keyboard plus mouse.
6.13 Weather
Allows Weather to be toggled on of off. When ON, the menu
item includes a "√" symbol.
6.14 Hi Scores
Allows you to view, and optionally, to clear the high scores
for the scenario being played.
6.15 PBM
The Allied player should select this option to BEGIN a
play-by-mail game. It automatically switches to a 2-player
setup and triggers the creation of the 'PBM' file when the
Allied player has finished making decisions.
6.16 Autosave
If this is toggled ON, the current game position for all
non-PBM games is automatically saved at the end of the
update each month.
6.17 Save Config
Allows you to save your selections so the game will come up
with them next time.
7 M O V E & C O M B A T P H A S E
7.1 Computer Decisions
If you are playing a 1-player game versus the computer, you
will see the computer decisions being made. The computer
does not 'cheat' by taking advantage of knowledge of the
moves you have selected. If the side played by the computer
has an advantage in play balance, it will be a more
difficult opponent because it will get more resources, and
will receive a combat handicap.
- 22 -
You will be prompted to "press any key for month /year
events". If the mouse is activated, pressing a mouse button
will also work. During the update phase, the message
"UPDATE" will appear in the lower right of the map area. The
computer will move the armies, provide information on
battles, state of supplies, and so on. From time to time the
display will pause to give you time to read the messages.
You can press any key to move on.
7.2 Army Movement
When you see the message "press any key for (current month
and year) events", the move and update phase has begun.
During this phase both sides have their move orders carried
out. When enemy armies meet in the same city, combat occurs.
After combat, only one side will continue to occupy the
city. The side that was driven off loses the battle.
| Paratroop drops for BOTH sides take place at the |
| BEGINNING of the move and combat phase. Thus, armies |
| being paratrooped will appear in their destinations |
| BEFORE any other army movement takes place. |
The order in which armies move depends on (1) unit type
(e.g., armored units tend to move fastest), (2) supply (out
of supply units move last) and (3) LAND MOVEMENT Technology
level and (4) a random factor. Armies carry out their orders
one at a time. When armies move, their flag icon will move
from the starting location to the destination city.
7.3 Weather
If the Weather option is ON, the current weather conditions
are shown on the screen. There are 4 different weather
| Weather | |
| Condition | Effect |
| Clear | No effect; unrestricted movement |
| Blizzard | * Infantry with experience < 8 can't move |
| | * Artillery with move tech < 2 can't move |
| | * Armor & elite move as normal |
| | * All units use 1 additional supply |
| | * Invasion losses 3 times normal |
| Flood | * Units move only if move tech is 2 or more |
| | or if infantry or elite with ldr/exp > 4 |
| Storm | * Navy and air force actions prohibited |
| | unless they are highest level for attack |
- 23 -
| | technology |
| | * Invasion losses 3 times normal |
7.4 Combat
If combat occurs, a set of statistics will appear on the
right of the screen giving important information on how the
battle will be resolved. The information for both attacker
and defender begins with a base calculation, which goes
through a series of adjustments to arrive at a final value
for this battle.
Item Meaning
---------- -----------------------------------------------
Base Base combat strength, obtained by multiplying
unit strength by 0.2 and adding a bonus for the
unit type. The base for defenders is further
increased to account for their reduced exposure
to fire.
Ldr/Exp Base combat strength, adjusted for leadership
and experience. Armies outmanned by more than
5:1 will usually not receive this adjustment.
However, ELITE armies with experience levels of
8 or more automatically receive a bonus, even if
hopelessly outnumbered.
Small Adjustment for very small forces (less than
1,500 men).
Outman Additional adjustment if the opposing army is
much larger than this army proportionately. This
occurs for the attacker if outnumbered by more
than 5:1 or for the defender if outnumbered by
more than 10:1.
Supply Additional adjustment if unit is out of supply
(will be in contrasting color). Out-of-supply
units fight at half strength (except for ELITE
Difclt Additional adjustment based on difficulty level.
Technol Adjustment for technology level. Attackers are
adjusted for Land Attack technology; defenders
receive a corresponding Land Defense technology
Fort (FOR DEFENDERS ONLY) - Additional adjustment if
location is fortified and defender has not moved
or fought previously in this turn. NOTE:
Occasionally an exceptional unit will get the
fort bonus even if it has fought previously in
the turn.
- 24 -
The exact combat adjustment for outmanned armies has been is
shown below:
| Attacker/Defender Ratio | Attack Adjust| Defend Adjust |
| 1:10 or worse | set to 1 (min)|set to 20 (max)|
| 1:10 to 1:5 | set to 1 (min)| + 2 |
| 1:5 to 1:2 | - 2 | + 2 |
| 1:2 to 2:1 | 0 | 0 |
| 2:1 to 3:1 | 0 | - 2 |
| 3:1 to 5:1 | + 2 | - 2 |
| 5:1 to 10:1 | + 2 | set to 1 (min)|
| 10:1 or better |set to 20 (max)| set to 1 (min)|
Note that this is in addition to any other combat
adjustments, such as leadership, fortification, supply, etc.
All combat adjustments are made sequentially, and the final
result is the one actually used in the combat calculations.
The total combat power for both the Attacker and the
Defender is shown in a highlighted box. The final values can
never be less than 1 nor more than the specified maximum
(designated Total Combat Results or TCR, which is originally
set at 99 but may be adjusted by the user in the file
7.5 Resolving Combat
The odds of winning the battle are computed using the total
combat power ratings for both sides by first calculating the
attacker power ratio.
Attacker Power Rating
Attacker Power Ratio = -----------------------
Defender Power Rating
The actual odds of the attacker winning are then determined
based on this attacker power ratio:
For some typical APR values:
| Attacker Power | Attacker | Odds of |
| Ratio (APR) | Advantage | Attacker Victory |
| 0.33 | 1:3 | 1% |
- 25 -
| 0.5 | 1:2 | 10% |
| 1.0 | 1:1 | 20% |
| 1.5 | 3:2 | 35% |
| 2.0 | 2:1 | 50% |
| 2.5 | 5:2 | 65% |
| 3.0 | 3:1 | 80% |
| 4.0 | 4:1 | 87% |
| 5.0 | 5:1 | 94% |
| 6.0 | 6:1 | 100% |
See the bibliography for references on the concepts
behind these numbers.
The battle is resolved using a random number against the
computed odds -- both sides use the same calculation routine
and there is no hidden "cheat" for the computer. The actual
results of the battle will be displayed after you press a
key. The winner is announced at the bottom of the screen.
Casualty information (numbers and percentages for each side)
are shown at the top of the screen. Notice that an army can
win the battle but suffer greater losses than the enemy.
The loser must retreat to an adjacent friendly city. The
human player is given the option as to which city to retreat
to if a player-controlled DEFENDING army must retreat (if
there is more than one choice for retreat). If there are no
retreat options, the loser will surrender. Even if there is
a retreat option, a unit may be so outnumbered and reduced
in size so much that it can no longer function. Such
shattered units will also surrender.
If there is more than one defending army in a city, the
attacker must defeat each defender one at a time until all
defenders are driven out before occupying the city.
7.6 Income Update
After all combat and moves are resolved, supplies are
distributed, and income and victory points are updated based
on present game situations. Note that the Allied side will
always receive some income from other parts of the world
outside the region shown (notably the United States and
Russia). Supplies are distributed based on cash remaining,
to the armies in numerical order.
7.7 Maintenance
Ships and planes require a maintenance fee at the end of
- 26 -
each month. Ships require $5 each and planes require $4
each. If there is not enough money to properly maintain
either ships or planes, there is a 30% chance that a ship
or plane will be lost due to poor maintenance. The funds
for maintenance are taken at the beginning of each turn
(after income is received) to ensure equipment is
8 D A T A F I L E S
The data files are simple "flat ASCII" files and may be
customized as you wish to change game conditions. (It is
good practice to copy the original as a backup before you
create a new one.) The program probably will not run if you
make errors in these files.
Examples of the actual data lines are shown below in the
boxed areas; comment lines before each of the data lines
describe the information in that line.
8.1 Initialization File (WW2BASE.INI)
This file is used for all scenarios to set up general basic
Text for sides (Side 0, Side 1, Side 2)
|"NEUTRAL","Allies","Axis" |
Month names
|"January","February","March","April","May",June" |
Text with Labels for Technologies.
Normally this line should not be changed
| "Lnd Atk ","Lnd Def "....,"Air Atk ","Product"|
Text with Labels for Units.
Normally this line should not be changed
| "Infantry","Armor","Artillery","Elite"|
Text with Labels for Nationality.
Normally this line should not be changed
| "American","German",....,"Russian","Italian"|
Total Combat Results (TCR) & Technology Success Factor (TSF)
- 27 -
TCR specifies the maximum value for combat power after
adjustment. It is normally set at 99. Lower values
will increase the effect of random factors. Higher
values increase the effect of unit strength and power
and decrease the random effect.
TSF specifies the probability of successful technology
advances. It is normally set at 30%.
| 99,30 |
Land unit type factors:
+------- Land Attack Bonus
| +--------- Land Defend Bonus
| | +----------- Land Movement Bonus
| | | +------------ Relative Cost Factor
| 0,1,0,100 |---- Infantry Units
| 1,1,2,200 |---- Armor Units
| 2,0,-1,200 |---- Artillery Units
| 2,2,2,300 |---- Elite Units
Last line- graphics information : do not change.
| 11,1,7,8,14,28,37,45,46,49,53,57|
8.2 Scenario Initialization File (WW19xx.INI)
This file is used in conjunction with a specific starting
scenario year, such as WW19xx.INI. It is used to set up
specific starting and ending conditions.
Beginning Dates and End Game Conditions
Begin: starting month (9=September in example below)
beginning year (1939 in example below)
End: month to end game (1=January)
year to end game (1950)
number of cities controlled to end game (31)
|9,1939,1,1950,31 |
Technology Levels (2 lines)
The first line shows the initial levels for
each of the eight technologies for the Allies.
The second line shows the corresponding levels for
the Axis.
| 0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0 |
| 1,1,1,0,0,0,2,0 |
- 28 -
Number of Allied armies at beginning of play
|5 |
Data lines for each Allied army at beginning of play
city # (25 = Krakow)
unit type (1 = Infantry; 2 = Armor 3 = Artillery)
strength in 100's (400 = 40,000 men)
experience (0)
supply (2)
| 25,1,400,0,2 |
| 56,1,400,0,2 |
| 29,2,500,0,5 |
| 7,1,1000,0,5 |
| 10,1,500,0,5 |
Number of Axis armies at beginning of play
|5 |
Data lines for each Axis army at beginning of play
city # (3 = Berlin)
unit type (1 = Infantry; 2 = Armor 3 = Artillery)
strength in 100's (1000 = 100,000 men)
experience (1)
supply (9)
| 3,2,1000,1,9 |
| 3,3,1000,1,9 |
| 26,1,3000,1,9 |
| 26,4,300,5,9 |
| 41,2,1000,0,9 |
Starting Cash Position
Starting Allies cash (10)
Starting Axis cash (50)
| 10,50 |
Starting Navy Data
Number of Allied Ships (4)
Initial Allied Fleet Location (29 = London)
Number of Axis Ships (1)
Initial Axis Fleet Location (45 = Rostock)
| 4,29 |
| 1,45 |
Starting Air Force Data
- 29 -
Number of Allied Planes (2)
Initial Allied Air Force Location (29 = London)
Number of Axis Ships (5)
Initial Axis Fleet Location (3 = Berlin)
| 2,29 |
| 5,3 |
Capital Cities
Allies Capital (29 = London)
Axis Capital (3 = Berlin)
| 29,3 |
8.3 Configuration File (WW2.CFG)
This file is automatically updated when you save a game in
1. Side chosen (1=Allies 2=Axis)
2. Sounds (0=none 1=sounds only 2= sounds and music)
3. Play Balance (1=Axis++ 3=Balanced 5=Allies++)
4. Number of players (1-2)
5. Display speed (1=very fast 2=Normal 4=very slow)
6. Cumulative number of battles won by Allied side
7. Cumulative number of battles won by Axis side
8. Cumulative Allied casualties
9. Cumulative Axis casualties
10.Neutral city switch (0=off; 1=penalty to take
neutral cities)
11.Mouse toggle (0=off; 1=on)
12.Weather toggle (0=off; 1=on)
13.Drive for PBM files
14.Autosave (0=off; 1=on)
| 1,2,3,1,2,36,56,7805,6961,1,1,0,"B:" |
8.4 City Matrix Files (EURO19xx.DAT)
These files give the setup for the cities and connections
for the beginning scenario year. Unless you are very
experienced, don't change these files. Even if you are
experienced, you should make a back up copy of the file you
are changing. Please note: Cities MUST be in alphabetical
order based on the city abbreviations used; the program
depends on this order for army movement, fortification
identification, and other options. STRANGE things may happen
if your cities are not alphabetized. There must be exactly
58 cities.
- 30 -
City #,
city name (text),
city nationality (for recruiting)
x VGA coordinate (1-530),
y VGA coordinate (16-440),
city income value (1-50)
which side initially possesses
(0=neutral, 1=Allies, 2= Axis)
next 6 numbers indicate which cities this connects
port indicator (0=not a port; 90 and above= is a
port. The exact port code embeds
some graphics information as well).
fortification level (0-2))
| 1,"Amsterdam",8,174,63,4,1,8,11,16,17,29,0,97,0 |
Explanation of example line above: Amsterdam is city 1; '8'
means it is of Dutch nationality. The (x,y) coordinates are
(174,63). The income value is 4 credits. It is possessed by
side 1 (Allies) and links to cities 8,11,16,17 and 29 is a
port with a code of 97 (indicates the sea is to the north)
and is not fortified initially (last 0 indicates this).
8.5 Special Events
This file allows special game events to be activated at
certain times. The special events MUST be in chronological
order. The file format is as follows:
Time : YearMonth (e.g., 4111 is November 1941)
Message: Up to 34 characters of text to be displayed
Side : 1=Allied 2=Axis ; selected side involved
Code : Special event code
1 = victory points for selected side increased
2 = cash for selected side increased
3 = navy for selected side increased
4 = airforce for selected side increased
1n= technology n for selected side increased,
where n=1 through 8 (e.g., 11 would
increase land attack technology; 18 would
increase production technology)
20= flag set to make Russia enter war later
21= U.S. enters war
22= Russia enters war
1nn= city nn control changes to selected side,
where nn=01 through 56 (e.g., 101 would be
Amsterdam). Cities are numbered as in city
matrix files.
Amount : amount of increase (for codes 1-18). For codes
above 18, use 0 for the amount.
- 31 -
In May of 1940 (4005), Winston Churchill becomes British
Prime Minister, increasing Allied (side 1) victory points
(code 1) by 10 (amount):
4005,"Churchill is new British P.M.",1,1,10
In March of 1941 (4103), the US enacted the Lend-Lease act
increasing Allied (side 1) cash (code 2) by 100 (amount):
4103,"U.S. Lend-Lease Enacted",1,2,100
In June of 1941 (4106), the Germans began Operation
Barbarossa. Minsk (Code 135) changes from neutral to Allied
(side 1). The amount does not apply and is specified as 0.
4106,"Operation Barbarossa Begun",1,135,0
9 D E S I G N E R N O T E S
9.1 Game Concept
The game takes a strategic military point of view and is
does not strictly try to adhere to historical detail. For
example, specific units and weapon types are not within the
scope of the game. Likewise, the point-to-point movement
scheme results in some inaccuracies in that some cities do
not connect on the map that surely do connect in real life.
This is done to model some of the difficulties of movement
in different areas, such as the polder. The objective is to
provide a situation that captures key elements at a
strategic level. As such, this would be more properly
classified as a strategy game rather than a war game.
The game is intended first and foremost to be fun, and is
basically a 2 player game. The computer AI ability is
limited, and results may be quite a historical. The 2-player
option offers more possibilities, but even here, historical
accuracy is not claimed.
9.2 Sources
There are many good books on this time period, as well as on
the combat concepts. Some that I have relied on:
Byrd, Martha, A WORLD IN FLAMES: A Concise History of World
War II, Smithmark, NY, 1969
Dunnigan, James F., HOW TO MAKE WAR, Quill, NY, 1982
Dupuy, T.N., UNDERSTANDING WAR: History and Theory of
Combat, Leo Cooper, London, 1992
Enjoy !
Will Hutsell