home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Unix SMB/Netbios implementation.
- Version 1.9.
- replacement routines for broken systems
- Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992-1997
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "includes.h"
- extern int DEBUGLEVEL;
- void replace_dummy(void)
- {}
- /****************************************************************************
- a replacement strlen() that returns int for solaris
- ****************************************************************************/
- int Strlen(char *s)
- {
- int ret=0;
- if (!s) return(0);
- while (*s++) ret++;
- return(ret);
- }
- #endif
- /*******************************************************************
- ftruncate for operating systems that don't have it
- ********************************************************************/
- int ftruncate(int f,long l)
- {
- struct flock fl;
- fl.l_whence = 0;
- fl.l_len = 0;
- fl.l_start = l;
- fl.l_type = F_WRLCK;
- return fcntl(f, F_FREESP, &fl);
- }
- #endif
- /****************************************************************************
- Mips version of strstr doesn't seem to work correctly.
- There is a #define in includes.h to redirect calls to this function.
- ****************************************************************************/
- char *Strstr(char *s, char *p)
- {
- int len = strlen(p);
- while ( *s != '\0' ) {
- if ( strncmp(s, p, len) == 0 )
- return s;
- s++;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- #endif /* REPLACE_STRSTR */
- /*******************************************************************
- a mktime() replacement for those who don't have it - contributed by
- C.A. Lademann <cal@zls.com>
- ********************************************************************/
- #define MINUTE 60
- #define HOUR 60*MINUTE
- #define DAY 24*HOUR
- #define YEAR 365*DAY
- time_t Mktime(struct tm *t)
- {
- struct tm *u;
- time_t epoch = 0;
- int mon [] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
- y, m, i;
- if(t->tm_year < 70)
- return((time_t)-1);
- epoch = (t->tm_year - 70) * YEAR +
- (t->tm_year / 4 - 70 / 4 - t->tm_year / 100) * DAY;
- y = t->tm_year;
- m = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < t->tm_mon; i++) {
- epoch += mon [m] * DAY;
- if(m == 1 && y % 4 == 0 && (y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0))
- epoch += DAY;
- if(++m > 11) {
- m = 0;
- y++;
- }
- }
- epoch += (t->tm_mday - 1) * DAY;
- epoch += t->tm_hour * HOUR + t->tm_min * MINUTE + t->tm_sec;
- if((u = localtime(&epoch)) != NULL) {
- t->tm_sec = u->tm_sec;
- t->tm_min = u->tm_min;
- t->tm_hour = u->tm_hour;
- t->tm_mday = u->tm_mday;
- t->tm_mon = u->tm_mon;
- t->tm_year = u->tm_year;
- t->tm_wday = u->tm_wday;
- t->tm_yday = u->tm_yday;
- t->tm_isdst = u->tm_isdst;
- #ifndef NO_TM_NAME
- memcpy(t->tm_name, u->tm_name, LTZNMAX);
- #endif
- }
- return(epoch);
- }
- #endif /* REPLACE_MKTIME */
- /* Rename a file. (from libiberty in GNU binutils) */
- int rename (zfrom, zto)
- const char *zfrom;
- const char *zto;
- {
- if (link (zfrom, zto) < 0)
- {
- if (errno != EEXIST)
- return -1;
- if (unlink (zto) < 0
- || link (zfrom, zto) < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- return unlink (zfrom);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Search for a match in a netgroup. This replaces it on broken systems.
- */
- int InNetGr(char *group,char *host,char *user,char *dom)
- {
- char *hst, *usr, *dm;
- setnetgrent(group);
- while (getnetgrent(&hst, &usr, &dm))
- if (((host == 0) || (hst == 0) || !strcmp(host, hst)) &&
- ((user == 0) || (usr == 0) || !strcmp(user, usr)) &&
- ((dom == 0) || (dm == 0) || !strcmp(dom, dm))) {
- endnetgrent();
- return (1);
- }
- endnetgrent();
- return (0);
- }
- #endif
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <grp.h>
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL (void *)0
- #endif
- /****************************************************************************
- some systems don't have an initgroups call
- ****************************************************************************/
- int initgroups(char *name,gid_t id)
- {
- /* yikes! no SETGROUPS or INITGROUPS? how can this work? */
- return(0);
- #else
- gid_t grouplst[NGROUPS_MAX];
- int i,j;
- struct group *g;
- char *gr;
- grouplst[0] = id;
- i = 1;
- while (i < NGROUPS_MAX &&
- ((g = (struct group *)getgrent()) != (struct group *)NULL))
- {
- if (g->gr_gid == id)
- continue;
- j = 0;
- gr = g->gr_mem[0];
- while (gr && (*gr != (char)NULL)) {
- if (strcmp(name,gr) == 0) {
- grouplst[i] = g->gr_gid;
- i++;
- gr = (char *)NULL;
- break;
- }
- gr = g->gr_mem[++j];
- }
- }
- endgrent();
- return(setgroups(i,grouplst));
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- #if (defined(SecureWare) && defined(SCO))
- /* This is needed due to needing the nap() function but we don't want
- to include the Xenix libraries since that will break other things...
- BTW: system call # 0x0c28 is the same as calling nap() */
- long nap(long milliseconds) {
- return syscall(0x0c28, milliseconds);
- }
- #endif
- /* undo the wrapping temporarily */
- #undef malloc
- #undef realloc
- #undef free
- /****************************************************************************
- wrapper for malloc() to catch memory errors
- ****************************************************************************/
- void *malloc_wrapped(int size,char *file,int line)
- {
- #ifdef xx_old_malloc
- void *res = xx_old_malloc(size);
- #else
- void *res = malloc(size);
- #endif
- DEBUG(3,("Malloc called from %s(%d) with size=%d gave ptr=0x%X\n",
- file,line,
- size,(unsigned int)res));
- return(res);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- wrapper for realloc() to catch memory errors
- ****************************************************************************/
- void *realloc_wrapped(void *ptr,int size,char *file,int line)
- {
- #ifdef xx_old_realloc
- void *res = xx_old_realloc(ptr,size);
- #else
- void *res = realloc(ptr,size);
- #endif
- DEBUG(3,("Realloc\n"));
- DEBUG(3,("free called from %s(%d) with ptr=0x%X\n",
- file,line,
- (unsigned int)ptr));
- DEBUG(3,("Malloc called from %s(%d) with size=%d gave ptr=0x%X\n",
- file,line,
- size,(unsigned int)res));
- return(res);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- wrapper for free() to catch memory errors
- ****************************************************************************/
- void free_wrapped(void *ptr,char *file,int line)
- {
- #ifdef xx_old_free
- xx_old_free(ptr);
- #else
- free(ptr);
- #endif
- DEBUG(3,("free called from %s(%d) with ptr=0x%X\n",
- file,line,(unsigned int)ptr));
- return;
- }
- /* and re-do the define for spots lower in this file */
- #define malloc(size) malloc_wrapped(size,__FILE__,__LINE__)
- #define realloc(ptr,size) realloc_wrapped(ptr,size,__FILE__,__LINE__)
- #define free(ptr) free_wrapped(ptr,__FILE__,__LINE__)
- #endif
- #undef memcpy
- /*******************************************************************
- a wrapper around memcpy for diagnostic purposes
- ********************************************************************/
- void *memcpy_wrapped(void *d,void *s,int l,char *fname,int line)
- {
- if (l>64 && (((int)d)%4) != (((int)s)%4))
- DEBUG(4,("Misaligned memcpy(0x%X,0x%X,%d) at %s(%d)\n",d,s,l,fname,line));
- #ifdef xx_old_memcpy
- return(xx_old_memcpy(d,s,l));
- #else
- return(memcpy(d,s,l));
- #endif
- }
- #define memcpy(d,s,l) memcpy_wrapped(d,s,l,__FILE__,__LINE__)
- #endif